Mastering Microsoft Power BI - Introduction to Power BI

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hello everyone and welcome to tutorials point my name is pavan doll bunny and you're watching a series on power Pierre Microsoft power beer what is power bi why you should learn power beer and what are the advantages of using this power beer let us see that one by one number one what is exactly power B a power beer is the business intelligence tool which is available market here which is one of the best tool in the market today now because of many reasons these are the reasons this power bi tool can work on reports and dashboards you can clean data in power bi work on data modeling part and also visualize data okay so these are all the reasons because of which it is business intelligence tool now why you should learn the power bi what are the reasons let us see that number one it is a most popular tool in the market today second you can see there's a high demand for power bi experts in the market it is very simple and very easy to learn just using button clicks you can do many of the functions here next whatever daily manual tasks you are doing in the company like getting the data cleaning creating charts and then publishing online or sharing with other people this can be completely automated in power PA just using button clicks and the last one if you are a manager or if you are a higher hierarchy manager looking for this one why you should choose power bi as compared to other products it is one of the cheapest tool in the market in p.i that is just ten dollars per user per one okay that's a cheapest price which you can get it now another reason why I should go for power bi let me give an example like we you might have heard about private comm that's one website which compares all the press all the hotels across the world and gives you the best and the cheapest hotel same way in India we have Pesa buzzer comm policy buzzer comm so policy buzzer come compares all the policies and gives it the best and the cheapest policy same way for IT experts we have gotten a company Gartner company prepares this kind of Cotton's and compares all the products based on features functionalities and price so here if you see there are different products PA products in this available in the market we have click view tab you and Microsoft and you can see Microsoft is on the top so if you compare with other beer products and is one of the best tool in the market today there might be a conflict Microsoft is a brand there are many bi products inside Microsoft so still you can see power bi is one of the best here now the next one we have what is the power bi architecture how does it work altogether so let me explain you power bi desktop there are many tools in power bi but we'll be mostly focusing on power bi desktop so power bi desktop is used by developers to create reports and charts suppose you create a chart you create a report you are a developer okay now you can create a chart or reports from different data sources like you can prepare from Excel CSV PDF SQL Oracle and website and also from 99 different data sources bring data from 99 data sources create charts visual and then finally if you want to share with someone you can use power bi service account this is an online account which is available on the web and then you can publish all your reports into power bi service so this entire work is completely automated you don't have to do it manually get data from Excel monthly create some charts and then publish it online so this can be automated using this power bi architecture now let us see in detail this power bi desktop is divided into multiple parts what are those parts number one there are many tools in power bi first one is power query second one is power pivot and third one is power be a service or a cancer power view so here power query is used for cleaning data power P watt is used for data modeling and Power View is used for visualization data okay you can create charts and reports in this particular Power View most of the companies spend lot of time in this two tools that is power query and power pure here 70% of the time goes in cleaning data massaging data and then only you can work on creating charts and reports right now the next one how difficult is power bi if you are coming to power bi for the first time if you are a new user to any bi tool how difficult it is let us see that it is very easy easier than Excel I can see in Excel you have to type a function we look up some average minimum here you do not have to type just drag and drop and you'll get the answers so it is very very easy next one it is as I said it is one of the best bi tool in the market therefore it is easy to learn again 100% training would be practical whatever topics I'll be showing in the entire video series all topics are practical nothing is theoretical here and the next one most of the topics which I'm showing AP person of the training or the videos are just done by button clicks so suppose if you don't have a keyboard no problem still you can learn power PA trying to say button click means it's just very easy anybody can learn power ba right so I hope you've understood why to learn power ba what are the advantages and how easy it is that's all for this video
Channel: Tutorials Point (India) Ltd.
Views: 253,016
Rating: 4.9337611 out of 5
Keywords: Mastering Microsoft Power BI - Introduction to Power BI
Id: NciQv4Oj_Tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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