Math Center Storage

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hi I'm Jamie from Knoxville impe teacher and I'm back for another video about teaching math I've been doing an entire series so I hope you've been catching them if not I would start back at the beginning of the math series because today's video is actually all about organizing those map centers that I was showing you in my last video okay so I was talking to you man on this video about how my students do a rotation that I call independent you can call whatever you like and I use my math Center resource for that particular center rotation I get tons of questions on how to organize that resource and through the years I've organized it a few different ways and so I thought I would share with you some ways that I've come up with and you may come up with some more ok important thing is that you're really gonna have to organize it in two ways I hope this makes sense but when you buy the namsan or bundle you're getting nine sets of centers so if you bought my third grade bundle you got nine sets you got division multiplication fractions back-to-school place value test prep etc inside each of those six is ten centers so with their great bundle came with tendeth or came with nine different sets of ten centers so it came with division and there's ten divisions honors okay so that's just kind of how it comes if you've never purchased one your students don't need to be able to access all this and turns out what so you're gonna have a storage system for the center isn't here are not using right now like you're putting on a shelf or in a cabinet because at the beginning of the year you're not using test prep right but you're also gonna need a way to organize these centers that students are using right now and so I'm going to show you both both strategies okay all right let's start with how you're just going to organize the different sets of centers to put in your cabinet put on a shelf somewhere so that you can access them when it's time okay so each one of my bundles comes with nine different sets my favorite way right now to organize these is are in these little Sterilite containers and I have one for each of the diamond sets that come in a grade level bundle so I have nine of these little containers I purchased my sterilized containers from Target I haven't seen similar ones at Walmart theorists let me measure it for you to get asked all the time how big they are I can get the money Amazon but the times I've looked on Amazon they've been very expensive so I don't know maybe you get it maybe you get a better deal they're about six and a half inches wide and ten and a half inches long about six and a half by ten and a half inches so what I learned about them is that I can put the ten centers like this is measurement this is measurement set it has ten measurement centers in it I think what all ten of the measurement centers in here and it also fits my master copy of the student recording book it'll just fit right inside there so then it's easy for me to find my master copy of the recording book to make student copies when it gets close to the time and my students are going to be using the measurement standards centers sometimes I'm really organized and I have my centers inside these bins or organized these fractions I have the master copy of the booklet and then I have ten little plastic baggies for each of the ten different centers and they're all like in her own baggie and sometimes a nice organized like that I just put all of the materials in the container and Novak he's all ten centers are just in here where are all our quota and so it doesn't take me long to get them organized for the students when it's time so you can decide what kind of mood you're in when you prep your centers but I love these little Sterilite containers they're small enough that I can fit a lot on one shelf they're sturdy they stack I feel like these will last for just a really long time and so that's why I like these Sterilite containers okay again I purchased mine at Target I've seen similar ones at Walmart maybe you might check Amazon but I wouldn't pay too terrible much for it I check your target price first it's been a while since I purchased mine so I don't remember the exact price of each bin but with back to school starting they tend to have more containers at these stores with like college kids and stuff I find there's lots more container options so check it out I've heard of people even finding them I like Big Lots and stuff you just never know okay Sterilite containers are my favorite way to store like all the sets from the bundle another way I came up with someone recently were these plastic envelopes okay I purchased mine from The Container Store but if you go on Amazon into search plastic envelopes you'll find them there too so easy to get ahold of and really inexpensive to get off a little set of them they're bigger and then a full sheet of paper because I made what my my label is a full sheet of paper so they're they're about ten by maybe twelve and a half and Michael Waterhouse plastic envelope it has like a little slider here so it's a little bit more sturdy than a ziplock bag I feel like you could take the and even put them inside your filing cabinet if that's where you want it to store them so then inside I would put all ten centers as well as the recording book and you can even put the insert key in here since it's bigger than a sheet of paper so that's kind of nice and then you could maybe store them in a file cabinet or a final classifier Binion there's something you could also just set up on a bookshelf so I thought this was good I don't think this is as sturdy as the stairway I think it's a little cheaper and media space-saving idea if you're really short on space this could really work yeah I don't know how long this little zipper will work but at the same time these are the center's that you're storing they're not the center's your students are accessing every day so it's only you is gonna open this only a few times a year so I think it's a pretty good option then seriously this is a sterile light container that I purchased and this one is bigger than theme there's no showing I also got at Target this one is 11 by maybe 13 11 by 13 maybe I put a pin or I mean all I'm sorry all nine of my fourth-grade master units in here it's slightly bulging but it closed inside I have the units in ziplock bags I actually used court bikes so they don't quite close that's okay so I don't like a court bag for each of me math units so a little a little harder to access the exact unit you want when you want it first is using those small sterile lights or even the number Lopes but this is cheap and it is simple okay I've got bags for each of my sites like this set here is the two-digit addition I guess is suction my second-grade size this is my two to do addition I've got my place value so I I took all the tents one baggie put all nine baggies in this one Sterilite container I didn't have to plant them a range of just so the lid would still fit but then this one container could go in the cabinet initially and it has all ten centers it's just gonna be harder to find exactly which Center you're looking for but it's cheap and simple it's space-saving so those are some of my ideas for how you might keep just your whole bundle like after you purchased it and you're printing and prepping over the summer you're gonna end up with nine different