Master Class | Caro–Kann x2!! | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky

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[Music] okay so we're going to go to the carbocon and we faced this before all right guys so we've we faced this before and one of the ideas of this move is to meet bishop f5 with this move knight to d4 now not a lot of people actually know that so we're still going to go bishop f5 here and make the typical car con okay guys let's switch to the game please i i think that i've said all that i wanted to say on this topic so what's the move here the move here is e6 yeah the move here is e6 and obviously the reason is to open up the bishop and to prepare the move c5 which is you know i've explained this the the rationale behind this before you're essentially trying to um knock down essentially trying to contest white spawn chain that's the the zen of the carbocon okay so bishop d3 um i guess moving on we're not talking about the round two you're welcome to tune in to the youtube and watch it i want to focus on this game okay um so yeah well it's it's the most watched game i'm sorry but it's the most watched game in chess history for all the wrong reasons and um that's not something that i necessarily i mean it's it's it's interesting but it's not necessarily something i want to just like celebrate okay so should we take the bishop what should we do here what should we do here so we could trade the bishops here but we could also enforce the concept of trading on our own terms so we can try to make him take on f5 yes i like bishop g6 actually i love bishop g6 because if he takes our bishop which he probably is going to we take with the h1 and when he castles he's going to have to deal with the opening of the h file okay so what do we do what do we do now what's the sequence of events here what do we do next what do we do next so the next move is c5 we need to follow through on our main idea the move c5 accomplishes two specific things it it puts pressure on the d4 pawn and it also opens up the c6 square for r knight which is super good square we put more pressure on this pawn rookie he's playing pretty well and now we can kind of play as if it were the french and in the french you basically put pressure on this d4 pawn until it cracks how do we do that yeah so f6 is premature because it opens up the e file and that's in his favor bingo queen b6 is a great move here yes very nice and he's cracked so he's tunnel visioned this pawn without realizing of course that he also drops this spawn that's often what happens in these kinds of situations because people are less experienced with these kinds of positions they tend to tunnel vision when they tunnel vision they start dropping a bunch of pawns right or they do something like bishop e3 without paying attention to the other side of the board okay rook b1 so i'm not really commenting this i'm just taking all of his pawns one by one we're now three pawns up and we've ruined isn't okay so he's he's just blundering stuff here all right so take stakes and now we're up a piece and we're basically winning together one thing that we have to be a little bit careful about here is is obviously the fact that we haven't developed our kingside pieces we have to do so efficiently but it's not like he can do anything to our king it's not like he can really exploit this so we're just gonna have to be a little bit careful about that we're just gonna have to be a little bit careful about that yeah our king is open what should white play to avoid losing the full house yeah i'll i'll definitely talk about that after the game i'll definitely talk about that after the game [Music] okay so we can play bishop b4 but i like bishop c5 because that that hits it where it hurts on the f2 square yeah so you can find more of the speedrun on youtube my youtube channel will eventually contain all of these speedruns but it contains most of the speedruns already i'd be honored if you subscribe to my youtube we now cross 150 000 subs aiming toward 200 000 that would be awesome yeah so knight h69 f5 is great obviously but yeah yeah so i'll talk about the logistics of what he could have done in just a second let's see what he plays okay yeah it will be a long journey but hopefully it'll be instructive the bottom line is that i'm trying to make as much instructive content as i can for as many people as i can and you know i want to help as many people as possible get past the beginner level so it's a it's an ambitious goal but um you know the speed run is my first really big project and he just resigns which is fair which is fair uh because he's just that lost so yeah so okay so this move knight to d4 is something that people at this level don't really play and the idea is to attack the bishop but it's not only to attack the bishop after bishop g6 how can white actually follow up on this what do we what is what is what it's supposed to do here i'm not playing the wrong account guys but people need to realize and i'm gonna be very straightforward here a lot of people are like well where is the latest youtube video my i don't have a whole team that works for me i'm just one guy and i have one editor his name is clyde he's an m he's a vip on on this stream he works extremely hard he puts out a video every day i don't have 18 people working for me so we're doing things at the pace um that we that we can manage and everything will eventually be out on youtube but i don't have four channels and it is what it is the pace is what it is so that's just what it's going to be um and that's how it's always going to be because you know i'm just a dude like i'm not ever going to have like a whole entourage behind me even if that means sacrificing a little bit of speed all right because i like that personal touch i like people to just know that it's just just me just maybe one more guy and that's that's just always been my style yeah thank you guys i appreciate it clyde is definitely a hero okay um so this is an annoying move