I Just Won. PROFIT!!!!

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[Music] hey folks johnny escotto auto scratching and we are scratching a 120 dollar batch of california scratch tickets okay we have a two flavor pack an asymmetrical pack so we did a five pack of the twenty dollar five million dollar platinum payout and then uh just because on a larf third hand said hey look at that so we got a single golden state riches those exact words those exact words those were his words a larf that's because that's the kind of vocabulary third hand has okay well there you go we have a six pack of tickets again two different flavors way odd odder than what we usually do but what the heck all right coin of the moment coming in the view it's a penny it's a penny no it's not it's not a penny um not quite a penny it is a half dollar it is a seated liberty half dollar and yes this is the one that has the hole in it the either made it into jewelry or they did that because they were just being little vandals um or they did it because sometimes people at times more often in the 1800s they would put a stringer on it so they wouldn't lose their money um this has been cleaned and worn down you can see it has that kind of rounded smooth look to it but it's still good enough detail to see that there is detail there's the eagle the shield here's lady liberty sitting looking over her shoulder 18 43 so what does that make it 178 years old give or take not bad for an old coin imagine the stories this has 90 silver and yes it is still money you can still spend it uh but uh 50 cents is what it was worth then third hand what would you say it's worth now approximately even with the whole 15 uh 25 dollars not bad for a damaged coin but uh yeah it's kind of cool it gives you that oldy tiny feeling when you have one of these so you can have that back moochie is you can't see her but she's over here in front of us somewhere uh she's lounging doing a little moochie maintenance she's doing the old sweep of her head with the pog thing where she is giving herself a little cleaning session uh one of these are you going to that one that one okay we'll do the individual first the golden state riches third hand has to adjust the camera hang on little focus work here and a little lighting okay so golden state riches ticket zero one five on the left side find two the same symbols on the right side to the same number or a multiplier multipliers could be a two five ten or twenty let's see if we can win one hundred and twenty dollars spent let's get back something more than that all right no no no and nothing there okay so to the right side we get something we had a couple of better days this last week which is very nice maybe today we'll continue that streak hey hey rock and roll first ticket win first ticket scratch thank you lucky store yes thank you oh yeah by the way these are these are from the lucky store i forgot to mention we did go back because yesterday was decent two matches yeah and there's a little moochie shadow right there hi notes smack moochie's foot sorry much okay she has three more she has three more oh just the two matches right there next to each other apparently yes so they're 29 right here and here all right 29 10 fifteen dollars it's better than minimum it's uh better yeah yeah 25 so the larv ticket at third hand picked out turned out to be a winner very nice good choice okay well let's go to the platinum payout they open the book for us on this one so this is uh the first few tickets out of the brand new pack we're out of order numerically but whatever ticket zero zero four uh at the top we're looking for a match you can see here a chance of multipliers and they can be a 10 or 20 x the double dollar sign is an instant 100 we have found that not mythical the star symbol is mythical we have yet to find that that's to win all so let's have at it moochie hope those batteries are charged all right we got a 42 31 23 19 16 niner and or a2 and we have some chicken legs 41 15 29 35. uh 45 37 double four a single four 12. number five 13 26 no 26 moochie toes double three nope okay seven single three 21 17 39 no last row 32 still on focus yeah just hang on folks a43 a little bit of adjustment so no 43 no 32 14 27 and the snowman so nothing at the top there is the bottom game find the diamond double the prize and we get it and we don't have a back-to-back one ticket number three all right there it is three zero zero three all right here we go winning number bar 35 26 16 13 30 18 45 and or the 39 we haven't had to win all for a while let's get one of these tickets 42 27 17. number five number four the snowman number eight a36 37 23 19 12 12 34 32 number one 21 niner nope hey look at that that's a hundred dollars hey hey it's breakeven it's profitable profit wow from lucky store it is hot dog very nice so folks yesterday was a break even the day before was profit the day before that was profit so it's two profit days in a row break even and another profit date wow my day slightly improved indeed the camera's all cattywampus 100 bucks a moochie eclipse rock and roll wow that's very nice to see and we've never had two of them before i mean i i don't mean two dollar cents that two of them only mean one i mean on one ticket to find you know what i mean two pairs because i know that they can put double dollar signs well let's see if there's another one i guess that was a long winded yeah it was that was very roundabout way of saying there might be two of these um it was an explanation with extra steps many 25 43 in other words we're not done yet i think it's the short of it uh double three twenty eight forty one thirty eight moochie tasty muji she's