MasterChef Season US 4 Episode 20

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last time on MasterChef Christie took control of the competition which quickly turns foul she targeted Luca Jordan during big trouble and Natasha Dominic grippy in a bull's-eye - that's disgusting as Jordan please say goodbye came the latest casualty in the MasterChef kitchen I wanted to do my mom proud and I think I did my mom proud tonight a team challenge elevates the contestants to new heights welcome to the top of Los Angeles at one of the country's finest restaurants but it isn't long before the mill towns begin start again the whole round got a show Kuzco table and a pressure test it's time to take your apron off sends home another top contender the final six home cooks are in downtown Los Angeles where their culinary skills will be put to the ultimate test in tonight's team challenge in a movie the three judges coming out from the helicopter all the wind whatever happening today is a huge deal welcome everybody to the top of Los Angeles all right guys top six I see five where's Chrissy she's on the roof but she couldn't make it affair she's boss she's terrified of heights sure I'm deathly afraid of heights and I realized how high up I am I'm like I'm gonna pass out up here and I'm probably gonna die well MasterChef waits for nobody as you can probably guess we didn't just bring you here for the view directly beneath our feet sits WP 24 it's a stunning fine-dining restaurant where the rain modern take on Chinese cuisine that's where you're going to face one of the most grueling challenges we do in this entire competition the restaurant takeover Natacha and Brie since you had the winning dishes from the last challenge you will be the captains at this team challenge please step forward the last challenge that Bree and I went up against each other's team captains I want so hopefully I can keep that streak running Natasha since you had the best dish you get to pick first I need a co-captain and Jesse puts out beautiful plates and she's got finesse Oh Jesse Wow I obviously want to be on etosha seeing him didn't work out so well Bri be in the captain last time can't trust a vegetarian because she can't eat the food it's being sent out Bri captain of the blue team we still have Krissi downstairs don't forget about Krissi James and Luca and she's in this person because I know they'll be comfortable with the cuisine we're working with today James Wow good choice Natasha this next pic you're picking for both teams so you have a big advantage there that would like someone who has been around the restaurant business before and still in it so Luca to be my pick so that means by default Krissi is in the blue team Krissi has a record of zero wins and team challenges which is impressive in the worst way possible are you guys ready let's get it on Krissi yeah okay we missed you up there let's let's head back down I didn't know you're scared of might introduce you to a very special man Executive Chef John leg like that so John is gonna give you the most amazing demonstration and then you are gonna replicate those dishes are you ready let's head over to the walk our home cooks will now have to learn the four top-selling signature dishes of WP 24 appetizers steamed scallops shrimp shumai and crisp lettuce cups with tempura sweet Maine lobster along with entrees Singapore style chili prawns and stir-fried Wagyu beef with a chili garlic and sweet bean sauce this is gonna be for this you mine soy sauce Xiao Qiang stock slurry salt sugar get it going there's all in your egg let the egg cook all the way through go in your crab I got a cook four-star Chinese food and I hate Asian food and I've never cooked it before the scallop on top there you go and start pinching around and then put the whole plate just right in to see more like that seven minutes in a steamer based on feedback from the diners and performance in the kitchen the judges will decide the winning team the losing team will face the dreaded pressure test little bit of cilantro starts on entrees please chilly climate in earphones everything that is being produced tonight is being produced on a wall and getting the technique down of working on a walk that takes years of practice you can't overcook your shrimp stop going slow so I can show you guys ideally you want to go faster that man is a magician I didn't even know you could cook that fast and it look about good there's that one more stir-fried beef give a Chinese flat charts budding charts snap peas snow peas there's like 37 ingredient quick start to finish two and a half minutes and I was taking my time ton of info to taken at once it's gonna be intense okay guys each team will have to serve 22 regular customers of this fantastic restaurant and there's one more very important part of this challenge I will be expediting there's no way no that I am leaving that to any of you Chef Ramsay is going to be expediting which already freaks me out I just hope we don't lose our focus on the screaming minute one hour of prep and you've got two hours of dinner service are you ready your time starts now the home cooks must get organized quickly to prep for these highly complex dishes for the appetizers captain natasha has assigned Jessie to the lobster lettuce cups and Luca to the scallop shrimp shumai while she will handle all the final plating so for both the appetizers and the entrees I'm gonna be on the end at plating finishing all the garnishes like captain Natasha captain Bri will be overseeing the final dishes and has assigned Krissi to the lobster lettuce cups and James to the shumai this is a nightmare scenario I've got a vegetarian and a girl who won't eat Asian food how the hell am I supposed to prepare modern Asian cuisine with those two where you