Master the Shine : C6 Ceramics Unveiled ft Yvan Lacroix

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[Music] hey what's up guys welcome to another episode of pan VI organizer you know the person on my right but if you don't Ivan lroy how are you great yourself so he's the uh owner of DIY detail but also of C6 Ceramics if you don't know what it is I highly recommend that you go watch my previous video on the application of a C6 ceramic on my own brand new 2024 HSA cayen s it is insanely gorgeous the results you're going to see all the details for the application the prep I also did a first wash Decon wash if you guys want to see all of that it's on the channel uh but today Ivan is going to be here to explain to us basically uh what these Coatings are CU there are some for professionals but also for diyers as well brand new lineup when did you start this lineup Ivan oh well it came to Market this year or 2024 but we've been preparing it since 2019 fantastic so uh many years in the making they have awesome chemists working for them so this video here is to basically explain what all this technology is cuz it's been a tradition now for my three last Vehicles Ivan's already around always around I mean to help me install something amazing we want the bleeding edge of technology and as you guys know codings have been around for a while now there's always a new coding that pops up new coding Brands every single week or every single month so I like to know what's behind them who makes them but more importantly what distinguishes these cating from everything else quick disclaimer this is not a sponsored video nobody paid for this video uh Ivan's here to explain all of this and of course we apply this on my vehicle and by the way I'll leave links to all these cool products and tools in the description under the video if you guys want to check them out all you have to do is sit back relax enjoy the show and we're going to indulge in a lot of technical details so Ian I see here behind me two different Coatings from the C6 brand which by the way uh C6 Ceramics is a sister company to D y detail right correct yeah and the name C6 comes from the element the table of elements okay so carbon carbon C6 and diamond is the only gemstone that is made from 100% carbon okay so that's where we came up with the name cuz there's a little bit of detonated Nano diamonds we're going to get to that right so if you want to explain to us first of all I see two different versions so we have the C6 Ceramics Diamond gloss so this one here I'm told is for the ones who really want to emphasize the gloss on the vehicle and you have the one we applied on my Porsche Cayenne uh S Coupe and this is the C6 Hydro exactly so what are these two what technologies are in them and in which scenario would you use either one so the technology for both of them is actually the same uh but to maximize gloss we need to accentuate a few things to acent ACC to accentuate hydrophobics we need to work a couple of other things but the the basic building blocks are the same so first of all we're using a uh blending process that's a little different it's reactive blending and the reactive blending is also in the DIY but basically if I were to give you all the ingredients pre-measured you still couldn't make the coating okay because it takes time it takes pressures and it takes temperatures when we're mixing it together and a batch uh for the DIY it's about a week and a half to do a batch for the C6 it's about 2 weeks so it's and that is controlled pressures control temperatures etc etc yeah mixing times all that fun stuff the basic building blocks of all the Coatings that you see here are polysilazane so polysilazane is a very well-known coating ingredient for Industrial Coatings it's it's heavy it's chemically resistant it's uh marring resistant it's abrasion resistant then we have silicon carbide okay silicon carbide same thing uh but silicon carbide adds gloss but it's extremely chemically resistant a silicon carbide if you have a pure silicon carbide that's probably one of the most chemically resistant Coatings you can have then we have silicon dioxide sio2 everyone knows that one yes just about every Coating in the world has S2 in it for a reason it performs it does what it's supposed to do it brings you gloss it brings you a bit of slickness it helps in that building block the next one is something that not many people have and that's silicon nitride and silicon nitride is a flexible surround iic okay so think of it as the glue that's holding everything else together yes and Coatings fail not because of chemical abuse not because of the person using it well sometimes uh but the basic failure point for a well-maintained coating yeah is fracturing and fracturing happens hot and cold Cycles expansion contraction yeah expansion contraction vibration all sorts of things so your coating is actually still on the surface but 2 5 10 however many years later it's not performing anymore you don't have that gloss that you once had you don't have that slickness you don't have the water behavior and that's because of fracturing so if you think of the desert floor get the desert floor wet it's beautiful it's a nice uniform kind of appearance uniform sheet then as it starts to dry out you get these clumps yes the sand and everything is still there but now there's fractures or fissures between it absolutely that's what's happening with the Silicon KN or that's what's happening with Coatings and the Silicon nitride helps prevent that so it gives a more flexibility maybe more flexibility and more resilience okay so it makes it not impervious but almost impervious to fracture got it uh the last item and you alluded to it is refined detonated Nano diamonds and try saying oh wait a lot of people might say that's snake oil we've heard this from one or two times we're not sure