FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHY - Long Exposures! (2020)

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so you want to get that fine art look into your photography here's how play tape [Music] so one of the easiest ways to achieve that fine art photography vibe is by using one of these a neutral density filter or nd filter so in a nutshell an nd filter reduces or modifies the amount of light and color wavelength without changing the hue of colour rendition so what does this mean in real world photography terms you can slow the shutter speed down by the amount of stops that the nd filter is graded by in this case by 3 stops and this case by 10 stops really dark meaning you can get really creative with your images check it out so on a recent trip to the highlands in scotland i found these rock pools in the black mountain region of glen cove on a windy day achieving that glassy water look that you associate with fine art photography would be near impossible without some kind of nd filter on the lens and a stable tripod to keep the camera absolutely still during the exposure okay team so my setup for this shot i'm going to be taking two exposures the first with a 10 stop nd filter on the front and that's going to slow my shutter down to about 20 seconds which will make this water here really nice and smooth and silky and my second image i'm going to be taking at 125th of a second both images at f13 and then i'll merge them in post afterwards beautiful so the reason i'm taking a second exposure without the nd filter is firstly to show you a comparison between the two images and secondly because the trees in the background will have a lot of motion blur on a long exposure which we don't want so i'll probably exposure blend the trees into the final composite so this is the short exposure at 125th of a second it's a fairly okay composition but the water is quite ripply and a bit distracting this is the 22nd nd filter image a much more pleasing and dreamy result with better separation on the foreground rocks and good depth as well [Music] another location on this trip that caught my eye was an inlet of small fishing boats [Music] this fishing boat was keeled over because of the low tide therefore the boat was stable in the water while the other boats flanking it were gently moving around taking the first exposure at 50th of a second and f14 iso 100 a nice enough composition again as the water was quite still that day anyway however putting a 10 stop nd filter on the lens i can bring the shutter down to 15 seconds now look what it does to the boats in the background the main boats stay still while the water and surrounding objects have this almost painterly impressionistic vibe that puts it firmly in the fine art category [Music] look at this place this is the glencoe lock and trail and this is one of the most beautiful locks i've seen ever since i got here the light is just perfect now as well it's just hitting these trees in the background and these two islands that sat right here it's a stunning scene so i'm going to do probably two or three exposure and using an nd filter just so i can slow the shutter down and make this even more glassy than it already is but it's perfect what a what a place [Music] 1.3 seconds f-16 iso 50 and a two second timer [Music] so look being a big fan of these nd filters that i am you don't always need to use them to achieve that fine art look using an incredibly sharp 14 millimeter manual focus lens stopped down to f 22 i'm able to achieve a sixth of a second exposure iso 50 a sweet spot for fast flowing waterfalls [Music] so those are just a couple of ways that you can bring some artistic flair into your photography and take a snapshot and turn it into a portfolio print so just a quick one if you liked some of the places in this video i've got a full length short film about my 10 day road trip through the scottish highlands it's my last video and it's a good one so it's well worth watching i'll pop a link up here give us a thumbs up if you liked the video subscribe if you're fancy that'll be cool and i'll catch you on the flip side i don't know what that was all about here are some other images from my scotland road trip [Music] you
Channel: Mark McGee Photos
Views: 182,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fine art, fine art photography, photography tutorial, abstract art, art prints, art pictures, long exposures, landscape photography, photography galleries, fine-art photography, ND filters
Id: lfhJk_d1oS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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