Mastering Text Prompts in MidJourney AI: Top Tips for Unleashing Its Full Potential!

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hello in this video i want to go about text prompt in mid journey just get a little bit more on advanced level from what we haven't before i know you guys have a time to play around maybe adjust and one share my um knowledge from the programming side and from side of the user about text prompt and you can see i have experimented quite a bit on this level so then a lot of tests and you can see we'll go up from the styles well going from um how composition string all the stuff and we'll start with a very basic to understand i'm not too too basic but to the point what does the weight mean what is comma what is a apostrophe and so how they will work positioning and so on how the styles will affect quite a bit we'll look on the styles and we're also going to going how i can create something that precisely reflect what i wanted okay and my experiment was based on you can see a past 10 000 images just on a mid journey beside that plus disc diffusion um dream stable diffusion and many many other sites where i tried dali and everything they will work different but in some cases they have its similarity because they will using the clip model and what i was meaning by clip let me show you this very simplify things and when i say it's really simplified it is to the basic but it's given us necessary what we need to know and what's happening right here we have it our input text that we're going some sort of the text processing so what is meaning it's actually take a text and decode it and they call it put it on a weight priority for example if you write a sense it says which word representing what it's need convert to mathematical and in some cases it's called a clip model or different ones after this it's well going to the image processing where from um parallel noise or other noise start kind of the noising techniques for the disco diffusion does this way and it's going back and forward can i recognize and so on so think about this this is kind of black box for those ones who interested understand how black box working i'm right now in a process of creating free courses will be on youtube where we by using disk diffusion not heads on a google and um by hand we're going to code every step so you'll understand how the generators work what library we're going to use how the access to the image library and so on so we'll go over step by step it will be more geeky stuff for those who are interested to actually hands on and understand how it's working this but technically what i want to say right here it's based on different type of engines they're using but technically think about this it's a black boxes okay we have a text in somehow it's need to recognize and set priority what the one on the text after creating image go back and says hey does it look like text wanted and so on let's have it several iterations and in end we have our image and hopefully that image representing what we want in many cases it will as generic but we can see with details how we can perfect this or make even better and what i'm done i actually went and i pre-rendered a bunch of strings you can see some of them i know how it will happen so i did render just one string but i'll show you what does it mean and after this of course i render a lot of different like right here you can see this is majority for the styles and those styles and artists and everything so we'll look on that a little bit closer um if you feel this video is a little bit longer you can always skip pause come back whatever but i think um i don't want it to make videos short just for the sake of make sure i want to be sure you guys have enough information or the share of my um experience my trials and all the stuff and hopefully you'll have a lot of fun at least i do okay so let's go ahead first and we'll go look on the string so simple string what we do with the mid journey again this is based on mid journey if you're using different render like dali stable diffusion or other ones the string combination probably works slightly different okay because they're kind of different what kind of clip model using and or a library so this is again mostly will be about me journey but it in many cases will apply to other ones as well with different syntax maybe but it will be similar so what we want to do it's a as usual we go to imagine okay and so on typing string but before we go even that far what i want to do i want to see reset our settings because many times when you do something it's maybe sit in your settings you don't know what's there and it will effect to to do this we'll go on settings first okay and as we're going settings you can see right here we open and currently it is version three notice there did beta and now i think the soon enough will be version four that may change some effect because again the updating models the updating loop so it will be a little bit different but generic is still the same okay stabilization medium we will control a little bit on this but again by default settings basic quality i'm running in a relaxed mode so it will take a little bit longer and a reason why i don't want to suffer about this i pre-render most of them so we can preview uh regular upscale i don't use any beta scale or other ones for right now and it's public mode what does it mean public mode you can go directly to my profile and my profile you can go to just search geek at play and you can directly access to my preview keep in mind when you're going and it says hey i like this i want to copy not just going and don't copy just prompt because prompt is will be if you have a commas it does not copy just copy first word you want copy command and i will show you in a second what does it will make it different okay so right here our settings again one thing what i recommend you to do before we start this go forward slash let's go to prefer suffix kick this one i had reason the problem somebody's application not respond and it's okay you need reset something was sitting there i don't know what it was but prefer suffix and it will reset it so it also fixes it for some reason someday remove it so we know it's a clean right now you can see we have it similar environment and i always do this when i teach