Mastering Generic Scan Data 12 20 2023

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get afternoon everyone welcome to the Dorman lunch and learn mastering the generic scan data my name is G Trula I'll be your instructor again you're going to get sick of me after a while anyway we're going to use the scan tool and scan data to diagnose vehicle problems we have some examples we're going to switch on to this particular tool it's an Inova tool um we're not going to use all the functions in it just want to show you real quick how it goes in there and then we're going to go switch to the launch scan tool CU we just going to look at generic data we're not going to go into Subaru specific and you're going to see why why would I do that and you know it's that time of year I could give you guys t-shirts and hats if you answer some questions right like why would I go into OBD2 generic Global why would I do that and not want to go into Subaru on this 2021 is it or what is this oh excuse me 2013 subar okay so if you answer that question right let me see what those answers are over there because I'm blind as a bat uh no sub substitutes I like that all right spirro throw in your doohickey your email what do we give them we'll give him a t-shirt okay so spirro threw that in there first no substitutes now what do we mean by substitutes well if the vehicle ain't running right in regular enhanced mode meaning in this case Subaru or Toyota or GM or Chrysler whatever they could substitute of value so that is a very important part to know that you want the real deal also if you're a on a foreign vehicle European Vehicle are you going to see the important thing called fuel trim the answer is going to be probably not you would see something called adapations and you may not understand what that is it's basically fuel trim right so it's easier if you go into generic to utilize that info so one of the big things that you want to look at and here's a screenshot off a Snap-On scan tool is the monitor status you have the monitors that are continuous misfire Fuel and comprehensive component they're ready all the time every time they're ready now what is you've done misfires right what's a misfire well that could be caused by by mechanical it could be caused by spark it could be caused by Fuel it could be caused by something like EGR right those are all the things that could cause a misfire and of course you could have a flux plate that's broken and a crank sensor is picking up a floppy uh crank sensor type signal fuel you know what fuel is well that could be the fuel delivery the injectors the fuel trim All That that stuff right but I have a question what in the world is comprehensive component have you changed a comprehensive component you call the pot store up and say hey Bob I need a comprehensive component what is comprehensive component let's see if you got some of those answers there now dorine just posted the handout again comprehensive component all included what what do you mean all included come on comprehensive component what is it you know the non-continuous monitors as you see here I have oxygen sensor and any oxygen sensor heater compon but what's all monitor components no one's no one's giving me answers give me some components writing ECM TCM BCM okay so is that Cal so MAF crank sensor good so I want you to write this down and this is important every single sensor on the car that is not like a non-continuous am oxygen sensor oxygen sensor heater evap every single component so you know those transmission solenoids the math sensor as he put there the map sensor anything that is not there is thrown into the CCM M now even your thermostat if you don't have a thermostat monitor that's in there so always understand what that does and what to look for now I got another question for you how many times you've gotten a code that it says let's say map sensor circuit voltage High what Would voltage high mean map set a circuit voltage High don't change the map sensor it's not a map sensor problem it's telling you it's a circuit issue but what's that mean first person to throw that in there I'm going to be looking open open and open open good open first guy with the open is a [Music] Joe Ace Acer okay so Ace Acer probably a fake name throw your email in there Ace and you could get yourself a t-shirt or a hat okay so yeah that would be open and where would the voltage be high How about if it says circuit voltage low that would be the opposite of an open it would be a short right and a voltage would be very very low the other thing is every OBD2 car from 1996 and up has to have at least three monitors non-continuous three non-continuous monitors that has to be the O2 heater the O2 sensor and the Catalyst that was the difference between OBD1 which started in 1988 OBD 1980 when we started getting data in 88 they didn't check before the cat and after the cat so that's why you have O2 heater O2 sensor and the Catalyst monitor to check that and of course the more they added on vehicles with Evac app secondary air you know on some vehicles um you would have VVT on newer type Vehicles EGR all that type of stuff so when you look at it you want to see and here