Master These Skills And Become More Powerful In Life | Best motivational Speeches | Wake Up Positive

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the first step towards creating the life you want is taking responsibility for the life you have what does this mean well it's easy to accept the good things the things you're proud of it's easy to move forward under the banner of victory but what about the things that may not be under your control the things that happened unjustly or what about the things you did in your past that you're not proud of see if you're going to own the good you have to own the bad too because you can't change anything you can't alter the reality on the ground until you own it you can't make something better that you have not acknowledged and claimed to be yours see our inclination when we feel like we've been wronged by life is to shake our fists at the sky innately aware of the cosmic Injustice that has occurred and I get it we want to point out that Injustice label it as an adversary maybe even an excuse it feels good in the short term But ultimately it's depriving you of your strength the ultimate advantage which is substituting the word fault for responsibility when you're fixated on the word fault the emphasis is placed on finding the blame it's replaying yesterday's movie the responsibility on the other hand says regardless of how or why this came to fruition it's mine to fix maybe it was brought forth by your doing maybe it wasn't but you'll learn and adjust in the present [Music] that attitude will place you in position to succeed in ways most couldn't even dream of when others project out it leaves you to find the solution where others desert blame it pushes you to begin the process of building again see there's nothing so detrimental as one who feeling slighted by life doesn't start where they are to make the most of what they have feeling so angry and disparaged by the path that brought them to the present moment that they forget it's not the same path that will lead them forward from here this moment is yours and there's a lot packed into that statement it means looking in the mirror accepting the face staring back at you letting go of what you cannot control forgiving yourself and the world around you for what may or may not have happened yesterday look you're here now with all the opportunity in the world everything in front of you the question is will you take it will you leave fault behind so that you can accept responsibility for the greatest gift one can be given the chance to begin again foreign [Music] that just because you spent a long time making a mistake doesn't mean you need to continue making it there's an incredible advantage in life for those who can separate past and future who can recognize sunk costs and walk away walk away from the past move on to new things but here's the challenge right like so many things our instinct is to preserve it's yeah but I've invested so many years I've spent x amount of dollars and maybe I don't like where I'm at but look how long it's taken me to get here well here's the reality that time is gone that money is not coming back no matter what you do or what direction you take from here on out there's no reason to think you have to maintain the same trajectory or hold on to a specific Identity or pattern of behavior yesterday isn't the focal point here the goal is simpler what matters now and how will you get there now grown you've evolved you've changed and your targets have shifted so why shouldn't you the idea of sunk cost is so important because it's essentially realizing that you're not indebted to the resources you've spent or exhausted there's no need to be a slave to previous decisions that you've made no just chalk it up as an integral step in your learning process an aspect of growth and move forward to what matters to what you care about if that seems obvious I challenge you to think about the decisions you've made over the last year and I guarantee you you've let factors affect your decision making that are irrelevant to your goals because we feel this camaraderie with yesterday like there's a debt to be paid but man life is too short to run in place if it's not pushing you forward drop it if it's not what you need forget it in other words don't be one of those people that wakes up and makes the same mistake every single day because you've spent a long time making it see reality only exists in your head and that's why it's beautiful you can unlock the cell door and walk out don't lose sight of the greatest gift you have the new beginning that lives in every second where you can take a turn you've never taken before remove the mask and play a role you've not played let that sense of excitement pull you to new things let go of what you can't change and pursue what you can time spent think of it now where can you invest now your surroundings didn't magically arrive you chose them and you can just as easily take that wheel and leave simple formula what is best for you and how do you get there not where you feel obligated to be or expected to be or pressure to be where do you need to be the everything else is noise everything else is a rope keeping your ship on Shore and you are not confined to that Harbor or yesterday's destination you're built to chase the Horizon follow your curiosity into the sunset you don't make decisions based on yesterday's story sculpt it with tomorrow's possibility [Music] [Music] find a way because first and foremost they're always is one [Music] find a way [Music] because you are more than strong enough anything other than a solution or some semblance of progress means you gave