people with a photoshop or other ones going to basic environment when we teach so it does not mess up with some customizations because you may get lost or other things okay right here so let's start now we can do imagine so and imagine it will have it now prompt and usually we can go ahead and type like um let's go blue doll on a red ball very simple what i recommend for you start with is simple understand how it's work and add complexity and you can see how it was adding complexity so this time i won't jump to my profile but i already did some of this and we're going over so right here you can see this is the blue doll on a red ball okay and it's kind of okay it's kind of understand um blue doll in one case and going and says only one red ball cap with red ball here and a hand not necessarily understand link between of them but it's still kind of okay working so next i want to separation what is meaning if you look right here we have it um quotes and quote that are very helpful if you have a long words and mostly will helpful when we want to put it weights and the weight will look in a second but it is you can assign priority we'll look in a second what does the weights mean but overall right here i put in comma and in this case it will not come sorry um quotes in this case it will treat these as together okay so it's limited to the assign again in fact that's not what i wanted but same effect we can achieve just with a commas in some cases so right here you can see blue doll comma on the red ball and look on our first result is precisely what i wanted i want my blue doll on a red ball so syntaxes it's important for me i am russian natively speaking um i speak few other languages but general english is not my first language and if you did not notice accent um it will be very surprised i'm surprised on that one but my english is broken okay so whatever i type it i type with broken english everything but um most of those applications right now there are english bases so it's meaning you need follow english syntax and so on right here you can see the blue doll comma on the red ball and this is give it very good result some results of course it's tried different because it's tri fig rod based on the weight but overall right here it is precisely what i was looking for so this is one thing next let's look on the weights what i say by the weight um let's say i'm going and i'm going to just write ball comma cube comma fish so i want put it them together and you can see right here it's try to figure out and let's give it about equal weight to everything what i was meaning wait it's try to fuse them together and right here actually this one number two image it is almost perfect example because we have a ball we have a kind of cube inside and fish so it is about equal putting together what it says by weight we can also assign specific weight to each item and says i want more priority on this example what if we says and assign weight sorry let me put this way for example i can do like this i can say cube comma ball comma fish yes so and that's how we type in the weight can be assigned by the like two vertical dots okay and after this you can set one is a default okay zero one it's a less you actually can assign even minus and of course two it's higher so you can assign numbers and says how important is one thing you may get error if for example it would come directly after be sure you have a space after the number okay for the syntax so it can recognize and after you can also add some other stuff but so right here it says okay you know what i want ball maybe put it let's do for now 0.1 lower it's a below one okay cube we can put one we don't need it but for sake so we can see what is going on we say cube just normal one i don't care about how we match embedded ball but i want a fish i want permanent fish there okay so let's go ahead and see what's happening when we do this right here and you can see notice this is what i said it's separating ball cube fish okay if we're going this is what's happening if you take prompt you want copy command if you see other ones almost always you want to copy the command if you like some work you want to do and right here let's paste this command in and you can see right here we have a ball zero one cube and fish two so it passed the command let's see what's happening and you can see we definitely can see fish because priority is a fish is two weight of two and because cubes one and ball s like right here this one bottom perfect example it does not really care about ball ball maybe reflect like ice or some other stuff but it does add this cubism to our fish our third our fourth one you can see like cubes on the background cubes so it's kind of merging but fish is permanent it's a majority of this so whatever you do like for example if you want a string and you want to create something your main object for example mechanical spider in steampunk punk okay you can put it mechanical spider in the quartz put it value of the two weight with the uh that the comcom to put it that and it says hey i want this is as permanent as number two and after you can add additional what you can effect with one and other details that is not very significant but it's okay if they put there less weight less permanency like give it zero one of course if you don't want something um display at all for example i don't wanna display this underwater so i can do no tug but we'll again we'll look on a no little bit later okay right now what we're looking it is quotes commas and weight so this is how we can adjusting the next things is very important actually in mid journey it is what a style you specify and why we speak about the style we have a lot of different type of style style can be artist style which is actually will look on this we have it that type of the media style we have it style how you're going to pan paint the ink water oil normal oil and crayons pencil black and white color also media can represent how it's showing because it's not just a drawing 35 millimeters and another one's styles so let's go look on this um actually sorry before this let me show you another things it's with my mice and this is i think will be very good example when we start mixing so right here i have it very nice very fat eating cheese very happy and again it could be random