Master Of Drywall Gets Paid The Big Bucks | Most Men Can't Do This | THE HANDYMAN |

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should just take this guard right on off operate it like a real man so I'm out in the workshop getting ready to go to work this is my Drywall Supply cabinet so I'm just going to grab this right here this is all I'm probably going to need today I'm going to bring this some Faba fuse just in case I also need some sanding stuff so I'm going to grab a sanding sponge some sanding screens what else am I going to need I'm not going to need wood carving not going to need a CB radio I think that's it I plan on doing some light touch-ups and then some spray texture I thought I'd go a little more behind the scenes in the preparation for a video a lot of this stuff I me Milling around the workshop trying to find things doesn't make it to YouTube but I said I'd stick it in today May because I had everything already set up I need to Prime my repairs I need to Prime the entire wall that all these repairs are on so make more sense once we get into the video at the house homeowner is going to be painting their kitchen if You' got a wall that has repairs on it and you just turn it over to the customer and they go to paint it those repairs are going to flash I've got about this much primer here that's not enough to do a 10x8 wall found some Marquee this is Home Depot's bear paint and this is a higher end paint goes on real smooth so I'm going to pop this lid off and see if it froze I don't think it froze hopefully it's still good paint uh was in my paint room which is the this is a two-car garage and then there's a third Bay that was added to it that's where I keep most of my painting stuff oh yeah it's mixing up real nice nice Marquee paint's pretty thick that actually didn't take much stirring to get uh a uniform color I went to go put my work boots on and something's wrong I usually wear the ones on this side well they got wet I left them out on the back porch and appears this leather sh drunk and pulled the toe up you can see how much higher that toe is than this boot this boot here is my electrician boot has a uh think these are rock roosters it's got the composite toe not a steel toe spray them down and put in a shoe thingy and that might get this upper area here to relax and go back down but I don't know know it got kind of hot out hopefully I didn't remold the plastic these are a pair of Nicks these are a pair of rock roosters and I'm wearing a pair of rock roosters I've got several thousand dollars in in Boots and why am I wearing these cheap boots should I do a video on cheap boots versus very fancy trendy expensive boots put it in the comments do you want the truth can you handle it all right first stop is we got to get some diesel I usually use gas buddy but for some reason Gas Buddy is not loading the prices for the usual stops that I make so we're winging it I'm hoping for under 315 last week I got it for $289 this is my gauge setup in this fancy new pickup truck on the left I've got trailer brake and I got my miles per gallon boost gauge and then that 20% is my diesel particulate filter that's up to 20% because I've been driving around town quite a bit next week going on a long distance camping trip with my 30 foot camper that's what this truck's meant for out on the highway Towing if you guys are interested more about this truck and those travels the overlanding gear and setup that I have for this truck and the plans it'll be on the super secret third YouTube channel I want your opinion you other diesel guys out there I've been running hot shots EDC fuel treatment and every fill up on this truck and I was also using it on my old truck but not till the very end when things started going wrong what's your opinion on it keep it in a Ziploc bag right down here in the uh in the door if you don't know what that is go out and get yourself a real truck and you'll learn all right everybody this is my project for the day this area was a pantry they had me remove it when I did the kitchen remodel the task today is to get this wall ready for a color coat of paint this will give you an idea of what I'm working with uh this whole wall could be just skim coated it's not that big I don't like skim coating because that means I've got to sand and when I have to sand that means there's going to be a mess we also got some strip screws that the apparently the customer has circled for me that they couldn't get out um so I'm going to have to look at that that's pretty pretty messed up some of them are anchors some of them go into studs like this big sucker my first method to get these stripped Phillips out is just to cut a slot in them I could use a flathead to get them out and then get some pliers on them get them the rest of the way out just want to jump in to give you a quick announcement the next video series the next major project is going to trigger the hell out of people the first episode is on patreon it can't go on YouTube I give a full explanation in that video so after you're done watching this video you can go watch that one I'll put a link in the description I will also put that Link in the first