gotta cut a little faster than that honey this is as hard as it gets they're gonna cook Asian food in walks I wouldn't know how to cook in a wok and don't forget it's three verse three and this isn't like the wedding where it was double that amount this is really small kitchen crew team effort is crucial the timing is paramount they have to taste what they cooking and be quick as night falls WP 24 is open for business and the pressure is on for our home cooks just under 10 minutes until our first tables sit down in order yes let's go guys you know the prep part was pretty easy but steaming these guys and having a sauce ready for them right away is not the easy part all right James here we go baby first table booty check on the table 51 to my one lobster thank you okay Red Team two couple 752 mobster that's the wrong fork yes it is this should be close oh wow now it's on for Christie steam is throw down on the sellers but time in seven minutes time what's gonna happen to them they're gonna get soggy blanket okay again lovely very nice so is please pick up service please red team 33 when I think about how hectic you can be in the MasterChef kitchen now that I'm in in a real kitchen this is crazy this is insane to see my two nuts the blue team yes nice nice nice nice we're soaring Chris he's moving quickly brie is garnishing dressing and calling out orders like a madwoman one stream I won lobster followed by one two by three lobster she Minds coming off my station perfectly that's brilliant Christy while the blue team is rapidly sending out their appetizers the red team is falling behind as Lucca is struggling with the steaming of the shumai we're dragging on the appetizer we need to pick up the speed come on Luca I have no idea what's going on this supposed to be put the dumplings in the steamer the steamer cooks them for you I have no idea what I'm doing Luca yes yes come on guys in the dining room things are about to go from bad to worse for the red team as Joe is summoned by a very angry customer oh my god guys red team these things red team come here what is that nothing brah what is going on we need to turn it up and why they were there for seven minutes this is sting arab-israeli Wars at the bottom yes just put it in you put in cold water hot water that deagol was for so you put cold water if you put cold water this theme or what happens it's gonna bring down the temperature there you go guys this is a disaster at this point I'm just wondering how are we gonna come up our top six home cooks have taken over the upscale modern Asian restaurant WP 24 tonight's diners have a choice of two appetizers scalloped shrimp shumai or crispy lobster rolls the blue team is off to a great start what do you think so far while the red team continues to have problems with Lucas shumai it's embarrassing that we've been putting these plates out but I'm not willing to give up and I know that we can fix this red team captain Natasha decides it's time to take over from Luca on the shumai appetizer nice the winner of this challenge will be decided by the judges based on team performance in the kitchen and feedback from the customers nice routine really well done the appetizers do that free entrees is a home run table 43 by renting that was a bad start we can pull it back to the old okay we really messed up the appetizer so right now we just need to keep on going and make sure that the main course will be perfect ah no the red team three baseball pros yes good for the entrees red team captain Natasha will continue to plate and has assigned Luca to the Wagyu beef stir-fry and Jesse to the singapore-style prawns for base control on the blue team captain Bri will plate and has assigned James to the beef and Krissi to the prawns I'm looking at the notes that I have taken but I'm like oh my god I'm like I'm lost I can't remember what the plates supposed to look like right here it doesn't look right to me and I'm like I don't know what I did wrong Chrissy is handling that walk with the finesse of 27 drunk Bulls in a very very small china shop no it's not okay no it's not c'mon kristie okay come in the shrimp are cold and the shrimp are raw you can see they're raw right yes yes done again yes the whole round got a chef the whole round while the blue team struggles with their entrees the red team has finally started to find their groove and dishes are flying out of the kitchen service for entrees was just flying by we have plates going left right left right just and Luca are totally rockin those locks come on guys come on the spiciness was exactly what I was looking for it actually allowed my expectation while the red team is finally seeing some success the blue team is falling even further behind come on bring it back Krissi what's wrong I don't know what I'm doing I am literally ruining everything for this team and I'm not doing it on purpose while the blue team struggles in the kitchen Joe is busy fielding angry complaints from the diners and I apologize I know it doesn't help and I know it's late I know you've been waiting a long time I'm gonna go back and check on them again when they do apologize Christy I got some blue team tables who are ready to walk they've been waiting an hour and a half for entrees I'm disgusted with the performance of our team right now I don't know what to do I can't do the job of leader and do the job with the line cook at the same time where he needs to step in and save this great blue team customers I stopped out during the walkout ok nothing coming out dinner service is in full swing at that prestigious WP 24 restaurant in downtown LA while the red team is quickly getting entrees out to diners the blue team is at a standstill as Crissy struggles with the Singapore style chili prawns Janet I'm cousins complaining you have customers