there's a VVT these are complete the catalyst is not complete why is this so important to give this screenshot to a customer we gave this screenshot to our customer and why would I do that the reason why I would do that is we don't want them coming back with a P0420 we're going to tell them hey your Catalyst monitor is not ready you know that evap that's not ready you may get a 440 or some sort of code for evap if you don't warn your customer they're not going to be happy when that light comes on you know do you suck light check engine light customer comes in they see the light on they have you diagnose the vehicle you told them you found XYZ problem on it you put a new component in you test it it's all good but if you don't run all the monitors you're going to have a problem that make sense you have to get all the monitors ready couple of ways to do that what we do here like this Subaru we had run all these monitors and it has a lot of miles on that vehicle we before giving it back to the customer we made sure every monitor was ready it took a couple of days of course evap is always a pain in the neck you got to wait make it get cold and all that junk but when we gave it to them no check engine light was on obviously he drove it for a few weeks and you're going to see what code is in there okay that's why the vehicle is back but at least you can say when you gave the customer the vehicle everything you did to repair that car was good why because the monitor status shows that and this is why you want to save these screenshots look at the next one here this is off ecan so those were snap on and what do you see here you got all of these good uh oh Catalyst monitor not complete you got EGR evap oxygen sensor heater oxygen sensor and of course continuous monitors are always ready but look at that you don't have the Catalyst now if you don't tell them that the catalyst is not ready you get a 420 you're going to get a cranky customer as we know catalytic converters could be very expensive and it doesn't mean to change the catalytic inverter and please do not put new oxygen sensors or air fuel ratio sensor and an oxy oxygen sensor in the vehicle those are The Messengers The Messengers are telling the vehicle that you have a cat problem you put new ones in it ain't going to clear up the cat problem does that make sense don't put new O2 sensors in the sensors you should go into either mode five that we'll talk about in a second or mode 6 on most of the vehicles and see where you're reading does that make sense to everyone any questions and again I want to remind you as we're going through if you have a question please put it in there right2 F20 will an O2 sensor ever fake a 420 fix fix a 4 no in O2 will never fix a 420 a 420 is the comparison from a front O2 or air fuel versus the rear O2 and by the way many cars like this Subaru couple of tips I'm going to give you Subaru uses two cats one up front usually for KNX with rodium in it some Platinum Palladium but mostly it's called a reduction cat the rear cat or lower cat is going to have platinum and Palladium for HC and Co when replacing a cat with a 420 code you better replace both of them if you only replace Place one it'd be like putting one new shoe on one old shoe right it's going to give you a bite in the butt also when it comes to catalytic converters I want you to be aware of this loaded converters California we got someone on out there from California right you know bar you're automotive repair here in New York we use the same standard up in Maine same exact standard we are not allowed to put on any catalytic converter unless it's carb certified if you have a cat that you put on that is not what they call a loaded cat a loaded cat means it has more precious metal if you put on the cheapest thing the you suck lights going to come back on and you will have a p 0 420430 again both Banks 430 right Bank two 430 Bank One 420 so put in a good cat and here I could tell you you know being a shop owner for years I am so glad we went with that California standard you know why people would call a cat uh um a pot store up and say hey I need a catle converter all right it's $300 then they call you back and go you wanted 800 bucks for that cat you're ripping me off they're not comparing Apples to Apples so we don't have that problem anymore whether we ordered it through Nappa A Car Quest or whirl pack or anyone else for that matter they can only sell us a loaded cat Okay so please keep that in mind also another thing with cats do you just put a cat on the car and drive the car and you're done is that it is that the fix you put a new cat in and just drive it what do you need to do when you put a catalytic inverter on a vehicle anyone know I'll give you a t-shirt break it in monit complete break it in how do you break it in you get the bfh out big freaking hammer and beat it in well break it in is sort of right but how do I break it in huh reset trim values well that's always an important thing reset trim follow the cat manufacturing instruction where are they where's the cat manufacturer instructions cycle it driver of the vehicle drive it res F in the Box they in the Box I don't know I've never seen