diamonds okay explain that detonated Nano diamonds first of all are a fun thing to produce okay you take a big metal sphere you put a piece of carbon in the middle and you explode it that explosion creates pressure creates heat to convert a d to convert carbon to a diamond you need pressure and heat yes now the Earth did it by stacking Earth on top of it for natural diamond yeah for a lot of you know centuries yes uh or millenniums yeah millenniums yeah uh whereas we do it in an explosion now on the outside of that sphere or on the inside of the sphere are harvested the the detonated Nano diamonds okay then they're refined and the refining process is first of all putting through different size cves to get the exact size particle that we want and then they get milled and that Milling process makes the surface rough okay so like Milling flow same sort of idea makes them all uniform but makes the surface rough and the detonated Nano diamonds again they're doing pretty much the same thing as the Silicon nitride keeping everything together so that's why we can call it a lifetime coating okay because of that we know that it's not going to fracture we've basically made a fracturing proof coating the other superpower of the refined detonated Nano diamonds yes water spot resistance oh so that's why they don't have the graphine in there exactly so that would take place yeah not water spot proof water spot resistant but it definitely helps dramatically with water spot resistance so that's the main reason why you had the Nano the refined detonated Nano diamonds yes longevity fracturing are the the main components or the main reasons but the secondary reason and the reason we don't have graphine because we could have incorporated graphine into the formula is the uh refined detonated Nano diamonds do that for us so another plus let's say in the formulation as well that's amazing those by the way are formulated by your chemist this is not something you sourced overseas or so is this made in the USA everything is made in the USA that's I know that's important for a lot of my viewers the majority of my audience is from us OFA so the biggest portion the number one most represented country and I know a lot of Americans love when things are made and sourced in the USA so that's a big thing same thing for the DIY detail right exactly you guys have your Chemists in house so this is not outsourced they do their own stuff pretty some smart guys by the way if their chemists are watching I have to give you a shout out and a thumbs up um many of you guys know I have a degree in Biochemistry molecular biology so geeking out with the tech behind it has been so much fun hopefully I'll get to talk maybe one day to the chemist behind it cuz I think they did a tremendous job well you're saying that these two will essentially last the lifetime of your vehicle they will last the lifetime of the vehicle if you properly maintain it okay and if it was properly prepped yes that is that is key and we have here something that we'll talk about too the app so the adhesion promoter polish which is something that's absolutely required right before you apply these two def so it's not uh optional it's mandatory yeah it's not a if you want to it's if you don't it's not going to work okay uh well the codings are going to work but you're not going to get the longevity out of the coding that you desire you're not going to get get the gloss out of it you saw the the gloss change on your Porsche when we when we did this yeah uh but anyways the the detonated or the refined detonated Nano diamonds are really an active part of the formula okay it's not just a it's not just a buzzword uh there are buzzwords in the industry this is not one of them it's too long to be a buzzword anyways okay refined detonated andano diamonds try saying that five times yeah yeah not going to try right but anyways that's what C6 Diamond gloss and Hydra R now Diamond gloss as the name implies it's all about gloss okay so the Weekender car the the one that isn't the daily driver the one that you're taking to cars in coffee and you want the glossiest shiniest car you could ever have that's what Diamond gloss that's the one and then the hydro as the name implies hydrophobics so it has gloss it has the protection but Al it also has hydrophobics like you've never seen before and of course the one we chose on my vehicle I went for this one cuz I wanted the crazy I've seen clips of the hydrophobic properties on this you'll you'll see some eventually on my vehicle as well the hydrophobic so the water beating the sheeting I've never seen before there's something about and also selfcleaning I'm tell to is very very good I know a few guys have been testing this for a while and they told me pan I'm telling you this is the best coding we've ever tested so obviously you're going to see the progression as the years come on my channel but actually let me give you a quick look if I can just grab the camera here so you guys can see what the vehicle looks like so we finished applying this a few hours ago and already it looks absolutely amazing look at that look at that the gloss it pops and it's going to get better as the days and weeks go by but Ivan I think you said there's only an hour of curing needed on this correct and then people can drive in the elements and then 7 days without washing or drying the vehicle so we still need to apply Tire dressing but I mean this is insane look at that so before we continue on with the rest I mean come on yeah this is so for those who think Hydro is only about water beating and cheating no you're definitely still getting the uh the gloss effect absolutely on it definitely so regardless of which one you're getting the gloss is still insane but for those who want the bleeding edge and gloss the uh the diamond gloss and for those who want absolute perfection in water