in called it quits threw in the towel and giving in is not who you are [Music] find a way because that discomfort today well it becomes our greatest source of Pride tomorrow the simple decision to carry on or stick it out now is so much more than it appears to be when under duress sure it's easy to turn around but everything [Music] relies on your moving forward into that Darkness find a way because while we may think we want safety and need predictability our souls want Adventure life's meaning is comprised of the mountains climbed in dragons slayed so step out and slay your dragons find a way because then evolved self has to be earned keeping promises to yourself is no small ordeal putting your head on the pillow at night knowing you followed through on who you decided you would be that's power it creates a trajectory towards infinite possibility it points you at the stars [Music] find a way because you must reinforce the fact that the world is Clay to be molded not a checklist it's a game not a chore a gift not an obligation when you find a way and you become the ruler of your own kingdom [Music] look there exists a way a path that's not the question the question is one of effort is there a willingness to move beyond the parameters imposed upon you by others by the past by the thoughts that bounce around in your head is there a willingness to endure duress in the short term is there a willingness to fall down now to look dumb to not always be perfectly packaged or assembled are you willing to endure that in exchange for the infinite I remember hearing the Mantra there is always a way to get to your Finish Line it's not can I it's not is it possible know it how how do I get there the dots exist you have to be the one to connect them you have to build bridges over the oceans of unknown The Valleys comprised of the unforeseen oh there is a way remember that remember that it's not the destination that's in question but one's willingness to knock and knock and knock until the right door opens remember that you have everything you need that you are armed with all that is required you were made to connect those very dots before you just have to decide what's more important to you that feeling of reaching the top of the mountain or the feeling of its shade at the bottom what will you give to be more than you've ever been do more than you've ever done there is always away are you willing to find it [Music] [Music] We All Fall Down but only a few choose to get back up a few deep personalized failure a few understand that falling is the cost of greatness your reality is not what happens to you your reality is how you internalize what happens to you or obstacles stop signs or are they checkpoints along the way to something greater checkpoints that make you stronger Build You Up become your armor that is ultimately the difference what we misinterpret in life is the meaning behind that difficulty that that pain that suffering no one gets a pain-free life no one gets a free ride suffering is inevitable as Nietzsche says to live is to suffer to survive is to find meaning in the suffering and what's changed my life and I don't mean here and there I mean truly transformed the course and trajectory of what's possible is simply redefining that which is difficult I grew up watching the Kobe's and the Bradys of the world I remember thinking how do these guys get better when things get difficult I mean as a kid I could feel the pressure watching from the couch but they somehow Elevate themselves when the odds are stacked against them same exact situation that causes most to doubt to run to lose their self-belief what they see that eludes most is that in every pressing moment there's opportunity every loss has something to gain in every failure there is Victory everyone has the same rule book it's just that some people only see what is right in front of them others learn to read between the lines and create outcomes that have not yet arrived when things are hard or challenging or uncertain it's not that you should keep going it's that you must keep going everything good everything rewarding worth having is on the other side of that struggle everything meaningful he's built from the days you felt like there was no possible way to move on but did anyway that is the core of greatness carrying forward when it would have been easier not to when you feel the hurt the emotional turmoil and I get it we all do but beyond that feeling what are you willing to see beyond the ashes what are you willing to build what are you willing to do with those pieces because it can be nothing or it can be everything it all depends on how you choose to step back and look at the world your perspective becomes the roadmap for your reality so understand that feeling down or loss is normal but staying down is the choice there are no problems there are Stepping Stones The Very situations that make you who you are the little decisions that over time equip you to step up when it matters most when the pressure's on the odds are against you the rest of the world says no no matter how hard it gets there is an answer rise above the emotion the chaos the present moment then see the big picture not only will you survive you will be better because of this because you kept moving forward when it wasn't easy no matter how hard life got you never lost sight of the opportunity and that made all the difference [Music] sometime last winter I got an email from someone asking if I'd help them with a keynote speech they were delivering never met this person before his name was Rod seemed like an awesome dude uh said absolutely so we arranged a date he flew into South Florida