MATC GED/HSED Graduation with our Community-Based Organization Partners - December 2021

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welcome to milwaukee area technical college and cooley auditorium please silence your mobile devices now to prevent any interruptions during our event please also take a moment now to find the two exits at the front or back of the auditorium that are closest to your seat in the case of an emergency proceed to the nearest safe exit in a calm and orderly manner public safety or event leaders will provide instructions should this be necessary thank you good evening ladies and welcome to historic cooley auditorium for tonight's ceremony i am dr tamika boon faculty member in the general education academic pathway please turn your attention to the entrance of the auditorium now entering the auditorium please welcome the class of 2021 candidates for graduation [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] i think so i think [Music] [Applause] now now joining me on the stage the distinguished members of the platform party matc president vicki j martin administrators of our community-based organization partners adult learning center dominican center journey house literacy services of wisconsin social development commission umos ywca southeast wisconsin and matc campuses keynote speaker dr veronica williams director of community education dr valencia brown and matc dean of general education dr sadiq izahaku ladies and gentlemen will you please rise for the national anthem okay [Music] [Music] bright stars [Music] streaming and the rockets [Music] through the night was oh [Music] thank you please be seated it is now my pleasure to introduce dr vicki martin the 10th president of milwaukee area technical college dr martin is a champion of access to affordable education greater student success and enhancing the talent pipeline from high school through post-secondary education in 2015 she launched the matc promise the free a free tuition program for eligible students that was the first in wisconsin leading the college with the focus of success for all students dr martin has guided matc's implementation of the nationally recognized guided pathways framework and participation in the nation's first regional launch of the moonshot for equity which is aimed at eliminating higher education equity gaps by 2003. dr martin well thank you dr boone it is my pleasure to welcome all of you to tonight's celebration of success i want to thank all of our special guests here with us i also want to thank dr veronica williams our keynote speaker dr williams is the chief medical officer for milwaukee health services we are excited to hear from you students each semester i am inspired by your remarkable stories of dedication and what this accomplishment really means to you there's always something special about this celebration it's probably your passion your joy your enthusiasm that makes tonight so special all of those emotions come from the deep sense of accomplishment that i know you feel the entire matc community our faculty staff administrators board members and partners joins me in recognizing and applauding your achievements with the family friends and guests of the candidate please join me in a round of applause for the class of 2021. [Applause] candidates we are proud of your success in reaching this important step in your educational journey when we confer your ged or hsed i hope that you take a moment to think about all that you have achieved that led you here and thank those who helped you along the way that help comes in part from metc faculty and staff and from our partners the community-based organizations many of you have had the chance to connect to careers and college-level courses through our career pathways initiative career pathways help students earn not only their ged or hsad but also a college credential tonight our career pathways students will cross the stage wearing white cords congratulations [Applause] and students wearing yellow cords are graduating with academic honors let's also please congratulate these honor graduates [Applause] candidates the credential you will earn tonight is a stepping stone one that positions you to move forward in your career and your education you have learned how to learn and you have invested in your future many of you would be the first in your families to go on to college if you chose to do so as a first generation student myself i encourage you to consider the opportunity maybe someday you could be the president of matc the more education you earn the more power you have to control your destiny and whether your next step involves a certificate technical diploma career focused associate degree or the path to a bachelor's degree we stand ready to be your partner regardless of where your next step takes you you have persevered in spite of all the challenges you have faced you kept pushing yourself when it would have been easy to give up you have demonstrated you can and will achieve success for that we are all so proud of you congratulations [Applause] good evening my name is dr sadiqi sahaku and i am the proud dean of the general education academic and career pathway at matc i am privileged to introduce dr aronica williams our keynote speaker dr williams is a milwaukee native and the chief medical officer of milwaukee health services which provides accessible high quality primary and related health care services with a continuing emphasis on medically underserved families and individuals she attended loyola university in new orleans where she earned a bachelor of arts degree in music theory and performance and also completed science coursework so she could ultimately attend medical school dr williams attended medical school at the university of illinois chicago after which she completed a family medical residency at columbia saint mary's in milwaukee with certification in obstetrical care after residency dr williams relocated to charlotte north carolina to begin her clinical practice however after seven years after dedicated after she decided to return to milwaukee to serve the needs of the