Ableton 12 New MIDI Features

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I think aeton 12's new Mini tools are the best part of this upgrade and the reason to upgrade so let's look at some of them first things first we're going to want to set the session scale let's start with Stacks Stacks creates chords for you so let's set the roote and if you want to you can even invert it down here you can set the duration offset but we're going to start pretty simple let's add a new chord let's add another one now if you get something you like at any point you can arpeggiate it this works like abled standard arpeggiator except it actually prints it into the clip let's try and connect some of these notes let's make it a little less dense I like those new notes but let's quantize them I kind of like where this is going let's change how long they last there we go we can also change the timing a little bit maybe have them bleed into each other a little more now these three notes here kind of want to change them so if we use recombine we can actually change their order or mirror their order or change the order in which they occur nice and I want a bit more going on with this note here so what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to rightclick it I'm going to fit it to the time range and then you can chop the note on grid with command e if the Grid's too tight while you're pressing command e use the arrow keys to change that or if you need to we can even stretch them out like this nice now I want to get a bit fancier with some of these so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take all the D's and we're going to ornament these so if you want you can already add a little bit of flam here pretty cool but let's actually add some Grace notes so let's change the position of those the amount of them and we can change if they're lower or higher let's try lower and notice how they're all staying in key and let's lower their velocity so you just barely hear those e if that's not working for you just turn it off let's start fresh I'm going to use this Rhythm function here to create a rhythmic pattern and we're going to start it on our our route we're going to start on the E let's get a bit more range in the velocity you know what let's shift this pattern around so it starts like this and let's change the most impactful note to the last one now let's start to turn these into chords let's add an interval let's add another one now let's get a bit more feel in these with strum now in groups of four let's use Time Warp to really change this pattern notice how it compresses and stretches it since this one strummed too early let's stretch that onto the one yeah that's way better so we've got our foundation and now let's get some Melody on here so we have a few ways we could get creative we could use seed and we could set a range and we can set note duration range and a density to those notes so if the range is too big just shrink it oh I just like that little top part so it just randomly generated some melodies for for me just until I found something I liked let's get one more piano patch going and on this one we're going to use shape we're going to start from E because obviously we're an e we're going to end on E and let's just start to draw a little pattern see what comes of it okay obviously you know that's a bit too fast let's slow the rate down well this could be a fun way to draw face oh cool if we just want to drop it an octave we can so are you starting to see what I'm getting at all these tools just generate transform edit and manipulate midi super quickly obviously I didn't go into huge detail I just scratched the surface I just wanted to get you guys excited but if you want me to go into further depth about these let me know which ones in the comments and subscribe to stay tuned for further videos when I will I hope you have fun with Ableton 12 if you pick it up my name's Kody bye
Channel: Kermode
Views: 4,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ableton, ableton live, ableton live 12, live 12, ableton tutorial, ableton live tutorial, ableton live 12 tutorial, ableton beginner, ableton beginner tutorial, ableton tutorial beginner, ableton live 12 beginner tutorial, ableton live new features, ableton live 12 whats new, ableton 12 whats new, ableton 12 new features, ableton 12 MIDI, MIDI feature, MIDI transformation, MIDI generation, MIDI editing, MIDI effects, Ableton MIDI, Ableton 12 MIDI, ableton 12 effect
Id: DFY67SoSb6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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