Massive Terraform/Village Project! | Hermitcraft 10 | Ep.17

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[Music] so it all started when I went away for a couple of weeks I came back and I found all these weird notes in my mailbox I found the first one fun but by the fifth love note I didn't know what to do did you confront the person sending them yes I did and they seem to believe they were in a relationship with me how does that make you feel it's kind of funny but I've gone into hiding as a little bit for the intro of this video oh wow anything else to add yeah please subscribe to smish beans on YouTube isn't that giving away your identity oh sh little bit of Silence before we go into the normal Minecraft video cuz that was really weird now today is going to be all about one thing and that thing is terraforming that kind of rhymed we have this massive Cliff face here and this new Temple we built a couple of episodes ago and I don't like it I think it looks ugly so today we're going to spend a long time transforming it however we probably won't complete the entire thing today as the terraforming isn't the main focus instead it's these guys I think there's some guys down here one guy I want to add a few buildings around here which aren't going to be really buildings but more of a facade for the things going on behind it but we're going to start with the Rocks we did a bit of terraforming on this side and we've used a lot of andesite and light gray wool and with we're going to do the same here now last time I checked there was no light gray wool for sale at spawn but it did say coming soon so I'm mining these diamonds here in hope that I can buy some and I may as well check my shops for profits along the way unless I don't have any in which case this will cut to me being at the light gray wolsh well that's sad hopefully there's some in no no no I guess we'll buy some and go through the painful process of dying it well I'll have to save Some More Time by getting this shulker box full of andesite here I was just about to go sadly kill some squids when I've realized I could just come and buy some dye one Diamond per stack thank you very much P all right hopefully all this stuff here will be enough I have no idea guess the only way to find out is to get building and this is probably going to be a pretty long time lapse so I should probably think of something interesting to talk about not my problem right now though good luck Joel thanks for that Joel today we're going to talk about the economics of ancient Greece just just kidding I I'm not going to talk about that because one I don't know anything about it and two I'm not a massive nerd guys come on I just play Minecraft for a living which is really cool all my family tells me so although they don't really understand it I could talk about that I guess it's kind of awkward in public when people are like oh so what do you do then and you have to be like I make YouTube videos like sometimes I lie and I just say oh you know I'm a company owner I'm not um so yeah I I that's a I'm run out of time there we go look at that transformation I'm very happy of this although I have to say right now it is not done there's going to be trees there's going to be flowers there's going to be like little bits of leaves and Moss and everything more around and also yes there's also some spaces currently for some buildings which we are going to be doing very shortly first though I have a proposition for Cleo and I've written hello hello Cleo it is me Joel I'm writing you to request your services of armorstand magic I would like to meet up at your next convenience to discuss building a statue I promise it's not weird now I've said that you're probably thinking it's weird but it's not I swear okay thanks sincerely and with gratitude Joel smallish beans let's pop that in there stick in a Cleo stamp and hopefully she's received that all right let's build some buildings here shall we and we've got one two three and four up here for these first three they're quite basic so let me go grab some materials quickly by spinning around and when the camera stops there should be materials lovely look at all those now all of these free buildings are quite small so let's walk through them welcome back to building with Joel we're going to start off today with some stripped dark oak ooh fun but let's make it more fun by doing a little crisscross pattern like so and let's also get some dark oak fences to put down the side here and then get some dark oak regular logs plus some jungle Woods wood sorry not Woods my name's not iscal just to add a bit of different color up here and then we'll separate the two levels with some dark oak slabs lots of dark oak in this build I know I know but just give it it time psych we're actually adding more dark oak this time in the farm of trap doors oh are fallen down the waterfall I'm not sure if you can see this but I'm really struggling oh we're back and we're going to add a little porch on the front here but not all the way along as we don't want to cover