because remember how it's generated it's creating a purlin noise add additional noise on the top and with a denoising disk diffusions denoting try to generate image and compare what with the result and actually it's not bad even on the beginning done this we have the mice right here very happy we don't have them eating cheese um below we have it mice look like a cheese i don't know if you want to eat that um and the top one kind of looking but it's a mutants i see more legs than actually exist so right here is another one where we kind of command separations you can see the difference between the other ones and this is more like from chernobyl mutants so let's keep that one but at least we start having furry so right here we have it common and commas will add fur like on this one you can see it's ad furious so before it separate them as two different weights two different parameters right now it's for your mouse it's one parameter so we want to specify and remember if it does not help at the first time you can really render because it's all randomly and what's happening with this let me show you example like right here you can see the furry mouse fought for your mouse it's definitely ad fur to this okay and when you do this it does definitely look like it's add some fur to that okay so next what we did with this we uh beside add all these commands of course we have a problem with the font it's pick up very well but eating cheese and a happy kind of happy but eating cheese is not there except it's make mouse eating out of cheese so let's try it itself it will be mouse cannibalism i don't know what it's called manipalism um and we can play a little bit more with res but again with weights we can adjust as general what i want to show it is um how the quads will assign and of course beside that we have it we add a little bit like cartoon style here you can see it's instantly changing become cartoon as well but not mostly it's what i was playing in this one it is use of the commas okay so let's go ahead and look on different styles where we have a little bit more fun right here you can see i created um portraits and this is very simple it is says a beautiful female in a spacesuit not as i use it commons because i notice on a space suit sometimes it is take just space and suit us too different and you end up with a formal outfit floating inside the space so i don't know on alien planet this is fine with comma background retro spaceship on the background so it's a very basic assignment and you can see it's a generator okay so we have it like this um in some cases retro spaceship i don't think it's properly pick up it's okay let's just leave it something on the background hanging around there and this is render so if we're going to next what we try to do now you can notice right here i add styles of the different arches and this is actually very interesting because everyone can look what you can do i'll post it for you links for all of these artists i went and said okay let's find the best sci-fi artists who paint and we can go with this style and you can see right here the hanger right here we have it wins they've hated so it's his styles and you can search i say i will provide this list of the afters in a comment below in the descriptions you can just copy paste them or take separate and the styles is help you kind of going in the same direction and the reason is how styles work it is when um it's going through that you remember when going through this cycle right here when it's go it's actually i should add one more cloud on the top because it's going and compare does it look like this you know um i compare many times one thing you'd understand that's on the front yeah does it is a tool okay and many people say oh it's a create it's on no it is a just a tool and it was created by human programmers in some cases look on this it's calibration collaboration work between you who put a text prompt and all stuff and the programmers who actually wrote the code created this application how it's look everything and it's also covered a third element to this third is a reference it's what libra of reference it's using for example if i go to you and it says can you draw a camel for me and you never in your life see the camel before you will never draw camel you maybe come up with some weird stuff but as technically you don't know how camel looks so you cannot draw or ocean what do you do if i show you a few pictures three pictures of the camel and ask you to draw this you will draw based on the reference you saw before of those camels so that is will be your references same with ai think about this is have a reference to the libraries and when you do something ei never know how it's look till is going and look by the words pull out images that is have a description matching and by the reference try to do this so it's very important right here what is happening between text and image and it's going this loop it's also in compared to some library comparing to specific things to be sure it's look in specific way and by creating by adding um and specifying the styles it actually says does it look somewhat in this style it's one copy it's not blending image you just look on somewhat similarity in the styles in a shading in a coloring and so on right here you can see the many different frame gems i mean a lot of boris all these different so i took it many of them and just render same text only will add some of the string and let's see what's come up with this okay so we'll go over right here you can see it's frank price look and i also render um individual because this is like about what is a 50 render so it's not details nothing there you want upscale image you want because upscale image will look different and uh small thumbnail not always look as pleasant and nice as the full up scale and i'll show you as example later so frank okay let's go next this one we have it our gym burnt and you can see how style already changed even same things something similar all white suits for summer in space female all that stuff but the different jane brooks look on the coloring the different style media coloring so it's very nice right here paul hearns he done and uh i mean it's totally different style almost going you know and this is important right here deviants the fade kind of very