because it basically disrupts it disrupts uh a black's development makes it harder to get this bishop out and it and it it makes the king weaker um but the move here is actually queen d6 like black should respond with queen d6 here because that attacks e6 and after ef7 bishop f7 you can actually just go e5 you can control the center this is not an easy move to see this move queen d6 it requires kind of a zen approach to the position because panicking and taking the pawn actually plays into white's hands because after knight takes e6 you have to move the queen then he takes the bishop then you have to take with the king who you don't really want to take with the king because now you can't castle anymore and you don't have a dark sword bishop that's not great so that's just something that we had to bear in mind he goes d4 instead e6 bishop b3 bishop g6 so i really like this move now there's a couple of alternative ways of playing this position and you guys are pointing them out you don't have to play c5 first of all you can get the knight over to f5 via h6 that's a typical karokon idea um you can also go knight to d7 and then knight to e7 and then c5 and knight to c6 so c5 is not a mandatory move for this early but it really does make it easier for black to develop because now like you're essentially orienting your blade toward attacking this pawn so the reason f6 isn't good here is because you're offering white to open up the center the question of who does this favor who does this benefit right interesting it benefits white because if you look at this position very carefully you'll notice that the rook now can just take on e6 with check so on a more general level white has castled and black is not castled and when you have this disparity the fact that the center is closed is actually really good for black because it allows you to keep your king in the center with impunity without it being punished right so you have to think of things in the on this kind of general level i'm not castled white is castle so if i keep the center closed then i can get away with that all right queen b6 bishop e3 and queen takes b2 so instead of this he should have probably gone something like knight to a3 that would be one good way of ensuring that a spawn were to be defended because then he could drop his knight away back to c2 thank you killer cat for the stuff and that makes it very hard for me to actually win the d4 pawn i would have probably gone knight h695 and black has a very nice position all of my pieces are focused on pressuring the spawn but white can keep this pawn alive for the time being yeah so you basically keep applying pressure there's no reason to take until you absolutely have to um so let's play c6 let's play carl and we've been focusing mostly on on the karo khan um with the black pieces because that is like the og solid opening okay let's play cd oh and another 25 god damn girl damn girl incredible another 25. holy smokes holy smokes all right i don't know what to say seven for one other than you are a beast okay now knight c3 is already an inaccuracy knight c3 is already an inaccuracy um and why is that the case yeah i usually i'll turn the notifications off because of this mean support why is that the case because so knight c3 is a very natural developing move that a lot of people play automatically but it blocks the c pawn and i'll talk about this more after the game it it blocks the scene you might be like well why is it important that white blocks the sea pun what does that c pawn do for me well the c pawn can be pushed to c4 that's the pawn on variation or it can be pushed to c3 in order to defend before so on a basic level this pawn on d4 is very much weakened and as you guys will see as the game develops that's going to become very important so let's develop our pieces i'm just going to develop knight c6 9 f6 now again i don't expect this to be intuitive because you look at this and say well the queen's defending the pawn the knight can develop and defend the pawn but defending a pawn with pieces is not the same as defending a pawn with another pawn when you defend a pawn with pieces by definition that that gives the pieces an assignment that they may not want to have and we have many ways to put pressure on this pawn thank you for the 2000 okay so let's go knight f6 now where should this bishop go assuming he allows it where should this bishop unsee it go on the next move okay this is a good move but where should this go yeah bishop g4 with what aim is the aim just to pin the night well the aim is to pin the knight but it's also potentially to actually trade in order to soften up his defense of the d4 pawn so our plan in the early going is going to be to develop our pieces a but b to do so with an eye toward pressuring the d4 pawn that's all there is to it one of the great things about the karakan is that it helps you practice good peace development and generally the plans are are quite simple we're not doing anything crazy everybody in the room all 2500 of you should be able to understand why i'm developing the way that i am yeah so when do you exchange for the night well you would exchange for the night when there's a necessity of doing so now as long as you're pinning the night you're not in a hurry to take the knight but he's gone queen d3 that's actually a very good move queen d3 unpins the knight now is that important well that kind of is important because if we just go e6 if we go about our business then where is this night going to go and if you see this move then you will understand that this is a very unpleasant possibility 95 and now he has a pin of his own so now is when we take on f3 so the short answer to your question is you make a commitment move like this when you absolutely need to when that when when you can't delay any longer procrastination interest is a good thing but you don't want to over procrastinate or you're going to miss your opportunity okay so we can't take we're pinned we don't need to play a6 that's another