it in the Box service manual ah okay service manual may have it but the converter companies now I only know this I've never seen it in the Box I'll be honest with you there is a sheet for you to fill out one goes to the customer one goes on the old cat got to keep the cat for a certain amount of time 14 days you one goes with the consumer and one you're supposed to mail in heartt if I read the freaking info right but I'm going to give you the short answer for it you need to warm it up there's matting in a catalytic inverter and if that matting is not heated up correctly and you go out and go pedal to the metal you should do a short type of Drive about 15 20 minutes with a very easy throttle not going broom now have anyone come across the BMWs with a substrate rather than being like this turn sideways and then shuts off One Bank of the engine yeah that happens and the reason why that happened the matting inside the catalytic converter was not broken in correctly so please keep that in mind make sure you do that more on that if you're interested we have what we call an engine and emission class there'll be webinars on that and we will have live classes if you're interested Hands-On so good so converter make sure that if you see this tell your customer hey you may get a cat code warn them okay now when we get codes most of the time like this code you got a p138 p02 sensor shorted to voltage so that means the O2 is shorted to voltage you probably want to check that heater circuit okay it could just be a code most a code for that bad component I should say now nine out of 10 times when cars come in you're not going to get a laundry list of codes unless there's some major problems it's going to be a couple of codes two three codes is usually the norm when you get something like this you got a 301 303 35 a 136 141 and a 420 you got a circuit failure tank One Sensor 2 a circuit failure heater so when it says circuit failure do you have power and ground going to those o2s that's a circuit failure misfire don't run in there and right away go oh I need a new coil or a new plug because it's this type of vehicle possibly we all know there are certain coils out there that have problems like a lot of the Ford coils right and if you're on a Nissan on how many of you experienced a problem when you put an aftermarket coil in a Nissan maybe the code didn't go away after that right you need to kind of log all this information and this is all generic we're not getting into fancy stuff this is quick and easy that we're going to show you on a car in a couple of minutes mode six early mode six now the reason why I put this up here and it says early mode six if you look at this list you got Catalyst evap o2s heated O2 and nothing else so this is on a early Nissan before can okay and notice what we have here you see this it says this has an EVAP leak on this thing we wanted a maximum of 127 we got 255 so you got a bad leak right there does that make sense mode six if if you're not familiar with it is the quiz now how many times it fails before it elevates to what we call a pending code a pending code is before a DTC so it may be only the engineer would know this maybe you got to fail mode six I don't know I'm going to make a fake number 20 times after 20 times it gets elevated to a pending code fail three times with a pending code and guess what you got the you suck light on right check engine light will be on so that's how it operates look at one that now is enhanced newer version and you see the little slide bar here go up there's more data and you can see we have a catalyst problem right here so we got Bank One let's look at bank one first you got 0887 the maximum is is 949 and HZ means they're measuring that in frequency you're pretty close to failing are you now you would have to warn the consumer of that vehicle your converter May throw a code now let's look at bank two so that'd be a 420 for Bank One even though it didn't pop it yet Bank two Catalyst you got 1.102 949 it went over the limit now when and someone mentioned this before yeah reset the trim when you're done look at fuel trim that is super important we're going to look at fuel trim on that Outback okay if the fuel trim is high that would cause a 420 but why is it high how does fuel trim even get a command so going to get a command from on this particular car you have an air fuel ratio sensor okay and that air fuel ratio sensor should be a certain voltage at idle if it's not it's going to make a rich mixture just like on an O2 if you had a vacuum leak okay it's going to make a rich mixture so we need to know why that 420 is coming up go ahead when you say high is it in negative or positive trm good so when I say high is negative or positive trim we're talking positive numbers equals the fuel going in negative numbers negate the fuel going in now it doesn't mean it's really happening that's just the command we've done lunch and learns on gas analysis what you see in scan data doesn't necessarily mean it's happening I give you an example let's say we got A plus 20 if you have a bad fuel pump and you can't deliver enough fuel that's probably why you're plus 20 now if you fix it and you didn't