Master Modals with the SEAM method - may, might, could, etc.

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welcome to Inc bit corny yes that is me your teacher James I am going to teach you a lesson today I shall teach you how to master modal's welcome to last piece yet modal's pain-in-the-butt right walk down if you're French I'm joking okay second let me go down a little bit because it's probably off you we're doing modal's right you've seen modal's before so you even taught them their auxilary verbs what do they do how do they work well I'm going to teach you a seamless method that will help you remember how to use them okay so what I believe what do I mean by seamless if you are new to English and I'm sure you're not if you could understand more seamless seamless means you cannot see the parts that are joined what is the scene well I'm going to teach you the same mess of method for modal's once you finish you will most of them but first you have to know what a seam is on my shirt you'll notice the cuff is joined to the shirt the part that joins the material together is called this seam you also have a seam on your pants okay see my sexy ass okay you'll notice this part joins the other part together that is the seam of the pants it is the line that joins together okay well what I'm going to do is teach you a couple of techniques to remember most of the modal's almost all of them in fact by using the C method but first now that you know what a seam is something that joins things together let's join them together seam modal's s alright books big fingers no raise state preferences you know this is some place that one states most state preferences now I'm going to give you some basic basic outline because what I'm going to do today is I want to focus on the key part okay so what does it do here well here it expresses pan if you look over here when I do pan today okay another thing I'm one can possibly do is us for a puss you know we get a passports it allows you go from place to place and when you ask for puss it allows you to well I'm not going to tell you yet because that's another lesson and finally fool my Spanish friends yeah mobiles allow us to make a local suggestions okay as for you I Spanish viewers alright okay so now that we know what it seemed does in this case when I take the modal's and we're going to join them together all their meetings under one category seem so we can learn all of them and have a way to remember so one word leads to four ideas which you learn lead to about 30 different things but don't worry about it I want to make it easy come on trust me please take your time so let's get rid of we don't we're seen it's remember the part that choice things together in this case today we're not going to make any suggestions we're not going to us for us nor are we going to state our preferences what we want to do is express pen ease for express pen what is pen well in this case 10 is three different parts special effects alright champagne popping now P as a meaning let's start off with P will say P express this possibility what is possible well what is possible loans that we use to show the possibility that something can happen or could happen it can range from anything from 100% with can the weight itself or 60% with could so we show this we can express models Express the possibility or the following can I can help you on Wednesday possible ugly but almost a hundred percent because I have the ability could I could help you on Wednesday it's possible 60 70 percent James will be able to help you next week so I should put this will be equal to Y will be able to being able to is similar to can in the present but we use it when we can't use can for instance if I use a present perfect statement I cannot say I have can candy it doesn't make any sense in English we have to say I am able to have a candy or have been able to help you study English who will be able to is the future of it I will be able to help you one Tuesday similar to Ken right now the next one we could do is well we have will let me explain something quickly can include or related Ken means hundred percent possible now could is 60 to 70 percent will be able to as a future tense okay we can also have be able to if ken is the present okay could is the post I can't help you I could help you alright this is the part of can what we have will be able to we also could say this what be able to is equal to could it's the past version of will be able to okay so we've got can could we'll be able to we'll be able to May which is fifty percent possibility and if you noticed I was make president president president no president Ezekiel is that this little table that cigarette how did I forget heavy smoking damn room smells bad okay we have can and could present and post will be able to wind able to present post another side we have may and might these are all possibilities so we express pan we can express possibility what is possible what could possibly happen it was interesting we know it's possible you look for what well if I know it's possible I could do something but someone has the power to allow me to do it then I need something specific I need I need permission what do I mean by any permission well it's possible that I could go to the party but I have to ask my parents if I may go to the party so once we've got possibility we look at permission we use words here to show us office it is possible to have Commission and the two words that come up here are May and Ken and to succeed one second over there raised something is I want this to stand out to make sure you remember because we achieve three you wouldn't remember what these things are right so let's do that okay race okay so remember it this way is what possible what is possible this one is for permission and you have permission okay now remember these expresses permission this is very interesting so I'm not saying ask for permission I'm expressing permission okay you may go to the concert tonight you can go to the concert tonight I'm expressing permission not asking for it keep that in mind okay remember e4 Express so now we've expressed the permission about a possibility what do you think this would be sometimes you get permission to do things and sometimes you're not allowed to this is called prohibition prohibition means you are not allowed to do it okay there we have if you are prohibited from doing something you're not allowed to do it prohibition can I go to the party yes you may go to the party or no you must not go to the party because it zqe drink way too much when you go out this is not good all right and now he's just smoking and alcohol the dates are behind them we've just done the first part of pan one is it possible to do our permission okay can you your express permission remember that you're expressing yes you can yes you may and finally prohibition things you may not do or must not me up must not do most not means no absolutely not cool that's the first part of can you're 1/3 of your way to understanding modal's beautiful thing about this system is first