Hermitcraft 10: Hermit Fireworks (Ep.18)

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hello everyone welcome back to hermitcraft season 10 the da no this is not what it's called but it could be um but anyways we are here at the base uh recently skullcified been basically spending the last few days brainstorming about how we want to build up this area what we want to do how we want to form the landscape got some cool ideas in the works uh but nothing to share quite yet however we have been busy on the server we've been talking to other Hermits why you ask well we have to get some hermit fireworks approved today ladies and gentlemen because our fireworks shop is nearing liftoff that's right the Kaboom fireworks shop is going to be changing forever hopefully soon uh and right now we actually have to head to the shopping district to see if we've sold any more fireworks we'll check our other shops while we're here but we're primarily interested today in our kaboon firework shop let's see what we got first of all you have to check every time yep it's out it's out so sad but luckily we got some explosives in here bada bing bada boom use the bundle I love bundles so much guys we got to they got to they got to add bundles to the regular game it's so useful for holding like a huge variety of fireworks like you see here also useful for cleaning up any you know inventories that gets get cluttered at any point so we just dump all these in here and just like that we have like 30 or 40 unique fireworks that can shoot off from this thing at any point okay let's see what we got any sales any sales we're hoping for some sales we're pretty close to our goal of fireworks sales oh yeah let's go let's go so we sold another one of these sold another premium 54 sold another box here so we got to refill this very good very good okay so another 26 diamonds that's fantastic let's just go aad and put these away real quick all right so our 26 diamonds combined with the four we had left over from the firework shop uh previously gives us 30 which means we can now add another three diamond blocks and we'll save these extra diamonds here in the diamond box we can add another three diamond blocks to our shop total which means I think we are now on the final layer of this shop so we can get rid of this layer of the thing there we go so yeah we have one more layer so eight more diamond blocks and this firework will then launch into the sky un unleashing a new era basically of fireworks on hermitcraft we've been crafting up fireworks like crazy guys and today we need to talk to literally every single hermit like everybody we got to go and get everybody approval for their own personalized hermitcraft firework so every person we want to have a custom design firework for each and every person we want to have a nice name on it we want to have a nice shape to it nice colors that represent that hermit and we want to have 27 different kinds uh there's going to be some complications with this which I will tell you uh but first of all let's go see if we can find some people see if we can get some fireworks approved I see somebody there hi howy Tango hey you scared me I saw you flying in from a distance and I was like my man my man there he is I got to I got to restock my Redstone here Tango I got I got a proposition oh you got Redstone stuff oh you got automation here don't you o yeah very nice very nice starting work starting work proposition I hear got a proposition for you I making I'm making personalized fireworks for each hermit and you're up you're up so I made I made two preliminary ones I'll give you I'll give you some of the each one there's a one and a two version that I tried to make feel free to fire these off out here okay okay this is number where should we'll do it like right here okay this number one mhm [Music] mhm that's option one I I didn't see anything hold on do I have firework particles off or something oh do you have particles turned down oh you got get turn those up yeah yeah maybe uh give me a second okay all right firework one for real test third time oo okay A a red a red cozy center with a with a yellow after splash I like that I thought you got you got the yellow hair on the character of course yeah yeah yeah yeah I like it okay this is number two yep whoa oh yeah that one was fre good yeah all let me hit that this is my this is the contender I think oh I like the shock wave and then the blast of yellow followed by the final blast of black mhm yeah MH firework number two is the winner there number two all right and there's also the uh sort of the custom I don't know if you saw this but like the uh the gear on the firework name is that cool like having a gear I also thought you could put a factory oh my gosh yeah absolutely okay okay sweet I didn't even Noti you got to tell me that was that some asky character I need to know what that is yeah it's a uh it's an ALT code for whatever the gear is oh that's amazing okay took took ages to find that Tango literally minutes to find literally minutes oh that's so good awesome dude yeah I will uh I'll start Mass producing these as soon as the uh the big firework lifts off in the fire in the shopping district excellent okay the plan you you'll get some free ones of course so oh I'm excited all right than thanks for uh indulging me see see you yeah yeah yeah hiy Cub howy Joe Joe I've uh I've called you here cuz I have some very important questions to ask you oo I love important answers so let's go all right I have two fireworks I've made for you called Joe one and Joe 2 oo and I want to make a personalized firework for you you've been a great uh patron of the shop so MH want to make yours pretty special if you want to go ah and fire those off okay here's one there you go see it oh beautiful also the shop also likes that one apparently cool it's like app pling yeah okay and there's two okay I think the second one had more flight duration which you know considering that I'm going to be using these for my elytra probably all the time as my new signature move longer flight duration would be good okay flight duration wait no hold on these are both flight duration one yeah I can make them flight duration three though I want to make a firework that best represents you or whatever you want like whatever colors you want and we're doing that for each hermit so these are just like samples but I can make it a little bit you know longer flight duration or fewer breaks or more breaks whatever you want whatever you want I really like the second one it really just fills