Mastering Aperture and Shutter Speed in Long Exposure Photography

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even when I am in my studio it always feels really good to hold your camera that's me today's video is dedicated to how to master aperture and shutter speed in long exposure photography follow this video because I'm going to tell you everything I know in order to achieve the best exposure possible in long exposure photography welcome to my channel here we talk about photography and I make videos just like this one where I share some tips and techniques to take better pictures so if you're here for the first time it might be a good idea to subscribe since I made my long exposure tutorial that if you didn't see yet you will find it right here I received a lot of questions about exposure and shutter speed manual mode aperture priority what am i using and I understand because it might sound a little complicated I mentioned that I use aperture priority but then I switch into manual mode let me explain why let's start with the aperture I'm sure that most of you saw my landscape photography camera settings video in that video I explained why I prefer to use aperture priority but going quickly through this concept again I mainly want to accomplish two things I want to have the maximum sharpness possible and I also want to have a very wide depth of field basically most of my images I want to try to have most of the scene if not all of my scene in focus and f/8 or f/11 are aperture that with my lenses will achieve those results and for any lens that is on the market the maximum sharpness will be always in the middle of your aperture range so once I select my aperture I will take a test shot before putting any neutral density filter in front of my lens at that point I will check my histogram and this is very important because as I mentioned in last week videos it is important to make sure that your exposure will be positioned as much as possible to the right of your histogram of course without clipping the reason why is that when we are going to retrieve details from the shadows we will have better results and we will not bring up any noise while doing this so if I increase my shadows I will avoid to get a very noisy image while if my exposure on the histogram will be positioned all the way to the left it will mean that possibly this image is slightly underexposed and I will be correcting these by increasing the shutter speed so at this point switch to manual mode keep the same aperture and increase the shutter speed until my histogram will move to the right as much as I wish and now that my histogram looks good is in the right position I will make sure to focus and then I can put my filters in front of my lens talking about ND filters means that we are going to talk about shutter speed basically the neutral density filter is what will let you control the shutter speed at this point meaning that you can decide to go for a very very long exposure with a very very long shutter speed using a super black 15 stops or 10 stops or a 6 stops or a 3 stops and you can see that on the 3 stops you can basically see through on a 15 stops business black you don't see anything so of course huge difference and huge difference in results then is really up to you in deciding what kind of effect you would like to achieve and people told me but Attilio these filters cost a lot of money which one should I buy and I agree these filters cost a lot of money the ones I'm using here they are all glass I will put some link in the description below so you know what I used but at the same time if you have to pick your first filter I would recommend to start with the 10 stop filter and this is also how I started of course I didn't buy all my filters at the same time I started with one and I started with the big stopper from Lee filter and I also bought a graduated ND filter this is a three stops soft edge that helped me in decreasing the dynamic range in a photo and it often happens at sunrise or sunset that the sky is much brighter than the foreground this helps me to balance the exposure a lot I have to say the combination of the graduated ND filter and the ten stops is possibly what I use 80% of the time we were saying how the filters will actually help you to control the shutter speed and the only thing that you will need is to have an ND calculator application on your phone I will link a few in the description but with practice and experience I guarantee you that you will be able to set your shutter speed without even looking at the app anymore but one recommendation that I want to give you is that at sunrise and at sunset most of the time I don't follow what the app is telling me and I tell you why especially in a very long exposure the light changes very quickly in those moments and at sunrise of course the scene is becoming brighter and brighter so if the application is telling me five minutes maybe I take one minute out and will be four minutes because I know that my scene is becoming brighter and brighter so I don't need such a long exposure vice versa at sunset because the scene is becoming darker and darker even if the application is telling me five minutes I may go for six or seven minutes especially if I want to make sure that my exposure is positioning to the right of my histogram so decrease the shutter speed at sunrise increase the shutter speed at sunset I hope this video without the waves in the back the noise wind relaxed and calm in the studio will clarify all the questions that I received regarding aperture and shutter speed for long exposure photography if you have other questions please write me a comment below if you like this video click on the like button if you're not subscribed yet I think you should but in any case thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Attilio Ruffo
Views: 166,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: long exposure photography, long exposure photography tutorial, long exposure photography youtube video, long exposure photography for beginners, how to take long exposure photos, why taking long exposure photos, long exposure photography with nd filters, which tripod for long exposure photography, long exposure tips, aperure and shutter speed in long exposure photography, how to master exposure in photography, using nd filters, aperture priority, shutter speed in long exposure
Id: jjpmQkA090I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
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