community where she was raised it is now my privilege and honor to welcome our keynote speaker dr aronica williams [Applause] good evening to our graduates esteemed faculty family and friends it is my pleasure to be with each of you this evening and my honor to address the ged and hsed graduate when we look around us there have been so many life-altering events in the recent past there's so much going on i mean let's face it i'm sure none of us would have imagined that we would be in the middle of a global pandemic and if that weren't enough there have been wildfires in the west hurricanes in the east and avalanche in the northwest and most recently a tornado in the upper southeast and one just last night in minnesota and those are just the natural events in the not so natural realm various crimes are registering at alarming rates across the country schools are not as safe as they once were and simply put the hustle and bustle of life seems to have a lot more hustling and way more bustling it's truly a busy and trying time for most people but while these trying times may cause some people to be paralyzed by fear and caused them to be stagnant my earnest hope for you graduates is that you would be motivated and moved to action you see some of life's most beautiful and remarkable creations have to go through difficulty or endure a hard process to get to their final product but my message to you this evening is in the midst of these trying times that we're going through trust the process let me give you an example beautiful pottery pottery is beautiful at the end but it doesn't start out that way it actually starts out as a lump of clay no form no shape pretty meh and full of bubbles i'm sure many of us have felt that way at some point in life well maybe not the bubbles part and perhaps you might feel that way right now as you look forward to what's next in your career maybe what you ultimately want to do is not completely formed in your mind or maybe you don't have it all figured out and you're a little unsure and for those of you who have never felt that way you will at some point sometimes we question ourselves as we go along our chosen path we may even think to ourselves am i really cut out for this when you feel like that just remember the clay meaning if you stay on the path if you stay the course you too will have a beautiful outcome at the end you see the beautiful end product of pottery that we see on display shelves and in galleries and in museums has to go through a pretty tough process with a special technique first the clay gets wedged a process of rolling and tossing and kneading to make the clay usable more uniform and to get those air bubbles out then it gets shaped and formed now when we start off on our path we may feel tossed around but when we've been on our path for a while we tend to feel a little bit more comfortable confident and things start to take shape for potters sometimes when they're shaping the clay into the pot or vase or ultimately what it's going to be sometimes it gets a little lopsided or an unintended dent or crease occurs but guess what that potter they can always start over and you can too as things are taking shape in your life if there is a misstep or things didn't turn out the way you intended you can start over i'd like to think that there are no mistakes in life just learning opportunities every day is a new is a new occasion to get things right now what you do with that occasion or opportunity is completely up to you okay so back to that creation that we're making the third step in the development of our beautiful product is trimming the clay during this step the potter removes the excess clay and transforms that creation from being too heavy into something that is a pleasure to hold look at and use so it is important for every potter to know how to trim a pot but it takes real practice to learn that proper technique for trimming so that too much clay is not removed that trimming process and pottery can be compared to when you were starting to get the hang of your new career you're learning what works and what doesn't you're mastering your techniques of your craft you're picking up speed in your processes and you're becoming efficient you become that go-to person that others can reference because you've been through your shaping process and the kinks are worked out but then there's one final step you are put to the test now remember i mentioned that some of life's most beautiful and remarkable creations have to endure a hard process to get to their final product now i know what you're thinking graduates you've already been through the wedging the shaping and the trimming isn't that enough and i know that was a lot to endure but to really make sure you know what you're doing out there you're going to be put in the fire the last step in pottery is to solidify the creation and that's called firing firing converts that weak clay into a strong durable glass-like form and it is the most critical part of the process because it is the one thing that makes the clay strong in your careers and additional courses of study you will be tested physically and mentally that testing may come from instructors or your employers or regulatory bodies for licenses that you need to perform your job duties it may come in the form of competing priorities like how do you juggle it all at one time or how do you balance work in home and it may even come from people who don't have your best interests at heart we call those haters right you may literally feel like you were in the fire under fire in the hot seat or things are coming at you rapid fire but whatever the case may be understand this that it is all a part of the process this is the part that is most challenging but truly makes you strong where you have the opportunity to show and prove what you've learned in all of your previous stages and the skills that you have attained just think about the process and all of what it took to get to this point tonight at graduation especially for those of you who are returning to school to accomplish this milestone you see the mere fact that you are right