the sky with the chroma green and you know then I could then composite stuff over that you know when I'm flying okay do you want it to be uh find that obnoxious at all do you want it to be flight duration three for sure uh yeah definitely okay would you prefer only flight duration 3s or a variety I I like to live dangerously I I I figure you know uh you know all gas no breaks with flight duration 3 okay all right go ahead and throw throw the uh the firework back to me Joe uh also I want to I want to ask do you want any sort of special uh symbol on your fireworks like to represent you do you want like uh I know you you have this special skin this season or maybe you want like a yeah you know I I really like flying around with a trident and you know so if you could put the Trident symbol on the fireworks yeah um absolutely all right that sounds great Joe I will get to work on that uh the I'll be Mass producing this this Joe 2 firework with the Trident symbol on it it'll be like Joe Hills Edition Firework and then yeah yeah like that right there yeah yeah I'll get you some free stacks of it uh for your own use and then I'll be selling it in the firework shop once the big firework lights off and explodes in the sky oo looks like we're getting close these diamond blocks are filling in yeah yeah that's why I got to get these fireworks going so uh thank you for your time Joe and uh I'll see you soon man Jem cup I have a question for you okay what are your three favorite colors green pink and yellow okay all right I'll be back a whole skull there and some days it doesn't doesn't look intimidating we are back we are back we are back gem hello I'm making personalized fireworks for all the Hermits I want you to consider this Firework and tell me what you think gem one oh it's gorgeous do you like it do you like it okay I do all right all right all right with your permission mhm I'd like to be able to sell this firework as a Gemini Tay Edition firework in the firework shop oh oh yeah sure that' be cool you'll get a bunch of free stacks of this firework as well but uh that'll be like your official firework if you have any suggestions like do you want it to be you know Fade to a certain color like if you want it to fade to orange or blue or red or whatever color you want I can put that in there as well or if you want a different shape there's star shape I can put in there burst shape that is you know now that I know what you're doing with this mhm mhm I should have asked you for a fish one a fish one well not like fish shaped but like you know fishing related this is good too gem related I'll tell you what I'll tell you what instead of the gem symbol on the if you look at the name of it I can put a fish symbol on there here I'll show I'll show you the symbol here I'll type in I'll type in the chat hang on hang on oh it's a fishing rod well it's a fishing rod but oh fishing rod I could also put a let's keep the gem let's keep the gem that's good want the I like it I like it fantastic fantastic okay thank you awesome thank you Jim appreciate it I'll see you soon can I some more of mine soon SC soon CU by the way I'm down to four how much are your services Services it varies depends if you need me to build something custom or just you want just the fireworks no I have I have firework well I have electricity poles here and they're empty right now normally there's fireworks in them so that it looks like it Sparks every now and then oh okay but I'm all out of fireworks so if you can make a firework that kind of looks like an electricity spark I would pay you all right yeah I can do that I I'll get on that I'll get on that thank you thanks Jam appreciate you scar always good to see you see you soon goodbye hello hello false false I have a question for you I have a question for you what are your three favorite colors three or two or one do they have to go together it's for a personalized firework that I'm making for each hermit and I want to know what uh what to make for you we also also if you have a favorite shape like a star shape or something like that I'll be honest I'm not super clued up on how they look the fireworks but I like you decide that but uh it should be inspired by my skin right yeah that that's what I did I I did like a channel channel thing so like here here's here it is okay you got some yellow yellow hair red white some brown okay okay y I'm leaving up you right okay give me your judgment give me a few minutes I'll be back okay fols okay I got something for you not sure if you're talking or not I can't hear you can't hear you sorry I'm here I'm here okay okay for your consideration here is what I've come up with o I've not actually shot this off so I'm very excited to see what what it how it comes out but okay well shame it's not L time but uh right Let it Fly that's pretty cool what do you think a little bit of yellow little bit of red I like that yeah yeah yeah it kind of works right let me look [Music] yeah I like that that's cool all right so with your permission if you like that I'd like to make this your official firework you get a few stacks of this firework for free and then I'll be selling it as a full symmetry Edition firework in the in the firework shop that's cool with youo how much you selling it for I don't know yet I don't know yet do we get a that payment uh no no your payment your payment is the firework that that works yeah yeah yeah I'm fine with that is that cool okay de any any special requests on I don't know if you saw the name but there's like a PVP sword any special requests you'd rather have like if you wanted like a I don't know like an animal I don't know what there is but that's fine yeah that works all right sounds good FSE sweet fantastic all right thanks for your time see you soon thanks goodbye PE CB how's it going yeah good just ignore the fact that I'm taking down a whole wall to Graffiti because that's completely how graffitiing all works well are you going with like a mural design here you get the solar power and beautiful oh I am I'm going bold and pretty mate you're going full on mural okay awesome uhuh they're going to feel the effects of the plants oo I like it I like it yeah thank you thank you what can I do you for S Pearl I'm here for your input on your personalized firework a pearlescent Moon edition of a firework I get my own firework you get your own firework yep yep okay I love the idea of that yeah I I need to know a couple things I need to know some colors that you would like it to be some shapes potentially no star shape large ball