and we met to chat about the project now a lot of time has passed since then and the reason I'm bringing it up now is really twofold um the first and probably the most important is that I walked out of that meeting a different person than when I walked in and I want to share my lesson learned because I know there are people out there that will help in a similar situation maybe without even knowing it the second is it's a perfect example of those emergent properties that seem to evolve out of life after days months years of compounded hard work that I talked about in last week's video so back to the story we're sitting there and he's telling me a little bit about himself he started multiple multi-million dollar companies produce major Motion Pictures incredible dude done incredible stuff he sort of makes his way to the speech which is why he was there talks a little bit about his vision what he's written where he could use my help and you know eventually ask Eddie What's it gonna cost me and I didn't care right I just wanted to learn from the guy I mean he's done some amazing stuff in just being around interesting motivated people the more friends you have like that that inspire you to push the bar the better and I remember I just wrote throughout a number a low number and he looked at me and uh he I'll never forget it he goes Eddie come on man be a Salesman and I pulled out a check wrote it for like five times more than I I usually charge for something like that um and goes from now on you're never worth less than this number and and I drove away a completely different person than when I pulled it I mean Rod essentially uh shined a spotlight on the fact that I was capping myself that I was creating walls around my potential but not just economically in a lot of different areas of life it reminded me that we set our own value we decide our worth and it's very easy to undersell ourselves the value you depict the value you portray well that becomes your reality it had not been sort of in the weeds in the micro level uh you know I I've always felt like I could take on x y z like throw it at me I'll figure it out I'll make it happen but how easy do we forget looking in the mirror that we have to define the person looking back we have to believe ourselves to be better more bigger that's not a subconscious thing you have to make time for that I'm not just a writer producer filmmaker no I'm one of the best writer producers filmmakers that is how you have to look at the world things aren't bigger because we don't have the ante we're not richer bigger faster more accomplished because we still see ourselves a certain way and guess what that doesn't change until your perspective does it and I wanted to share that because that didn't happen every day right people don't just come along tap you on the shoulder and say hey you're worth more than you're acting like you are [Music] you know I'm incredibly fortunate to have that experience and maybe you're at that point where you need that little reminder how are you defining your worth how do you see yourself because once you begin to look uh at yourself as one of the best the world conforms and it's a pretty amazing thing you start doing better work you radiate confidence you realize that there's a stupid amount of money out there and the reason you don't have more of it is because of yourself and your perspective grow faster you surround yourself with more people like you and all of that comes from believing it so ask yourself that question in what areas of your life are you capping yourself off now the second piece is around putting yourself in a situation where these little realizations emerge in the book ego is the enemy Ryan holiday says confidence is earned day in and day out moving forward even when things stop moving through the lows and as time progresses this plays hand in hand with that self-confidence that I was just talking about because suddenly you have the experience you have the talent you have the track record to back it up and as time compounds you're left with Incredible results right in last week's video I talk about human consciousness it's an emergent property there's no part of the brain that's specifically controls human consciousness or at least is undiscovered at this point all we know is that when all those pieces up there come together Consciousness somehow emerges it's an incredible thing provides opportunity changes the way we see the world sent us apart from every other living organism can't break it down but it exists and I believe that life is very similar working hard every day taking those Tiny Steps not giving up driving towards some invisible destination all those little things come together and put you in position they open the door for opportunities that will emerge down the road [Music] set up the people that will come into your dear if the things the opportunities that oh wait a lot of ways you can't plan for them but you're building a platform that enables success those little pieces come together and create something bigger than the sum of their parts something that wasn't there originally you can't succeed with only the vision you can't succeed by blindly taking action these two things work together and open doors so believe that you're great that you're worthy of nothing but the best have the framework have the plan and then go out every day and build it rain or shine little by little building and you'll be amazed at the amount of power and control you have over of Destiny vision and execution are a beautiful combination and we'll take you to some amazing places [Music] every next level of your life will demand a different