Jelly Was KICKED OUT Of HIS OWN LAND! (Minecraft Squid Island)

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we're back on Squid Island and you're here with your host the president me slogo today will be another peaceful and prosperous day we will be supporting local business but as some of you might be aware today will also be the last day of my presidency guys I have an exciting announcement what is a I got a brand new horn listen a horn what that is the worst intro I have ever seen that was embarrassing crer what do you mean it's s why do people even watch let's get to it all right Cal the president where's your Trident here is my Trident this is the president's Trident logo you have been doing so good to US president I'll do good to you too too um what does that mean I don't all right your mom okay so basically we need to review uh what taxes are cuz as president I do Levy taxes upon thee and uh but before we do that can you just yeah can you talk about the you guys see this going what what did you put on okay okay okay all right we we'll hold off on the taxes guys I want you to go up B tower bco Tower please come on what okay so are we what does this have to do just listen go up to the what the heck is Melvin doing here I don't know did you take him Melvin Touchin guys go up to the um go up to the top floor like him there I've never been on the top floor of B Co okay let me know no they're not oh maybe they are guys can you focus please Focus come on did ready he pushed me off man that's illegal that's illegal that's illegal all right blaming me count me down guys Count Me Down okay three four oh my God guys three two oh he's alive one break itak it w oh my God w we the United States of Squid Island flag think might that is guys so as you can see we've got four stars to represent the four parts okay well there you go that's the flight it's got all of our colors on the wait wait but it has two green lines two yellow lines and three red lines oh it's got one more red what is that the the extra red line represents me as the first President I don't uh maybe that's that seems that seems a little I'll be honest it was it was a mistake but it looks better oh what a convenient mistake you made dude well I do like the flag apart from that it's beautiful flag are the the little what are the DTs for the little DTS on it what that are you are you new here Craner well I was trying to like scale your giant Building without dying so I guess I was listening so basically they represent the four parts of Squid Island squid City yes oh uh slowo you just going to keep blowing that okay you know what you you you understand it yeah he does he so last time I sent you guys a tax of a bunch of food come over here president come over here look look look look look look look look what has he done 64 pumpkin pie wait where's I haven't paid my tax yeah it's over here it do look at all that rabbit don't stack no wait is this 64 then 1 2 count 4 5 6 7 8 99 18 27 36 45 okay do we need to do this 54 55 56 57 5 we did it let's do a party blow okay okay guys so can you stop blowing horns I'm going to grab a little meal out we've got lots of food now we've got lots of variety so I'm going to eat these so I saw that you both built your Farms which is great yes did you just pull out a weapon Craner uh no no what what do you mean what was that did you have a weapon that's not weapon no okay all right use it for tree cut buddy rabbit d n all now if you guys will please follow me I will show you my farm well I already did check out your farm why do we need to look at it again well I've changed some things on it h as you guys may if you've been over here what do you mean speak it used to be called crater Co but I thought of changing the name and it's now humo right okay after my pet hum what is stand for I don't know I just kind of cop it off a bar Co oh I was about to say it sounds a bit familiar so wait so for yeah are you starting a new business then yes and I need a lot more space to expand as you can see my land is my land hardly has any space left that's not filled already by my amazing buildings [Music] so what no the lava Tower is mine Craner you can't get that back we need the space jelly wait hang on what you to expand business what are you proposing crina I am proposing that we get rid of the dumb looking Among Us looking sus looking vent idiot looking Tower and actually build something good for my bu what are you proposing I'm proposing to you Mr President yeah Mr President that's completely uncalled for me and K we have a a mutual quiet agreement quiet continue as a president that believes in peace prosperity above all I expect that you will support a local business such as humpy Co in getting rid of that monstrosity so I can expand so you're proposing to purchase that piece of land it's not for sale well president what do you think in my in my Manifesto I did commit to supporting local businesses and jelly I don't see you as a local business you're just what you even done dude what has this Tower done for the greater good of Squid Island he's not really used it for anything dude it's just been standing there have a look it's an amazing building oh yeah did you guys see humpy station the tallest building of Squid Island and it shouldn't go humpy station I don't think it's really contributing to the island however jelly it is look look lava Tower by jelly this is my land you can't just take that let's see what you have in here don't break wow amazing guys listen up made a commitment oh actually I can I can eat some some snacks now I did make a commitment to this land to support local businesses as part of that plan I have decided to force the auction of this land no you can't do you can't do that that your apart y I have forced the auction and we will be commencing the auction now let's go come on no let's go JY it's auction time it's not up for auction it's not up