pinned comment should just take this guard right on off operate it like a real man when we using this Klein screwdriver kit with the bit ratchet I was thinking I wouldn't be able to get enough torque with a a screwdriver on these big screws but we'll see if they're actually into the studs all right this one is coming right on out even with this tiny screwdriver that's why you called a handyman I don't know if they're all going to be this easy I thought this was an impossible job they had to call in hand man all right that was very easy so I just cut a a slot in the stripped out head and it came out real easy another one out so that one was a drywall anchor what I was trying to do there by popping it is reform it into a long piece of metal and not the squish down piece of metal is when you pull these out you can pull out a chunk of drywall as well think I called it the man bathroom had a urinal in the bathroom that remodel I was working in this bathroom did a full gut and something on the opposite side wall fell off onto a very very very expensive piano and chipped the piano finish off of the piano well I won't make that mistake again so let's go check the wall next step is I'm just going to shave off every loose debris and often times well all the time around these anchors you will have a uh something that protrudes out of the drywall they need to be whacked with a hammer to make a divot then filled and then textured right here there's a bump there it's hard to tell right here bump but I'm going to smack that with a hammer this one here can definitely feel the bump uh it's not going to show up on camera just got to take my word for it every one of these gets smacked in case anybody's wondering these drywall Knives have a metal end on it why do you think that is when you come across a defect in the drywall you just smack it and fill it so here's another interesting thing this wall I think used to house the cold air return or one of the cold air returns it's on the back side but it looks like it used to be on this side I think I'm going to take this out and put another Grill up here most houses are under supplied with air return so it couldn't hurt next step is to mix up some 20 minute hot mud not I'm not even going to bring it in the house it's the powder mixture you add water to it mix it up it can get kind of messy I'm not going to bring the powder in the house I'm going outside in some landscaping rock next to a hose here it is 20 minute hot mud it's in the form of a powder like I said it's super messy mix that with water in the pan and then bring it in the house not very thin kind of thick thickish peanut butter two all right everybody just picked up some oilbased orange peel texture you want to know the difference between oilbased and water-based Orange Peel texture they're right next to each other on the shelf this is at Home Depot we got the HX wall texture red oil base that dries between 5 and 30 minutes waterbased dries between 30 and 60 Minutes I want to be painting within 30 to 60 minutes so that's why I choose oilbased another weird thing happened to me everybody was like saying hi to me in Home Depot I had like women women looking at me with a big grin saying hi I'm like man do I look good today I said I know what it is is it's my new come and take it gun t-shirt you guys out there looking for a lady go get yourself one of these shirts and just peruse through Home Depot it might work at Lowe's too and you'll be getting dates you might be wondering what am I going to do to sand this well it doesn't need much sanding I'm going to use a wet sponge just a tile sponge and a smooth side going to feather out the the edges I got a little Ridge right here and it's gone go a little Circ cular motions little tedious but uh keep in mind once you spray that texture on here it makes everything just disappear he we're all masked off for the most part have to use some creative angles a lot of times I put this in a sink filled with hot water just to thin it down loosen it up helps it spray out with higher pressure just going around doing some blending what' you think of today's video did I do it right here's the definition of right did you exceed the customers's expectations and did you get paid did you exceed their expectations enough for them to want to refer you and use you again that's it are they telling people at church are they telling their neighbors are they telling their family that's how you know you did a good job that's how you're going to stay in business for the next 10 years maybe maybe even the next 20 years let's hope none of us are doing this crap 20 years from now how old will I'll be I'll be 67 in 20 years thanks a lot for watching the video go check out the first episode of the next major project it's on patreon it cannot go on YouTube I explain why in that video goodbye
Channel: The Handyman
Views: 24,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plaster repair, drywall repair, wall texture, remodel, kitchen remodel, handyman business, the handyman, handyman jobs, handyman tools
Id: 7laBCngzikI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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