version of you why because life is about reaching outside of your comfort zone acclimating until you are comfortable and then repeating the process every time you leave the familiar you are granted a new set of armor as Jim Rohn said if you want to have more you have to become more for things to change you have to change for things to get better you have to become better if you improve everything will improve for you and every time we expand ourselves we are forced to change in some way evolve so many of us fall into the Trap of waiting for the perfect moment to jump there is no perfect moment how could there be there's no perfect time to step out into a world you're not prepared for but that's life we jump and we grow wings on the way down we step into the chaos and acclimate by walking into the dark we are forced to become the light this makes staying where you are the most dangerous thing you can do let's use our imagination for a second let's say you reach for the next thing you stretch yourself move towards something you really want and you fall short okay time to breathe reassess step back for a second and reapproach a little better this time a little wiser this time as long as one remains engaged in this cycle growth is inevitable but now let's say you never step in Let's Pretend the idea of moving into the unknown is too much you'd rather stay with the familiar pain-free you think to yourself but you would in fact be wrong see that discomfort one step up it would force you to evolve to see yourself as someone who steps into hostile territory and survives and maybe it's not pretty maybe it's not perfect but you attack and you survive and sure the difference between where you are now and only one step up isn't much but what about that second step or Evolution because you'd miss out on that too and the third and the fourth and the compounding that would completely redefine who you are from your self-identity to your skill set from the mental to the physical you put the whole chain reaction on hold because why you didn't want to take one step you didn't want to be uncomfortable in the short term but discomfort is not a punishment it is a ticket to everything you could ever imagine so when the crowd runs out I challenge you to run him and when the world goes left I dare you to go right not because the masses are evil but because human beings are wired to take the path of least resistance but you know not you you're here to rise above the mental constraints that hold so many down because there is always another level when you feel good there is another level and when you don't there is another level then see our world has been defined not by the best or the brightest but the ones willing to throw themselves into foreign Arenas and compete to see adversity as the answer not the problem you want to change your world then change yourself if you want to change yourself then go where you are scared to go where your heart beats and your hands sweat turn and face the direction you know you should have been facing this is about you about what you can become by simply saying yes when most would say no today is yours not because it was given to you but because you look through the haze and you decided it's so [Music] Nothing in life is as important as you think it is while you are thinking about it this was written by the author of thinking fast and slow Daniel Kahneman and what he's referring to is a cognitive bias known as the focusing illusion pretty basic idea means that we Elevate the importance of things that we think about while ignoring other aspects of Our Lives by thinking about something it suddenly matters more to us and while it's easy to interpret this disconnect between our thoughts and reality is alarming there's also an opportunity here to use this to our advantage right to further become the captain of your ship I've heard my entire life think positive thoughts we all have but there's value in understanding why that's true right otherwise it just feels like a meaningless ritual so Kahneman talks about a study with college students where they were asked about their overall level of happiness and then they were asked about their dating lives and the answers they gave they were really you know there was no correlation between the two answers but when the order of the questions were switched when the students were asked about their dating lives first and then their overall happiness the correlation between the two answers increased right the answer they gave about their overall happiness mirrored however they said their dating lives were at least to a much greater extent why well because dating became the variable or the framework that they used to measure their overall happiness even though perhaps they didn't know it right but by focusing on it it became more relevant it bled into other aspects of life right you get what you focus on it's that simple and the truth is as I mentioned earlier nothing is as important as we think it is everything is is magnified kind of blown out of proportion in our minds so the question is why not use that as an advantage why not let that become our strength realizing that if simply thinking about something can change the trajectory of how we view the world it can be transformative to Simply minimize the bad thoughts and focus on good ones have you ever thought about how delicate the line we walk between uh not caring enough and caring too much for example to feel like existence is pointless right everything's bad there's no reason to try that makes it hard to get off the couch right lacking that purpose but then on the entire other end of the spectrum to feel like life