interesting and because each all of this render with a random seed if i re-render they will be different so if you come up with something you don't like it or does not specifically match re-render make different variation if you like some specific you can make a variation from that single image okay so right here look on this rafael totally different this is space suit does look like rocket swift and we'll actually render bigger ones there's different rainbow totally different purple different styles it's a perfect look this one guess who is this the wingers look like aliens look on this tentacles it's awesome okay we have it also the patrick and all of this you can access through how again if you're going through my um channel you search for geek at play you can pull up this and just look on all of these channels all of this volley wood okay let's go ahead next this one oh look how beautiful it's come up and it's a gin grind so in this style with outline and other things so right here we have frank frenzy okay let's go to the next gay powers okay beautiful different styles very beautiful and the matching styles perry soldier okay we have the julie bell and you don't necessarily just need copy those styles okay let's look closer with what i was saying um before we jump to next thing so right here retro search so i'm selecting single image and you can see how it's a big different when you're upscale so it's way more details way nicer look like right here frankel you can see more interesting of course uh some problem with figures and everything i did not try to render different different limitations i just very simple and fast like this let's render it let's look what's going on so jim burns again single okay let's go right here we have it our hands book okay look how the total different background and if you look on the styles it's matching very very good okay so we have our wins the fade there's a house that's look rocky but it's kind of cool i like how it's look raphael blinky there's our finger and look at this look like almost standing because i mean it's totally different styles they said patrick okay let's go next this is black pepper that is nice almost volleyball okay there is a you remember one before smaller now look how many details pause and everything with jin guard it's very nice you can also not just address specific uh style of the people you can address also studios you can access like rembrandt so you're going with rembrandt stuff okay classic painters you can go with picasso and look on this picasso style so you can do all of this different jolla bell let me see which one it's boris one and this one also just a ink so instead like directly rembrandt example or other artist you can say style of the media so right here is our ink this one is i just got fanta says where's the waldo so let's see and you can see it's kind of involved of color so you can have a little bit more fun with this okay right here we have our rembrandt lighting little bit closer beautiful coloring and i did a little bit more with rembrandt i'll show you a little bit later and right here you can see we have our picasso style okay um this is more media different it's just that says black and white pencil and it's actually come up very good and it's recognized very nicely it's mostly what i do i have it my main character right here beautiful woman in the space suit common after surrounding what i want to do planet red or ship i could i did not put at any weight because actually positioning for me was weight but if i need i can put on spaceship uh probably weight too and that spaceship will be more permanent inside the image in this case i just want something on the background but my the model and spaceship spacesuit it was very uh permanent it's what i want to show okay so right here we have a cinematic sharp film and you can see it's have a depth of field added and mostly it's happened when you have a photorealistic film it's what we'll create in this case okay next we have it a retro look and retro uh sometimes we'll add a little bit more grainy stuff try to figure out but you can look on the background let's have this retro gradients and other stuff okay we have our ink upscale and this one was our abstract so it's trying to create kind of look on abstracts this one um the one thing i need to show you and keep in mind i forgot to mention this but i think it's good time let's go copy command and put it right here my command and you can see my stylization style 700 so if you're not familiar your high style very high style it's about 20 000 and then it will go berserk okay let's try this the total difference grow from one end to another try exploring ai will try flexibility and creation more when loris i think is a 625 or 670 675 i think it's lost when it says do what i ask you precisely so and it's what's happening so right here you can see i said my spacesuit weight one on all of them so by the way this is all same everywhere while what i was changing is this inside abstract or artist or would i rest this was exactly the same on everything so it does not change anything but i says keep sterilization close to my words as possible quality 2 we have a disrespect ratio and this is what i was changing only at that time so right here like abstract that's what will happen okay let's go back jump where's my abstract right here this is okay right there so this is was our with the valdo single um they're very nice when you start mixing different styles i think this is the best benefit because what if i take space suit and all the stuff and just add a steampunk so right here example i added steampunk type and redder suit and it's come up very nice look look on this even colors was this way in every so it's kind of very nice to upgrade zombies as other people have fun zombies i have fun with zombies do selfie with the zombies somebody did olympic games there's zombies in a space and i can see it actually does a very good job and it's also said special color palette if you notice based on the theme for example if we're going back to steampunk it's kind of uh brass leathery kind of woody feeling the coloring look in a zombie it's a colder greenish so it does a very very good job on the so actually upkeeping coloring as well this one i think it's a pastel so we can use it just also type