and reset the trim if you didn't have a catalytic inverter code before you're going to get it now why because now it has the ability to put the fuel there got to remember what you're seeing in fuel trim is just the command okay and when you look at here this is fuel trim failure resulting in a 420 look at these numbers okay you got okay at the bottom it's not a vacuum leak you got something right in the middle 16 19 22 24 32 both Banks now what you got to see is you see total trim total trim write this down is shortterm and longterm together when they're failing you most likely here have some sort of a sensor issue okay it's not going to be a vacuum leak a vacuum leak would only be high numbers at the bottom here okay not going to be fuel delivery that' be up top it's going to be some sort of load sensor problem it could be a math or a map so all these things came out of this shop on customer cars okay we give them this stuff and explain it to them like you should you don't need to use the ecan other than this makes it easier any of you guys do tuning like with EFI live or HP tuners you could see all the different mapping the mapping makes a difference of where that fuel is going in how many of you look on your scan tool for fuel trim cell number not only the number of fuel trim because you only get two two longterm two short terms fuel trim cell number very very important to know that because if the number's High you could have fuel delivery issu issues up here if the number is low vacuum leak very difficult for you to know if it has a sensor problem you would have to check that separately now here's that result of the mode 6 failure this is you can do this on a regular scan tool so whether it's Snap-on launch Orel topd you name them who cares right you could do this on any tool you're graphing the front the front O2 or air fuel should be going up and down this is an air fuel ratio sensor notice they got little humps in it but look at the rear the rear is dithering up and down what's that tell you the converter is not being efficient and again do not put new O2 sensor in or air fuel it's not going to fix the problem okay here is an air air fuel ratio sensor up front look at that straight line Little Couple of Wiggles and look at the rear the rear O2 and write this down we don't care if the rear O2 is low shouldn't be all the way down at zero low in the middle or up high that's the red line Blue Line we don't care if it's high in the middle near the bottom one thing I highly recommend how many of you heard the rear O2 can control fuel triu if you heard that type the letter H okay the rear O2 can control fuel trim if you don't look at it and do this test broom broom Brom you may not find the problem when you do that the rear O2 should not be a straight line anymore it would need to go up and down does that make sense if it didn't go up and down that's why you're getting high fuel trim numbers and you've already replaced the air fuel ratio sensor not in this presentation but we had a RAV a RAV four in here where they put two air fuel ratio sensors in a car at a different shop okay finally then threw the factory one in there didn't fix the 44% of add INF fuel trim you know what they didn't look at the rear ow2 always go broom broom broom make sure the rear O2 sees it remember the catalyst is going to check the O2 at a steady RPM a steady state so when you go broom broom broom it can't capture all of those exhaust emissions going out the back the Catalyst works on a steady RPM does that make sense to everyone okay so please keep that in mind as well now calculating ve so any of your scan tools another screenshot here without having total calculations we have load calculated load we got RPM we got math we got TP or a v now I want you to look at this what do you notice I'm going to blow this up a little bit what do you notice on this graph so again you take any of your graphing software we don't care what brand it is anything that graphs what do you know now one thing here that I'm going to point out you see that little triangle up there that gives us a reading right here we're not at 20% this is 20% of load okay now don't you see that they're all kind of going up at about the same time you don't want to select more than six pids if you have more than six pids your data rate would be too slow so when you're doing this and again generic is great we use a little launch coita 6 for years and still have it around here somewhere when it's broken screen and close to Broken end but it is a great tool to go take a quick test drive with you're not going to break a laptop or expensive scan tool or worse yet leave it in the damn car okay so you could do this on anything that graphs and right there there's my calculated load at sea level which here in New York we are at you see the little triangle and it says 100% right there we hit 100% right down you'd want to hit at sea level about 90% if you're not not at sea level you're out in Breen Ridge Colorado or somewhere High well then please find out your elevation and there's calculations for that okay now here is an automated test on Ean so it tells us we're roughly about 200 300 feet above sea level