small ball uh burst creeper head okay anything you have in mind do we have like a list somewhere of all the different like options that I can choose from so you can choose any color any of the 16 colors in Minecraft uh and then you can choose a fade effect if you like it to fade like if you want it to fade to yellow or something or yeah uhuh that could be kind of cool uh or if you want like some type of like theme like if you want it to be I mean solar power is a pretty good theme I mean I could make it like a solar power theme firework maybe you know what you got a good point I was you know in my brain I was like oo I like red but I'm just like that's really not on the theme this season for me at all uh okay I mean I could have it we could put in a little bit of red and some I mean okay okay the possibilities are actually almost endless so I mean I like your idea I love the idea of putting the solar power could we make like a sun as like a so we do a bowl right it starts off as either yellow or orange whichever way around it would work for the sun like it fades to one of those and then have a little splash of green is that like for like the little leaves yeah we could do that yeah absolutely so cool oh my gosh that would be amazing basically what I think I'd want let me come up with a concept do you also have any like if we're doing like a sun powered one maybe it would be cool to have the sun like uh Unicode symbol in the firework itself like for the title of it cuz they're going to be custom name too oh okay yeah sure I'm up for it I feel like uh I can I can uh trust the guy that's got dial over himself from being yeah yeah it happens it happens it doesn't wash out it doesn't wash out okay I'll be back with the go dry cleaners or something come on yeah I got I got to I got to take it to the dry cler all right I I'll be back with the firework soon uh Pearl I'll be back I'll be back Pearl sorry I have I have to do that every time now hello I was muted I was talking this whole time and I was muted all righty all right I got I got two options for you Pearl yes all right so the first one here leans a little bit more into the red I will hand you this um sorry land a little bit more into the green I no red yeah yeah that's right red and then the second one leans a little bit more into the green so okay do you launch both those off and tell me which one you like better exciting or if you want to change something oh yeah okay so you've got a fade off on the red at the end that's fancy number two oh okay that's pretty mhm I'm curious I think I'm I'm going for number two cuz I think that keeps the really like solar Punky I'm curious does is there another fade option at the very end to go to the darker green yeah I could change it to the darker green yeah you want to try that you want to try that I think well would it get rid of the lime completely or would it does it still have that uh would it still have the lime yeah it would still have the lime in there okay I can I can I can make one up real quick I can make one up real quick we can give it a shot yeah cuz I reckon if we add in that darker color in there that's going to add a really nice plant flavor to it yeah yeah that's true that's true okay yeah do you need these ones back nope you can keep those I'll go make a new one uh I'll be back in a few minutes hello wel again Pearl hello I got two more two more fireworks for you one so I I did I added the green on this one and then I added a lot of green on this one so there's two more really oh you got a little sun on the end I didn't actually no that on the first one yeah yeah that's so good adds a little bit to the Sol power yep okay number three let's see it ooh okay yeah I like that better than what we had yeah I think that's good with it fading out darker okay okay then ooh okay that one's really pretty that has a lot of green sort of embedded in it it does huh so you need a few takes to really process that one yeah okay this [Music] one oh but that one is a lot brighter mhm it's like you get the Sun and then it affects the plants afterwards actually wait how [Music] sorry this is like this is like creative Liberties on the uh the fireworks you just like I just wanted a simple job why you are giving me all these little demand no no this is perfect this is exactly what I want I want to make sure it's perfect firework for you cuz it's going to yeah it's going to be your firework it's going to be your Edition okay so I'm curious can the small bow start off orang and Fade to the lime yes cuz then it's like the sun right and then it fades off to the green with the lime in the middle as well like it's cultivating plants okay yeah so you want the work so you're talking about the Third Edition right the third one yeah the Third Edition I reckon yeah okay with a with an orange small ball instead of a lime that's right at the start so we make like a sun and then it fades off to all the green at the end yeah yeah we can do that yeah you want to try that one out all right let me let me get another addition I'll be back he's back back again very F back we back all right we got uh two more two more this is the time that I can't hear you oh am I I'm muted I'm muted you're muted all right I got two more would you like this okay two more you've given me number five all righty yep and there's number number six yep let me see I'm excited what do you think let's do it okay now I got trap doors here so hold I got to crap this one there we go mhm ooh okay but we are missing the lime at the end now yeah yeah and that one that one does a little bit oh [Music] okay that one kind of has I don't know what's possible with fireworks yeah so I'm limiting them to three braks each so it's kind of limited in that regard there's you can do more braks but uh it becomes like too to do more like in mass production right yeah a little bit more complicated okay well looking at the comparison between oh gosh I got a love different Edition is it number three I think it might be number three right is I looking at three yeah with the lime yeah do you want more lime in the I can add a little bit more lime in the like the fifth edition one like I could yeah cuz I think I think this one is like leaning towards me but I think there's like there's not enough lime at the end I reckon okay uh are you thinking like lime and green or maybe just lime or a combination green okay yeah bit of a lime and green because bring that bring that kind of like vibrancy back into it again I reckon okay yeah I'll add how about I add some lime to the small