for sale unfortunately Au time you can't sell something unless you have a legitimate business uh reason for it it will be sold Tower towering I think you're just jealous of how tall it is aren't you slowo no I not I all I want to do is support local business please enter bco come on Jelly it's time for auction auction in there let me grab some resources let me grab some resources okay I'm all prepared ridiculous I'm not why are we doing this here this is where our president nowy it's a stage we use it remember we had a discussion about Vibes just understand that this is for the greater good of squid islands all right listen i i j you need to be positive we force your house away jelly this rabbit stew Is So Good by the way look how look how prep some stuff okay so this is not okay we can't ask to the first bco sponsored auction today spored we just cuz it is okay today we are going to be hosting the auction of the plot of land here I don't agell jelly yes we have only one buyer that has entered today no humpy Co humpy Co is me I represent H thank you we will be starting the bidding at one Diamond no this is ridiculous do we have one Diamond do we have one Diamond uh I have a steak okay we have we have a steak from the man in yellow representing humpy anybody B about me it's not for sale any any other bids I don't see anyone going going soul to the man in yellow congratulations is going to use this for greatness all right let me get here your PR one Stak no no you need to sign it come on up jelly guys this is illegal don't wor I'll give him to then I'm going to read the Constitution this can't be legal well this contract looks good to me I'm not signing anything jelly JY you've got to sign it sign I as a president I'm here to support local businesses yeah why would I sign this because because we had an auction did you were you were here it was official you agreed to it I didn't agree to selling it it was a forced sale because we're supporting local business jelly so and because you left it abandoned which I guess you're not allowed to do it's not J it's looking over your what how do I even sign I'm not signing take the book take the book and sign it why would I sign it jelly we've got it it's a legitimate sale you got to do it or you die do not threaten people no if you if you you would be breaking the law jelly and then I go to prison yeah yeah I mean yeah and this is an important time so I would suggest you sign it this is just totally messed up you don't want to go to prison today trust me this totally messed up uh no it's not if you go to prison you could be out of running for the next election which is and the election is important toally is it sign is it signed there we go we have yeah yeah it's signed so CR here you can take this I love it listen up there you go since when did you have villagers down here by the way oh they're just my Workforce oh completely normal uh anyway thank you jelly I am very happy that you signed this contract willingly cont and without Force yeah I mean it's the law it's more of a receipt I now own that building so I will go over there real you don't own the building you own the land don't this he's purchased everything legitimately and H from a willing seller okay but crina you do understand that I've only put this law through to support hum Co so I hope that it's a why is humpy Co I don't I hope that it's going to be a prosperous business of course it will dude I'm the head of humpy Co dude no I'm not the only thing that I borrow from B Co was the co dude I'm not even called b or Co or POG I'm just called humpy Co all right you might want to rename it crer what ises he do I want to remove all the lava I I swear I don't know I can't do anything I'm not a president I can't president this is not okay jelly I need to support local business and this tower has not been contributing to the island actually if anything it just looks ugly as the tallest tower Island that hasn't done anything for us yeah that's not really a legitimate business consider it a light post a light post I mean a uh uh I'm still going up we had a lighthouse here and it didn't really do anything long time ago back in the day oh yeah I remember Li what if you get lost and you you you see the tallest tower from the furthest distance right jelly it has is this why is it so gosh dang high up and why is it double layered with obsidian dude this is actually this is crazy all right we'll wait we'll wait here don't worry you do your thing okay let me know if I'm making a difference right now I'm has changed the lava Tower is still PR blocking off I am honestly I'm not going to lie jelly I am so looking forward to this thing not being lava this is going to actually remove it's just so ugly and really like and I believe that a business will be do a much better job of making use of this land what kind of business are you going to put here Craner I don't know yeah I know I I have a lot of plans um they're just not yet anything happening down there you should build a new uh metro rail station cuz this one's really ugly hey don't do it solve it's Sol can you come down now we've got other things to do is it actually disappearing the lava no it's not how is it not I'm oh no it is guys it's going see like at the very top you see it no I don't see it okay we trust you you look look look look it's going it's going okay we we trust you crano okay I'm jumping off no but what about the iron oh my God he doesn't remove hey it's his own problem to sort out I guess where did you guys oh you're here agree to the sale well you signed look at the top jelly it's I going to go to prison if I didn't Josh of course yes because jelly that's in my that's my plan is to support local business you can have this bag jelly you are not a local business jelly okay think about that okay no problem anyway we've got a whole other bunch of things to get up to today um yeah right and um I was