New York City we're 40 mil north of the World Trade Center so obviously there they're at sea level the water is right there right so here were a little higher the temperature of the day the engine size and it would calculate where you should be so here it says theoretical airf flow calculation it should hit the red number one we know it's bad it didn't hit the red right everyone agree with that now again you could do this just like I showed you on any scan tool that graphs looking like that okay one thing you're not seeing here excuse me you're not seeing bot Simpson's hair do what is the problem when you see that what is the problem when I see that or you see that that's telling me something right away that I have an issue okay anyone High exhaust back pressure M good high exhaust back pressure who is that write your your email in there Marlin Marlin very very good back pressure is oh Marin when you just in my class this past weekend you remember good man okay he was in the lb scope class I believe anyway that is exactly what you're seeing is the frequency the amount of time the bot Simpson going up and down here is showing you got a clog in the exhaust system pretty damn simple and I'm not taking out an air fuel or oxygen sensor to do it I'm checking it right right from my scant going to make life easy cuz I'm lazy now let's look at this Chevy Cruise real quick cuz we want to make sure we got time to get on the car we got a supercharger p0299 low boost we got a P0304 we look at the freeze frame the load was 30% it was 185° long-term fuel trim 9% now right there throw a flag 9% is quite a bit okay so if you go all the way down you can look at the oxygen sensor voltage 745 uh Bank One Sensor One the rear is at 900 so that means this thing is running rich okay now one of the things you want to do without getting into the whole what was wrong with this car is you want to start here and this is called a relative compression test okay relative compression if you have the Ford IDs or the Toyota Tech stream both of those Factory tools do it this scan tool does it it could be a Porsche it could be a Toyota it could be a Chevy it could be any car and basically it's doing this by voltage drop so if you look up here this is the battery voltage and every time the Pistons go up and down you can see what's going on here it calculates it and makes a bar graph if we had a bad cylinder we may be real low okay now doesn't let you know what cylinder it is because it doesn't know the fire in order but this is when Vehicles come in here we do this on every car because if my roof was sagging and I put a new roof on well if I have bad walls or a bad Foundation is that roof going to Sag again sure it is so you want to make sure the foundation's good on this car we made sure the engine including the battery and how do I know the battery was good the battery did not go under 10.1 we're at 11.2 volts that's a good battery today's cars don't go under 101 or you got a problem so that's checking the basics here on this now here's a 2019 Honda Santa Fe with a fuel trim issue now you see these numbers are crazy from the bottom to the top but what do you notice about these numbers let me blow that up for a second what do you notice is this we got a total trim problem as you can see here right total trim both Banks but what do you notice about these numbers are they positive numbers are they numbers to add fuel no their numbers to take fuel away now now what do you think the problem could be give me some things there's more than one answer what do you think the problems could be okay bad injector no all oil injectors being bad that'd be a problem bad fuel pump no Pur valve okay mass air is a possibility very good good exhaust restriction excellent excellent you guys type your your names in there remember it is the holiday season so I'm extra generous I emails the way yeah you guys that I told you type in your emails put it in there because we don't know who the hell you are without it so you should be looking at the problems that we stated there it could be a mass airflow sensor it could be a clogged exhaust it also could be and write this down do you have E85 in your area is this Hyundai E85 no there are E85 cars out there but if you have too high of an alcohol content you're done and it'll give you stuff like this okay so that is an issue now let's show you how of the data actually came up look at the mass airflow sensor now remember 300 ft above sea level this day it is 77° when we did it we should be calculating at the red we are above the calculations with the yellow the yellow is the actual so we do have a problem there with the mass airflow sensor but are we done well not yet let's look at other data there's after we fix the car to show you the difference right you can see yellow and red right up there they're good but let's take a look at the air fuel ratio sensor and checking cat codes because remember someone I don't remember your name but someone said it could be the exhaust system clogged exhaust well right you are and when you test for a catalytic inverter being clogged you're going to do it at 3 RPM so please write this down we're going to do it at