up this little water pool just up to this point here and I've currently lagged out the server I'm not sure if this is showing we're back and hopefully not lagging anymore as we finish off this porch here we're also going to add on a little flower bed on the front like so plus some Spruce Gates under here just add a little bit more of detail some Oak trap doors for the windows a spruce door before moving on up to the roof where we're going to use some dark oak wood stairs yes more dark oak wood I like how it looks okay to make a very sort of basic roof like so although let's add some more dark oak trap doors there I'm not sure if you can even see this but we're adding on some mud brick stairs for a little bit of extra roof and voila building number one all right building number two is in a slightly different style we're going to start with some Mangrove logs here however let's give them a quick strip and also Place some Mangrove planks there as well as a mangrove door can I make this jump no I can do it I can do it watch this no I failed again don't worry guys I've got this you ready yes I made it anyway let's add some calite on the side of this and on the top then grab some campfires which is supported by some Spruce fences and speaking of fences let's add on some Mangrove ones and some Mangrove fence gates like so and then I'm back on my dark oak bull I mean lovely stuff where we're going to add a little dark oak trim here before finishing it up with some deep slate and this is the smallest and the most simple building as you can see all right I third and final little building we're going to start once again with Mangrove wood however this one is going to stay Mangrove wood look at it look at it staying Mangrove wood and then adding some frog lights into the floor here and also adding in what is probably going to be like a temporary floor it won't stay like this most likely next let's grab some looms which we need to place in a certain way so that it's not showing the front part of like so and then we've got some Spruce stairs here which we're going to place like this and make a sort of arch although here let's add some stripped Spruce we're going to make this more of an arch with some trap doors and then let's craft some waxed copper Gates ow I've fallen it's okay though cuz watch this incredible elytra hop which you can't see but I'm sure it'll be amazing I've made it up look at that anyway place these copper grates I've not made enough there we go lovely copper grates and also some dark oak trap doors and some dark oak slabs for an entrance bamboo doors like so and finally let's add in some shutters I say finally we've still got to add like the roof and stuff but this little part here let's add in some shutters with some Mangrove signs on them and now for the roof let's start off with some dark oak fences going up here like so then plop down some dark oak stairs I've ran out of already like I was saying dark oak stairs like so and then some dark oak trap doors oh we're one shot and Oak trap doors underneath those dark oak trap doors just to make it look a bit nicer and finally some deep slate and there is our third building lovely now the final building is a little bigger so let's time lapse that shall we before we get building though I am really poor that there is it is my only Diamond I do have these but these are my profits I can't bite into these yet these I'm tracking these until I get to 100 but yeah uh I'm going to go mining for an hour and see how many diamonds we get let's cut to of that right now I believe this is 51 diamond ore we also actually accidentally mined some without silk touch let's see how many diamonds we got in 1 hour of strip mining one and 3/4 stacks not bad this means I can buy stuff again if I want to anyway time lapse final build do it Joel now like I said this build is a little bit bigger but not too much bigger what we did add on the side though are these cool Lantern designs you'll see it right at the end we're using some frog lights plus some flower pots and mushrooms and Banners and there you go look at that that has come together so nicely we do have more space as well for maybe more buildings in the future I'm not sure how far impulse is going up to I think he said it's going to be around here somewhere so I guess we'll see whenever he gets to that I also added on this little Bridge here going across I just thought it a nice little detail obviously we're going to add in loads more details I'm not sure if I showed this actually as well but you can actually walk up a little staircase here which takes you all the way to here underneath here and to our sort of like Garden area and the villagers Etc but yeah I think we still need to add a load of trees bushes some Lantern turn maybe as well make it look a lot nicer and you're probably thinking Joel you're going to build the rest of the Villager thing now so you can get your Villages up and going no I can't be bothered instead how about I show you some shaders oh yeah look at this place look at it is it nice looking