Behavior definitely the hydro yeah definitely and for the application so of course they can watch the video that we made but if you can just go over what generally speaking a professional detailer would need to do before applying the coating yeah first of all correct the the paint to the customer's satisfaction okay uh it has to be per excuse me it has to be perfectly clean it has to be free of anything other than the paint so iron remover synthetic decontamination towel remove any contaminants embedded in the clear coat obviously right water spot remover y you name it it has to be done then polish to the customer's content yes if it's a brand new car it may not need polishing and then the app so the adhesion promoter polish this is a very important step in one that can't be can't be skipped and the adhesion promoter polish is a little different you've heard of primer polishes yes primer polishes deposit something into the clear coat to make the coating adhere better they work great we're doing it a little differently we're actually taking as much out of the clear coat as we can so think it is a really deep cleaner that's being done with a polisher okay but at the same time we are leaving just a little few little things behind okay and that is a bit of polysilazane and a bit of si2 but what we're doing is we're actually swelling the paint and in swelling the paint the polyan and the S2 is there to keep it in the swollen State open so that when we apply the coating the coating almost melts into the paint yes and you saw when we were applying it yeah high spots are you know if you get a high spot you're gonna be working really hard too much yeah but uh it almost self-levels and that is because of that the pores of the paint being so open we're not depositing the coating on the paint we're depositing the Coating in the paint cuz don't forget also guys your clear coat is basically Hills and Valleys yes but if you were to look at it from a microscope perspective it's kind of like a sponge right right so that it's a a structure of many different meshes so what this uh AP does or the app it kind of blows that St cell structure up as you said so it makes it to swell and then so it's an Adan promoter because it's going to promote better bonding I guess of your coating on top right yeah better mechanical bonding and a better coalescent Bond as well so a better chemical bond but definitely a better mechanical Bond as well because now something physical those pores are open and we're filling the pores with the coating that's why the coating seems to disappear into the paint cuz that's literally what we're doing yes and you're probably going to have probably an overall effect of a bigger thick film build compared with a typical one or two microns from a typical ceramic coating that you'd apply on it because you're swelling that paint and you're allowing a lot more of it to bond deeper into those roots or that structure should we say it's as if you're adding more coating on top right so it's it's like taking you know the sponge and then taking some peanut butter and working it into the sponge you know you get that thicker layers instead of just trying to spread it on or your toast in the morning that's probably a better alternative but yeah so your toast if your toast is warm your peanut butter sinks in and goes deeper into the toast same idea and it's one layer right one layer so not a multiple layer system I love that I've said many times on this channel that the future is going to one layer systems I think gon are the days now of 3 five seven eight layers yeah I I hate that and so you're more efficient in time but also the fact that you can release this to customers an hour later 1 hour that's a game changer so even if it's snowing raining whatever it is drive it outside and you're good to go so you're freeing your shop up right yeah exactly you're freeing your shop up so as a professional detailer yeah as a coding company I don't want to pay rent in your shop and if I'm telling you to keep it there for eight hours I should be the one paying rent I don't want to pay rent in anyone's shop so no if it's raining 1 hour if it's sunny out the customer can drive away okay if there's no rain in the forecast for the next hour yes this can leave Abol if you're a mobile detailer you're doing it outside you can do it outside it's not an issue and again 1 hour as long as there's no rain in the forecast for 1 hour you're fine you're good and then 7 days don't wash your car seven days to wash that's a industry standard and it's there for a reason a lot of people think it's because of the surfactant part of it is the first two or three days it's the surfactant but it's more about pressure than anything else okay because we've applied the coating to the surface y it's formed a crust but the bond between it and the clear coat especially on a topical uh coating as opposed to one that's using the app but a topical coating especially that pressure can actually sort of rip the bond between the coating and the paint below it so it's not something you see it's not something physically it changes anything yeah now but in time it's going to make that possibly make that coating fail absolutely so another thing so we spoke about there's the gloss there's definitely the slickness that I can already feel that would only improve uh there's the self-cleaning properties is there UV protection buil in there def okay so you're adding cuz of course the majority of the UV you've explained this to me in the past but comes from your clear coat that's where the majority of the UV blockers are but if you can add even a bit more in your protection why not chemical resistance what kind of PH range are we looking at 2 to 13 so 2 to 13 very low on the acidic side and uh pretty much at the top of the range almost for the alkaline side so very wide range so you