Mastering Microsoft Power BI - Artificial Intelligence in Business Intelligence AI in BI

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welcome back in this video I'll show you a very interesting feature in power bi that is AI in bi artificial intelligence in business intelligence this feature is not present in all the BI tools I can say only few of them power bi is one of them okay what is this AI and bi for that I have to create one simple chart and then show you the demo so I'll just create a stacked column chart for order date and sales so order date and profit I'll pick up order date goes in to access and I'll pick up profit profit will go in to values so you can drag and drop or you can select one of the same now I'll try to resize it properly yeah that series I've done now I'll just I don't need this fields I can just minimize those so if you see this is here vice prophet and the Prophet is increasing definitely now if I click on the fourth button in effect if I click on the fourth button I can show you the details by Carter wise and here wise so these are all the quarters in all the years here now suppose if you observe let me just resize because the size is not visible so I'll just go to view menu bar and I'll just go to customize current theme and I'll try to reduce the size to maybe lesser than that 10 and apply and see yeah so here you can see now what I want to show is 2016 quarter to I know the you know the screen is small the size is small but if you see the third quarter third last quarter is having the lesser prophet as compared to fourth last quarter so 2016 q2 is having lesser profit than 2016 q1 now what could be the reason okay because there are many fields here if you observe there are 21 different columns category region sales profit quantity city country state postal code there can be any different reasons because of which the profit has come down suppose if I want to analyze if I want to find out the root cause why the profit has gone down so very simple and very easy in power bi just two button clicks and we'll get different options okay so I can just right click on 2016 q2 and there's an option given as analyze explain the decrease once I click on explain the decrease I will be getting list of all the visuals one by one and you can see how much is the decrease thirty four point two five as compared to previous quarter okay so I'll just click on got it button that is for the help I'll just click on got it and you can see these are different visuals which are created in just one button click OK what this visual says this will give you the different parameters and why the profit has come down let us see the first one so first one if I show you here yeah so this is profit based on region if I read this one by year quarter and region so 2016 q1 was this much profit 2016 q2 the profit came down if I ask you which region was the responsible so you see west region was having a profit minus ten point four thousand so that was a negative one which region was profitable only East region was profitable and how much is this one so you can see the red color green color and the blue color will tell you the legend part here now let us see one more example like this you can keep on scrolling and easily quickly find out the answers here one more example 2016 q1 was the profit 2016 q2 which category was having what was responsible for less profit technology you see minus eleven point three thousand thus the profit came down gradually or you can see as you know on a large content from technology whereas which one was profitable office supplies so you see if I if you try to find out by using some techniques and tricks it will take a lot of time but using this AI in bi within few button clicks will get the answers now once you finish suppose your managers assign this task to you and I have asked you to give the answers what you can do is after 15 days you can just click on this plus button and this visual would be added at the back end you see once I once I again right click and click on analyze explain the degrees yeah so I think that is added already you see this visually sad it let me just resize it properly yeah that's a visual now I said after 15 days you have to add this visual why did I see that if you give them immediately then what is the use of your company so what is the use in the company for you so make sure that once you under is the data and then you can add it so if you observe the upper text is not added a per text which was given written on the top it was not at it it is just kept for you so that you can when you're going for a presentation you can display that so I'll just right click here select the option analyze and explain the decrease and here if you observe this particular text which I want to say it's not displaying okay this one so I can just click on Add button do not give them easily otherwise difficult to survive in the market and I can just scroll and you can see that's a visual here okay very very simple visual which is created now this kind of animation this kind of artificial integers is only present in power bi right so I hope you have understood how to work on AI in power bi that's all for this video
Channel: Tutorials Point (India) Ltd.
Views: 61,990
Rating: 4.949367 out of 5
Keywords: Mastering Microsoft Power BI - Artificial Intelligence in Business Intelligence AI in BI
Id: P70931xnLVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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