reviewing my plan for presidency and my main two tenants were peace and prosperity as you guys know yes and you've definitely upheld and one thing I realized was that um you see this Arena this doesn't really suit peace you know fighting cheap as well right so guys I want you to demolish it okay I'm I'm I'm starting Mr we need to also remove the uh the Torches here from thees anybody have a flint and steel maybe I uh I I president do you have do you have fire maybe Josh has got some shears Josh you want to help out no wait what do you mean I don't have any shears okay I'll make shears you're going to help out right yeah yeah I got the shears I got the shears I'm breaking torches does anyone does anyone they'll stay in my brain forever Josh you didn't even help out here I'm removing the Torches anyone noticed by the way that we're removing we're removing I don't have one jelly we're removing the arena that actually caused cranon to lose the land in the first place oh you're right this is what made me my land this is the point I'm trying to make no I'm trying to show everyone that only through law and um auctions I think you're showing that by just taking my land all right there was an auction there was an auction got one to this auction Josh jelly it was a fair auction we just didn't have any other bid JY I think you're being a little bit ungrateful to the one St you got I I'm sorry I'm sorry Mr President I'm I'm really trying to improve my really trying and I do apologize for my stupid Behavior now we JY oh okay yeah good job jelly yeah yeah yeah I appreciate you being understanding all right it's all for the better of Squid Island I love you you know it's all about the betterment of Squid Island yeah oh and you're really doing a great job Mr y you can have this back belongs to squid City anyway so it's no okay I'll take can have it you're poor so there you go okay look next up on the agenda guys is uh well I I think it's about time that we talk about the new law that we're going to be putting in place oh no are you going to make a new La is going to be something about me having to do something annoying again oh wow look at the tower I thought you were improving your Vibe you're being negative right off the bat oh yeah yeah look at it it's like empty oh it's like draining bro I'm going to have to remove so much more yeah but CR it's a small thing to sacrifice back to me I'll solve the issue for you ah not now at least maybe maybe one no actually no I'm going to build a prosperous business there there we go all right let me write in the law hang on so law number four citizens must pledge allegiance to the flag every episode okay and I have a copy of the pledges that you guys must remember that the fledge out together guys for the first time hang on let's go out though we'll do it we'll do it with with uh we need a Viewpoint yeah yeah we try to do station the station station is a good view stay with glow works with glowy yeah okay ready guys uh you got to do the countdown actually you know what as a president I'll sort of stand here and and you guys can sort of say it towards me as well wait what you're to say the pledge no no cuz it's kind of like you guys are also showing respect to meally the ready 3 2 I IED Ali to wait guys put your hand on your chest what put your hand on your chest three 2 one I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of Squid Island and so the laws the laws it stand so the laws for which it stands a nation under King Glory third with peace and prosperity for all BR brought tear to my eye guys that was Al though yeah all right you can you can keep you can keep those books guys you can keep those books thank you I'll keep it with my jelly cop oh honestly brought a tear to my eyes guys what did the law say exactly we have to pledge we have to do it every every episode yeah geez that's a lot Jos that's a is this like it's just like when you go to school in the morning and you got to pledge like it's like that yeah basically basically J you're not American you've never done that and here we go the tax for next week shall be 36 gold ingots I got a gold mine dude and also the gift will be GI slogo a gift no we gift no task will be GI slogo a gift I got gift on my mind guys why because because I thought the tasks had to do something good towards Squid Island well something important so because the reason is is today is actually the last day of my presidency oh yeah wait actually I'm kind of sad about that dud wait wait does that mean we're pulling up a new uh a new I guess people got to vote again week president yep we're going to be running another election the the the election starts today yes and we'll see who gets elected it could be me cuz I'm allowed to run to two terms or it could be one of you guys I mean uh I obviously hope it's going to be me I think I'll do a j it should be me because I've already memorized the pledge to the squid Island in my head that's enough all right anyway but that's why to the flag of the United States of Squid Island which it stands and witch hold you be quiet cookie Crum has even pledged a single time yeah you still need what do you mean I literally wrote the Pledge which me you pledged well you do need to say it out loud I think yeah I will say at the beginning of my next episode no can you say it to us just so we know how it's supposed to be said maybe we did it wrong no you guys nailed it you guys were perfect all right well anyway um I gu go vote yeah go vote on who you want to be next and uh we'll see next week who it's going to be also Jill come look at your Tower oh mine it's mine though look at that all all right bye
Channel: Slogo
Views: 349,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogo, squid island, minecraft, slogo minecraft, slogo jelly crainer
Id: ckv3HeSWbuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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