shouldn't be worried of what you're applying to it uh if a person was to have no other choice but to bring it to an automatic car wash as long as they don't use those ones with bristles that create mechanical abrasion that's not good for anything because you're going to braid the protection and you're to create Swirls and scratches but a touchless automatic car wash should this be able to resist it no problem so they shouldn't be worried about that no problems what that's good cuz sometimes depending on your pH resistance right you can weaken the coating if you're using those too often but this one here is no problem for those who don't have time to wash their car at home exactly and if you're going through an automatic car wash like that what's happening at the end is actually what's masking your coating you have those blowers yes that are not they're taking some of the water away and on this they'll take a lot of the water away but also they're evaporating some of the water and that water is leaving mineral deposits on there that eventually going to mask your coating a few seconds with a water spot remover go it's back and if we're talking about so a lot of you guys probably asking what do I need to do for maintenance do you need any Toppers that you have to apply every two to 3 months as we're used to with traditional Coatings how does it work with this one no okay keep it clean that's it uh decontaminate is necessary and decontamination for someone that's working on a construction site the car is outside 24/7 you might need to do it every 3 or 4 months someone like pan that washes the car twice a week it doesn't leave the garage if it's a well actually you do drive in the snow and all but but nonetheless it's daily driver it's kept indoors though it's extremely wellmaintained he may never need to Clay it did your previous Porsche they didn't need it no so it's wellmaintained so and I use the ionized water when I'm washing my car zero mineral buildup yeah exactly so how you maintain it will give you the best life or performance out of it okay now the only way to remove the coating is abrasion so as long as you're not abrading it you're not going to remove the cating you may be doing things to mask it like using hard water etc etc but that can be undone as well so no topper needed but if people do want they want I think you said that the DIY line the DIY detail line that people are so used to and I know a lot of you guys uh really like they're absolutely compatible with this oh definitely so quick beads spray on rinse off formula if they want to use cam gloss as a drawing a no problem is anything else in the lineup that your incredible Suds obviously the shampoo it will work fine yeah and you can use it you can actually use the rinse a wash as a drying it so if you don't want to even though ceramic gloss and quick beads have great beading and sheeting and all that fun stuff you're actually going to be dulling the action of the of this this particular something else on top with different properties right so in this case you might just want to use rinse a wash as you're drying Aid and I have it right here yeah because 256 to1 dilution ratio standard only dilution ratio half an ounce to a gallon yeah y 4 milliliters to a liter uh yeah but nonetheless you can use that as you're drying it okay and in the C6 line it's may or may not be out by the time this video comes out but we will also have a drying lubricant okay so it's not a Topper it doesn't promote beating it doesn't promote cheating it just promotes a clean lubricated surface for when you're going over when you're going over it with your towel and leaves nothing behind leaves nothing behind so let me ask you this now cuz we're also going to talk by the way the DIY detail line for consumers has the three the five and the 8ye professionals can use them as well so we're going to talk about the differences between the three but for these two professional ones you have also something coming for those who want the performance but who are not detailing professionals like many of my viewers out there di wirs you're going to have what I'm told is the C6 light C6 hydrite hydrite so if you can explain what that is cuz everybody will be able to buy that one right exactly so C6 Hydro uh simplified not not dumb down but simplified okay so different carrier solvent that makes it so it's a little slower in terms of reacting so it gives you a little more time to work with okay and but still has the detonated refined detonated Nano Diamonds the polycan the S2 the SI n the SIC so everything is there it's just a lighter version of it we're saying it's a six-year coding and if you're if you're using the app beforehand if you're doing all the steps that pan did with the Porsche before it's going to last much longer than that so that's like a baseline but it could outperform definitely okay so at a much lower price point I guess yes so what are we talking about if we talk about pricing so for the ones for professionals first of all what are the prices uh that are projected or that are already existing and how can people sign up to become installers of the professional line of 66 so the pricing of those we don't disclose okay but nonetheless uh to be a an installer go to C6 ceramic. there's a little uh tag that says become an installer fill out the form and we'll take it from there I can tell you this though for my viewers who are professional detailers I've applied and I've uh been around many professional level codings that have cost hundreds of dollars more I can tell you it is it's not inexpensive however you're getting the quality product and a lot of R&D behind and chemists that really know their job as well so they did something cool but yeah I highly encourage you check that out uh if you're tired of the coding brand you're working with or if you're starting uh want