is riding on every step to feel like we're not allowed the flexibility or leeway to make mistakes life matters too much that also severely limits how we live just in a different way and so I want to explore how do we find that middle ground how do we find that picture in our heads that puts us right where we need to be the idea that of course today is important life is a beautiful opportunity to extract meaning from the world around you to build something that matters but it's also no checklist it's no standardized test now it's more of a game we shouldn't be walking around with the weight of the world on our shoulders because that doesn't help anyone let's face it life is just not all that serious as a good friend of mine Steve always says to me you know we are sacks of of meat on a rock floating through an infinite ever expanding universe and nothing matters I've heard him say that a million times right let's go let's do it nothing matters let's make it happen and I'm 100 get it it's a a check against the idea that the world will collapse if we screw up that if we drop the ball it's over kind of pointing to the fact that the only way to truly lose in life is to look back and realize we were too scared to live and so in that context absolutely I'm on the nothing matters bandwagon but here's the deal about this video or podcast episode however you're consuming it in a perfect world it's a buffet not a menu it's an opportunity for you to think to reflect to pick and choose the pieces here that will help move you along [Music] because after all you know we're all walking different paths so how could one person present a one-size-fits-all solution to anything no the goal is to understand the framework by which we operate to understand that the thoughts we think have a Monumental impact on how we live and so if you find yourself on the uninspired side of things know that there's not a problem with you you just haven't found a path that lights you up you are perhaps focusing on the wrong things right not living space for the right ones and if you find yourself constantly smothered by the weight of your own expectations if every little step decision or movement matters too much know that you are perhaps creating adversaries that don't exist [Music] that you are right where you need to be but you have to let yourself live experience life yeah one of the most beautiful Victor Franco quotes I've ever heard he says ultimately man should not ask what the meaning of life is but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked there is so much power packed into this idea it's like when you look around and see the outside world backing you into a corner dictating to you how things should be remember that you don't take orders from the external world you create the external world when all you see is negative when all you feel are reasons to turn back when the good in life is hiding away reach out and find the positive the one thing that can pick you up and carry you forward and look I'm not advocating that we live in this state of delusion I'm not saying close your eyes cover your ears and pretend everything's great I'm saying every day every situation provides at least one thing you need to be closer to where you want to be and it just so happens that we're not always inclined to see that one thing that solution [Music] it just so happens that we need to become aware to remind ourselves so this is your reminder to look for it your reminder to focus on the things that lift you up [Music] that breathe life into you not the things that keep you down and so here's to finding that sweet spot right walking the line between Victor Frankel's meaning starts with you and my old pal Steve's Mantra nothing matters so go live your life this is not a race you're not being graded on the outcome here you're giving yourself permission to experience that jolt you get when you open your eyes as the sun comes up each morning knowing that how you're about to spend your time will be a product of the game you designed a game in which yes you'll feel lost from time to time you'll lose that North Star every so often you'll question the journey you're on but guess what when you take responsibility for the circumstance you also Empower yourself to write the ship you're at the wheel playing the game of life as it was meant to be played on your terms if it does not serve you let it go if it doesn't help you move Beyond it as Kahneman staves our thoughts grossly over exaggerate that reality on the ground so let that framework emphasize your passion your strength and your dreams not the inverse what we focus on we get so believe in yourself with such conviction that those around you look on and wonder what gave you the right to see those things what made you think it was okay to believe in that which you believe you never got a permission slip in the mail you never stumbled upon a permit the granted you access to the good things in life no you just came to understand the game and how it's played you came to see that we have options the option to find the Bad and the option to find the good the choice to see why you can't and the choice to see why you will that's what will separate you from both your past self and those looking on from afar change is never a product of magic as people seem to think no most often it's taking on the challenge of seeing what is not yet there stepping into the arena with possibility with the upside so today see it focus on it lock it in and don't let go with everything you have all that's within you don't let go for everything tomorrow can be for everything you have always been don't let go why is it that the