idle and notice we get a passing the front O2 is yellow or air fuel I should say the air fuel these use air fuels the rear O2 is not dithering meaning not going up and down now we race it up to 1,800 to 2,000 front is still air fuel still good the rear what's going on here you see how it's starting to move doesn't fail yet it's not totally dithering we do the third test okay and you can see the frequency is more pronounced this is starting to pick it up as a failure and that cat was bad now many times the rear is going to give you bad humps as we've seen before this software and again always do it at three RPMs at idle 18 to 2,000 28 to 3000 if it fails any of the three you're going to get a P0420 on that vehicle and it doesn't have Bank two so you can't get 430 any questions on that and look when we're done we showed the customer look at look at our fuel trim chart they're all positive numbers okay well we got a couple of negatives there but nothing bad we're in green really well and by the way that was before resetting adaptive fuel trim you got a reset adaptive fuel trim let's take a look quickly at this mustang before we get on the car this mustang had a fuel trim total trim problem we could see that we're pretty high numbers of adding fuel I think that says 30 something let's see the blind man here yeah 35 19 20 so we got a problem right there with a lot of fuel that wants to be added to the system now you just don't go off one test you do multiple things to see what the problem would be do we pass the V the yellow should meet the red well not exactly right this may have a dirty mass air flow sensor and guys and gals make sure you put a quality air filter in not some piece of junk because the fibers will break off that filter and get on that hot wire and you'll have a problem remember Ford does not use like Audi or BMW uh and some other manufacturers that don't use a hot wire they use a solid piece okay how about our fuel trim well not that bad nothing crazy okay that's good fuel trim on it after we fixed it right so there's the before mass air flow sensor being cleaned and there's the fix now we're going to go to the car and we're going to go to to this scan tool here first this thing is a little tool just hold it up real quick from Anova and I did not register the tool yet so it can't do all the things that uh you'll you'll see that I could put there but I could easily get in generic OBD2 and when I did I went on a to OBD2 Diagnostics the first thing up top I checked the Readiness state it tells me right away I got a P0420 in this car we're going to start it up in a minute okay we have the monitor status remember I told you before we let this car out all monitors are complete there was none that were not ready the DTC is C was by probably a lot of carbon buildup I mean a vehicle has 10 55,000 miles on it it had a bad engine on it we replaced the motor probably I don't know three four weeks ago and the cats have an issue and by the way write this down too we've had multiple newer ones Subarus that is about 2 I think 20 and and up where the front cat grenades breaks apart and actually breaks the second cat I actually lost my back pressure gauge in it what I mean by lost it clogged it up powder came out of this thing from the front cats breaking apart they are under an extended warranty here we have uh 10 years 100,000 M warrant warranty they extended it past that I think to 150 so check the TSB and check with the dealer now this thing here on this tool real quick you could do you could do recalls but notice I'm not logged in uh I will do a tool review on this in a different type of video not on a lunch learn or maybe on a lunch learn and show you what some tools can do and do a few of them uh so that's pretty neat schedule maintenance and again these are things you probably and I'm not sure of this fact you probably have to pay some sort of fee that turns different things on in the tool which is okay and then you have predicted failures so they use a database in here to do that okay so it's a pretty nice tool overall you know if you go to the home screen you have generic OBD2 that we were in you have OEM Diagnostics you have Workshop Tools that are going to be you know those support things I just showed you you have some sort of tech support and they got a digital multi meter that goes with it now let's go to the launch Tool and on the launch Tool well we already seen the our monitors already I'm not going to show you that for the sake of time but we got data here in generic OBD2 we have that absolute throttle it's nice that it kind of uh shows us the data and you could graph the data if you'd like and if I step on that throttle we should see something and you see the little hump there right so graphing is always good because you can see what happens your eye doesn't always catch numbers okay Rick says reates oh okay so Rick who's ever I'm not sure if he works for the company I I did not uh contact him in All fairness that's why we're going to do it at some other time um if you just have to register pretty damn good we've had some other tools I used in a webinar that actually did have a fee it gave you all the generic stuff and