here right now celebrating this milestone of academic completion after everything that you had to go through clearly indicates that you are poised and primed for success while you may have experienced your own bumps potholes or detours on the road to this achievement you stayed persistent in your course trusted the process and your family your instructors and the community are extremely proud of you for making it to this completion destination so let's just circle back to where we started things are pretty crazy right now in the world that we live in however i firmly believe that you have what it takes to make a lasting impact in our community and in our world you are exactly who and what we need to change the trajectory of the times that we're currently in and now is the time for my entrepreneurs now is the time to implement your bright and innovative business ideas for those of you who are interested in the medical field now is the time to create medical advances to help end diseases that currently have no cure for the educators in the group now is the time for excited energetic dedicated educators with fresh eyes and ideas to assist our schools across this country with providing a culturally compassionate education to all students not just for some for my techie graduates now is the time for unparalleled technological advances to actively create a cleaner healthier energy efficient environment for all of us and for the future law makers in the graduating class now now is the time for new elected officials law enforcement and judicial officers to create and enforce laws equally and equitably without preference favoring any particular race sex creed or sexual orientation graduates it is your time [Applause] there is so much power in this room and you're clever and fresh perspective that challenges the status quo is necessary and timely i will leave you with this chinese proverb that states that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step today right now this is the first step of many for all of you your bold and courageous steps into what's next be it pursuing additional education or entering the workforce may be that necessary motivation to encourage others around you to do the same just remember much like in the example of the clay the process may be physically or mentally tiring you may get challenged and as things are taking shape you will definitely have to prove yourself however success and beauty await at the end if you follow and trust the process congratulations on this first of many accomplishments and best wishes in all of your future endeavors [Applause] thank you dr williams for your words tonight it is tradition at commencement ceremonies to have member of the class address the graduates and the audience members it is now my pleasure to introduce drunette hines and airsolice o'connors miss heinz and miss o'connis both receive their training through matc they will give commencement addresses on behalf of the winter 2021 graduating class first ms hines [Applause] as i stand here today to say congratulations to all my fellow graduates i am so grateful to be here i'm honored for the chance to speak to you all and to have this opportunity on the behalf of the class of 2021 y'all we did it we did it we did it we have had some ups some downs we shared some tears we even had thoughts about giving up we had some deaths we had some trials some tribulations but we pushed forward in the effort to continue our education i am proud of myself and i am proud of you all because you did not give up you did not give in and you did not allow the world to beat you our role has been long and it has been trying but that road that we paid for ourselves this day is a bright one we could continue to push forward in our education we could continue to push forward in our careers but one thing i want to leave with you all is never to give up on yourself and always stay in courage be thankful to the ones that push you to this point because they had your back no matter what they stood your they stood in the presence of your ground when you couldn't even stand in your ground yourself they kept your spirit high when your spirits was low they even kept you there when you didn't know where you were gonna go so be thankful to the ones who push your back to be thankful for the ones that prayed you through that cry with you and to give them a hand as well because they help you to disappoint now we all can take a deep breath because our journey has come to one complete end but don't stop at this hurdle don't let this be the end continue to push yourself to go even further in life and in your career and in your jobs anything you put your mind to do your mind to do you're able to accomplish and succeed don't let no one tell you that this is it for you we could go further if we just pull our minds together and get through this is a great accomplishment for many of us some of us never thought we were going to be here so give your pet yourself a pat on the back because you did not give up be grateful and glad in your accomplishments and where this road will take us next no one truly knows but what i do know is that we should accept and enjoy the achievement that we made because guess what twenty one class we made it [Applause] aracelis are you come on okay well good afternoon thank you everyone to who came and all the teachers and instructors well to start off congratulations to everybody who actually is graduating it was i know it was hard for everyone it takes a lot to finish something even when you do have the time to do it so congratulations [Applause] we did it i'm sure you can all agree that this was a really hard time to graduate from high school college anything with everything that's going on in the world it was not easy and it didn't break us so that's good we worked very hard to make it to this day and that hard work will not go to waste and it didn't a high school diploma is such an important tool in this world it opens so many doors and opportunities for everyone whether you continue to educate yourself through college through different programs it doesn't matter