Mastering Microsoft Power BI - Create Power BI Report in 5 mins

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hello everyone and welcome back in this video we'll see how to create a power be a report in less than 5 minutes power bi is one of the best tool in today's market if you compare with any other product let us say tableau click view or any elephant bi any product power bi is one of the best we'll see an example here how to create report in less than 5 minutes and very smoothly very easily to create a report we need some data so I have kept the data in the file named as 1.5 power be a super store so this file is just a sample file which is having approximately 21 columns if you see on the right hand side 21 columns it is the data about the sales company where any item which has been sold it will the record has been generated here and approximately there are n thousand records in this file you see there are triple nine for records in this data here and the name of this table which I'm using is the name of the table is order stable so I'll use this data to create a sample report in power B F okay now the name of the sheet is order sheet name of the table is order stable so I'll click on close button now I'll open this power B a report and click on this Excel button here 1.5 open and then I will pick up this orders table and just click on load button the reason I'm not clicking on transformed data because I know the data is clean here there is nothing to be clean in this data source just click on load button that means I'm OK to create charts for this data set so once you click on load button on the right hand side you can see all 21 columns which have been given here whatever columns were there will be present here somewhere you can see there's a calendar icon that means it's a date data type okay somewhere you can see summation icon you can see discount profit quantity that means it's a number datatype now this is a orders table that's now a name of the query I'll just expand this okay that's a place where you can select the charts and create the charts and here you have to put the fields whatever fields you bring it here but now since you're new to this power bi if you want to quickly create a report okay in less than 5 minutes what is the method I'll be showing you this technique named as AI in bi artificial intelligence in business intelligence so what I can do is you just remember the name of the column let's say region sales category sales ok these are name of the column suppose if I want to create a simple pie chart let's say region sales what he can do is I'll just double-click on this place on the screen and here I can type region sales the font is very small so I'll zoom the screen here so I'll just zoom for you yeah and here I can just write the name of the column here region sales in pie okay just write region sales in pie and this will create a pie chart for you so I'll just resize it properly and now if you are ok with this if you're satisfied with this chart you can just click on this OK button and this will create a chart for you ok so that's a simple pie chart now if I want to create one more donut chart let's say for category there is some category column here and I want to create category sales in a donut chart so I'll just simply double click on this place and then I'll write the name of the column category sales category sales in donut ok and I'll select the first option donut and once you are satisfied with what they are asking they are giving you can just click on this OK button and you can see that's the ok button I can click and donut chart is created ok same way just remember the column names one more suppose I want to create a funnel chart for subcategory sales there's a column given here subcategory let me show you that's a subcategory and I want to create a subcategory sales as a funnel chart same method same trick just double click on this please it will n type sub category sub - category space sales in funnel ok and then you can just click on this ok button I think it is not correct so I'll just remove this column here again I can just double click on this place type as sub category sails in funnel subcategory sales infernal and you can click on this button here that's okay button so that's a simple funnel chart we just created okay so it's very very simple to create here now let us create two more charts I want to create one line chart line charts are usually created for a date field so I have a date field here that is order date so I want to create a line chart for order date sales so I'll just move my screen here double click and I'll type here order date sales in line chart okay select that and you can click on this button here that's a simple line chart and the last one I want to create a map so there's a field named estate so I want state-wise profit in a map so I'll just double click again and type here as state profit in map state profit in map and then it will take time to load and then you can just click on OK button if it is not loading maybe I can create a simple table here state profit in table and click on this button here so I'll just click on this so once you finish I can just show you the screen here now that's a simple report okay I'll just minimize this windows which are not required I can minimize minimize I can also minimize this ribbon which is not required so that's a button small button where you can minimize everything here now that's a simple report now what is the beauty of this power be a dashboard or report I can say not a dash but it's a report here suppose this a West region which is given here if I click on this West region other reports would be filtered for that west region ok same way if I want to unfilter or clear filter simply click on this place so this is for category sales you can see the heading sales by category if I click on this office supplies the dark blue color if I click on this place I can see the subcategories by sales the states by sales state by profit and so on so all the reports all the charts would be filtered here and if you want to do clear filter simply deselect here and obviously you have to you know focus about the alignment part it should be properly aligned and then you can do it right so that's a simple AI in bi artificial intelligence in business intelligence so I hope you understood how to create report in power bi in less than 5 minutes that's all for this video
Channel: Tutorials Point (India) Ltd.
Views: 457,103
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Keywords: Mastering Microsoft Power BI - Create Power BI Report in 5 mins
Id: grX-r4nxEXM
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Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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