Mastering Rack for Ableton Live 11 and 12 (Free Download)

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what's up everybody Cloud cord here for open channels today we're going to be talking about mastering I built a new mastering rack the majority of this video focuses on features of live 12 but for those of you not updating and you're still on 11 I'm going to throw you a bone and in the download link there is a mastering rack that works for live 11 so thank you for watching please enjoy and check this out cuz there's a lot of new interesting tidbits today we're going to be looking at a mastering rack I built inside Ableton Live 12 that uses the roar devices as an Exciter so my mastering template I've been using for several years and pretty much everything that you hear in my music out in the world on Spotify band camp vyl YouTube live as well um I mix and master pretty much all that unless it's on a compilation so I want to share with you a little bit of my process of what the signal chain is and how I rebuilt what I do sometimes inside ozone I type ozone inside ailton live so let's dig in here let's hear this premaster this is a song of mine called first wonder that was on a chillhop compilation several years ago and here's what it sounds like no mastering um and I have an instance a span here just to it's a spectral analyzer and I have an instance of ozone just so I can see my RMS levels and then I have an instance of insight so I can see my loofs lfs [Music] levels and if we look at the master here it's pretty quiet track in a good way I think later on in the arrangement when it gets louder we're peeking around six so you can look right here on your master to see what your latest Peak is great now let's play the same thing turning my master chain [Music] on see my mastering is hitting zero RMS is around -6 loofs around -10 generally speaking in Span I try to have it a downward curve from the sub all the way to the high end depends on the part of the arrangement in the instrumentation that's just a real generalization here so these are the things that I'm doing I'm looking at the shape of the master and I'm also looking at the LT levels and the RMS levels all right so let's look what's inside of this mastering rack here so we've got low cut and high cut the first five macros are just right inside eq8 so you see we got a low cut here then we've got a high cut and then we've got a low boost we've got a mid cut and then we've got a high boost then we have a low Exciter mid Exciter and high Exciter so let's look at what that is that is an instance of Roar for those of you playing along at home you can minimize all your third-party windows with command option P if you're on a Mac that's very helpful if you got like 75 plugins up okay so I'm just using Roar in a very simp Le way that's a multiband way so if you look over here this is Roar down here the routing says multiband so I have three instances of drive here I have a low a mid and a high and like I said I'm using these as an Exciter which Isotopes ozone has where you can do Multi Band [Music] exciting if we take out our low if I just bump it you can really hear it look if I turn it off base goes away now you can really hear the mids cranked and of course the high so you may be asking how do we actually know how to set these different frequencies well down here in the routing in the multiband uh our low is below 120 and our high is above 2500 so it's these two numbers right here so the mid would be between those okay so that's our Roar I'm not using anything fancy with lfos or modulation sources because like I said we're using Roar Just as an Exciter low mid High which are mapped to these macros okay after that in the chain is our top Widener so that is going to widen only the top that is mapped to this macro right here and you see it turns it on and it turns it off and what's going on here is the wide channel is only above 1500 Hertz and this uses the delay which is the hos effect and now down below, 1500 there is no Widener at all so check that out cuz generally speaking you're going to want things that are widened to be up in the higher frequencies of your mix see how that works for you then we've also got glue which will just give us some general glue compression Drive is actually mapped to the drive in the roar so we have three instances of Exciter and we actually have an additional drive on that one more thing I should mention we have a multiband compressor here I use the multiband compressor inside ozone all all the time and these are mapped you can see here when I turn up my low comp it's really turning down the threshold so for example now my low end went away completely let do it to the [Music] high it's a way to tame in certain frequency ranges and just like inside Roar my low is below 12 20 my high is above 2500 Hertz so and the mids are in between all right then we got our compressor ratio which is just the ratio of the glue of how hard that's working I mentioned the wider and then the volume is just the overall gain in the limiter okay enough of the he stuff let's actually just check out the differences in these presets here so here's loud and clean [Music] yeah that's real good my loose -10 RMS around -65 it could maybe be a touch louder but it just depends on how the overall tune feels an inside span most of my tracks I try to have it Go a downward slope from low end to high end generally speaking see that a little bit more base then it kind of rolls off all right bright and wide [Music] so let's brighten that even more there we go it's widen and I'll resave that for you all right so look here inside insight to our Imager turn the Widener off completely it's only wide when the crash hits I use the wider those snares are a lot wider see how it's the things that are higher frequencies okay base bump let's go to my Hermanos track which is a very chill track out on my Daybreak EP which is out check that one in the comments or up here all right so let's hear once the base comes in let's hear this just premaster no mastering quiet track now let's bring in the base [Music] [Applause] [Music] bump oh that hits the glue a little bit too hard but you know you can use it [Music] [Applause] sparingly and then last but not least phone mids always got to give you the AM radio phone sound okay so in summary y'all this is what my general mastering chain is it's EQ multiband compressor Exciter widening little bit of extra glue and limiter and generally speaking my RMS levels I try to hit around -6 to -44 is really crushing uh if you're making EDM that might be a little different story but I'm talking about you know the Mellow chill hop Loi kind of stuff and my loose tend to be around1 to -98 if I'm really crushing and it's like a big dance track and as I said in my span my spectral analyzer try to have my overall EQ curve go from higher to lower and check out some reference tracks to compare to to see how it feels I'm going to leave you with one final tip about reference tracks I brought in my buddy bureaucratic his tune just to see how my tune is matching up to it similar Style similar Vibes all right so here's the trick I use to bounce back and forth inside the do so command K if you're on a Mac goes to this keyboard command which is also right up here in this menu all right so you can so we're going to solo up our reference track so use any key I'm going to use the number one and then I'm going to go into my mastering chain and I'm going to turn off the mastering device with the same key so they flip and now you want to mute your reference track so now here's what happens we have our tune with mastering levels and I hit the number one and it flips to buau now let's bring up ozone span look at those levels [Music] he's got a little bit his base is a little more rained in he's this touch [Music] brighter so what we could do is add a little bit of High exiter Press our low a little bit turn down low boost let's go back [Music] so make a note of like where his low end is hitting it's around - 36 on span check out where ours is pretty [Music] close all right y'all I hope that helped check out my new EP Daybreak Link in comments this one's a free download for yall 100% completely free giving away the love for live 12 catch you next [Music] time
Channel: Open Channels
Views: 4,107
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Keywords: ableton live, ableton live 12, mastering, lofi tutorial ableton, how to make lofi hip hop, ableton live tips and techniques, how to make music, music production tutorial, tips for mastering, ableton tips, music production, free ableton live template, ableton live 11, free ableton download, ableton live guitar template, ableton live template free, ableton live free template, ableton free template, ableton free download, free template ableton, ableton free guitar template
Id: VsdiZ01s1rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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