Master Color Theory in Photoshop!

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today I will talk about color theory and show some examples so let's start hi guys my name is naming a psychology and welcome to another fun Eva's ode today I am wearing black because I will speak about the colors what is the connection here well there is no connection so let's jump straight into Photoshop and let me show you some magic today we will start with this beautiful white background white color what is white color well I will explain you that in a moment but before that I want to tell you something as you already know all colors in our visible spectrum are combination of three basic colors that's right that's red green and blue RGB white color its mix of all those three colors together let me show you an example let's first start with black color just to have a better view here just for background color and let's make three layers our G be like so and let's use a brush and let's go here and choose red color what is the red color as you can see here the red color its maximum value in a red spectrum here it's 255 the color it's starting from zero to max 255 0 it's completely dark and this saturated color of course that's black and half of that it's 200 128 that's 50% of that color as you can see here 50% in brightness and 255 if it's 100% brightness and 100% of saturation of that color alright we will start with red then oh not in a blue channel in a red layer like so then green green is as you already guessed absence of red and max in a green Channel and 0 in a blue like so and blue blue color it's 0 in red 0 in green and 255 in oh that's nice alright now I will put all those three layers into linear dot into ad blending mode that we can mix them together right the first question for you it's what do you get if you mix red with the green color hmm yes that's right you will get yellow color right let me show you here I will mix red with the green and we will have pure yellow color that's right and what do you get if you have mix blue with with the green yes cyan if you mix blue with the green that cyan and if you mix red with the blue you will have magenta color that's right and if we mix all three colors together like so we will have white color as you can see here if we mix all three colors together into one color we will have pure white color that's the white color okay let me show you just one more thing let's separate this if you mix red and green of course you will have the yellow let me just make another end layer and let's name it Y for yellow and how to choose the yellow pure yellow here in in color palette well it's pretty easy you just need to zero this just start with the red 255 and add a green color 255 and now we will have this pure pure yellow color etc whit if you want to mix blue with the yellow or blue with the red for magenta you will you will zero this and add 255 in a blue Channel and then you will have magenta color etc etc alright now let me show you how you can do the same thing using curves because for me the curves are really really important tools in Photoshop alright let's add a curves adjustment layer and let's clip it to effect only this layer below only this red color here as you can see here in the curves dialog box we have three separate channel red green and blue and we can change all channels separately or we can go to our DB here and change all channels all three channels together to change the luminosity of that color okay how we can change the yellow oh sorry the red color into yellow color by using curves well it's pretty easy if we go back here we can see that the yellow color it's combination of green and red color that that means that we need to add green color into the red color to have yellow color okay let's go here to the curves and go to the green Channel and all we need to do is to add this green color all the way up to the red color and we will have completely completely pure yellow tone and it's pretty easy is the same if you want to get magenta from the red the magenta is combination of blue and the red and we will go to the blue channel here and we will add blue channel to the red and we will have pure magenta color etc etc right guys you just saw how we can change any color in Photoshop into any other color just using curves curves a really really powerful tool in Photoshop and I use them so often let's go back to the screen alright let me show you another example on this image now that you know how you can change colors in Photoshop just using curves will change overall tint of this image from this reddish magenta tone especially in the shadows to something else just using curves but before we start let me tell you something about this curves dialog box basically we can divide this line into five different segments first this point here represents pure whites then this point here represents highlights these are metals and shadows and this point here represent pure black right let's remove this from now for now okay and we need to reduce the red or magenta team from the shadows let's go to the red Channel and let's go here to the shadows or Blackpoint here and let's remove red from from shadows as you can see there is a big difference before and after okay we remove the red like so then let's go to the blue channel not green blue channel and remove a blue because a red and blue gives magenta and let's remove blue just a touch like so and then maybe let me see go to the green and maybe to add just the touch green in the highlights just have White's here III I think this is great for now let me show before and after before and after we can remove the green from the face from the like mid-tones between me tones and highlights and you have this finger here this hand icon with a finger press that and you can see what what point on this line represent this color okay we can remove we can remove the yellow from this part of the face but let's leave or not RGB sorry sorry we need we need the green yeah we need to remove this like from the face but I want to leave all other points intact something like so let me show