that are leaving guys walking out this is the complete opposite of how it was going with the appetizers the appetizers were absolutely perfect and the entree round is a disaster I'm literally broken at this point and I don't know what else to do it is complete relief to see Graham step in so get it hot and then start working in treatment sweet rolls hello I got two minutes as being as I'm feeling there's people out in that dining room that want their food and I've got to suck it up come on Christie fight back with grams health the blue team is finally getting entrees out to the customers and Joe checks in to see how they rate the dishes so sir what did you think of the red team's entrees well I had the chili prawns know where we're catching up we're catching up yes we are I've eaten at a bunch of different high quality Asian restaurants around the country and this one by far right up there guys putting up the last play it's amazing we did a good job yeah I'm extremely proud of my team because we were able to work together and overcome the fact that we didn't have such a good start don't you watch the team for the on-site great job blue team red team and finished two beats to Chrome Christy yes I definitely have a much bigger appreciation for anybody who cooks at this level this was intense come on guys that's time for corn come on guys servus 41 42 please yes okay yeah I'm fine Krissi James Bri well done so can me as it slow finish yeah it's about the flavor okay with dinner service completed the diner's complete their comment cards the winner of tonights challenge will be decided by the judges based on this feedback and the team's overall performance in the kitchen the losing team will face a pressure test I was like beating myself up big time like I really was I know it's frustrating like if we really think about it three home cooks with no experience working in a professional kitchen although our food was slower getting out I'm really hoping that the quality of our food is better because I know that the red team had more dishes sent back and maybe they can overlook the fact that the appetizers tonight come out both teams had ups and downs that stupid dumplings over who are all called inside even if we did a great main course service I don't have any excuses to how bad I perform in my appetizers retching bleating seriously all of you should be incredibly proud of what you accomplished tonight you ran the kitchen of one of the best restaurants in this country there's something that I think all of you deserve now we listened to all the dynasty back we watched every dish leave the hot plate we dissected everything you cook and we will decide which team is heading to the dreaded pressure test and that team is Jony to be decided overnight serious thank you today good night the judges are now going to tell us tonight now is the time to relax I think we did an amazing job but tomorrow is another day anybody can go home at this point the final six contestants return to the MasterChef kitchen to find out who won yesterday's restaurant takeover challenge and to discover who will face tonight's dreaded pressure test the last supper table I look at it this way entrees we were ten minutes behind apps they were ten minutes behind at the end I still think we did a good job the only problem was those dumplings dumplings were just like a hiccup I don't want to go in a pressure their suggestion Natasha I don't even want to think about it because there is to be eliminated right now it's too high last night you ran the kitchen of one of the finest restaurants in the entire country you guys each had your ups and downs but overall three of us were extremely proud of what you were able to accomplish but there has to be a winning team and there's always a losing team we watched you cook we spoke to all of the customers and we tasted everything you made one team will head up into the gallery and straight in to the top five of this competition the other team will shortly face one of the most dreaded pressure test so far the winning team and congratulations red team we always tell you it's not how you start it's how you finish and you finish strong head up to the gallery well done I don't want to be in another pressure cast I've been in every pressure test and I'm sick of it well done it switches out so blue team you know what this means one of you will be walking out of those doors when this pressure test is over Bri based on yesterday's performance who out of the three of you including yourself should be safe from elimination looking back into what was done in the kitchen the attitudes of my teammates I would choose myself do you think that you would perform the best yes Chrissy what do you think about that decision she knows that's three fortunately for you you do not have to make such a difficult decision because tonight all three of you will be cooking in the pressure test are you three ready to find out what you have to cook in order to stay in this competition it's one of the most common menu items across America it's a dish that will test your knife skills your prep work your sauce work and especially your frying technique I grew up eating this along with most of America am i a plate of fried calamari with flavorful marinara sauce we want the most perfectly crisp perfectly seasoned calamari we want a marinara sauce that perfectly complements the calamari via calamari yes love it grow up on it all of you I'm gonna have to start with six whole stunning squid you'll have to clean and prepare yourselves head to your stations on your stations you all have identical ingredients six fresh squid AP flour cornmeal breadcrumbs eggs buttermilk tomatoes garlic lemon parsley and seasoning you have to know exactly what you're doing and during the preparation