graduating is not meant to be an end goal but a part of the larger journey in life so wherever the future takes you let it take you thank you [Applause] thank you miss heinz and miss o'connors for your words this evening i now invite matc and agency executive directors or designees to present the certificates of diplomas to their 2021 ged and hscd candidates partners please wait to hear the name of your agency announced by the royal caller then come to the center stage to present your certificates with their diplomats candidates after you have received your diploma please return to your seats when all candidates are reseeded dr martin will officially confer the diplomas there is one additional request of everyone here we sincerely and respectfully request that all graduates their families and their guests remain with us until the end of the ceremony thank you at this time will the marshals please bring to the stage the graduates of each agency in the designated order okay the first group to come up is adult learning center [Applause] [Music] [Music] berlin her tamika glenn [Applause] lois mccreary [Applause] whitney bartleson [Music] [Applause] elisheva brown [Applause] [Applause] [Music] okay the next group with literacy services [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] angela dixon [Music] [Applause] [Applause] donna edwards [Applause] [Music] [Applause] giovanni harper jennifer hughes [Music] [Applause] [Music] sierra mcdaniel [Music] [Applause] [Applause] esperanza cook [Applause] ebony owens sharik lakabu [Applause] michelle williams [Applause] michelle davis [Music] chantel clark [Applause] troy kennedy [Applause] dominique owsley [Music] [Applause] serena martezuma [Applause] lilium lopez [Music] [Applause] [Applause] tinsley [Applause] denisha baker [Applause] tatiana smith danielle sandlin [Music] [Applause] jonar torres [Applause] sun tzu ray lee [Applause] naisha jackson [Applause] stacia bins [Music] brittany forbes [Applause] kendra reddick [Music] fabiola montenegro [Applause] [Music] michaela thomas [Music] william robinson [Music] shelina beard [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] okay the next group is social development commission [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and taya williams [Music] jalisa g [Applause] billy woods [Applause] [Music] jose herrera [Music] [Applause] latrice jones [Applause] sonia downey [Music] miranda underwood [Applause] victoria hampton [Applause] dewanda street [Applause] katrina smith [Music] nina harris kenya richmond christy brooks [Applause] rina carter [Applause] deborah finch [Applause] chinese killer [Music] [Applause] blaine manley [Music] [Applause] tanya hall [Music] angelia terrell [Applause] [Music] vindella greer [Applause] olivia jackson [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay the next group umos [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] jessica toledo [Applause] [Music] moreno [Music] [Applause] imran ahmad [Applause] [Music] thomas [Music] rodriguez [Music] okay ywca please line up you're next [Music] lose gutierrez [Music] oh [Music] [Music] jasmine flowers [Music] [Applause] nakia hancock [Music] nancy madrigal jennifer rivera [Music] covina hickles [Music] kevin pickles [Music] destinos [Music] cassandra saucer [Music] angela pouncey [Music] devon brown wilder [Music] makena jefferson [Music] mabel blair isis cowan [Music] christian malone [Music] [Applause] diana rico [Applause] [Music] tejada [Applause] akiba martin [Music] sharika bennett stephanie lee ashley gill [Music] durham [Music] ariel mitchell [Music] angela coleman say gentry [Music] asia thomas [Music] elizabeth garcia [Music] ashley blanche [Music] brandy madlock mercedes james [Music] ashley spates zakima mills [Music] alejandro vasquez the next group to line up is milwaukee area technical college either if you're from walker square the downtown location west dallas location south campus location please come up briana wilson [Music] [Music] drew net heinz [Music] [Applause] [Music] dominique rodriguez [Music] rosemary rivera [Music] marisol rodriguez [Music] so [Applause] elena soto [Music] angelica valencia [Music] asia leonard [Music] kimberly peterson [Music] dania welch de jesus [Music] [Music] jesus alvarez gonzalez [Music] [Applause] in samara pole arturo alvarado [Applause] sonia greene [Music] octavio luciano [Applause] miesha chambers [Applause] [Music] okay i just want to make sure all graduates had an opportunity to walk across the stage was anybody or any agency missed if you were please come up now [Music] okay thank you uh [Music] family friends and graduates we ask that you please stay seated for the conferring of diplomas to allow our graduates to process out of the auditorium at this time i would like to ask matc president dr vicky martin to return to the podium to confer the diplomas will the candidates please rise [Music] [Applause] [Music] now by the authority vested in me by the wisconsin technical college system in milwaukee area technical college the leadership of our partner community-based organizations and upon the recommendation of the faculty i confer upon each of you the ged certificates and high school equivalency diplomas for which you have been certified graduates you may now move the tassels of your caps from the right to the left congratulations to each of you [Music] fellow graduates congratulations once again on your achievement thank you for being part of tonight's graduation ceremony tonight is a night you will remember for some time will the marshals and ushers take your positions and prepare to lead the graduates from the auditorium we we again ask that the audience remain in place until graduates have processed out i asked the graduates and audience and platform party please rise for the recessionary thank you and good night [Applause] you
Channel: Milwaukee Area Technical College
Views: 2,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7JWoWurPSfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 5sec (4325 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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