if you wanted I think ABS transmission and something else it was like a 30 Buck fee so these guys may or may not check with Anova again look uh for a future webinar on certain tool tools and the reason why I do this to show you a certain tool maybe you can't afford an expensive scan tool but some of these little ones are doing a pretty damn good job to help you maybe around take this thing down a road for a test drive in your shop have another scan tool with different information on it or perhaps you're a tech and you want to do a few side jobs so whatever okay so there's the accelerator pedal stuff there now grams of air this is roughly a couple of liter motor you want one gram per liter at idle the air temperature is 57° fahr barometric pressure 15 so yeah we should be about 14 something we just had a hell of a lot of rain uh calculated load is zero should be zero the motor is not running uh catalytic converted temperature 140° uh it doesn't really know that that is a value based off the oxygen sensor it knows all these things here if it has EGR command you can see I got a battery maintainer we're using the associated battery maintainer because if you just leave the key on with a scan tool plugged in you're going to suck the battery down and have a problem so if you're going to be doing something for an extended period of time just like with doing here with a webinar you don't want it on there for an hour where you're going to have a problem so distance traveled before dtc's were cleared well this had a bunch of dtc's so 76 miles okay so that's when it had stuff with the old motor in it the thing was wiped and wouldn't run anymore uh coolant temperature 57 so coolant in air and does feels a lot hotter in here than 57° but the coolant temperature is a little different where was that air temperature let we see air ambient 57 that's probably under the hood the car is still cold a relatively cold day up here today in the 30s um they should be within 10 degrees of each other except if a manufacturer tells you like sometimes on Toyota they'll tell you 7 to 13° on a coal motor that's one way to tell that your senses are good and you all know if I unplug it especially in generic OBD2 I should see minus 40 if I jumped the sensor that I unplugged I should roughly see high 200 300° uh Fahrenheit Lambda Bank One Sensor One it say says it's at 1 it's not running yet we're going to see where that's at anyone know what the Subaru voltage is and I don't think they give you that in generic on the tool here what should the voltage of the air fuel ratio sensor be on a Subaru hot good running motor okay we're in open loop there's only one fuel system status the air fuel ratio command is 0 98 now that is 98° uh under the radiant heat we have here making the car hot uh it's not 98 in here but the uh the metal is heating up that'd be right we have fuel trim it says 20.3 and they give you a range ofus 25 to 25 a lot of that when you're starting up up the engine you're going to have a high number indicated we're going to see what happens to these numbers and there's OBD2 compliant oxygen sensor current Bank One sensor one we don't see anything oxygen sensor Bank One Sensor One 2.2 that's voltage or already did give you the voltage ah we're going to look at that pit is that good voltage they tell you from 0 to 5 that's absolutely not 100% correct that's the range it can go doesn't mean that's a good reading does anyone know what a Subaru good running motor did anyone write that in before all right we'll give you that once we start this up there's the throttle short-term fuel trim so you don't have a lot to look at there do you right which is okay so I'm going to start it up let's see what we got here now look at the O2 and it's not really an O2 it is the air fuel ratio sensor write down that a good air fuel should be 2.4 volts on a subar and two people have that very good 2.4 volts who had that Danny and oh Mr Wilson how are you 2.4 yeah 2.4 is correct so excellent Mr Wilson if you want on a T-shirt and the other gentleman is that Donnie or Danny Danny one you guys type it in there you two guys write your email in there so now you can see it's starting to stabilize the RPM's coming down we're on a cold motor let's go back and look at some other stuff you can see the oxygen sens are current changing our manifold pressure is changing timing's moving around look at our Lambda just about perfect one 0991 anything above one is not rich it would be lean and anything below is Rich and our RPM obviously is still up we got our charging system voltage pretty good now the Catalyst temperature 500 plus degrees and they usually work it off an O2 sensor so air flow rate mass air flow I don't know what the hay that's doing oh that's in pounds that's why so pounds per second little different than grams per second look at the load with nothing on the air condition is not on you got a 177% load write that down when you look at Freeze Frame and you see for argument say he it said the load was at 177% well make the car idle and see where the load was maybe the person was on the pedal and got off it when it stored that Freeze Frame take a look or maybe it says it's 50% maybe