I Won the OP Formula One Car & I Hate it!? (A Dusty Trip Roblox)

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all right so there's been a brand new update here in a Dusty trip and folks I want to show you guys something really cool yes that's a Formula 1 car that you can get in the game by essentially gambling not going to lie it's a little bit of a weird thing to stick inside of a game like this as far as how you earn it but I have it here in case you guys don't want to spend a life savings of roox to get your own also there's a really good update here we have the new backpack so I can actually unpack this thing I guess I have two gold guns in here now I didn't realize thatd actually saved that that's actually kind of cool uh so yeah I can pack some supplies in here and it'll be on our back whenever we need it so we need to go ahead and build this real quick so this thing is supposedly super op like I feel like we're going to be able to just blaze through the whole game here Alo I should totally stick the engine cover is this thing dusy right now I think it's supposed to be red I might need to go clean it Al so I need to figure out what else I could stick in my uh my brand new backpack also you guys can hit the thumbs up button for some more Dusty trip here on the channel better P an apple I probably should have brought that in here all right uh let's go and grab a little bit more fuel don't need any of this stuff in here might just need to grab the cleaner and oh did they change the starting garage it seems almost like bigger I don't know there might be a bunch of things that we can uh discover here in the new update also does this have a hitch on it can I can I get a trailer for my Formula 1 car so that's a question of if this thing is efficient on gas can I just like I don't know drive to the end really fast pack a little bit of food with me I mean it might be a thing all right let's go ahead and close that and then yeah just go and oh is it I think it's cleaning it I'm holding oh there you go I see suds come on turn red please oh maybe there's a chance I need to just paint this bad boy I don't know I guess I'll be on the lookout for uh another squeegee cuz this doesn't seem to be doing anything all right Crank It Up does it sound okay it sounds a little bit different oh my goodness oh let's see what kind of grip it's got dude it doesn't slide around or anything uh what is the top speed like oh yep it is uh it's definitely fast okay now was it worth the amount of Roo I had to spend to get it no no mm- no probably not is it fun yes if I hit a rock am I going to die yes oh my goodness I've never got oh my I shut her down there oh my goodness okay how did the part dude does it have like a tether like the real life Formula 1 cars shouldn't my attire have like flown off there uh-oh did I break the Formula 1 car in a matter of seconds why can I not attach this to the to the car anymore hold on maybe I can maybe I could swap this one around okay my place button is now gone on this I think I've already broken the car well it took Komodo 1,000 M to break the new car so it's not to be all in doll because obviously why does it drive so well without a will I mean I guess I don't need this yeah you you still have to be careful and with faster speeds comes more death so I'm not sure this is a good car for me I mean it handles even with three Wills I mean honestly this is pretty good it's in pesky rocks that pop up oh no I flipped my Formula 1 car okay let me oh oh I'm dead well maybe I should just reset back to the the start here and we'll just re-equip the car uh maybe this thing's too deadly for me all right so we're give this another go let's not break the game yeah I couldn't put a wheel the wheel back on like it was weird because it like was attached to the vehicle but yeah it was definitely it was busted it's fine though you know we could speed where I maybe I find like a straightaway and I can offset from where the Rocks spawn I I don't know I feel like I'm going to die regardless it's too much speed but I must say it handles great uh it's just that reaction of actually being able to turn out of the way of uh some of these rocks you know I'm actually gonna try this thing real quick with a oh no oh no okay can we outrun a storm I can't see yep we are getting struck by lightning so yeah I'm going to try this with the uh with the remote and see if this is a little bit better I don't know it feels like the controls are a tiny bit delayed wee look at that 2,000 M oh just got struck by lightning or at least it was right around us just slowly but surely get into the gas here is it bad that I feel more unsafe in this game than the long drive okay now we're upside down and we're getting struck by lightning hey but it's clearing up we're good okay I would like to here on let let's try to push this thing over I mean it should be in theory light come on baby it's fine I mean push it from the rear oh we've got a definitely a stuck vehicle right now I'm going to push it from the other side here I'm going to try to can I grab it and push it yeah I need a team of like people over here to help me flip this thing over feel like this is now turned into car flipping simulator all right keep pushing keep pushing should be mentioned there's a high probability of death in this oh wait this might help hold on here can I use the wind to help help me flip it watch it just take off I mean it does have a bunch of wings on it so I mean that would kind of make sense oh here we go here we go here we go come on I need you to catch and flip catch and flip yeah they haven't added the unflip control yet have they uh I don't think that the thing oh oh it's just so