move which i think a lot of you guys maybe want to play intuitively but i don't necessarily want to encourage him to take his to take the knight i'm not afraid of this pin why because i've got a pawn that defends the knight and once i castle uh the tooth falls out organically right okay so he takes i take he's actually helping me okay so knight takes d5 and he just collapses i'm not sure what he has in mind here but this just blunders a piece and it actually doesn't even matter what we take with we can take either with the queen or with the knight sorry we can take either with a queen or with a pawn um but in the interest of playing solid chess in the interest of playing uh you know good positional chess let's take with the queen to encourage the queen trade which he basically has to go for because if he doesn't he's going to lose one of these things simplifying thank you so much evil fair appreciate your support yeah so we're just going to take back the queen yeah well if queen d3 then we take on g2 right gm shadow also like i would have considered that but the knight was hanging so it's just much simpler to just take the knight yeah this guy's i mean he's gonna he's gonna get banned okay yeah i'm in bay area so it's 12.50 for me okay so he takes the queen we take um so feels like you're weakening your pawn structure after the queen trade now yes but it doesn't matter the point is i'm up a piece and he doesn't have the firepower to attack this pawn on d5 if that makes sense all right why doesn't he have the firepower well he doesn't have a knight anymore the only piece that could even hypothetically attack the spawn is this bishop which could potentially swing to b3 and we could neutralize that move by playing what or we could castle short or with an eye toward defending the pawn on d5 at the same time we could do what we could castle long and i think some people might be disawaited from this move because of because of the fact that you know i feel like there's this notion that you shouldn't cast along in the end game but that that is that's not necessarily the case this is a great move because it keeps the rook protecting the pawn c4 is a good thought but he just blunders the pawn and now the game is basically over okay um now the game is basically over okay so he takes on d5 so should we take back what should we do here it all depends on the position no don't let me trick you guys this bishop is hanging we just take it well i wouldn't um rush to okay so now all we really need to do let's involve the rook into the game look he8 yeah okay he's helping us okay so d6 i mean he's got a nakedly obvious idea of going d7 which we should prevent with one mode now i know a lot of people would like take the pawn here and i spoke about this in a five minute speed run like you shouldn't give away pieces for no good reason when you can preserve them instead you should do what yeah just kinky seven or rook d it was also good but i like involving the king and then we take on d6 so the rule for winning up a lot of material is you should only give up some of the material if that you know if that simplifies the task or eliminates counter play but you shouldn't be trigger happy when it comes to giving up parts of your material because before you know it you could end up giving up too much of your material so i feel like i've maybe been a little bit misleading when i've told people to to give up parts of their material okay so b6 i mean you can go rookie it doesn't even matter what we do here we can just take all the spawns i want to freeze i want to freeze his pawns so so he doesn't cause me any trouble here but it really doesn't matter and he resigns so the server resets pretty soon i'm going to answer more questions and it does um so okay this was a pretty simple game now knight c3 uh i explained i think pretty clearly why this is an inaccuracy it's not a huge mistake but it is an inaccuracy after which white is basically fighting for equality all right same here simon thanks for stopping in have a great night my man yeah so knight c3 blocks the c2 pawn and the reason that is important is because he's got a pawn on d4 and in a way that you can think about this is that this pawn now essentially becomes isolated it in effect becomes isolated because this knight blocks its only potential defense with another pawn does that make sense so c4 here is absolutely a move and that's the pawn of attack that's a legitimate line but the more solid line that i recommend to my students who are on the beginner end are is bishop d3 and then c3 in order to protect the spawn with another pawn then this knight can develop eventually via d2 okay yeah raj skin or i do quite a bit actually so knight c3 and i guess it is an influence on my narration style knight f3 knight f6 okay developing we should be five bishop g4 this is where you guys should ask questions if you have them uh and queen d3 that's a good move now if white had played h3 here's a instructive question for you guys should we take on f3 or should we drop the bishop back to h5 so yeah the reason that uh bishop d3 is good if c3 immediately then you allow sorry you allow the bishop to come to f5 which is a nice prime real estate and on broadway you don't want to let that bishop develop there so you go bishop d3 first um so i just want to see what people are thinking this is really interests me okay so most people are saying drop back so i actually kind of tricked some of you i think you should take so as i said earlier the rule for deciding when you want to take and when you want to procrastinate is you want to procrastinate until the point of no return until the point at which your opponent can actually permanently prevent you from doing what you want to do and if you drop the bishop back then why does the move g4 attacking a bishop but everybody should understand this this is what i want to make clear and guess what you've lost the possibility of taking the knight now why is that a problem why is that a problem what can i do