you have to navigate that egg sack very carefully as not to puncture it and spoil that calamari it may look like an easy plate let me tell you this is a very difficult challenge your 45 minutes starts now calamari something that seems super basic but technically difficult to master what makes it so great what are the steps first and foremost important the preparation so you take out that spine at the back you pull out take off the tentacles remove the skin and then fingers in and start removing out all the guts so if you gently grab a quill from the calamari you can remove the whole interior at one shot gets everything out if you start destroying it then you're in trouble right absolutely it's a tough one this one I quite like it once it's been cleaned slice and then into some form of milk or buttermilk to tenderize it in the batter right it also helps to keep that batter on it what would you dredge them in bread I would make a really seasoned flour with maybe some of the Italian seasoning a lot of salt and pepper just get them dusted in that and then you get them into oil that's at about 350 the oil temperature is the single biggest point of Jeopardy in this competition the idea is to fry a little bit at a time so the oil doesn't change temperature too much they never get soggy let him do it Chris and then you can gather together a portion it's very technical you're gonna know this so a marinara is classic extra-virgin olive oil garlic cloves and whole plum tomatoes break them up with my hands tying spices that's it there's the acidity that really juxtaposes the sweetness of the fried calamari I've already achieved one dream and that was becoming top six and now top fives the next so I'm gonna push and make the best possible calamari I can I think that James has a real leg up over the other two I mean that he's done it before it's clean the squid that's a big part of this challenge may be careful woman he's on break she's small she's very clever she thinks a lot so I'm hoping tonight she's showing but I think Krissi she's gonna be able to nail it marinara sauce it's like her favorite thing in the world so she has to find a way to get in the zone get that calamari clean the only problem is she's cooking angry she is pissed I might not be an expert at breaking down squid but the end I'm gonna try please go home yourself like that I love you too whoops please keep it up that's in this pressure test Bri James and Krissi have just 45 minutes to make a perfect portion of fried calamari and marinara sauce from fresh squid they must butcher and clean themselves just under 20 minutes to go right Bri are you confident definitely chef I have to be confident you're a vegetarian and the big question for me is are you tasting is now I taste my flour before I season it so you do eat the flower yes and you don't know taste the squid good what please go home tonight Oh Kristen whatever good luck I want to stay in this competition more than anything I have a fire that no one else has because this is my second chance and I can't let the judges down hi Chrissy you seem like you're frustrated or cooking angry and now you've got these 310 feet above you watching your every move and they want you out there scared of it that's why they want me to leave I've dominated every lucre use for you pressure test yeah no scared little kitty CLO no Latasha who's going home today they all point to you mhm I just may go home and they might get their wish but if I don't they better know that I'm coming for them and I'm coming for them hard I know they only hate me because they fear me but they're too stubborn to admit it because you can kick me you can stop me you can beat me with a bat I'm gonna keep getting up and I'm gonna win this whole competition you've got five minutes to go speed up guys come on she do why would you put lemon in the marinara sauce I thought this challenge was difficult but attainable sure from what I'm seeing now this may have been more difficult than we thought Jameses are completely ready overwhelming how's that sauce lieutenant I'm seasoning that you can't ignore the marinara on this dish absolutely Krissi looks slightly disappointed and she's not cleans gratefully however I like the way that she slice it nice and thinly so she's going for an ultra crisp squid again I don't want to see her in the tub but my big white right now is breathe pan is about to explode and fire that burnt oil is gonna impart a horrible flavor into each piece to the hell you ate - huh they're not cooking inside she's gonna get burned there's gonna be careful 90 seconds to go come on taste everything guys think smartly and do not underestimate the power of your sauce my god 30 seconds to go come on finishing touches season everything five well done please bring your calamari down to the front bench thank you I've struggled with this challenge but you know in the end I came back and turned it around so I'm feeling good Bri it's not with you visually they're very thick those rings I don't know they're cooked I cut one open and tested it did you eat it no chef how do you test it I open it up and see what the consistency was and make sure it looked like it was cooked yours look heavily coated in flour it's all come together we're yeah you haven't dusted them down properly okay normally when you have excess flour no hits the fryer it burns instantly and so you can just you just smell that plate okay smell slightly burnt even though it's not burnt so you've got that sort of perfume burn smell okay I wish you could have tasted them because you would have put less flour on there I want the calamari to be the hero not what you dredge them in thank you Thank You chef all right now one that I just tried was definitely undercooked to take a look and you can see that the breading