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[Music] the light at the end of the tunnel is near the great melt of 2023 is fully underway and we're taking advantage of every bit of sunshine start eating more but things are melting too fast a third separate mudslide has occurred on our road and even though we're staying productive it's a little unsettling the fire department has been out the road is fully closed they've deemed it unsafe to go anywhere near it [Music] what's he doing at least we can see your jaw now yeah nice little nice little Breezy spring cut you have a chin I do it looks a little smaller than normal that's okay what's up guys and welcome back we have got a big surprise today or I guess it's not really a surprise most of you guys that watch a lot of our videos probably know about this but we are heading down to the shop we have a big day today we are going to be delivering one of the Vans for Mountain mid Vans now that it's finished the customer is coming to pick it up we're very excited about that and also we have another big delivery that we've been waiting for so got a lot of stuff going on today Leo is loaded up in the car seat and ready to hit the road so are we how you doing bud yeah are you a happy boy can you say mama yeah can you say Dada yeah we've been working a lot with Leo on his speech and trying to develop words and he's actually getting to the point where he can say mama dada Nana up like he's got he's got some words he's working on it so for a while we were a little bit worried because he was a little bit delayed as far as you know most people think when he should start speaking and how many words he should have so he's just a little he's just a little behind but he's doing good it's actually really uh nice out here over the weekend it was like 87 degrees in the Salt Lake Valley which ends up here was probably like low 70s maybe mid 70s so now basically our entire driveway is gravel except for that little tiny section of like watery ice there in the middle and probably by the end of today that's going to be dried up or at least going to be melted unfortunately inside the garage over here we still have an iceberg I'm not sure how much longer of hot days it's going to take to get that thing to be gone but it's nice to have a driveway that's gravel and we don't have to be like four wheeling and floor in the truck and spinning out trying to get up the slushy driveway really glad that uh spring is basically here you all loaded up in the truck and ready to go huh yeah are you ready to go [Music] [Music] all right spring has sprung it's official it's absolutely gorgeous outside everything is melting we still have like I don't know eight to ten feet or maybe 20 feet behind the house we have large snow Banks still on our property that are slowly melting so it's not like full-on summer but the temperatures are basically full on summer we had family up this weekend and we all sat outside on the deck with the umbrella up it was unbelievable I cannot even explain to you how amazing it was the the problem is that everything melting has to go somewhere and we have one main road in and out of our mountain and yesterday there was not one but two mudslides on that road oh it was completely impassable the road was blocked I think that they are trying to clear it this morning I actually don't have an update on whether we can go that route so we're gonna head down that way hopefully we can get off the mountain because we have a very big day ahead of us things you have to deal with living up in the mountains I'm just happy that the snow is like starting to melt and we anticipated some flooding and some water issues and stuff like that and honestly I would say that like over the past weekend or over the past week most of these snow banks have at least been cut in half which means if it gets this hot again for like another two weeks we could be like pretty close to being snow free that would be that would be sick it's a little sketchy because in some spots there are big puddles of water and in one spot the puddle of water covers the entire Road and you can't actually tell how deep that pool of water is so you have to drive through it you cannot avoid it and every time it's like okay yesterday it was about six inches deep today it's about 10 inches deep at what point is it going to suck us under and like swallow our truck it's a little nerve-wracking [Music] food closed see it wow [Applause] [Music] our community has been preparing for the great melt of 2023 so we've all known that it's going to take some problem solving and teamwork to make sure the mountain thaws safely and last night after the first mudslide on the main road everyone was kind of just like freaking out they posted to the Facebook group they've been trying to alert everybody we have like a neighborhood text thread so everybody got a text saying stay away from this area we don't know what else is loose and could break free and about 45 minutes later there was another big mudslide um pretty close to that same spot so the road is fully closed they've deemed it unsafe to go anywhere near it there is no expected opening date someone on the Facebook group said this road will be closed for weeks which is not what we want to hear because that's our main access to get in and out of the mountain it's a little sketchy yeah it's a little unfortunate and uh I mean the problem is that wherever the mudslide came from that whole place is probably still unstable because of how much melting is coming down and how much water there's just so much water that this is going to continue to happen not necessarily up here but in this area a lot and that's really unfortunate but good thing is we need all of the water and uh I don't know a Mudslide isn't that bad on the road at least it didn't like bury somebody's house or somebody's house didn't slide down the mountain so or someone that was driving yeah nobody got swallowed up by the mudslide so those are some pros [Music] all right we made it out and I'm not gonna lie we got a little bit lost we never come down that other side of the mountain maybe like a couple times a year but it's so windy and complicated I feel like how people feel when they come up to our house where it's just like it's a it's a spider web of different roads and you have no idea what goes where it's gorgeous the views from that side of the mountain are unbelievable but I think we can be a little bit more efficient on it next time it took us a very long time to get down we're finally back down to the highway and we're going to head down to my parents and hopefully no more detours along the way [Music] good morning [Music] hi Leo my brother Michael and his girlfriend Becca are in town just chilling just chilling nice [Music] got everything here at least [Music] do you feel that we got something strong we are very excited today because our client for the Sprinter 144 is coming to pick up the van she's coming all the way from Oregon she flew in I think like 20 minutes ago her flight just landed and she's on her way now and this fan let me tell you guys it is chef's kiss spectacular unbelievable the colors that she chose first of all are amazing but second of all like the finishing the finishing touches the little details like the luxury items in this van are unmatched it's it's truly a tiny home on Wheels it's so cozy and comfortable and she really maximized the space in here the 144 Sprinter is the shortest wheelbase that they offer and we crammed everything in here and it looks amazing super efficient use of space and so cozy and cute I know what you're thinking but it's too small for restaurant I know but it would be cool it would be cool