I hope it is ooh I'm on the bridge right now ooh I'm walking back across the bridge right now isn't that fun yes it is now you may notice I'm still in full diamond full diamond to everything well that's going to change right now as we're going to go do a neite race in the nether with pearl first we need to fix up a couple of our pickaxes easy peasy and we're also going to buy a load of wool to go along with this wood we have and now it's time to go meet pear also while we're flying there I know Perry is a platypus which is not a bird I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stup I don't know why pearls Gathering up loads of arrows what's that about I see you I see you this is how I just interact with people these days I see you I see you I see you I can be creepy too right I can do that okay that's right but can you do this I one those to oh Snappers no I can't do that that's that's just just show it off man I can't get up here P never mind I'm up what were all the arrows for to harvest my purple I wish I wish you were here when when when I actually pressed the button it looks so cool I I saw all the arrows on the floor it did look cool the dispensers are given that what's it called tracka track phobia or whatever it is trophobia the one with the Spar holes oh the fear of holes I I thought I thought it looks cool man I mean I think it looks cool I don't have that I I don't have that fear so it's okay I'm just saying some other people on might but I don't know no you got a valid point that's a good point they make them say oh Snappers no Snappers I feel like they' be saying a lot more than that honestly I'm going to put these away now because I I see I I to overuse them I've come here to race pill I'm prepared you're prep are you sure you're prepared do you have all your potions you got everything that you need wait potions what do you mean why do I have a gold helmet we're going in the nether I didn't bring any potions oh one or two seems got from you oh funny that but I think there's a handicap on the competition now sir well we were talking about this on your stream I said if I win then you have to go on a date with SC using my skin yeah I know the worst punishment to man what would what what have you come up with anything if you well look be honest you told me I couldn't come up with something as good as what you say right there and honestly you're probably right so what I've thought of is you're going to have to convince if if you lose you're going to have to convince three Hermits that perp is a good block to build with like fully convince them this got to be it's got to be something that can be possible P come on I mean I did use it on my last build so I think I could maybe convince a couple of people come on man is that your is that your what's it called permit perp yeah that's a I've got to sell it somehow so I need help okay not of my stuff selling so I'm not the best salesman either but yeah we'll we'll see we'll see all right where in the nether are we going to go cuz I'm scared uh oh well I mean you're not wearing a golden helmet so obviously we should go in the red nether wases no i' I've done this many times before and only died a couple of times dude I'm not wait wait wait wait wait maybe it shouldn't be who gets the most netherite it should be who dies the least no no no no no no we w't we're going to do that we're going to do neite instead are we doing like race to full neite armor and tools or we just going for an hour what's the scene well I was going to go for the full full gear like we've been on this for 3 months right do we have time to sit down to do the full gear what do you reckon I mean are we doing sword pickaxes I've got two axe shovel helmet legs trousers are we doing chest plate I feel like chest plate doesn't matter I think I think we got to do all of it though right if you're going to PVP gem specifically you know cuz that no talking about Fight Club thing you got going on what don't what you talking about need it okay so that's one let me calculate this quickly yeah how much netherite is that nine bits of nine ingots so what ancient what 81 is that right it's four right it's four so now that's 9 think it's oh yeah it's only four per so 30 36 37 37 37 wait 36 36 it is 36 yeah okay you're asking me to Max it's 9:30 at night they always add up to nine three and seven adds up to 10 I know for some reason in my brain I was like seven and three no no it's okay so so nine so 36 oh my gosh okay right I don't think these two fire resistant person I've stolen are going to last me the entire time I guess we'll see well that seems like a you problem look I could bring you some more I could why is there diamonds in my chest someone stolen stuff from me again H but anyway um I could give you some extra potions if you really need please just uh yes that'd be lovely so we set off to the never to begin our competition no time limit just first to 36 ancient debris don't go down that hole it's killed me before Oh has it yeah brilliant I said that trap did you Ashley oh for