is fried put this inside is complete squid tartar no thanks okay tell me about your marinara Oh my marinara was ilyich tomatoes a little bit of Italian seasoning and lemon juice why do you put lemon juice in tomato sauce because in this particular dish it was complementing seafood Bri you're a smart girl that's about the stupidest thing I've ever heard tomatoes are inherently so acidic that adding a siddha tea I mean it's just unheard of okay it's too long Krissy so visually I mean to me it looks like a plate of onion rings marinara sauce have you made that just do me as I crushed them up what my hand olive oil garlic red pepper flakes and just some fresh parsley in there how many times did you egg wash this this once you see what I'm saying it's just like this sponge texture how did you cook them um I just I fried them I had the the oil was way too hot so I brought it down a little bit how'd you cool down oil fast at cold oil are you done absolutely not so how do you think that's gonna keep you in the competition because I didn't put lemon juice in my mine are and it's not roll tell me about the marinara I just crushed shot my tomatoes I usually put fresh basil a little Bolivar garlic yeah I put like get three cloves in you know your marinara is garlic eats rich calamari there's sweet it's cooked through the batter is a little like the fried like funnel cake like fried dough on the street fair Krissi could you imagine going home on fried calamari you what are they gonna say they'll probably laugh at me and break my balls forever might not be that funny because you could have just walked away from being very close to women in a quarter of a million dollars yep I'm a little worried about my marinara I kind of forgot about it so I'm hoping they don't notice that but they will change blue so they're all pretty much uniform in size feeling him you can tell right now that they are cooked just the way you want them what about your frying technique I was kind of thinking instead of leaving it in for over a minute if they were sliced thinner and the batter wasn't is super super heavy everything would get done at the same time all right how about the sauce it smells like canned tomato juice you know like on an airplane yeah it tastes like the tin can I thought you were like the sauce guy apparently not it's too bad James visually it's a perfect size it really is the perfect size I love it I love the precision the way your work is so Finley what we done to the sauce it's just garlic crushed red pepper and sea salt with the tomatoes it's got very funny aftertaste know what it is no olive ultimate no outlook no olive oil at all that's man I was all in Marin ah yeah yeah it's got that horrible tasty meat that olive oil yeah and you know I think it's I was expecting better yeah I'm just disappointed way too close to call and you just made it a lot more difficult than it had to be so maybe all three mature garden good nice this is too close to call and you just made it a lot more difficult than it had to be so maybe all three we should go be sometime if I go Mon Calamari I will be the laughingstock of it I brought my credibility is an Italian ruined it's a very difficult challenge this warfare took James was disappointed with I'm surprised with Chrissy Chrissy relieved that Bray as well aren't you scared I've never seen her slightly this petrified I like my lamb very very difficult James please step forward Joe Graham and myself felt that your calamari was the best performance of this evening please take your apron off make your way up the gallery you're now in the top 5 of MasterChef Jameses safe now I'm not even religious but I'm praying to God that Kristy goes home 3 Chrissy one of you will be leaving MasterChef tonight one of you will be entering the top 5 of this competition I lose a vegetarian I will literally go home and give up cookin Bree tonight this calamari pressure test got the better of me you know that hey could you cope with leaving this competition twice probably would never forgive myself for it Chrissy please step forward you have come so far but it's time to take your apron off and head on upstairs for the gallery you are safe Bree you know what this means you are leaving the competition once more I've never known a tenacious vegetarian to cook meat the way you do you're going places let me tell you Gordon wanted to bring you back he was right you have a big heart and I think you have a big future and whatever you want to do you should be very proud because we are follow that dream get yourself into a kitchen come here amazing job look who is gonna win MasterChef small calzones give me James James and if there's any parting advice you could give to Krissi now what would it be be nice please try to be nice coming back into this competition was everything to me please welcome back great I've never been given the second chance before in my life even though I was only here for a short time I learned so much delicious good job you really nailed it well done Bri thank you I will take every single thing I've ever learned from the judges because they are the three greatest teachers I've ever had next time on MasterChef the judges switch places with some very special guests our son as the heirs to the MasterChef throne awesome catch ohina was--ah take charge of the mystery box I do have a boyfriend ah and then it's a showdown for a spot in the Final Four to matter with you I'm an egg trouble and a MasterChef moment you don't want to miss Krissy quantitative data
Channel: Espen Carlsmose
Views: 445,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 53IJB8Y2u5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 53sec (2513 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2013
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