orange ball that explodes and then I can also have it like Fade to like lime and green maybe okay cuz like h H that might work cuz like can the small bow okay you've got it I'm just looking at it here you've got the small bow goes from Orange and Fade to Green large bowl Fades to Green so they all Fade to Green but there's a lot of orange at the end where does that come from I think it comes from the fact that there's a trail on the orange so it stays a little bit longer than the other ones so maybe if I add maybe if I add a lime and orange then there'd be green stays around longer because I think that's what you want at the end right you want like a little flare of green at the end that sticks around just a bit longer basically basically in my head I've got like the two phases right I've got like the bowl of the Sun and then at the end I want it to be like full full green essentially with no sun left full green okay okay whether that be lime or the regular green is is a good mixture I don't know how much is possible with that would that making it too complicated no no I think I should be able to do that yeah that works yeah let me let me try one more let me try one more or two more give me a sec one more okay let's see it there you are do you like my wall I love it done I think it looks great you got to you got to Rebel back against the whole cyber Punk industrial takeover you know they're killing all the plants man that's true that's true we need some more solar power we need some more peace loving plants in the world thank you for agreeing I know right I love it though looks fantastic looks fantastic very colorful and I think this like definitely helps the wall too like oh thank you very much yeah we got to get rid of the stone right can't just be looking at Stone all season right yeah yeah yeah absolutely yeah yeah all right I got a couple more for you I got let's see it a seventh edition and the eighth edition seven and eight okay right number seven here we go see what we got ooh okay all right we got a bit of the green at the start as well mhm number eight [Applause] okay all right all right I'm seeing Oh my gosh I got so many fireworks in my inventory hold on we just Shuffle these around a little bit yeah yeah okay I think my computer is lagging a little bit for some reason uh anyway um let me see okay that's one we got two pretty sure I ran out of three hold on that's four five six seven and eight okay right okay let me just go through these five and six again I think five and six was that one with the fade to Green mhm six was that one started off with a bit of green at the start seven very light and Fades out there has a bit of orange at the start as wellit green green that one has the green at the start let me see number seven again hold on let's say [Music] this I think it's got to be between five and seven for me okay all right H okay this is this is a constant right hold on I'm slow running out but I think oh I think it's a tough choice it is a tough choice they're very good why did that one pop with so why did that pop so early there's some various yeah it flies various Heights so yeah some of them explode closer to the ground than others okay even though there's all flag duration one oh this is my last five I got to I got to choose here okay okay you know what I think five is the winner you think five five yeah out of all of them I think five is the strongest okay all right number five the small ball orange Fade to green with a trail and twinkle large ball yellow Fade to Green twinkle and burst orange Fade to green with a twinkle okay this sounds like a fos food order surpris with that yeah yeah are you good with the uh like the the sun symbol on there is that cool yeah no I love it I think this is great this is fantastic fantastic yeah okay I'll I'll start Mass producing those fire fireworks once the big firework in the shopping district goes off so once that is g has gone off o all these personalized yeah the these will go intive to buy from your shop exactly exactly plus you'll you'll get a bunch of your own free uh but if you want some of the other hermit ones you have to buy those so okay noted oh that's very exciting yeah awesome awesome sweet bro well good luck with the fireworks yeah thanks for the time thanks for the time EO Cub Etha where you at I'm coming up okay or you can come down all I'm at I'm at the tree I'm at the tree okay I'm coming up okay oh there he is hey hey hey what's going on not much not much just organizing and stuff that's cool man I'm here because I want to make you a personalized firework uh okay both for like your use like to give you and also uh to sell in the shop to other Hermits like you'll get a few yourself but uh also use okay we're trying to make one for every hermit that's that's the goal so what I need to know from you EO what color should I use and what shapes do you want and also like if you have a symbol uh that you want on there like a Unicode symbol uh I need to know that as well so for instance you can put Unicode symbols on fireworks what yeah so like uh this one here the sun right there in the chat that's what I use for pearls cuz she's like solar Punk right oh you mean for naming it not like the actual firework yeah for naming it yeah I was like what I never knew this that would be amazing though like that would be something to see um okay so I think you got to use the creeper uh one right sure cuz it kind of looks like my mask yep that's a good yeah that's a good call yeah yeah yeah so that's I think mob heads in general okay all right can do that we can do that um [Music] color probably green green all right yeah you want the the lime green or the or the dark green or maybe a combo of both probably lime okay or if you can kind of get it to the color of my can you adjust the colors I don't even know um you can get it oh hello gum he decided to join us today he's just checking on me making sure I'm okay uh you you can put two colors on it but they don't mix they render separately so it's like yeah I would just go for lime then okay so lime all right all right any other colors or just lime lime creeper cuz lime creeper would just be like the Creeper face true um we could also put like some other shapes with the lime Creeper face like we could do like a big red ball around it or like a burst of red or okay can we do [Music] H oh you know what would be good is if you could somehow capture my eyes I got the black and the red eye M yeah so maybe maybe we could do like a creeper face green like a lime green with some bursts