doing a little work she's like thank you for those eyebrow rubs hi mooch he moves your little donkey kick the slight one you guys couldn't see it i don't think is there a diamond here to make it even better no okay but there's the hundred bucks there you go not too shabby at all 125 so far out of our 120 five dollars profit not much but it is to the positive and we still have three tickets to go that's actually uh yeah that's easy that's jamming um all right ticket zero zero two lucky stores getting their luck back yeah they're yeah they're coming back into the their mode here well we're not done like i said with well that ticket is but not the session are you saying we're done like you said uh that is not what i'm saying hi muchi 46 14 45 15 19 and or 23 now i'm being tasted what do you sample will be a buffet for you no moochie toe we got a 36 see if we can find some gravy here yeah saw your thunder again that's awesome i'm a thunderstealer all right double two 43. i'm gonna go to the lost and found and look for my thunder see if someone's turned it in oh most of it was there but it looks like they took some of it oh she's smacking the light hang on folks much she's a little wired here all right uh seven number three she did charge up her batteries she nibbled on my arm no nibbling sorry wait till we drop 26 if you have catch you know what i mean 37 that's how you know dogs are more loyal because they wait longer i wasn't expecting to be bitten yeah it was a lovely bite yeah it wasn't hard but still startling when they do it you don't expect it all right snowman 16 number two let's get back to scratch and they went in here 38 double four 34 39 chicken legs no 13. come on we got uh back-to-back uh 10x's one time we got two 10 x's on the same ticket now can we get back-to-back dollar double dollar science i don't yeah that i don't think we've done yet no that's not something we've done we're running out of chances here for the back to back but still be in the same session 12 24 6 29 no 28 31 21 30 and 42 so nothing there i'm glad we saw two more tickets because we still have some chances here we do indeed all right double uh the diamond down here if we could please no all right ticket number one here we go numero one let's try this again those big zeros are so i know it's fantastic to see a decent symbol 39 chicken legs that's a lot of chicken legs 25 28 double two 34 13 and or the nickel number five here we go number two we need a pair sixteen and niner fourteen fifteen a seven a snowman number eight 32-ish there it is 17 19 26 29 oh i wanted to say when we got the tickets yesterday yeah uh they had opened the pack just for us because they didn't have the tickets and then we won well they just opened this pack for us too and it wasn't again yes apparently fresh packs from the lucky store are what we need to get number three 36. nothing else a number six 41 27 43 diamonds gonna happen on one of these two tickets just has that number four oh for a second that looked like the double dollar because of the way the scratcher dust was i almost yelled out i hate myself 38 you almost had a false almost almost but i did not i withheld it uh 31 18 45 and a 12. nothing up there let's try the bottom can we get that diamond and no oh last ticket come on you gotta have one more one here let's finish with a win we started with a win let's finish with a win ticket triple zero all the way across a trio of hulu hoops 35 29 13 14 chicken legs double 4 36 19. and we have a 28. so sado anna does not yeah 18 oh it could be the star symbol the auto went off yes uh 27 43 45 31 they snowman number eight hey hey it's rock and roll started with a win finish with a win and we got a nice meaty 100 in the middle so that's a nice sandwich at an absolute minimum 25 profit yes and an absolute minimum that's true uh number six 26 it's actually better than the other two profit days i think i think so actually those are fantastic watching nonetheless thank you they want to give away too much uh number two seven and the fourteen it's a rare one to match but it's been coming through a couple more times of uh recently here uh 4641 no no actually we don't miss anything number five 25. a single four there's a double up there so no match 24 38 23 16 12 double two and a single three so just the 14 at the top but can we find a diamond here it's an old mattress some tweezers the old heart bowl of cherries and a little toothbrush so no it's just a 14 and is it going to be a ticket is it going to be zeros it's going to be a ticket okay well that's a hundred and i mean oh yeah what is it no complaints so it's still going to be uh 20 here 25 that's 45 and then a nice hundred bucks 145 out of our 120 session that's 25 profit wow that's uh pretty good considering how scratchers have been and could be we'll take that every single day um actually we'd like more wouldn't we yeah then we could do even bigger sessions all right folks turned out pretty well for us uh we got profit so again that's two days of profit a break even and then another profit that's four good days in a row bigger profit yeah it is so uh very nice to see very glad you made time for us to be here and watch glad we had something positive to show you and if you haven't already please subscribe hit the thumbs up share with a friend if you enjoyed it and of course leave a comment so that's going to do it from us from my third hand oh frisky mooch be well be safe be here and we'll see you next time thanks again folks
Channel: Jonius Gato
Views: 8,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lSQf3TochQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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