to you here very unpleasant move the whole point was to pin the knight and eventually take it but in addition we go 95 and let me make me loma because this is not winning for white this is just very unpleasant but everybody should see that rook c8 you have to play then maybe h4h5 comes in this becomes very very unpleasant and this bishop actually becomes the instrument of black's demise whereas it was supposed to be the instrument of white's demise right you were supposed to use this bishop to take white's knight now this bishop might get trapped all right now the reason i think some people don't see this is because you've been conditioned to think not to put words in anybody's mouth but you've been conditioned to think that this move is very weakening and we want to induce it and you want to try to stay away from these kind of categorical thoughts because g4 is a very weakening move but it's a lot more weakening of white's castle and even when white's castled it i can give you many situations when g4 is perfectly justified it is not as weakening of a move as some people make it out to be so you have to be really careful sometimes it's good to induce this move you gotta make sure that you're not giving your opponent a big initiative okay so we actually would want to take this knight and play as we did in the game so e6 bishop d6 castles maybe eventually queen b6 to increase the pressure on the pawn okay so queen d3 we take that's why we took e6 and obviously knight takes d5 just gave up the game immediately um yeah so there's plenty of positions we're taking on g4 is good but generally when white castles um generally when white castles okay so instead what should white do here now what should i do in a position like this let's say you got this position before the server resets so yeah so essentially i would consider castling long although this position is very dangerous for white because this pawn is very weak and we've also got the semi open c file so you guys should see that this is very very dangerous now castling short is not good because you blunder the pawn but what i would do and let me let me illustrate the logic here what's the biggest problem in white's position that's a question i want you guys to answer and then i'm going to walk you through my logic here what's the biggest problem in white's position that's it's a pawn on d4 right we know that it's the weak pawn on d4 so how should we defend a weak pawn well preferably we should defend it with another pawn well what's stopping us from playing c3 well it's the knight on c3 what's stopping this from going 92 and then c3 there is something stopping us there is something stopping us from going 92 what is it now if you had your tactical if you had a tactical um x-ray vision on you would see that the queen the bishop is undefended you have a puzzle rush motif queen a5 check this doesn't win the bishop but it forces knight c3 and this is a disaster so what preliminary action could we take in order to eliminate this possibility and it's not ideal to do this but desperate situations call for desperate measures we could begin by so you guys are trying to artificially solve it thank you for the 1500 you guys are trying to artificially solve the problem of queen a5 but remember what black's threatening to take the pawn don't lose sight of that you take the knight first then you play 92 and then you play c3 yes so i think that this would have limited black's advantage quite a bit all right because this both keeps the pawn defended in the meantime and eliminates the possibility queen a5 is still possible but it doesn't do anything and white is doing okay here okay so that's the logic that would have led me to take on c6 this also just by virtue of its of its you know by virtue of the move itself it lessens the pressure on the d4 pump because the knight was actually putting pressure on it okay so that's uh that's an example of simple positional logic okay so that's all there is to it all right the server is going to reset any second so i can't start a new game okay it's already resetting yeah um i'm not trying to you know pretend that this is very complicated this is actually quite straightforward could you go into rook placement all right so tips on protecting the dark square bishop and the king's indian yeah but that's actually fine super neon you you shouldn't be too too afraid of defending that bishop um but one thing i can teach you guys a sexy car gifting a tier three to salamander is in the kings and see this is why they're this is why it's so important to understand the ideas of an opening so in the sameish variation of the king's indian just to give you guys an example there is a very cool trick and i'm quite sure that a lot of you could benefit from this trick let's say we have this position many times white plays the move bishop h6 in order to try to trade the dark squared bishop but in a position of this sort this is a tactical error who knows the refutation here who knows what the refutation is it's knight takes e4 yeah i take c4 this attacks the queen so we have to take the knight and now a queen check forks the bishop and the king now we take on h6 and not only have we preserved the bishop but we are now up upon so knowing this idea will arm you with the opportunity to not only set traps but also to you know to win a lot of games like this so imagine assembling a compilation of like 15 of these types of ideas imagine how much better you'll be at the opening that you normally play a thousand bets from sexy car thank you so that's just one small example of that another um on the topic of on the topic of preserving your dark sword bishop let me show you guys a game since the server is down that i gave to my students recently so i gave this to a pretty wide range of students who are pretty high rated but i think everybody can understand the concept here and i quite like the games of akiba rubinstein to illustrate various positional ideas so let me find it if you just give me a second here um