Master Class | Panov Attack (Caro–Kann) | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky

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kanto bristol from poland let's go with an e4 and well um we're basically well that's that's sweet i i appreciate it well you're part of the reason very few people do okay so oh next level we're facing macarocon how dare he play something that i play with luck okay so what do we do against the car con if we want to play we want to play a sharp line we can play the narrow con we can play the con so okay so we're going to go d4 we're not going to play the naruhan i'll show you what that is um but the classic way of um of getting this into a sharp position the traditional old-school way is to go for the panov attack and the pawn of attack is to take on d5 this is the exchange car oh this is a gateway to very peaceful lines but the game but the way to make this very interesting and tactical not to suggest that the exchange with bishop d3 which is the main exchange is not interesting it's a great line it's not that tactical though boom c4 immediately contesting the center this should make sense right you're trying to get rid of this fun and you're developing your pieces with an eye toward pressuring the spawn he takes it okay so he relents and now this leads to one of the most well studied and most famous structures of all time the iqp the isolated queen pawn structure why is it called that well because there's a pawn on d4 and it is isolated what does that what does that mean means there are no neighboring pawns right there's no pawn on c2 there's no pawn on e2 we've given both of them up and a lot of people approach this from the perspective of is the iqp good or bad and if there was an answer to that then this wouldn't be so well studied the iqp whether the iqp is good or bad depends entirely on the circumstances it is neither good nor bad it and that's the magic of it is it depends entirely on on what else is going on in the position it can be it can be the reason you win the game it can be the reason you lose the game it was the winter of despair it was the summer of butcher the dickens quote he he just um chatted me move okay he he just um chatted me move okay so we shall move yes queen b3 is okay so bishop f5 is a mistake uh they get to have grisha for the tier one this is a classic fork i mean you guys are most a lot of you're familiar with this idea it's just a fork it's a fork against two pawns and we're gonna take this one thank you yeah knight bd7 and we shouldn't go crazy like this is the moment when a lot of people go off a cliff and they're like i'm going to mess him up i'm going to knight b5 and i'm going to stick my knight into c7 you need to be careful here because we haven't completed our development particularly our kingside development and oh he will regret this and so let's instead of doing anything a rash let's focus on completing our development mindfully we can go bishop f4 to prevent um to prevent him from going rook b8 that's possible he's not threatening rook well he's not really threatening rook b8 because well because we're going to take the pawn on a7 so what's the simplest developing move what's the most meat and potatoes developing but i'm going to literally think this out just to annoy him no just kidding okay don't do that and i have some stories but he does go rook be it so obviously when we look at this carefully and what you got to be careful about is that your queen doesn't get like trapped in a repetition like he keeps chasing the queen and he's actually close to that it's kind of funny that he's he's he's actually well the thing is i'm actually have to calculate this sorry i'm thinking because he's this is a funny paradox where he's probably not seen half of this but there's a crazy line i just calculated which i'll show you after the game i think we can take the pawn i think we're safe to take the pawn and the alternative would have been to go to a6 which would have been the safer option that was just fine but i think we're good i think he's not going to repeat moves and i'm not trying to do this to be fancy i'm just honestly trying to make sure he's not going to make a draw by repeating moves and attacking the queen permanently and again assuming now what was i calculating i was calculating to move rook to a8 continuing to harass the queen i assume that he he's going if i'm getting the right read on him i think he's probably going to do that um but what he should do he goes rook before okay so he goes for the bishop which is not scary at all because this bishop can be easily moved and not only can it be moved it can be moved in a way that makes him regret his previous move because this rook on v4 is really misplaced now i a lot of you have the instinct to move back which is understandable but let's think about all of the squares available to us and if we do that we say oh wait a second i have this b5 square it's a great square protected by the knight it's not amazing the fact that it's only protected by one piece what is amazing a the fact that we're pinning his knight to his king and he's not even developed yet and b