of red and black that could be kind of cool maybe make the creeper black actually the creeper black The Mask yeah okay so creeper black and then you still want like the red red black with the eyes or maybe I don't really know how fireworks work it I haven't used them in a while well I can I can come up with let me come up with two designs you can test those and then we can iterate on that okay is that cool okay give me a few minutes I'll be back uh yeah give me a few seconds all right Etho I'm back I'm back hey hey hey you got a lot of Golems around here yeah I got a I got to deal with that pretty soon starting to wander everywhere yeah yeah all right I got two fireworks for you to try out I have a first edition that has a black creeper and then one that has a lime creeper uh so if you want to fire these off I don't we probably need to get in a space where it's not enclosed but can take a look all right let's try them out in the the open field here yep okay I like the star that's kind of cool okay good deal good deal oh okay green was there an outline on that too uh there's a trail so it it the Creeper face lasts a bit longer oh I see mhm okay that was pretty cool I like that all right all right uh number two oh okay okay think I like the first one like the first one okay both to the black okay all right yeah I would say maybe not black maybe dark gray would be better okay all right um what else what else do you like the red and green or do you want to change that up it's also I think fading to light gray is what I put on there yeah I like the red I would do dark gray fading to Black okay maybe okay yeah we can try that I like I like the red okay can you do like red and black Sparkles uh yeah we can do red and black yeah on the on the bur red and green yeah yep I think that would be good um what else so red and black and gray okay so gray and then fade to black okay do you want the other colors to fade to black as well or maybe another color [Music] [Applause] or no I think they're probably fine like that okay all right let me let me put that fire together and I'll be I'll be back over we back we back back in Action hey hey I'll come to the front come to the front there we go all right all right you got it I got it I got it oh snap let me know what you think about this we can always change it back E edition three yep EO edition three I add a little star in there this time oh oh I like the star actually that's kind of cool [Music] mhm I think that's it I think we got it you like that one all right yeah all right fantastic I don't know what else I would change to it oh yeah feel what whatever you need to CH change or whatever you're thinking let me know the only other thing I can think of is like if you somehow got my hair in there like that color of my hair mhm at the top of the creeper I don't know if you can like position it above the creeper maybe mix it in with the the red and black is it yeah yeah I could maybe uh so there's a burst of red that Fades to gray maybe I can make that fade to gray and white instead uh maybe not white light gray at though at the brightest okay okay so we could have maybe like red and light gray would that work for the for the one burst the I I would say like the red and black make it fade to light gray yeah and that's probably perfect then oh or did you get rid of that extra Sparkle at the top with the black yeah so I got rid of the sparkle at the top oh I see okay yeah the black Sparkle at the top [Music] [Applause] that's probably fine as is actually okay I mean if you want if you want anything else like any other color any other bit yeah it's it's tough to like change the like the actual firework itself without CH I think this is good okay I think this this is the recipe right there all right sweet yeah and is that cool with the uh the extra like uh on the thing itself like do you want another symbol on that or is this star good um let's see what were the other options for that so there's a lot of other options you can go with like um like pretty much anything like if you want an umbrella or a cloud or a arrow star I'm going to look at the the Unicode sheet I think I got it saved somewhere yeah yeah there's animals um there's no Creeper face right I don't believe there's a creeper face there's like a crown uh uh there's a rocket ship maybe the bow I can I can show you here let me let me show you some of the other hermit theme fireworks there's a trident uh BW used a tree uh scar is using a bow as well I got a rocket Ren's got a rocket false has a sword okay okay um there's also like a cool there's a really cool dragon let me show you the dragon or like a mega phone let me show you the dragon real quick uh there's a potion I wonder what the snowman look like could try that could try that see if I can get this Dragon here I'm surprised beat ups didn't go for the watch yeah I was too I was too here's the dragon which I think looks really cool oh yeah I like that that's cool I'd go for that you want that one you want that one sure okay all right we'll put it on there awesome dude thanks for your time thanks for your time yeah problem see you soon look forward to it yeah yeah oh by the way you're going to be getting a couple of these for free like a couple stacks of these for free yeah uh and then the other hermit ones will be available in the shopping district at the fireworks shop Kaboom fireworks uh once the big firework takes off and explodes and there's a new shop made okay cool that's the plan anyways see you soon man guys we're out looking for ievan he's about to come back from a long journey through the nether he's been Gathering some resources but imagine you come back from a long journey to the nether to this at the top of the staircase we're going to see how he reacts jevin jein jein I've been waiting here for 30 minutes I got lost well okay I didn't get lost here's what happened I promise I didn't leave my house mhm with only a pickaxe and a shovel with rockets to look for stuff in the Nether and then just like forgot about everything else no I would never do that I'm a professional it sounds kind of like you left the house without only a 100% did but your boy got the L let's go nice let's go yeah yeah looting some Bas uh I got some stuff for you I got some stuff for you let's go up to the nether roof real quick although it's a little dangerous you got to be aware up here we added googly eyes on some of the portals for hermit oh God Challenge and uh so scary it's a little spooky yeah yeah MH so I got a couple of uh I got a couple of custom