this is ruben stein against duress carlsbad 2011 duros was a pretty good player he was like top 10 in in the early early 1900s i think so this guy was this guy was good um but here he made a very instructive conceptual mistake so we just have sort of a position it's black to play and clearly white has quite a big space advantage you know why does a big space advantage white's got more of a center we have the question of where to put the knight which is something that i think a lot of players struggle with you know this question where do you put a piece like how do you determine what square to retreat to or do you even retreat and this is a great example of how chess has evolved because duress by all accounts quite quickly played the move 97 which is like the most tempting retreat and he got corrupt i mean he didn't get crushed he just got positionally outplayed he never got off got out of the gates again i mean his position just got more and more passive rubenstein played a brilliant positional game to outplay him but duras never got out of the gates thank you azakir baitar and shadow you're suggesting knight before and i'm gonna say something which i don't mean negatively and i don't mean it condescendingly this is a good the spirit of this move is good but it's kind of pseudoactive and pseudoactive moves are very tempting because it looks like the knight does more than before but remember that pieces are very fragile things and that means that they're very easy to kick around with pawns so that's why the concept of outpost is so important why can just play a3 you have to drop the knight to a6 now you might say okay i get it but maybe i want to get the knight to c5 so what should i do here what should white do here yeah just b4 and you've got a big problem the knight is permanently out of the game so that's um that's an issue and so the correct move as many of you have indicated is to sack the pawn with knight t4 the bishop takes d4 e takes d4 now you can't take with the knight because the queen is pinned so you have to take with the queen and the job is not yet done what you have to notice here is that this bishop on fa does not have any role um but it's got a role to play because the queen and the rook are on the same diagonal and so the move g6 here gives black good compensation for the pawn very good compensation for the phone white is a slightly better objectively but from a practical perspective this is great for black so i mean this is a slight detour i was asked about the role of the bishop but this is a good example of understanding that peace activity particularly the activity of your bishops is worth a lot more than a pawn in most cases yeah you can take the knight on f3 actually but you don't have to i mean this light scored bishop is not a bad piece it's putting some pressure on the knight you can take on f3 later if you need to but i wouldn't necessarily rush it okay so players have become more active players have have become more tall like in their instincts and that's how chess should be played according to modern engines um okay so let me see the server is still down which means i can take more questions i can take more questions doesn't the queen move away yeah i mean the queen should move away but you're not just trying to win the exchange you're trying to activate the bishops and then the play becomes a lot easier maybe you can get the queen out you can get the rook to c8 you've got a very active game when do you build center compared to going flank well there's no general answer to that question it's it's more a matter of uh you know understanding that you normally have to have a well-protected center before you start a flank attack but how well protected a center has to be depends also on what your opponent does so it is it's it really depends i think but you should always err on the side of having your center too well protected is it bad to play queen's game but almost exclusively as white no in fact i'll i'm happy to play it in the next game although i'll make a small exception to the speed run rule and i'll play the queen's gambit it is certainly not a bad idea to play it as your main opening queen's gambit is considered to be essentially one of the best openings available as long as you feel like you're getting exposed to a variety of different kinds of positions that's fine and you know you can study it and you can get better at it i think that um there's nothing inherently wrong with that if that's what you're asking okay um now to tie this into something i was talking about earlier this book that i mentioned uh by john watson's secrets of modern chess strategy is a phenomenal book that sounds a little bit boring but it's actually a phenomenal book and it's a little bit misleading because it's almost a historical book on how chess thinking has evolved so like the chapters the center and development minorities majorities and past pawns the evolution of the iqp those radical rooks overview i mean there are some amazing juicy passages and games in in this book so i actually think if you're interested in how chess thinking has evolved and this is also a very instructive book you should absolutely consider reading it john watson is a super interesting author in general he's got some other interesting books which i haven't read [Music]
Channel: Daniel Naroditsky
Views: 191,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, penguinz0, MoistCr1tikal, magnus, carlsen, chess, tetris, chessbrah, hikaru, nakamura, grandmaster, eric hansen, daniel, naroditsky, speed, blitz, funny, rapid, match, chesscom, twitch, checkmate, strategy, tactics, calculation, top, best chess channel, Tournament, money, bet, famous, pogchamps, pog, champs, lesson, teaching, super-grandmaster, master, commentary, chess videos, chess instruction, naka, speedrun, speedchess, fide, event, Hikaru adoption, bullet, entertainment, star wars
Id: kO4qTTR0B7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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