to offer those coding Services definitely check them out so you'll kind of have an interview with them yeah definitely so it's a simplified process simplified process okay and we're not asking any detailer to be exclusive if you're installing another brand continue installing that other brand but if you want to offer a premium premium offering the highest or the best technology for your customers then you can lead them to C6 absolutely and of course I trust this man's advice over the years he never stirred me wrong I've always had the latest and the greatest on my own vehicles uh I put my mouth my word my mouth where my word is my mouth how do we say that put your money where your mouth is my money where my mouth is and we apply this on my own vehicle so I'll be able to follow this in real time in years to come on the channel you'll see the performance go uh but so far I'm liking the looks I can't wait to see the performance especially uh over the coming months and over the next winter right you guys are going to love that exactly so C6 light everybody will be able uh C6 anybody will be able to purchase that and for the diamond and the diamond gloss and the C6 Hydro the pro range they have to sign up to become Distributors uh installers exactly of that but it's a simplified process as well yeah and we have dist we have distribution worldwide okay so uh if you're in Canada you don't need to order from the US if you're in Europe you're not ordering from the US if you're in Australia you're not ordering from the US so and other countries as well but those are the you know the major markets that we have yes so the UK EU Australia Canada Etc we're there we already have distribution set up uh hydrite that one is 300 or $299 that is amazing yeah and you'll get one and Di buy the app as well definitely so is this still for the C6 hydrite mandatory before you apply it if you want to get the best longevity out of your coding you're using the app first might as well do it by the way that if you didn't see the install video yet go check it out this I mean I think a baby could apply this so easy uh the wipe off amazingly easy this too will boost gloss by the way but uh the icing on the cake was the C6 Hydro not only when the so you see that rainbowing right kind of that oil slick on water kind of appearance that we're used to with Coatings visual indicator start to the time to start wiping or leveling so when they were doing that there were some times where I was looking and there was almost nothing left the self-leveling characteristics of this is unlike anything I've ever seen wipe off was absolutely easy same wipe off as they always do so shorter nap towel for the first one kind of pearl weave and then a thicker plusher towel for your second wipe the entrance wipe exactly and uh that's it it's a cakewalk to do so Y and next so we spoke about the availability how they'll be able to sign up if they're diyers they can try the uh C6 Hydro light exactly they can get the app as well the maintenance products are already available if you want them because DIY detail is very compatible although I think coming soon you'll have a few things on the C6 line right we'll have a few little things for C6 like the drying lubricant and a uh ceramic infused soap or shampoo yes uh pH neutral does everything you want it to do Foams beautifully etc etc uh but you can still use incredible Suds it's really up to you no problem yeah and or if they have already pH neutral soaps they have at home they can still use that so no Toppers needed but of course I know a lot of you out there myself included every now and then you want to use a drawing a or something to boost even more that clo that slickness just note that of course as Ivan said the best performance is the raw hydrophobic properties of your coating so if you can not apply anything that will alter that or at least use something that is compatible within the DIY detail line I think that those are very good words of advice uh the other thing that you guys are known for obviously on the DIY detail side is your three ceramic Coatings you guys have probably seen the video I made on the Audi RS6 uh with the reveal with the customer customer was blown away uh the coding is not only doing amazingly well but it was so easy to apply but I know through the questions a lot of you sometimes have questions because they have three different ones right so they have the three-year which is their graphine coating they have the five-year ceramic coating and last but not least in the DIY detail line they have the 8year ceramic coating so Ivan why three different versions obviously we have the it lasts three years 5 years and eight years but what more can you say about the tech who is each one for okay so the three-year uh is our graphine infused coding okay now the graphine is in the formula it's replacing a lot of the Silicon nitride okay that's why the durability is a little released or reduced sorry yes but the other thing that the graphine does and the reason the real reason we have graphine in a formula is water spot resistance that's what graphine was supposed to be for when they first added this when it became a buzzword cuz some are not using it for the right reasons but here in this application it is to help prevent not fully eliminate but at least reduce the amount of water spotting reduce the the possibility of water spotting and it does so so we've all seen the marketing image that there looks like this lattice work over a football field yes that's not true uh the the graphine doeses something like that but think of it as little islands of graphine because we're hand applying we're not laying this out in a sheet we're not spraying it on we're hand applying so we're getting little clumps of graphine that are fairly close together but there's 10 or 12 molecules here there's 15 molecules there