fireworks for you man oh my God I'm making a personalized firework for each hermit and I got I got two options for you here uh if neither one of these if you don't like either one of these uh I can iterate on them or add you know whatever colors and stuff you want so I'll give you the first one here and the second one here all right my inventory is super full so all right let's try try J one here yep oh it's so good oh that was wonderful all right let's try number two try number two oh I I can't decide I like this okay the second one had the sparkly I like that one a lot true true y I think I think number two is the winner man number two okay number two it is number two is I'm I'm going to do one more test cuz they're pretty mhm [Music] oh yeah yeah number two is the clear winner number two only other thing I need to know jeev do you have a favorite animal or weapon or uh I need I need a Unicode symbol to put on your firework so if you want to have like a snake Unicode symbol or a dragon Unicode symbol or an axe or something like that you have a PR what you thinking what are you thinking Chad there's also a crown uh Crown dolphin panda baseball maybe I think there is yeah um yeah we could have could have a baseball there's a baseball one I'm sure I don't know that that's a tough one man mhm uh can we do like fire yeah yeah we can do a fire one yep I want fire so I can say I can just like I'm going to put fire on you and then okay rock it sounds good man sounds good uh awesome you'll be getting a couple of these uh the jein 2 for free like a couple stacks of those for free okay uh and then it'll be available like other hermit uh fireworks will be available including yours at the uh Kaboom shop Kaboom fireworks soon awesome how much are they going to be I don't know yet I don't know what I'm going to charge yet for them so to be determined yeah dude this looks so good it is pretty cool oh I love it it does look good yeah so yeah keep keep those keep those and uh yeah huge jvin 2 guy big big jvin 2 guy D two D two let's go thank you man I appreciate it rub a dub Cub what up SK how are you buddy I'm good man I'm good how are you doing all right how can I help you awesome hold on one second I'm going bump up your volume a little bit there we go all right all right uh skis I have a couple questions for you let's do it all right so first question is so what I'm doing here I'm making personalized fireworks for every hermit oo and your name's up man it's your time awesome so I need to know uh what colors you want so you can pick any of the 16 colors in Minecraft you know cyan white red pink purple gold you know well not gold but yellow any colors uh up to three colors uh or more if you want like Fades and stuff too uh and I need to know what type of like shapes you want so like big ball small ball star Creeper face burst stuff like that amazing okay uh excellent uh it's a lot at once I know yeah no I like I I definitely blue blue is my got to be in there okay blue and you said up to three colors or pick or pick exactly three how however many you want that's how many I can put in but uh I want I want blue is is white to not I don't think White's an option is it White's an option White's an option okay I like blue and blue and white blue and white blue and white all right all right any any particular shape any like stars or creeper faces or um just the regular you know burst fireworks you know let's see uh oh man you got me thinking what am I what are the all all the options I don't have them memorized uh so there's there's a star shape so which is basically like exactly as it says like a like a Mario star then there's the Creeper face with the just a big Creeper face in the sky there's a burst which is sort of like a palm tree like a pal meow type thing oh that's the one that's the one that one okay yeah all right all right yeah yeah I'm going to I'm actually going to make it right here for you man I'm going to make it right here I got a little mobile set up here yeah yeah we're doing this live man we're doing this live so we said we we'll do it live blue white getting some colors and some twinkling in there we're going with the bursts as well okay so we're going to go white skis one all right here we go skis here we go so give this one a shot give this one a shot okay ready yep here we go here we go clear of space I like it I like it here we go exit here we go and oh here it goes and the fade out let's go I do another [Music] one that's too cool man beautiful now anything anything you want to change with that or is that is that good or is that no we're in business I like it all right one more thing I need from you skiz yeah I'm putting uh I'll give you a sample here of some of the other tmit fireworks if you take a look in this uh Cher box here you'll see if you if you mount over some of the other fireworks oh yeah yeah yeah yeah there's like little symbols on the side of every person's firework a very good do you have an idea what you might want I'm thinking maybe a pyramid would be good for you cuz you got the that would be absolutely perfect okay all right yes I will put that on there as your symbol and so skid the way this is going to work you're going to get a bunch of stacks of fire your own fireworks for free and then your firework will be sold in the Kaboom firework shop along with all the other Hermits stuff very good very good Cub rub a dub Cub this is awesome dude thank you there he is there he is we found him let's go what's up Cub impulse my guy I got uh I got a proposition for you sure okay what's up uh that's the wrong one and I'm embarrassed now one second here let me see if I can get the right one out here we go to be approved I need your approval on a custom firework that I have designed specifically for you to be sold in at the Kaboom firework shop uh so I'm going to give you this okay go ahead and light that one off and let me know what you think oh it's got my name on it oh oh love that you like it you like it that is beautiful sweet another one yeah send it send it night time here we go oh yes I approve you good good with that one okay I might be the only person that buys them all but I approve well you're going to get some free ones uh oh really really okay you get a couple couple stacks for free and then uh they'll be yours any other Hermits uh available to purchase at the Kaboom shop soon I just had to get your approval on it if you you want any other like I don't know if you want any other uh colors in there I just put black and yellow pretty pretty much uh oh that's that's