sets of centers and each one of those has ten centers we ended up with 90 centers you gotta have a way to keep the measurement centers width measurement in fractions of fractions right but then as you're getting closer school starting you're also going to want to think about how how will my students access the set we're using so when I put out the division centers I don't want to just put out this tub and say go guys because this would be a mess of materials that they're just grabbing at I need a way to put all ten of the centers so that they can easily just grab one one Center because there aren't going to graveled and it wants and take them back to their desk they're gonna go one to work on right so one option these Sarah light containers one option is to use them for your students instead of labeling them with the different topics label them centers one and through ten so you would need ten of these to do this they go in the center is one your 10 and then in this book box I would just Center ones materials and then I have it another box right foot Center two materials and another box for sooner three materials and you can stack these on a shelf a cabinet a corner of your room and that way your students would know they're looking at the recording book and they see oh I haven't done Center for you I think ganic grab Center for materials head back to their desk these are super sturdy so students are taking them from the shelf to their desk or the floor they're in and out of them it's handy how sturdy these are these are gonna last a long time and I like that when students are going to be handling them a lot they tend to need something sturdier so this is an option again I got these Sterilite containers at Target you would need 10 and then you don't get 10 for unit you should get 10 so I put out my division centers I put the the center one in here and then put Center two in the other box etc when they're done with division and I'm switching it out I'm giving them fractions I would take all the division centers put them back in my box labeled division and get out my faction centers and put them in these boxes okay so these are glasses the students use all year I'm switching the center's out each time okay so that's an option it is going to be a little more expensive to have buy those little tubs and get out remember that they how much I got before they weren't terribly expensive but you need ten of them so it adds up quick a lot about Target I think I've seen similar what's that Walmart they're about the size of half a sheet of paper in case you don't want to bring a ruler to the store okay that has another options okay if you don't want to do the Sterilite containers for you the centers your students need access or using right then here's another option I used this a lot in the classroom I loved it pencil pouches I got these at Walmart for a dollar each so I bought ten of them because remember there's ten different centers in each set so about ten of them and labels and one through ten then also at Walmart I got this little Sterilite by old cube it's mini it just it's just big enough to fit these uh pencil pouches in it's really cute Minh I have this one buck to aroma so this was a cool way to store them all here easy access they could just grab which one they needed take it back to where they're working these zippers are more sturdy than a ziplock bag these Walmart ones are actually pretty sturdy they're not so bad I didn't touch you many problems with zippers I don't know that it's going to last like 20 years with kids going in and out of them but I didn't have I used mine for several years and every now and again like a string might get caught that I needed to pull out but for the most part this worked out really well it's it doesn't take up much space at all this little cube here is my ruler I saw I saw at Walmart already they have a whole bunch in their back-to-school supplies all the colors to this little cube is about like a seven and a half by seven and a half he's not quite a square guess it's seven and a half by about eight and a half but works perfectly with the little pencil pouches I got these for a buck I've also seen pencil pouches on Amazon and I bought again ten of them since there's ten centers each set so when I put a set of centers out I want to put all teams Center announce that my students can access them so this is a really cool option all right another option pencil pouches are these little plastic envelopes I showed you how you could use big plastic envelopes to store like a whole unit but you can use smaller plastic envelopes just store this ensures that your students are currently working gone again I got these at the Container Store but look on Amazon they have them Amazon has everything they're like a business size envelope melt ten by five these ones that I have are about two by five they work out perfectly they're gonna be sturdier than a ziplock because you could just do the zip locks about a quart quart size will work pretty good and you could use it locks but these are going to be a little sturdier than the bucks so it's up to you easier for me to label in a little bit sturdier so they last longer they were not expensive now you could take these in plastic envelopes and store them in that little dollar table I got it - they work out really well there but another option that I came across that I really Walt what's this little magnetic tub it's magnetic how cool is that so it would stick to my whiteboard doesn't even take up any shelf space and you could use the plastic envelopes or the puzzle pops is sitting there - love it so I got my magnetic tub at the container sort of but seriously with all the stuff they put out for college kids lockers and that sort of thing I would look at Walmart and Target in there schoolish section you know they always come with Walker supplies I would look there for magnetic stuff and even on Amazon I'm a little magnetic storage tub thing I think this is great for saving space whether you use the pencil pouches or with plastic envelopes or even if you decide just to go with the ziplock bags this does not take up any space in your shelves if you have room I have somewhere like a file cabinet you could stick this on the side of your ugly file cabinet and now it's useful to your students so I love this idea all right I think that's I think that's it those are some of my suggestions but you probably want all of these free labels I mean labels and various sizes for different containers and things that I showed you I'm gonna go ahead and put a link in the video description so you can download that file and use those labels hopefully whatever storage you decide to use one of the sizes the labels will work out for you I included labels for like each individual set the centers as well as labels that say Center one through ten so that you could use those for the centers that your students need to access so I hope that helps you get your rec centers organized I will be back with one more video in this series and it'll be all about starting your math workshop starting your centers train your kiddos be successful all year bye guys
Channel: Not So Wimpy Teacher
Views: 10,606
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Keywords: Not, So, Wimpy, Teacher
Id: gyPCCyQGffM
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Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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