there's five over here but they're closest enough together that the water molecule Bridges them so the mineral isn't going between them but eventually those little Islands break up into smaller islands and smaller islands and eventually you that lattice work that's between all the pieces isn't there anymore MH that's why we're giving it a threeyear rating because it normally takes three to four years for the graphine to break down that way through fracturing got it so that you'd be losing a bit of those initial properties seeing yeah so you you paid for a graphine coating meaning your main intention was water spot resistance that water spot resistance is going to go down after about three years the coating is still there the coating is still performing yes in terms of sheeting in terms of beating in terms of hydrophobics terms of gloss but the main characteristic that you paid for is a little bit reduced got it now it's also our lowest cost cating because of with the reduced silic nitride silic nitride is one of the most expensive components of the coating therefore it has a little less silicon nitride little lower cost okay next we have our 5-year coating and the five-year coating as you mentioned the king of gloss yes that is uh what people have named it that wasn't our name for it but is it is extremely glossy and again through fracturing over time that gloss component is going to go away okay now this one again a little bit reduced on the Silicon nitride because we can't have everything so if you want additional gloss you need to reduce the Silicon nitrite because it's not particularly glossy and you need to increase the s two in the SIC the Silicon carbine so that's what's happening with that one but super glossy and like I say in 5 years or so the gloss level is going to go down if you maintain it properly if you wash a car like pan his previous Porsche had been here three years he'd driven it winter summer everything the dealer could not find any blemish on the vehicle no not at all and I've seen this man's cars in you know live in person and after three years trust me he has no blemishes cuz he maintains them properly follow his channel subscribe if you're not by the way that's the whole point is to to help you guys have better results at home and also be comfortable I think education is important so people understand what processes are needed to keep your car looking amazing for years to come even if you didn't apply the coding yourself and you had a professional apply for example one of the C6 codings well that you can keep them looking as good as day one over years to come exactly and then finally we have our eight-year coding yes so the 8year has the highest concentration of silicon nitride has the highest concentration of polycan and the silicon carbide okay so high chemical resistance yes High uh fracturing resistance yeah but maybe just a little less gloss than the other ones and it's still I can tell you it's still very glossy it's a little less when I even says a little less or it's these are still all premium Coatings obviously so it was very glossy and on that black Audi RS6 it was just nuts but for me what so all that technology so this is your Flagship and and so despite which ones you're getting they are all one thing I noticed again very easy to apply right so I think that was very important for you is to not waste time on tough application we still unfortunately to this day have some Coatings that are grab on removal that you're they're more prone to high spots you really have a limited time frame to start leveling and buffing and so people are there with chronometers and going around with inspection lamps and of course you should always inspect your work but I think these remove they're obviously meant for the DIY but professionals can use them as well CU they're so efficient as far as value is concerned so it's not because they're called DIY detail that they're only meant for consumers I think they people need to change their mentality these are professional grade products that diyers can use yeah and if you're a professional detailer out there if you're applying the codings in your shop guess what you are doing it yourself so yeah you know the DIY is doing it yourself but not in the context of you know do it yourself or a it's a less it's not a lesser grade coding correct I I'd put it up against most if not any professional gray coating on the market for durability for gloss for slickness all those nice characteristics plus the ease of application absolutely and what are we looking at as far as releasing the vehicles to customers what is the curing time on this 1 hour so that same 1 hour just like the C6 yeah that's very good so and maintenance is there anything difference uh different compared to C6 with these Coatings no maintenance is just as easy keep your car clean keep it decontaminated as necessary uh don't be afraid of water spot remover water spot remover is your friend yes uh you know one question I often get is why don't we have a wheel coating mhm and we don't have a wheel coating because you don't need a wheel coating the clear coat on your paint is the same as the clear coat on your wheel is the same and it's all plastic that we're dealing with yes your headlights are plastic your tail lights are plastic uh your piano black is plastic all that is plastic on the vehicle a coating is protecting plastic and on your wheel the wheel actually doesn't get that much AB use people think oh har environment yeah yeah harsh environment yeah there's a bit of heat there there's a bit of breake dust but think of the fender right behind the wheel it's having all that stuff thrown up on it that's a worse environment yeah and a lot of detailers and a lot of Home Enthusiast as well the first thing they do when they wash their wheel they throw on a very harsh um APC or a very high 12 ph3 