now before and after before and after really really big different just using curves all right now let's go to second image and let me show another example this is the second image for today and I will show how we can change the background color using the curves to make this girl pop out of this Berggren even more well how to do that how to make color stand out just using another color well there is the color theory to help us we will use complementary color what is complementary color let let me show you on a color wheel here we have this color wheel and the complementary color is the opposite color on this color wheel opposite color in this spectrum for red here is the green for yellow here is the blue etc etc you can see use any color for example this magenta and you can see that complementary color is this nice green but for our purpose we will need orange like so and we can see that complementary color for this forint it's this blue tone let's go back to the photo shop and now we need to make background a little bit bluish to make this girl pop out of that background how to do that but first we need to select that background let's let's use this quick selection tool and just quickly select this background here this will not be so precise because this is not tutorial about selection but it's about colors but I will try to do my best here selecting this even better like so right let's see here and here and let's change here we will need this part and we will need this part like so and this part here and like so okay it's okay for this purpose say okay and let's sorry let's add curves here okay we need to change the background to add blue teen how to add a blue tint let's go to the blue channel and just add some blue right and let's go to the red and reduce some red like so but let's reduce it from the highlights like so nice and we have really really nice blue color we can make this blue color even darker if you want like so but we will change the opacity because we don't want so saturated color maybe some think like so and I will use black brush just make this mask even better like so and as you can see before this girl it's like not so stand out of the background but now she is obviously popping out of this background because we use complementary color for this orange tone is that blue tone we can change this this tone let's use a blue and we can add more blue or less blue and play with that maybe like this etc etc but that's the point here guys that's the point you can use complementary color to make other colors stand out in the image just by changing by playing with the colors okay let me show you the third and last example for today and that's how you can change the gray tone into any tone you want we will use this black and white image but before that let me let me show you something let's use 50% gray we don't need hue we need 50% gray and we will fill this layer with 50% gray and if we use curves here and if we want to make this 50% gray for example skin tone skin tone is combination of red and yellow and we need to add red here and we need to add yellow yellow it's opposite of the blue and we need to do something something like so maybe maybe this is too dark and we will go to the RGB trial here and brighten this and we will have some skin tone if we want to change this this gray into some other color we can do that just changing other channels for example we can make purple we can make green etc etc right let's delete this and let's change let's let's paint the color on this girl's skin just using curves alright let's add some read and add some yellow to have this beautiful skin tone here something like like so and from the highlights to and then we need to select the skin like so and maybe the hair too because the hair will be similar color just for this example I'll show how can colorize this place like so right that's nice this here rate we don't need this part here all right and just fill it with the black and then invert the mask right now we colorize this this girl here with some skin tone if we want to colorize the background for example let's use curves and we can add some blue tone to the background let's copy this mask here but invert it because we want the opposite selection and let's go to the blue channel here and add some blue and remove some red something like so maybe and change the opacity like so and we can change this towel to be completely wide by adding adding a red like so and adding green like like so maybe reduce blue even no okay let's let's make mask to see actually color here something like like so and yeah that's good and what we need to do here is to remove a green a little bit and something like so and we can of course make it even brighter the mask it's not perfect but that's not the point here the point here is that you can colorize the black and white image just using curves and play with that alright guys that's it for today this is just the basic stuff from color theory there are a lot of other advanced things that I didn't cover today but I hope that you liked this tutorial and that you understand it that you'll learn how to change any color in Photoshop into any other just using three basic colors red green and blue how to make color stand out even more using complementary colors water complementary colors etc etc if you have any questions at all please ask them in a comment below I will be glad to answer them and see you next week in the next fun episode bye bye if Jimmy Hendrix was retoucher he would retire like this see you next week in the next episode bye-bye
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 77,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Color Theory, Colors, Theory, Teorija boja, Nemanja Sekulic, Photoshop, Tutorial, Photoshop tutorial, Photoshop cc, color wheel, Complementary colors, RGB, color wheel complementary colors, How to mix colors, Basic colors, Master color theory, How to change colors in Photoshop, how to combine colors in photoshop
Id: 2pNW7wn3Y4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2016
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