one is three next one is two lost one is one all right so what's the tube we talks about possibility right permission a couple of and prohibition great it's my problem do you have the ability to do it son can you actually do it so now we're going to look up here next one for this is the ability it's nice that there's a possibility you can do it but if you don't have the ability it's never going to happen what do we use for ability well you're going to start noticing the interesting thing about moles which is this one comes from modify depending the context that you're using a modal will change its meaning and here can means possible here it means permission here it doesn't exist but you know what so the magic of television - the magic of tempo is its effect ends see can can do you have the money yes I can do it you're psycho - remember I talked about can good you were like god this guy's right Kevin could I said president fast why because this is can in the present or the future but in the past when you have a general ability of I almost wrote as I'm crazy like one of those guys on TV oh nice like I said TV - right Humphrey okay good good is the path of care for general ability when I was younger I could run very fast okay right now I can only walk I'm old okay I post many when I walk okay so we got good and can demonstrate ability what could you do also remember I talked with this be able to will be able to would be able to be able to write and if you recall what I said I was very clear I said when you can use can is for present or future code is the positive can write be able to is for every other verb form the infinitive form use with modal's and for the perfect as examples okay now now that we have the ability you know as possible sometimes good friends who love you give you advice that's our second one they say I know you have the availability I know it's possible there are no parental prohibitions you've got permission let me give you some advice son okay so they're going to you some advice okay how do we give advice well we often say you should you should I'm suggesting yeah you know it's one of the better things you could do now you can choose it it would be the right thing nothing we say is this you ought to when someone says you ought to they're saying the proper motive behavior is this this is what you should follow no so you say sure this one thing we say ought to yeah say ought to go second that's a little too close for some of you people I don't want to hear any comments about Auto spilled funny natok - okay so it's T Oh separate word Oh ought to - TV sniffles oh sorry I'm lazy and drunk okay so ox - all right now finally remember I said you ought to say recycle your parents are saying you ought to study son if you want to go to university your friends know then you should study if you want to go be you don't want to say anyone saying okay it's not as strong is this what much stronger and much more formal and finally your teacher might say you had better study or I will kick you out of my class okay now why had there well had better hear and these there's a consequence if you don't do it if you don't study you'll fail if you feel you're kicked out of class you don't want that to happen so you had better study and your dad would say remember teacher would say you had better study I'll kick you out focused any author study if you want to go to university and your friends or is he kugel yell Han yo man you should study if you want to go alright so its strengths but this one says consequence this is more formal a little more seriousness one is giving you the choice cool finally we talked to a possibility prohibition okay permission and ability and advice but what happens if really is not about possibility or ability but it's about necessity when you have necessity you don't have a choice you have to do it so first one the half but have to do a proper pronunciation you have to do something okay what else say you have got to and one more - right I want you to take a look at scare flee and must if you probably know by the way teach you a little trick right now to remember necessity hard word to spell not really imagine you're in your house you know a cat in two skunks if you know Pepe LePew are running around the house well that cat chases the skunk's get it the two skunks and AECC you'll remember forever trust me okay and he SS ity free lesson see I said I give you free lesson fifty percent of free us sorry so have to have got to and most Express necessity in English so we look at expression we can start off with from what is possible to what is absolutely necessary by using models like that that's the pattern system okay remember P is for one start off logically now what is possible Dwight permission are there eight prohibitions okay once I address the possibilities and gone from there then I say well I haven't the ability and should you give me some advice on what I should do and then finally you got to make sure is it really a necessity do I really have to do this and if I have to do it should I use these words cool second sorry yeah high five alright so if you learn more about this global map okay I can call it have a mold madness or must removes whichever you like facing these mastering models because right now you've gone through the ideas that we put in our heads when we're thinking about the rules I think you have a complete picture here right easy to remember check out the red words that's what you remember easy enough go from the red words up Japan and just remember xpresspads responsibility Express prohibition express permission Express ability Express advise Express necessity or easy pen everyone's got one in your house you cook things don't forget this is part of the same method okay this is e from the scene method but you know what it would be best if you went to the website because you'll see not only the video watching me now right but you also find something that is a necessity I'm giving you permission it's great advice I know give the ability is a strong possibility you'll get great improvement and there's no prohibition against it if you go to this website okay WWWE as in english vid as video calm okay there's a quiz okay oh remember this one of the questions will be how many things did you learn mm-hmm you might have to go over the video and check okay because it's a lot of information here and I'm not going to tell you all right so go to WWE be calm right do the quiz see you there nothing the one now what did I put my pain
Channel: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)
Views: 521,066
Rating: 4.8679867 out of 5
Keywords: modal, англи́йский, english-lesson, rebeccaesl, english-grammar, Englisch, jenniferesl, toefl-ibt, engleză, English Vocabulary, inglés, english, Angol, toeic, learn-english, engvid, İngilizce, إنجليزي, αγγλικά, Inggris, anglais, anglicky, inglese, grammar, inglês, toefl, Vocabulary, ielts, verbs, lessons, angielski
Id: XpA_McVjorM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2011
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