look at this rook how are you getting back good sir um well you're not and we're threatening a3 that's basically going to trap the rook he's going to have one more square but that's a ticking time bomb there now if you really want to play five head moves if you really want to play five head moves a3 is not even obligatory although we're gonna play this very simple as i i've said today way too many times meat and potatoes let's go a3 and i'll show you after the game let me write this down just so i don't forget there is a nice move instead of this too okay but should be eight makes sense okay um again it's a surface level threat totally understandable why he played it and we can move our queen to a variety of places it doesn't particularly matter queen b7 is fine i mean i wouldn't move the well actually perhaps it's good to move the queen yeah it's a great move actually i i didn't give it the benefit of the doubt initially queen b7 is actually amazing because it pins the rook so remember that pins are are two-sided street um when you move your queen to b7 it may seem like you are pinning yourself but you're also pinning the rook a piece of higher value can x-ray a piece of lower value and that's important here because the rook is going to be unfortunate if it goes to b3 it's going to be undefended what does that tell us well then we can take the knight with check we can expose the uh the attack on the rook yeah but queen takes d7 is bad because remember his knight is defended by the other knight so that would blunder the queen and bishop takes d7 would be ineffective for a similar reason it would actually open up the gates for his rook to come back we don't want that we want the gates to be closed so if if i were black here i would take the bishop at the very least he should try to get something for his rook otherwise he's going to lose a full rook well if he castles we're remember we're attacking his rook he's welcome to castle but we're going to take his rook and queen c5 i liked i actually was going to propose it but but it's spicy but he goes rook b3 and then we have to do additional work to trap his rook which would be fine and we shouldn't necessarily play games with a queen like that i mean okay he goes rook b3 and as you guys can see we can take the knight let's check we're not blundering our queen that's check check supersedes that and we can take his rook and now the game is basically over his queen side is no more thank you and prof dw is now a sub which is even more important yeah so now let's castle let's complete our development okay so he's building up a battery on h2 he's actually playing quite well i have to say he's he's making good moves but uh let's not toy with this battery that's a serious battery here let's not let's not play games so what's the simplest way to not play games what does that mean how can we avoid the games yeah let's just go g3 now i understand that that's a bit weakening because it is weakening right we are weakening the light squares in fact we're allowing a move like this but we are up a rook and he's got no pieces on the king side other than the bishop to inflict any kind of serious damage there's no it's not like he's got his queen on the king's side and he's going to lobster pincer checkmates that's not what's happening here and we're also yes so the the other important thing is we're preparing bishop f4 so this is this comes back to something i called one of the most overrated rules which is not to push pawns in front of your king it's a good rule it's a good rule of thumb but it needs to be taken in moderation moves like h3 or g3 are often less weakening than they seem particularly when you're trying to achieve a very important goal you can't do one thing without making some concessions and i think that this is a good example of that right okay if i was like seven years younger i would like type move to him but there's no no need for that yeah i mean it's not essential to make luft but it's not bad i don't mind it if i was like 16 in high school i'd totally do that but sometimes taking the higher road is good particularly because i'm the one smurfing here okay yeah luft is um okay bishop g4 good move again attacking the knight he's making a lot of good moves and a lot of good threats so again good idea not to immediately assume we should move the knight we need to consider what else we can do and if we simply open up the possibility of not moving the knight but instead doing bishop f4 right the movie prepared attacking his queen getting our last piece out and we're well on the way to victory here okay so yeah i can totally totally do that yeah i yeah like i went to phil's and then i went to kale kale express this morning in san fran and it was awesome so let's go to 85 let's just start trading everything let's start trading everything okay yeah this is just this is just over i mean we're up a rook he's got some some threats here that need to be that need to be watched for but largely it is it is it is completely winning yeah no more iqp by the way yeah that's a good point all right that's our iqb has lived out its life it's retired to the beaches of i don't know