yeah exactly they don't need it if your wheel is coated you shouldn't need more than your soap or your rins wash to clean your wheels and if you do see that it's masked perhaps with some minerals then water spot remover right not a lot of people think of using a water spot remover on their wheels cuz they don't see water spots yes but think of a water spot remover as a mineral dissolver and if you look at it that way you have all these minerals cuz you're driving down the road yes your wheels are hotter than the paint and you're going through that puddle or you're getting the spray all around the wheels and it's moving in there and what's happening is that water is drying faster on the wheel and when it's drying faster on the wheel it's leaving those minerals behind we don't see it because our it's covered in one sheet of minerals as opposed to water spots exactly so we don't think of using a water spot remover but you're going to revive revive or reexpose reexpose your coating when you use a water spot remover slightly acidic in nature slightly comat the minerals that are on there yeah and the same thing with your paint as well when you're talking about chemical decontamination of course you can use iron removers very recommended yes you can use them on ceramic coated Vehicles they can resist that no problem uh but that will help remove the brake dust industrial Fallout but then you also get the minerals so that's a different component that the iron remover will not remove that the acidic type nature of that component will be able to dissolve or at least help um make more soluble the minerals that are on the paint and wash them away or rinse them away when you're rinsing the vehicle exactly and another thing I see people do y I get ragged on a lot and on your uh the first BMW coated I grabbed a wheel and body brush and started going at your paint with I remember that and you almost had a heart attack yeah but you also saw that it did absolutely no damage whatsoever to the paint yeah but that brush is safe to use on paint safe to use on Wheels why we call it a wheel and body brush yeah but there are some Wheels there are some brushes that people use on wheels that they would definitely never use on paint no and if you did you would scratch the paint so what are you doing to your wheels exactly you're scratching them absolutely and you know if it's you have the gloss black wheels so you see every scratch but there are a lot of wheels that are silver color you don't see the scratching no but they're there they're there yeah and another misconception too that I want to talk about is and I'm going to take it out from here so people say you can't clay Coatings well with traditional clay bars you can't or really shouldn't cuz they're really abrasive right but you guys have a DIY detail what we call the synthetic perforated decontamination towel if I get that right it's based what what is it what is the exact term perforated synthetic decontamination okay there you go PSD PSD so this is a synthetic man-made material so it's very sticky it's on a microfiber backing so this if you use it of course you're going to dip it in a rinseless solution and then you're going to have it as a lubricant always use it on a lubricated surface if you want to keep your car soap on there no problem but this they can help to decontaminate a ceramic coated vehicle right right ceramic coated or not coated it's not going to Mar the paint if you follow the instructions and do it correctly yeah and that is having the proper lubrication folding it and not not applying pressure to it a lot of people apply pressure and that's where they get the problem or they'll take the towel out of the package like you did Y and just slap slap it on the paint and go folded in force damp rinseless dampen towel so you got that as a Lu or you can use it in your your soap in your soapy solution so always have it has to glide on the surface so this will help pick up any of any of those impurities whatever is left over or embedded in the clear coat you're decontaminating that and once again re-exposing the properties the original properties of your coating that are on there yeah and it's great for uh you know my favorite lubricant with that is iron remover okay because a it saves you a lot on iron remover uh iron remover is one of the chemicals that is a very expensive and B uh doesn't necessarily have a pleasant fragrance yeah uh yeah the TGA in there it smells like rotten eggs let's yeah it's sulfur and the human nose is extremely good at picking up sulfur smells good for us because it's for our safety too so our DNA has made us to be able to fight or flight you definitely want to flight yeah yeah it's I think like at two parts per million we can detect that it's there yes uh so no matter what you're doing that sulfur smell is going to stay there but we use less than an ounce to do a vehicle yeah because we're one spray on the towel one spray on the panel combine the two do your agitation you'll see me do it by the way in the Decon wash video that's what I did yeah and you use so much less of the product it's very important too for anyone who is asking so with my let's say I get the perforated synthetic decontamination towel can I use any iron REM you had mentioned that it's important to use some that have no solvents in them right exactly some do some don't you'll have to do a test so this one here does not contain solvents the DIY detail iron remover so the I guess the solvents will start breaking down the clay media right that's exactly so that's what you don't want and also the solvents make the paint a little softer more susceptible to Maring there you go uh but with the r iron remover it also has surfactant in it the surfactant help again with lubrication yes and with deep cleaning absolutely yeah so we got the full lineup so we know about these three