of media we're using okay and right here this is if you cannot guess look how old the retro it is what it says old photo polaroid kodak so let's try simulate this style and in some case you can have fun i have it like old area 51 photos with aliens you can create amazing stuff with this okay so right here a little bit upscale look on this nice beautiful upscale on a pencil drawing black and white this is our upscale with cinematic film look very nice nice depth of field applied to this and usually it's what you do with 35 millimeter cinematic it will add good depth of field to this this is our retro look usually let's use the color and somewhat posterized look um abstract some details lost and get abstract probably won't specify after what type of abstract art you want it in this case illustrations again just try to put it this is close up on a steampunk type that is our zombie you can see it adds something to the end this one is our pastel upscale again illustration sub scale this one is if i'm right was bunch of them yeah so what i took it and i just says hey how about this i'll just mix everything together troll rembrandt lighting oil painting render steampunk so all different styles victoria and now all of these different artists who can create and this is i think the most one of the strongest parts of the mid journey and ai it is can take these different styles and merge together and compare as it's creating and rendering between all of the styles so it will be fine and properly weight so this is the strongest part which is hardest to do for any other artist as you're developing so example right here this one it was i just says cyberpunk so we add a little bit more you can see rembrandt old but i add steampunk cyberpunk kind of and you can see how it's come up it's a beautiful okay so this is one before with oil and this is look on this it's a beautiful renders come up with a even mix style and i think this is again it's what strength of this it's creating all these mixed gender mixed styles and you can again by using those weights using commas and spits five you can create um different strings okay so let me show a couple things because we already have plenty of stuff i think for you to do we did not even gone to more advanced preference settings and other stuff automations i think this is way higher but what i want to show you it is even how much fun you can have it look on this so this is just a super smart zombie steampunk pastel you can put it pastel colors nonetheless but in this case we have a beautiful funny pastel colors we have our steampunk zombie again this is that max kind of things what creating a very cool looking i mean this is i don't know if my imaginations can come up to create this okay so we have it all is beautiful same like with this fart mouse one was creating fat mouse remember this with the weights and commas so but there you go there is a created actually directly what i was asking and by using all this experiments so you're more than welcome go to my channel look what i have it right here i have alien birthdays i have it some space cities just playing around try to figure out how it's different um weights how's all of this working you know what is creating okay there's my super smart zombies i think it's was zombies geniuses i try to create right here okay zombies versus human zombies ice cream um it was fun this is ballrooms you can see with playing different coloring and other stuff as well a little bit with the weight uh this is a separate project coming up i'll show you how i'm going to do what i find out sometimes it's very hard to get in one picture everything what i wanted okay because it's need complex scenery you need set weights and it's still it's a random okay because it's a generic random so what i'm going to do i render all these elements that i wanted and i'm going to compose them in a scenery so i'm going to create all of these elements i will select them and i'm going to create a compose image with all this ai generated not all but one pre-selected ai generated images so you more than welcome um stick around on the channel i would recommend for this go ahead um subscribe to my channel okay give us thumbs up give it two thumbs up uh be sure you click on the bell notification so when this video come up you'll know the video is out so you can go and check about um all of this how creation how composing generally it is what i'm looking on the ai generate art it is a tool it's give me those elements components and what i'm doing as an artist with this it's my choice so for example i want to create this elements and after one compose them together to create one uh even better image image that it's my head but currently even with all this ai technology even i put descriptions it still cannot deliver because it's have its limitation i'll give it another maybe half year here probably will do much better but for now that is what we're going to do thank you for watching this video i hope you find some information for you very useful if you like it please share this video tell other people i appreciate if the my video get a little bit more popular will be nice but your support is greatly appreciated again thank you very much and by the way just in the end if you um want to upscale it's what i'm going to do also upscale i'll have it link below to get a gigapixel um from topaz excellent tools i love it it's what i'm going to do also upscale images before i edit them but general if you need link right there if you look for that something up scale just click on this and get it thank you and have fun time creating you
Channel: Vladimir Chopine [GeekatPlay]
Views: 74,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geekatplay Studio, Vladimir Chopine, Digital art, ai art, midjourney, ideation, creativity, midjourney tips, mid journey, midjourney tutorial, midjourney getting started, tips and tricks, midjourney ai, learn midjourney, how to use midjourney, ai art tutorial, midjourney beginner, midjourney guide, ai generated art, ai art generator, mid journey ai, how to use midjourney ai, ai, midjourney discord, ai created art, text prompt
Id: 3vPm_xI_h6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 0sec (2160 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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