The Ultimate Ableton Live Looper Template

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one [Music] two what's up everybody Cloud cord here on behalf of open channels I'm back for my winter tour with plenty of ideas to cover inside Ableton Live today we're going to be talking about the Ableton Live Looper so most of the things that I invent here on this channel are my solutions to problems that I encountered creatively the problem is inside Looper down here we can determine our Loop length in this submenu right one bar eight bars 16 bars X bars for variable length Etc here's the problem if I go to midi mapping I can't map it if I go to keyboard mapping I can't map it if I try to map it to a macro inside a rack I can't map it the issue is there is no quick intuitive musical way to change your Looper length you could keep it on variable the whole time but personally I like to know the exact length that I'm looping so today I built for you two different looping racks that allow us to overcome this obstacle so let's check it out okay so here is just a simple looping template that is part of this download okay I just have a simple beat on track one track two is my live instrument and I just put my live 11 Deluxe amp in there you're welcome and then we have a looping track on three and a looping track on four you'll see on three it's called looping via clips now this is what I use in my live performances and I do clip automation so when a new song arrives it will change the length of my Looper depending on the chord progression how long of a phrase it is sometimes it's two bars sometimes it's eight Etc then it's something that I don't have to think of okay so inside this Looper rack you can save this as a template save as a live template call it whichever you want and then it's inside your templates so if you like the looping via Clips save it as a template we'll dig into the Clips in a second and then on track four this is looping via snapshots and you can just use snapshots to change your Looper length okay so let me do a quick demonstration on each of them and then you can download this device and get looping yourself okay so we look in the looping via clips and if I select fourar Looper that clip you'll see in my chain the four bar chain is now enabled and the Looper is on let me change it to 16 and now you see the 16 Bar chain is on and the Looper on so with each one of these clips it enables the chain of the Looper and turns the Looper on and then all of these macros are Global so they work for every Looper inside this rack so let's test it out I got a beat let's do two bars to keep it simple one 2 [Music] okay so something that is crucial for you to understand is I made some of this mapping easy for you so on the looping via clipse when you download this template go command K or control K if you're on a PC and you'll look that each one of these Loopers has your record overdub play and stop mapped to Keys 1 2 3 4 so what you want to do is map every one of these the same way so you could change these on your own but I just wanted to show that's why you can hit one record button and no matter which Looper you're on it Works let's try one more let's try just the one bar Looper [Music] so [Music] [Music] so right there at the end I was using our Loop speed our reverse macro and then the delay feedback okay last but not least let's look at the snapshots so down here all the macros are the same it's just eight macros um you'll probably get the most use out of the delay remember the feedback knob is how long your layers last so if it's at 100% no matter how many layers are due they all stay there the lower the feedback knob goes the more your old layers dissolve when you record new layers cool reverse will just reverse any one of these Loopers in the direction it'll it won't change the speed and then the speed will change the speed chorus is just a little extra sheen on the whole thing so what I want to do is just show you uh this is really easy uh what I did as far as record enabling this track go to the midi mapping command M or control M if you're on a PC and you'll see that it is C2 through dsharp 2 so on a keyboard C is record C is overdub D is play DP is stop so just four keys in a row but you can go into each one of these and again I would recommend duplicate commands for all of them or maybe you have your own way but that's what is in the download one two [Music] one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] now I'm just going to solo over [Music] [Applause] [Music] it [Music] [Music] have fun I hope that helps like And subscribe download link in the description see you next time
Channel: Open Channels
Views: 2,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ableton live, ableton, ableton live looping, ableton live 12, guitar looping ableton, guitar looping ideas, ableton live 11, ableton live 10, ableton live tutorial, ableton tutorial, ableton tutorial guitar, ableton 11 looper tutorial, ableton looper tutorial, ableton looper, ableton live 11 tutorial
Id: 42WmYln0W7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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