perfect sweet that's absolutely perfect oh I also wanted uh on the firework itself you can see there's like a little like unic code symbol I put like a citycape type thing on there oh if that's cool that is really cool I'm taking that and it's going on signs thank you okay cool cool awesome Hypno oh we got a cubby visitor how you doing dude hey dude how's it going it's going pretty good how are you I'm good I'm good Hypno I need your help I need your help wait you need my help mhm mhm for what I need your help because I'm designing a custom firework for you uh which I have here okay I need to know so I'm making a personalized firework for each hermit uh this is what I came up with for you I need to know if it's good or if you want changes or so black fade the yellow yellow fade yellow light gray fade [Music] yellow I mean as far as like my skin colors go like we got this little yellow thing kind like a highlight yeah yeah yeah let me do another one wh [Applause] I mean it's a bit of yellow there isn't it I feel like it's little too much like my skin is mostly black as opposed to mostly yellow feels like right okay yeah I can I can switch it up I can do a little bit more black the only thing the only thing with the black is that like at night time like if you shoot off at night that it's not really visible that well okay well I mean I also got gray on my skin it's not like you could do like maybe dark and light Grays or something I'm not actually sure though okay okay yeah I can I I like I like where you're going with it it's a great idea okay you doing a custom firework for every hermit yeah yeah yep oh cool doing a custom one doing a custom one also the shape you like the the star shape is that cool or do you want yeah the star is fine uh unless you want to spend creeper heads to make it a creep oh I'm just kidding no I can't you can use you can use regular skulls for that yeah yeah yeah I can use like skulls or no the star I like the star the star is good okay okay so a little bit more gray though you said yeah it feels like there's too much yellow like that's the the biggest color that you see there yeah like I don't mind there being yellow in it but like I don't want it feels like the entire rocket is yellow or whatever gotcha gotcha okay so I'll change that to Gray and then I'll probably have I'll probably keep the fade to Yellow but I think the other one would be gray instead of yellow okay give me a sec I'm going to make this uh new Firework and I'll be back okay okay cool all right I'll see you in a sec we're back we're back in Action how's it going it's going well just continuing to clear out some terrain here as I'm doing I see are you making something here uh we're flatting out the terrain because right right now my front yard is kind of not usable and it looks a very default vanilla Minecraft so trying to turn it into something oh that's cool yeah yeah that's a good idea that's a good idea uh I got so okay so I made two new fireworks for you okay so here is the first one yeah two new ones and there's the second one yeah Hypno two and Hypno 3 two and three all right let's see what this looks like Hypno [Music] two all right all right Fade to Yellow at the end I like it let's see what this one looks [Music] like you know [Music] H I'm going to try Hypno 2 one more time mhm I think never number three is a winner honestly you like number three I like number three okay all right you'll get a bunch of those fireworks for free and then uh it'll be available along with other Hermits uh fireworks in the Kaboom shop once the big fireworks shoots off ah okay so these are just uh you're you're just making new fireworks one for every hermit just to have stock there or is this for a specific thing this is for this is going to be like your individual firework like your personalized firework so we're going to have a whole collection of them by the way you can keep these uh these samples by the way oh okay okay okay cuz I already have the copy of the other ones uh like rest I was thinking you might need to know like what went in it but if you already have the recipe you're good to go you're on it yeah yeah one other thing I want to know though uh the Unicode symbol by the name I put like just like a firework type thing there is that cool or do you want like a spe specific thing like I tried to look for a bandanna cuz like your Skin's like a has like a bandana on them right but I couldn't find a bandan Unicode symbol I mean I guess that's fine that's like a pin wheel kind of a thing or something I guess MH yeah that's fine that's fine okay all right sounds good man all right thanks for your time man appreciate it and uh yeah look for those soon and yeah I'll drop off some uh a couple stacks of these at some point all right that sounds great man all right dude thank you thanks yo doc doc doc doc doc doc oh hey what's up hey buddy hey I got uh I got a question for you I got so I'm making some personalized fireworks for each hermit I got a couple of choices for you to make these aren't the only two choices you can make any color adjustments or whatever you want to make but uh of those two which do you prefer if you fire those off that was too close can you go over there and fire them off yeah yeah yeah I'll go over there and find them yeah okay this okay see anything I I I'll go down below I'll go down below yeah yeah all right all right all right this is number number one here DOC number [Music] one all right very cool okay and then number two ooh I'll do it again I'll do it again one again yep that's also cool the star and number two number [Music] two oo I almost like that better it looks like my head is exploding so number two it is number two okay you want to make any color adjustments or anything like that or I mean I I it it's it's it's you know it does it does my face Justice right there's Creeper face there's red and green yeah and uh yeah and then goat horns jumping out on top I like it yeah perfect awesome awesome okay so number two it is all right yeah the black Sprites on I'm sure again wait one more one more he the star is also really really cool I have to say mhm mhm [Music] [Applause] tried to mix it up a little bit I also put the Unicode symbol on there as the goat I don't know if you notice that in little detail on the name of it that's nice you know what number one it is here this one number one okay with the with the Sparkles okay cool sweet yeah I I'll get that to you doc you'll get a couple uh free stacks of your own Firework and then okay uh your firework as well as a