goodness sake I did it way after did demise was finished by the way I just did it I was just like walking along and I didn't see it oh my gosh that was me and corales we flew off in a random direction looking for the perfect biome for our challenge oh this could be good Soul Sand uh go down from here sort of thing all right let's try it Soul Sand Valley let's go now what method are you using I have some wool and some wood for beds oh you're doing the bed method okay all right it's very safe I am using uh pickaxes on my end just pickaxes just pickaxes it's y 15 right I've gone way past y 15 okay oh what are we at 17 ah I was getting it just right here we go we it starts here it start are we actually starting okay we're going let's go all right you I'm going to go a little bit this way so I don't blow you up okay okay I appreciate the consideration I haven't crafted my beds yet P I'm panicking now well too bad that's part of the process there is lava everywhere here good choice bio mate I found some seriously already oh you're kidding you are kidding 1 n now does it count if we steal each others um I think we should play fair you fair rules okay all right I'm always fair with the pickaxe to nail mate here you go is it as fun as blowing stuff up I highly doubt it yes I I quite like it it's very satisfying well I mate I found another one oh okay now we're even is that just one this is this is the thing everyone's always telling me use the bed method whenever I'm doing netherite mining on everything and I'm just like well I just like this method better but now we're going to be seeing which one is actually maybe more beneficial in hindsight I probably should have crafted the beds first and also I just kept getting very unlucky with lava oh my gosh how many are you getting hit you got to put a block below your feet and you won't get I'm not I'm get you still get hit a little bit it damages your armor oh my gosh there's just lava everywhere I need to change direction again also I'm not making excuses but as that quite a big disadvantage having starlink internet I didn't realize starlink would be well I I did pause I did wait okay cool cool cool keep going I'm back I I'm honorable all right all right I got my netherite oh for goodness sake all I'm getting is just lava that seems like a bed problem it's not a bed problem it's just a ling biome problem you said it was the good biome are you saying it's not it is a good biome I found more honestly I'm surprised at actually how even we've got it right now yeah I was expecting me to be destroying you to be honest I hope you lose okay well that's not very nice team spirit and all oh why am I not getting lucky you've got four you're still ahead I haven't gotten any more yet I know but I should be on about eight by now probably I'm not sure if I'm I'm I should be doing at this a lower level with the the beds I can't remember H if anything you'd probably be a little lower if anything right yeah that's what I was thinking I found some more though so oh two this time one bit no it's qu I baited I thought it was more oh stupid lava go away man I'm lost all I'm hearing is complaining well it's cuz I'm clearing my ground so there's just more lava and more lava well see now that's just complaining you know it's kind of been avoiding bringing all my valuables in for the uh sake of losing them yeah cuz you know this stuff Burns we haven't got the nether out yet oh yeah it's true I don't care danger is my middle name okay well I mean I've gone through the process of danger already and tell you danger doesn't do so well if you say so it loses all your items i' I I don't think I've actually lost any of my owns yet so far the season i' been pretty good oh well who's who's a lucky duck I don't think it's luck more just your a skill issue on your part if anything wow all right all right all right okay I shouldn't have let you my potions I should have let you burn the potions are really coming in useful thank you for that where oh I just found more oh my gosh I mined it into it again by accident look some days I'll have a great strike rate with the netherite and other days it just don't give me nothing oh I found more nice yeah at this point we were neck and neck seven ancient debris each oh found some more oh you oh dang it what are you now a two I'm on nine which is quarter of the way there I'm on seven some more math thank you I appreciate that ah I found some more goodness sake you're winning now yeah yep I'm at nine oh wait I'm at I thought you were at nine as well the longer we spent doing this the more I realized how much I hate doing this thank God Pearl was there because I was getting annoyed hey no Lava go away away from it third of the way yeah roundabouts look at you mathing it's exactly a third 36 roundabouts and I found some more now this is what happens when you're good at maths okay fine then it's show up I get it I get it some someone did A's in school H actually pear I only got in one subject and it was food technology all right well I'm on 12 myself 13 my lucky