average person seeks out the advice of what feels like a million people before Consulting himself knocking looking hoping is he looking for answer or looking for permission to be who he already knows he is he looking for Insider just validation that his reflection is in fact okay see I think we all deep down know who we are know what drives us and even if we don't know exactly what the destination looks like our hearts know the direction suited to begin how is it so easy to forget why do we get our antennas crossed see when life becomes about meeting requirements and fulfilling obligations checking off boxes and checking in on time we forget the basics we forget to live for ourselves as if our job is to play a part not direct the movie and playing a part is living up to expectations directing the movie well that's creating your own expectation this world your world it belongs to you it's a world with both unimaginable happiness Bliss moments of ecstasy and the occasional suffering chaos that we have to navigate through but I think all of it comes down to whether you trust yourself to live it for yourself to remove the the shackles take the training wheels off stop asking permission and do what you've always known was the right thing that part never changed it just had to wait amidst all you're looking for external direction for you to pause and find the internal courage freedom is not a life without chaos it's trusting yourself to determine which dragons you will slay it's not a life without battles but fighting those battles that result in your Liberation dismissing the oppressors that build fences in your mind and chains around your soul I've thought a lot about the idea of a life well lived what it means how it feels and it seems to me it's about intentionality where are you going it's not that you can escape suffering or eliminate fear it's not that you'll avoid getting lost along the way but it's the why why we endure these things makes all the difference is it for a better tomorrow or simply to get through today and it's amazing accidentally stumbling upon that which scares you and intentionally facing that which scares you are so different that their occurrences trigger completely different neural networks in the brain see overcoming fear is ingrained in us we want it to grow we want to evolve we need more the question is whether you will step out of the line that someone else made for you and live a life that is your own [Music] if it's crazy great let it be crazy if it's Unique perfect stand out and if it scares you my God if it's scary if you don't turn back don't you dare turn back give yourself the most important permission one can give the permission to follow your intuition and your curiosity into tomorrow let the stakes be higher but the rewards be meaningful let that chaos be your own to tame and to master every twist every turn becomes not only a part of you but a chapter in the story of your becoming and as the seed you've held in your hand for so long finally meets the Earth and grows so high that it connects you to the heavens remember that this is your life that's your obligation to live it fully the saying goes sometimes success is simply hanging on when others would be letting go and that's it holding on I've spent a lot of time focusing on what I need to do worrying about what must happen in order to bridge the gap but there comes a point [Music] where the difference comes down to What You Won't Do [Music] what I refuse to do [Music] where the true Victory will be got in saying yes but in saying no no simply Standing Tall when the world demands I bow down success will be predicated upon where I build and defend my walls refusing to be intimidated by the road ahead I've actually come face to face with this adversary before in fact I meet him almost every day and not on accident I hunt him despite his strength I pursue him even though he has the potential to harm I do this again and again now certainly sometimes amidst the turbulence I Lose Myself forget maybe ask myself why what a strange dotted line to sign right why volunteer to fight this battle the questions will bounce around in my head momentarily But ultimately I remember why I sign up to face this demon because if I can beat him I can beat anyone in fact if I can learn to consistently show up and Prevail here the rest of the world becomes a lot less intimidating little pawns on my chest forward if I Prevail here I become the type of person who prevails period there's power in that you seek out the monster to destroy the monster and in doing so remind yourself that destroying monsters is what you do life is full of them in fact we can't help but come into contact with them as we Ascend to greater things but those moments end up being much bigger than we may have initially expected it's during these confrontations that we map out our understanding of the world it's here we decide which rules govern our existence see when we seek out confront and defeat our monsters two things happen we show ourselves one that we can and two that it's Who We Are [Music] so you finish the dance with your demons conquer them reach your Finish Line take off those running shoes decompress and that's that so you think but life says no not so fast it says just because you're not running or in self-initiated combat with the monsters of your choosing doesn't mean they go away it doesn't mean life is going to be smooth sailing no sorry this world is tough [Music] it's ups and it's downs and those who successfully navigate its turbulence must be capable of handling that and so the question inevitably becomes are you are you capable of handling that and there