coings oh one thing I wanted to ask so the DIY detail I've heard about the stack so you hear that every now and then what is that and what combination are we talking about in the DIY detail so the most popular stack is the eight stacked with the three and eight as the base layer as the base layer on right and there's a time restriction okay 2 to 8 hours once you're done applying your eight year right two to three hours 2 to eight hours eight hours okay so you have a six hour window you have a six hour window so you can go for lunch and have it a little extended lunch if you want not a big deal but what happens is we're actually not putting one coating on top of each other okay the 8-year cating at that point is still malleable it's still it feels glossy at everything but there's a chemical reaction going on that we're actually combining the two we're actually making a new ENT excuse me a completely new entity okay and that's what the stack is and it gives you gloss and slickness almost to the point of the C6 hydrolite okay and then the other one is the 5 and three stack so five on the bottom three on the top and again better slickness better water spot resistance and uh you know better everything yes uh and again our hierarchy in codings threee 5year 8year 53 stack 83 stack hydrite and then the pro Hydro the pro want the best of the best in the consumer line it would be the C6 hydrite if you want the best of the best in the professional line well then you have your choice of diamond gloss or C6 Hydro there's no difference really in performance is it's what you want prefer gloss or if you prefer the hydrophobic properties but as far as both of them are lifetime C both of them are just as easy to apply they still have the chemical resistance the whole n yards it's just they're I think skewed a little slightly more for gloss or more for hydrophobics but even with both you're getting with the gloss you're still getting crazy hydrophobics with the C6 Hydro you're still getting as I can see insane gloss so no worries there it's just whatever your personal preference is so whether you sign up through the website by the way I'll have the links again in the description under the video so whether you want to sign up if you're a professional detailer if you're looking to apply the C6 Hydro light on your own consumers will be able to buy that if you're a pro by by yourself as well you can still apply the C6 Hydro light uh or if you wanted to know more about the DIY detail individual codings as well they're all fantastic choices uh I am expecting some either a few or many of them again to be in the the 2024 uh Pan the organizer car detailing products Awards video for my top products of the Year where I'm going to be following this one very closely because I'm very intrigued but DIY detail is one of the brands that took home a lot of Awards in the 2023 Awards so they're a brand that's been there now for a little over a year at this point closing on two years June 2022 that's amazing so in just two years I think you guys have seen by the way they have a YouTube channel if you haven't seen the Channel please go watch them DIY detail he's there with his partner Nick mcer and they do tutorial they give a lot of Education lots of cool stuff for you to check out and to feel more comfortable not only using the products but you're going to learn a lot I still learn a lot when I talk with Ivan every single time he's been in the detailing business for over 40 years I've been detailing for roughly 27 he's been there longer way longer than I am and doing it at a much higher level so uh again Ivan thanks for everything I'm looking forward to putting this puppy to the test and uh my viewers too I'm sure are looking forward to have multiple updates in the future but check out everything they make they also have you have a YouTube channel for C6 as well yeah C6 Ceramics has a YouTube channel it's still in development so there'll be more and more content more and more content uh we're still trying to find our way on on that one but uh no the C6 Ceramics has a YouTube channel again uh thanks for being on the show want also thank our camera woman Sylvie his wife fantastic detailer you're going to see many shots in the the video where we applied this but go watch the Decon wash video so the first wash uh go watch the application of the coding itself so whether it's polishing we use the DIY standard gold the gold standard polish right we use the app after that and then we finished with the C6 Hydro application it's just popping it's out of control as my friend Eddie cologne from the ecd tales website would say it's popping I hope I'm saying that right Eddie uh so guys yeah check everything out in the description under the video and uh hopefully we'll have you again for many other videos I always like have an Ian around to do some pretty cool content if you enjoyed this by the way smash the thumbs up button go support them on the DIY detail YouTube channel and C6 Ceramics YouTube channel as well and guys in the meantime don't forget keep it tight keep it clean and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Pan The Organizer
Views: 21,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: master the shine c6 ceramics unveiled ft yvan lacroix, c6 ceramics, c6 ceramics diamond gloss, c6 ceramics hydro, c6 ceramics hydro lite, ceramic coating, ceramic coating car, diy detail 3 year graphene coating, diy detail 5 year coating, diy detail 8 year coating, diy detail stack, pan the organizer, yvan lacroix, best ceramic coating, 2024 porsche cayenne ceramic coating, 2024 best ceramic coating, detailing, car detailing, auto detailing, adhesion promoter polish
Id: XzAWMaaGujg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 40sec (2560 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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