firework that represents every other hermit will be available in the Kaboom firework shop once the big work explodes in the shopping district awesome and I hope this copyrighted no other hermit can use these Rockets then right they can they can purchase them but you get you get a bunch for free all right okay that's good yeah that's like your payment yeah yeah so okay okay okay oh good yeah awesome you could of course buy the out if you wanted to you know yeah maybe I might have some diamonds about nice dude nice yeah just a few just a few Mumbo Mr jumbo how are you to make my good sir Mumbo Mr jumbo how Mumbo finding headphones let's go hello Mr Mumbo hello hello how's it going it's going well Mumbo I am here because I need your help right okay what in what way okay I'm making a custom firework for every hermit and I need you to approve this firework or give me some insight onto what you'd want instead all right okay this is kind of exciting wow I'm loving whatever those are that is yeah welcome back to the age of drive my guy it's disco time it's disco time all right okay do I so do I just right click on the floor is that is that the way to go yeah yeah fire it off fire it off okay here it goes here we go [Music] [Applause] that's good you like it you like it okay good deal yeah I'm happy with that I'm I'm happy with that I'm am I am I allowed to shoot another one is that you can shoot as many as you want off uh you're going to be getting a bunch of these for free too so that is good that is really really good it's decent I tried I tried to incorporate some element of your skin some of the black suit some of the red tie some of the white you know so yeah yeah and like also sometimes when when the bottom of the creeper like when the eyes get covered on the Creeper face it kind of briefly looked like my mustache like there was a brief moment where I thought you had done some absolute Wizardry and there was a mustache in there yes I was hoping there would be like a mustache like Unicode symbol but I had to go with the drive guy once I saw him I thought that thought that fit you well man yeah oh wow that's cool oh this is so good yeah awesome I'm so happy I gave you that permit yes yes absolutely dude this has been the best permit ever so thank you for that thank you for that uh these will be available soon for purchase uh and like I said you'll be getting a bunch for free and there's a whole bunch of other ones for other Hermits too so stop on by the firework shop amazing thank you so much cheers Mumble see you soon man see you soon all right see you later all right guys so here's the hermit fireworks that were approved today so we got a whole bunch of these here uh many of which you saw in this episode but we still have a whole bunch more to be approved we got 11 more to be approved uh from all of these Hermits so once they're on and once I have a chance to speak with them uh yeah we can get their firor proov and started to be crafted but the thing is with a lot of these themed fireworks you'll see that a lot of them I've tried to specifically include a trail effect in at least one of the breaks um so that is kind of problematic and this one gem actually has two trails in hers it looks like uh but most of them have at least one Etho I think has two uh it just depending on the firework how many we added but tried to add at least one in each Firework and so that trail effect that trail break means that it has to have one Diamond per every three fireworks and some like the one like this one gems NEOS need two so what that means is if we get out our diamonds um let's say we wanted uh one chest of each hermit's firework is sort of like starting stock uh that means that one diamond block stack this amount of fireworks which you can convert into nine uh stacks of diamonds like this that will equal one the diamonds we need for one hermit so basically what I'm trying to say is we need like three times the amount of diamonds we have here like we need a whole uh we need like a whole shulker box full of diamond blocks is what we need um so uh we're going to see let's head to the shopping district see if any of our other shops have sold anything today um but we're probably going to need to go mining for an extended period of time to fund our fireworks uh I don't want to say addiction here uh passion our fireworks passion needs more diamonds so let's grab this let's dump this off here and let's go see if we've made any diamonds at the horn shop or the glass shop today all right first the glass shop let's see if we met anything today we have not and unfortunately we also did not acquire another permit uh during the uh challenge that Gan had over at his uh permit office uh but looks like we did make some diamonds okay we got two diamonds from the uh the light stained glass light gray stained glass very good let's make our way to the horn shop hopefully there's a bunch in here please be some we need some help here hey hey let's go all right all right we got a few diamonds here as well couple diamonds there oh my God someone bought bought the vanilla horns let's go that is amazing that is actually amazing okay yeah we'll have to make sure I think these are all still in here these these were like a variety over over here so that's good man somebody bought the vanilla horns that's huge any in here yes okay we did make some but I don't think it's still anywhere near enough no it will not be anywhere near enough so we'll just throw these into our Diamond box and yeah we definitely definitely still need more diamonds but that means we got to hit the mines up and hopefully yeah get a whole bunch more diamonds very very soon so uh with that I think I'm going to call that episode for today guys do let the other Hermits know uh who have not been contacted that I'm looking for them uh they need to get on so I can approve their fireworks some of them they just usually like log on the at a weird time for me so that might be part of it but we do have to get every hermit's approval because the firework launch here is imminent to the heavens and hopefully soon uh we'll be able to sell personalized hermit fireworks at the fireworks shop in the sky so I'm looking forward to that anyways guys for now that's it for me thanks for watching this has been Co goodbye
Channel: cubfan135
Views: 94,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FMo5FcuDADo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 24sec (3684 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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