it's retired to the seychelles and it's it's enjoying good life now on e5 thank you evarde pfr for the tier one and um yeah yeah we are playing a gm yeah well i have to get the permission from so they can go back through my games and refund the ratings but um you know yeah but i'm not actually i mean you don't technically need the permit i mean i think i can open a second account i'm not i'm not forbidden from doing that so i don't think that you you need to declare there's no rule that you need to declare your title um i don't think that's a rule that's written one could argue that it's dirty to do this but i also think people shouldn't make too big of a deal out of out of it i mean of course it's easy for me to say that but it's also just objectively not a big deal this doesn't happen so many times to people that oh i played another i played another one of those gm's today oh my god they're like yeah i know they're killing me like i can't log into without meeting these hordes of gm smurfing on the 10-minute pool okay so he's putting the bishop on f3 and the thing is the thing is this is actually a delicate situation why because if he puts his queen on h3 right now we're going to lose he's going to lobster pincer made us on g2 and that can be a little bit as concerning so we need to deal with his bishop how do we deal with it well some of you may notice the x-ray that we have over the bishop so there's an impulse immediately to move this knight away and there's an impulse to move the knight forward right we want to move it forward but think about it this way the knight on b5 is that night really serving the purpose of defending the king and that's as we could understand the key uh here is to is to you know all hands on deck all hands on deck so if you think about where this knight could go instead we could drop it back to e2 that looks like an ugly move it looks very unappealing but we could actually bring it over to f4 what would that do well his queen is limited in the squares that it could go to to keep the bishop protected and queen g4 is the only logical square but then after knight f4 we're controlling the square that his queen wants to go to and we actually want to play h3 ourselves and knock the queen away from his defense over the ship and this actually is another byproduct he simply takes which makes our job so much easier now we no longer have the bishop to worry about our king is perfectly safe and we can just start pushing the pawn and winning the game immediately okay yeah let's take the pawn actually and we can you know the lord has come for our iqp but now we're going to come for black's king very shortly thereafter and let's go okay so we're also going to come after black's queen and he's going to resign good game good game for sure nice when you were never in trouble good to know okay other than when you told us to move now the pawn of again when i'm talking about these opening variations you shouldn't be thinking good and bad you should be thinking more okay these are the kinds of positions that these typically lead to uh yeah uh and bishop d3 is is the exchange car oh that's a great line you basically build up a little bit of a pawn chain then you develop your pieces normally and it's a pretty peaceful line and it's actually the recommendation of some books like why this is one of white's best chances to get an edge and um a lot of gm's play but the pawn off is very um very old line and let's see when it was first played i actually have a book on pawn off pawn knob was a very obscure i mean very i assume few people will know who khan was i've heard of the player pawn off in a context other than the pawn of kara khan there it is i found it it's very stubborn just hiding but i found it um so i told you guys about this so in in soviet russian in the 1980s in the 70s there was a series called the you know black book series and this is because the the covers were dark black and then there was the just the chasse player on it and it basically was dedicated to all these soviet players were not very well known but their best games were annotated and um and it was they were annotated by top grand masters they were commissioned to annotate the games to raise awareness of more obscure players um and these were phenomenal books they're hard to get and i have most of them and there was one on pawn up so this is this says vasily panov and that's that's what he looked like not someone you probably wanted to piss off at the chess board it just seemed like he's about to complain to the arbiter about his opponent like wiping his nose too much but yeah anyways um i shouldn't be picking on on good old pawn off yeah so vaseline pawn off he died he was born 1906 and died in 1973 biography lots of pictures him giving a simul and obviously his like objective greatest contribution was the pawn off and there's these young pawn off here that's young that's young pun off okay not that anybody care like i'm showing the young panop looked like when he was 20 but you can kind of see yeah he i feel like he had that face all the time okay so he yeah well you know um he hadn't invented the pawn up yet so he was he was