close come on baby yep it is looking more and more like I'm going to have to reset my journey is it getting dark did they add night again does this even have headlights where are my wheels going I'm not sure I like this car all right so I was even looking up if anybody had like any good ways to flip this like the other vehicles you can kind of manipulate the doors and stuff I guess it's just how big this thing is it's pretty tough now unless they've added an unflip button and I'm just not seeing it yeah you just you got to be very very careful here so also I guess since there isn't another seat I don't think you would really use as much with other people unless Obi wants to just stand on top of it which I mean that's a possibility too I think that'd be funny okay so we're going to stick with the keyboard here cuz I feel like I can do some more fine controls there's the shop which by the way uh you could sell stuff I don't know oh my goodness yep yep the game just spawns in a tornado as I was saying yeah I need to start taking trailers and selling stuff uh I think with a different vehicle though this is just the vehicle is just op you can make it at the end or you know really far if you don't die might not be worth it in my opinion might it just stick with the Exotica and or The Inferno which I really like that truck's awesome also they added a little like mini truck I think it's called the way I could be pronouncing that wrong I should have just taken it it's got a little nice trailer on it and stuff okay we're going to give it a little bit more gas here I'm going to pass by another shop I mean if you get a good run with it and you avoid the rocks my goodness all right let's try some more speed here yes yes why am I doing I know this is going to end bad this is going to end bad oh my goodness all right here we go oh it's so fast and it's less it's definitely like a lot less responsive when you're going this fast oh my goodness there a pull okay slow down slow it down I mean the brakes are okayish yeah I do notice if you turn too hard it like it'll shift and flip over so yeah try not to do that but I must say I've made it to 5,000 in a matter of I think this run I've been going for like a minute and a half 2 minutes maybe as far as actual onroad time dude what the heck we've made it to the bridge already okay I'll take this I mean you know I think eventually I could get good at driving this thing okay let's just stop it here there's not a parking brake on this is there there's not a parking brake I don't think on a Formula 1 car let's go ahead and pick up some fuel here I mean if we're going to try to jump the bridge watch I'm going to die immediately here now like I said there might be a chance that there is like a unflip thing actually I don't know if that would be a thing isn't that a part of the challenge is if your vehicle flips find a way to get it unflipped or just die all right put that back on there and let's see if we can get over the bridge this bridge for some reason gives me issues just walk the planks it's a really it's kind of a chunky card I mean to be fair this is based on the new Formula 1 cars they're pretty fat oh my goodness oh jeez okay uh uh-oh okay no I can fix this we're not oh wait are we off the bridge oh no this is fine we'll just push it just push it push it okay push it from this side okay we got this just push it back on the bridge see everything's fine I think unless I fall off the bridge okay go go go go go probably should turn the wheel here let's turn the wheels a little bit all right turn them this way and then let's get out uh it should Roll Along I mean in theory it will I mean it is Roblox physics sometimes just it doesn't Mak sense oh I don't think you can leave the car like this oh my goodness oh it almost just shot me out on the bridge I do have the wheels uh turned to the side a little bit if it'll start rolling there we go oh you look at that I saved it okay let's just hit the jump is there even a jump on this bridge oh this one might not have a jump on it all right gun it let's go so yeah if you can have extreme Focus here you can make it really really really far all right let's get going again it doesn't seem to I mean it's burning gas but it's not burning like a ton here so look at that go up it goes up so fast oh my goodness okay just just try to stay on the road I mean staying on the road is not even really an option for me either oh yeah there we go holy man oh turn turn turn turn turn okay oh no I didn't even see that rock no no oh this thing has such a bad tendency of getting stuck on its oh that's how komoto died in the Formula 1 car is it cool oh I might be stuck in the ground now no okay on Flip Flip Flip back over maybe it was just at a weird angle last time yeah a lot of times you can like remove a door or something on the other car and get it to like manipulate over okay come on here move that no no no no no no no well that was fun while it lasted wasn't it maybe we should stick to normal cars
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 49,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a dusty trip backpack, a dusty trip formula 1, a dusty trip f1, dusty trip roblox, new car, dusty trip update, a dusty trip, driving game, roblox a dusty trip, a dusty trip roblox, roblox dusty trip, dusty trip, a dusty trip ending, a dusty trip the long drive, the long drive, roblox, roblox funny, beamng drive, roblox the long drive, the long drive gameplay, driving, driving simulator, the long drive camodo gaming, the long drive tow truck, camodo gaming, formula 1
Id: UQcr2rxGYw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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