it's 80% the guy had his foot into the pedal right so here you got res in about 16% I just got to put that exhaust fan on so we don't kill ourselves and let's revisit that O2 sensor or air fuel I should say so there's the engine RPM about 7:30 or so 720 wow long-term fueld trim seems like it is stuck there at 20% now we had a 420 I'm definitely going to look at why that fuel trim is up that high does that make sense that could be our problem throwing this over but what is going to command the fuel trim what are main the main inputs you have the air fuel ratio sensor you got the mass air flow sensor you got a you got a barrow sensor they're all going to calculate that that number is pretty damn High okay there's the current to the sensor going on and off not really pulling a lot of current that would be one of the things I want to check and I could use a very inexpensive amp clamp and see what the current is is the battery maintainer disconnected the battery maintainer is on the off level right now and good question yeah when a car is running we have it still makes noise the associated this older model the newer ones don't but the air fuel ratio Bank One Sensor One You're Reading 21 a little under that 24 number correct what's that indicate sending a rich Command right it's sensing a rich command so we got something going on there where it's actually running rich and probably causing that catalytic inverter to get nice and black and toasty to cause the 420 now there's the oxygen sensor in the rear so the rear is at 835 looks pretty steady but remember to get a p04 20 it's going to monitor this not at short periods at a long period so that is the data and we're coming close to the end here anyone have any questions yeah pretty rich it is pretty damn rich and again the air fuel is showing at 2.4 is really where it should be at we're 21 and you look at it 21 22 at the most I haven't seen 24 yet we're probably pretty much up to operating temperature let's check that coolant temperature engine temperature well not 100% up there 141 we would like it a lot better okay let's see here I got a question or a comment what two data pids are needed to run the ve test well you want calculated load would be a definite one and you could put uh mass air together graph those two and then see if you could hit 90% you should do it at least in a car length if we tried it here with calculated load and graph it I mean it'd be faking it out let me see if I kind of do that is it inic data I'm sorry it inic in generic data yep okay so here's calculated load I'm going to try to make this thing happen by doing a break Rev now you see those humps they went up to 90% if you look at the one right the second hump but again you shouldn't just do that in your Bay you really need to do that you know outside of car length any other questions before we kind of wrap up yes every making model will have most of the data you've seen there some will have more than others you're not on the camera some will have more than others but you basically have that in generic and I highly recommend any drivability any codes go to generic first that's what what we've been doing for years and that's why we got those screenshots we showed you go ahead where do you stand on2 as as a and 100 whoa as a wear item well everything wears out but you know if it's working Bosch made the first O2 sensor they used to say about 30,000 miles they wanted it replaced I've seen cars with over 100 150,000 with the O2 working if it's working nothing nothing to worry about cars have better sto geometry Rich lean and usually when it leans out it kind of burns the carbon off the end of it if you remember the old CCC GM carburetor clicke clickey clickey had a green little plug on the side of the carburetor you used to ground that to clean off the oxygen sensor because it would make a lean mixture it would lock the rods into the Jets okay now we do have if there's other questions I just get through this real quick we have a Hands-On electure class coming up February uh February Friday January 19th the Saturday the 20th and the 21st 8 to 4:30 uh you can go to the website atst right now the dorant website is being redone so after you'll go there and if you want to see a replay of this and get the handout it will be at atts training on the videos on the Dorman lunch and learn let's not forget tomorrow that we basically have sweet own he's going to be doing the heavy duty one on diagnostics okay so we want to thank you for coming out if you have any questions I will answer them to you and your family a very merry Christmas if you celebrated Hanukkah I think it's over already happy Hanukkah happy K Quanza happy New Year happy happy and good health to all us thank you for tuning in and watching I do appreciate it and so does Dorman training so let's see if we have any if this was helpful letter Y it was helpful type in a letter Y if it wasn't helpful you didn't like it type a letter N in okay thank you so much let's see what we got I can
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Length: 61min 20sec (3680 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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