might be a world where you're unsure but in this world you've seen too much you've earned your confidence there was nothing trivial about all those steps you've taken all those Footprints in the Sand foot steps on the pavement weren't learning to win a race you were learning to win at life you were teaching yourself that context aside things you don't love will from time to time be dropped in front of you and when the inclination is to run or Retreat you won't be lured in by fears false promises temporary discomfort because the world has been dropped in front of you before and you found your way through it when life feels like it's collapsing in on you the walls crumbling down the instinct is to let all the destruction impact your self-worth to see it as an indictment or referendum on you as a person but no you've felt the walls crumbling before and all you did was run harder when it hurt you wrote when you were tired you found more you're suffering mile after mile was not an indication that you weren't enough it was merely an invitation to be better after all that's how you defeated those monsters time and time again so here's to all those monsters we will face in life the ones we seek out and the ones we don't the ones we plan for and the unexpected they're all the same they all have the same vulnerability same Kryptonite your mind and your exposure time and time again to the self-induced depths of hell has made you invincible the world only stops people who know no better who haven't seen themselves brush up against the demons who stand guard protecting those coveted Finish Lines but you have and more mini bow down and declare their discomfort a catastrophe you smile to yourself and call it just another Tuesday it's been said that humans always follow through on who they believe themselves to be well you have made yourself in your mind a Slayer of dragons conqueror of Worlds and that's why those steps matter that's why all this matters so next time you go hunting for that overly ambitious adversary of yours and you find yourself face to face with him tired weak maybe even temporarily unsure remind yourself why you're here remind yourself that each step forward is a proclamation to the world that it's not about the here and now it's about life it's about defining who you are and ripping apart the world's limitations one by one if you move forward here you move forward anywhere if you stand tall now bow to no one and when the time comes life hands you its problems and its obstacles you'll stack them up and stand upon them and so it's into the darkness of night [Music] the chaos of battle you go cause that is was and always will be who you are at the intersection of what is and what can be our stories are written it's where decisions are made and lives are ultimately defined in which way you go when staring at this fork in the road can mean everything maybe you go left take the easy path minimal upside minimal downside proven and tangible it gives immediate identity but also brings with it some degree of regret not because you won't like who you are but because you'll never know what you could have been maybe you can't live with that maybe you go right let's say you roll the dice Dream Chaser eyes fixated on the horizon moving toward it soon to realize that the world you live in will bring you to your knees faster than you can blink that uncertainty hurts that effort without immediate validation is pain and at The Road Less Traveled is Less Traveled because of the difficulty associated with it and now you have a a very important question to ask yourself do you have what it takes can you see the big picture when the sky appears to be falling down around you when all it takes is to backpedal and be comfortable again to take the other road to return to what you knew can you still move forward see it's a funny thing when you're in pain it becomes very easy to forget why you began the pragmatic human brain sees discomfort as a problem and it wants it gone immediately people don't give up because they're cowards they don't quit because they don't have what it takes they give up because they can no longer see the big picture they forgot why they started it when all you see is directly in front of you you lose the ability to see your Finish Line when you're at a crossroad you have to know this if you take the Hard Road you are betting on the future at the expense of the present dreams are a sacrifice they're not some fluffy concept invented to prop you up after a hard day sure they're the top of the mountain but they're also the bottom they're the dirt the Rocks the scratching the clawing they're what people don't see the chapters that are not read aloud and when you're in it when you are truly in it uncertainty needs to be embraced like it's the wind to your sails you signed that dotted line for a reason because you can see past the immediate the now because to get to the top you start at the ground floor and you elevate past every single level that stands between you and your dream now will not intimidate or discourage because you are bigger than right now you are the pages Unwritten and you did what so few people are willing to do you didn't look at the pen you picked it up now right write a story for the ages [Music] [Music]
Channel: Eddie Pinero
Views: 153,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live inspired, motivation, your world within, Eddie Pinero, inspiration, running motivation, motivational speech, motivational video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 33sec (3633 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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