number said 13 was my lucky number turns out that might have been a lie as at this point things took a bad turn found some more oh for goodness sake I'm getting so unlucky I haven't found any in so long all I'm hearing is complaining right now oh stop still on 13 it's my meant to be my lucky number it's being very unlucky oh just found two oh well there you go now we're even again how how does this the heck yeah I'm on 15 oh got some more a oh there's another bit what [Music] oh and another bit at this point you'll probably notice a theme of pearl saying oh found some more and me not finding anything oh found some more come on where is it why am I not find I'm having a laugh you can admit you are taking the mick right now this is not good I only need 16 more look I can math I'm at 21 by the way ah I found three pieces three oh 10 more to go such it's a beautiful life out here nearly 20 19 I heard the pause in that math calculation now I know you said you didn't want to know but I found some more I generally haven't found any in so long I did manage to find a few more but Pearl was getting a crazy lead they know I haven't gotten a netherite for a hot second yeah well don't worry there's both of us never mind oh six more to go eventually I decided to give up on the beds and join Pearl by doing some mining oh got my other right joking I'm mining I found any so this method's bad ah looks like uh looks like you'll be the one selling some perp later I'm kind of glad to be honest I wouldn't want you to go on a date with isal I don't think this mining method is all it's cracked up to be well I know about you but I'm only three away I just found so oh see there you go there you go W oh some more as well next to it 22 much to my annoyance the pickaxe method was actually working out quite well isn't it amazing how good it is so good I said that sarcastically but it is a bit better at the moment ah lava lava lava 27 28 my first 29 29 wow see now you're catching up oh no actually now I'm nervous wait wait what are you on I'm on 33 okay I found one oh no is it just one here we go uh oh I found one as well it's just one okay I only need two more come on nope oh I have one more one more can I find six in the time you find one come on oh my gosh I mean you te done that already you just got to do it again I found it I've done it I won it's official 36 yes I lost big sad times at least Pearl stayed and helped me get 36 as well so that I'd have full neite and never have to do this again I have no idea where the exit is as well I'm just going to have to dig up and meet you at the portal yeah look I I don't know where I am anymore I got no clue oh I've dug up into lava can I have those three please extra three thank you yep that was two three there we go bring you up to 36 and I'm still on 39 well GG's I will I will start selling perp I'm sad but oh my gosh at least you don't at least iscal is not getting a date which I think is a win in overall yeah look I'll admit that would have been super entertaining to watch that unfolds but uh you know the BET Deal's a deal go s some purp for me please okay I will do my I've got it what convince three people to buy some perp yes and you have to actually convince them you can't just say hey go go do you know look at this perer and then run away all right I'll work on this for the next few months because you didn't give a time limit and I generally don't think it's going to take I think it's going to take a while hold on no no no okay you got to do it in the range that a date with this girl would have done there you go make it fair hey okay I'll do it in I I'll have about two weeks two weeks I'll try my best in two weeks all right well G some sales guys how am I going to sell purp I mean I used a little bit of it and it looks okay but to be honest another block probably would look better there we'll give it our best shot we're going to have to try and build something with purple and make it look good but here's our ingots which we could make into a block look at that ooh fun but we shouldn't instead oh I need a template now okay I'm loading fresh chunks this is a good sign and o hello oh look at all them all they're scary please be one in here okay this might be very stupid but we're going to try grab the treasure from the middle of this one here go go go go go where is it where is it where is it yes get out of there I'm so scared I'm scared oh we've made it is that one yes thank goodness all right let's duplicate this thing oh this is going to cost so many diamonds but finally we can get making all this neite lovely oh yes we are geared up now guys full neite armor full neite tools jobs are good in thanks for watching good bye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 500,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, Hermitcraft, Season 10, smp, small beans, smallish beans, joel, hermitcrafts10, s10, minecraft multiplayer, smphermitcaft, HCS10, Smallishbeans video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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