not happy he was not fulfilled until we met the plan off yeah no no definitely he's got the he's got that look um but the pawn of itself was first played in the year his first plane of the year 1844 wow long time ago long before panav was born so it's been around and as always is the case the guy whom the opening was named after is rarely an alekhine played it like a million times panopt did play it a couple times but it's it's very murky how these openings get named and it also could have been that he wrote an article on on on this opening in some journal and it got it basically what the equivalent of going viral in like the 50s so it's it's sort of hard to fully describe okay so in the pawn of okay dc is not bad but it's not great he should just develop and i'm not i'm just i'm a little bit i'm fried so i'm not gonna go full deep into like the iqp positions but i will do that probably tomorrow but the bottom line is that by taking on c4 he is helping me develop and this square that i've highlighted in it in red is crucial because the person who's gotten this is the shortest and the easiest way to understand who's better in an iqp position is to look at who has control of the square in front of the pawn if white has control of the square in front of the iqp pawn white's generally going to be good if black is blockading the square in front of the iqp pawn generally with his knight oftentimes black will be in good shape and that is a very cheap like cheap and and unnuanced way of looking but if if you need like an emergency way of evaluating an iqp position you should do that okay but bishop f5 is bad for reasons that have nothing to do with the iqp uh but rather reasons that have to do with these two pawns being very weak and uh we win one of them so i want to go straight to the moment where i was talking about now isolated queen's pawn iqp is an abbreviation if he kept harassing the queen how would we have evacuated this on sort of annoying predicament well what we would have done is we would have gone to c6 and he continues to harass he can go rook b6 then we go to a4 then he can go to b4 this looks like a fork when i needed to calculate queen a6 he can go to b6 and he continues to harass us but we can drop the queen to a5 what's the point of this well the point of this is to lure him into going bishop before then when we get to queen a4 he can't put his rook on before any longer our queen is finally safe and i think white is better here so this weird sort of confusing line is what i was trying to calculate making sure that our queen actually had a series of of moves to worm its way out of the cage um it's a cool line yeah it's a cool line you're just nothing special about it just getting your queen out but the other thing that i wanted to mention in this position what would have been the other way to get to the rook we could have played the move knight e5 that puts pressure on the knight on d7 which is good and it encourages him to castle it just occurred to me that this actually blunders the knight but my main idea was to go knight c6 here and to fork but this is all crap because he should take the knight with his bishop but the bottom line was we're getting rid of his good bishop which is sort of um a you know kind of an important um an important piece that is holding his position together like a glue glue piece no a 1200 is not going to calculate that but that's what you don't need to you don't need to calculate this you can sort of do things intuitively so queen b7 was the key move right queen b so queen c5 a lot of you guys are mentioned because it actually also stops him from castling but the move rook takes b5 and response is annoying because we can't take with the knight that's a very common mistake it's not being attentive to how things have changed we no longer have the bishop so guess what the queen is not pinned and knight is not been anymore the queen is lost so we have to take with a queen and then he can castle and it it's turned out that we made a lot of moves with our queen whereas after queen well after queen b7 rook b5 we actually can take with our knight maybe that's not even that much better than taking with the queen but i guess at least it's an option and the rest after we took was very straightforward i i can delve into it maybe later but i think that i'm i'm at i'm right about at the finish finish line for today so um i really appreciate this community and uh we'll keep on keep on keeping on okay [Music]
Channel: Daniel Naroditsky
Views: 157,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, penguinz0, MoistCr1tikal, magnus, carlsen, chess, tetris, chessbrah, hikaru, nakamura, grandmaster, eric hansen, daniel, naroditsky, speed, blitz, funny, rapid, match, chesscom, twitch, checkmate, strategy, tactics, calculation, top, best chess channel, Tournament, money, bet, famous, pogchamps, pog, champs, lesson, teaching, super-grandmaster, master, commentary, chess videos, chess instruction, naka, speedrun, speedchess, fide, event, Hikaru adoption, bullet, entertainment, star wars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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