MiroTalk: Free Open Source Video Conference Platform

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let's discover miror talk a free open source video conference platform with a support up to 4K resolution and 60 FPS while beinging available on all major browsers and platforms mirot talk is the new go-to solution for online meetings broadcasting and video calls leveraging the full power of web RTC it comes with four main products SFU optimize for a large number of participants C2C focused on onetoone call Bro special ized in live broadcasts and P2P the all-arounder solution with a lot of unique features such as live transcript speech to text integrated chat GPT and more you can try and use it directly for free from P2P talk.com and once you want to have your private instance you can follow the installation guide on their GitHub repository or use a platform like ours lso to take care of the installation backups updates and maintenance for you to install mirror talk on our platform head to ls. and click on login then click on deploy my first service search for Mirror talk and click on select choose between the different cloud provider regions and service plan based on your needs then click on next you have the choice between three level of supports I will keep the free included one you can rename your instance and change the administrator or email I will keep the default one and once you're ready click on create service once the install ation is finished you receive an email telling you that your instance is ready it includes some instruction like how to set up your custom domain and the link to get your credentials so let's follow this one click here to get the password click on this button to copy it to your clipboard and access your instance by following the URL so we have email it is your admin email you set up on your instance so by default it's your lso admin account address email and the password you can paste it from your clipboard then the US name you can type whatever you want by default we create one named admin for you but if you want to name it something else you can just rename yourself and click on login you will see a warning that you need to verify your email to be able to log in open your mailbox and click here to confirm once it's done click on okay and Rec click on login and it should work when you land on the dashboard you can see the different mirror talk project that you can use and also the list of rooms available currently we didn't create one so we'll do it just after before let's talk about the four different products available we have mirot talk P2P SFU C2C and bro if you wonder the differences you can open the GitHub repository of it the main one that we will use P2P for peer-to-peer simple secure fast realtime video conferences with support for up to 4K resolution and 60 FPS this is the generic one to handle conversation between multiple users then you have SFU selective forward unit real-time video conferences for large groups it is interesting when you have more than eight participants and it can handle up to 100 participants per single CPU so it's very optimized for it then you have miror talk C2C for cam to cam which is ideal when you have two participants and the last miror talk bro for live broadcast and it's best when you have one presenter and multiple viewers for our our first one we will be using mirror talk P2P you just have to pick a room name either you click here to Generate random names or you can name it like you want I will name it lso and click on join room during the loading process you will have a request to use your camera and also your microphone you can select if you have multiple cameras microphone and speakers enter your name and click on join meeting then it will display a QR code and a link to invite other users I will join it using my mobile so I open the QR code scanner or the photo scan it and I have the exact same experience so do I want to allow my camera yes same for the microphone and here I am I have the choice between my different cameras so front or rear One microphone and I need to enter my name let's name myself Joan and I will mute my mic so I don't cause Larson and let's join the meeting so now I can see two version of myself I will keep it open but disable the camera and let's go back to the desktop we are in a meeting room with two users so me waa and the other one which is John on the left we have different options we can use the first one we've already seen it invite other users then you can hide yourself from the room view enable or disable your camera same for your microphone you can start screen sharing either your Chrome tab the window or the entire screen you can decide also to start recording the session which can be pretty useful if you need to keep trace of your meeting also open it in full screen open the chat so let's do it hello we can see that the message is display on my mobile device too and there is that button here same that if you enable that option here to enable text to speech on your messages message from war the messages hello and it's using the device text to speech API available the chat itself it's not only text messages but you can add some emojis wri in markdown syntax so let's say hello this is example mark down put a list hit enter and I forgot to enable Market down so let's do it again and you can see the difference here hello is in bigger markdown is in italic and the list is display as a list so you can go further at images links within the chat itself you can even enable chat GPT inside the message chat but it require an API key so if you say hello you should get an error so add the environment variable to add your open AI API key to add environment variables with ls go to your admin dashboard click on update config switch to environment and here you can add edit variables let's continue with the chat you can add files share a link to view directly videos or audio played within mirror talk and instead of writing to all the users you can decide to write private messages currently we only have one but you can write to that person directly in addition to that advanced chat feature there is one very useful feature which is here the caption what it is so we had text to speech we can have the opposite speech to text when I will talk it will add the transcript here you can choose the language you want and once you're ready click on start hello how are you doing thank you for joining me today don't forget to click on stop so it stop the speech recognition and you can see that what I said has been recorded and we have the full transcript available here and we can even and save the messages so we have the full transcript of our meeting session available in a file if I open the file that I just downloaded you can see it's a Json array with when it was sent the name of the participant who said that and the speech to text version to my opinion it is a killer feature then what other features do we have we have a more classic one to send reaction so it's emojis but it's nicely displayed on the bottom left here you can raise your hand so if you want to speak without interrupting the discussion you can just raise your hand like in Google meet you also have here the Whiteboard and what is very interesting about it is I can write on the desktop hello it's very difficult with the trackpad but it also opens it on the mobile so I can just draw here and it's shared between all the participants then we also can share files which is in the same that in the chart and finally the room settings here so you can decide to log the room if you do so you can define a password you can also send email invitation adjust the settings for the video same for the audio manage the participants if you want to mute some people or to kick them from the room by the way it's very scary to have me in double so I will hide myself and let's leave the room and see the different options we have with SFU C2C and bro so do we want to leave a feedback no it's fine because we've seen that SFU is for more than eight participant I will have some complication doing it alone so I will open C2C you can see it's a bit different we have to name the room manually let's name it lso2 you choose your username and you join it it is based on the same core but the overall experience is very slightly different so you can just invite other users so copy and share room URL you have the QR code same experience on the mobile join is back join loading I need to allow my camera and I'm here go back to the desktop we have me on the top left and the other user without a camera I disabl it for John here and the experience here is very close to what you find in Google meet the features are bit different for example the chat you open it it's really like Google meet and not the one we had earlier in P2P So based on your needs it's fine to decide if you use one or the other as P2P we've seen it works very good for only two users too then let's see the bro for broadcast which is very different from the others as this one is based for one user speaking to many viewers you can choose your username the room ID I will keep the automatically generated one and you can Define if you are a broadcaster or a viewer so we join as the broadcaster and here it is my view as a broadcaster So currently I'm live it's not before joining it so I have different options available to share the room URL to toggle the video or not to start screen sharing so let's join it on my mobile so join again and I can only join as viewer as there is already one broadcaster click on it do I want to enable the broadcaster audio I will say no so I don't have Echo and I can interact with the broadcaster so I can say hello I love what you do send message I received a notification that I received a message I can click on toggle messages and I have the view of the different messages here from there you can see all messages you can also toggle viewers and see the list of person and disconnect if you have some people you want to kick thank you for watching we hope you enjoy discovering mirror talk with us if you find our content useful please hit the like button to make it more visible to other open source lovers don't forget to subscribe and click on the Bell button to not miss our upcoming videos in the meantime you can watch one of our existing platform overviews like this one here
Channel: Elestio
Views: 4,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: open source software, open source alternative, elestio, open source, free software, free open source software, opensource, selfhosted, webrtc, video conference, free online meeting platform, free video conference platform, 4k online meeting, 4k online call
Id: 7nwdkWZdvCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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