I like the 144 four-wheel drive this is like the van that can go everywhere I think we'll probably end up you know with a big van four-wheel drive and uh won't be able to go very many places yeah right that's why we have the Toyota foreign [Music] hey how you doing good how are you good what do you think that's pretty funny yeah spitting yeah you shouldn't have shaved your chin you could have had the Brandon look yeah you should have left that you could probably grow it three times as fast we're just doing a little bit of final finishing touches testing everything out our like final quality assurance checklist making sure it's all ready to go as soon as she gets here she just texted me she's on her way from the airport right now and even though we've been in like constant communication the entire time this has been being built and she's facetimed many times and seen the inside and seen the progress and I know she's excited about it it's still very nerve-wracking to like have her come in person and like check the work you know make sure she likes it so we're nervous but we're excited foreign [Music] [Music] I cannot wait to see it okay where do we start this yeah I mean it's different seeing it in person really because you didn't get a sense of this scale or you can't get a sense of the quality yeah and if that it's every bit as gorgeous as I possibly would have thought good good yeah we were talking earlier like it's believe how much we crammed in a exactly in the smallest size right it is yeah wow it turned out really surprising as well it's absolutely beautiful I mean biggest thing is I just I liked you guys I trusted that you know what you guys know what you're doing you're gonna do a great job for me and you know it was yeah it was a little bit of a leap of faith for sure you know not right we didn't know each other right um I was one of your first uh builds you was the first the very first the first like it's been crazy because we built out a couple spec fans and Cheryl here is actually our very first customer which is amazing that is amazing yeah it's really amazing yeah and I just got lucky because there was people lined up in front of me but they couldn't get their van right exactly and it worked out so well start snooping around yeah maybe you just like explore and then we'll kind of fill in the gaps I know so okay so here's how this [Music] oh so close my eyes it is so much fun being able to show Cheryl her van and just go through all the little details and give her the full tour and honestly just to see how excited she is I know like I said earlier we've been talking with her constantly throughout this whole process so it's not like anything is a big surprise for her but it's great to see her reaction and just that she is as enthusiastic and amazed and like impressed by it as she is because it just like it makes us feel good we really want to make sure every client is super satisfied and just over the moon with their van and uh I don't know it's it's been amazing to watch [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I had a lot of fun during the whole project too just working with you guys and you know I look forward to kind of our our phone calls and good brainstorming sessions well I have to thank you too though because you were so easy and fun to work with so I appreciate that it's always a toss-up you don't know who you're gonna get so thank you you guys kind of taking a chance on me too at least she won't make her life miserable in the in the process yeah you guys can take a lot of credit for all your just hard work and trying to trying to build me a super awesome band thank you I was like I gotta bring them a little something I hope it didn't melt I just heard oh this is my favorite candy shop we will not say no to Candy this has been awesome you've been awesome I'm sure we're gonna continue to be in touch because the will you know I'm sure I'll have questions good good absolutely yeah this is not goodbye all right bye Cheryl thank you foreign [Music] [Music] that was like a little bit sad Cheryl hung out for a while we like explained to the whole van door and then we just like like some parents sending your kid off to college we just like sent her on her way and it's exciting I think she's gonna have a great time in the band she's gonna have some awesome adventures she's going to use it as a mobile office so she has like the most amazing setup we helped her set up a star link so that she can have internet while she's on the road it's like all the bells and whistles in that van yeah it's true I feel all of them and everything went so well now we have to go pick up more insulation and try to make it back up to our house but instead of snowing it's like 85 degrees outside and we are dying [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh nice excellent [Music] yeah [Music] do you like it thank you for your help thank you all right well another successful day at Lowe's we got all often loaded up into our trucks we're ready to hit the road we'll be home in no time [Music] all right well the great melt of 2023 is fully underway in case there was any doubt we just got another notification on our phones that a third separate mudslide has occurred on our road the fire department has been out to check on the stability and the erosion of the mountain and they are concerned that there are a few more spots that might completely slide so the road is indefinitely closed they are creating another alternate route up the mountain and in the meantime we're back on our familiar detour from this morning it's not really a detour if it takes you longer but we're back on the scenic route from this morning heading back up to our house a detour is not a shortcut no no a detour is an alternate route that you have to take if you can't go the right way a detour is usually longer oh okay well then that's accurate accurate I want to clear that up [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] so sick of transporting insulation just wait till you have to transport drywall the only thing worse than transporting insulation is installing it yeah can confirm and now we have so much insulation this has to be all of it there's no more no we need more 2x6 bats to do the rest of the man cave how mad would you be if this was 16 on Center I made sure before you left good good we're not doing that again yeah the truth is we need more wouldn't have been that bad couldn't be that bad part of the road is just gonna be a swamp yeah I mean it's going on that side a little bit of it is yeah but the Culvert is too high like it needs to be cut back it looks yeah it's going in just fine this water here is going into the covert see this yeah you're right and this water is tripling down from everywhere all right yeah what are you doing Frank what are you doing all right if we can get the Culvert to drain a little bit or to catch a little bit more water at the bottom of our driveway that would be awesome but the problem like Trent was just saying is that we can't see the other side of the Culvert so we don't actually know where that water is draining into once it enters the culvert right in the city yeah all righty are you ready you coming over okay we're gonna roll over there and just uh you know 5-10 minutes perfect okay sounds good all righty all right see you in a minute that's our neighbor Cody the guy with the man bun that everybody loves me who you're going after that's the best part I'm trying to compete with the longest hair on the mountain he's gonna bring over some scaffolding so we're gonna set the scaffolding up so that we can do our drywall and our roof insulation a lot easier than rather than doing it on ladders and uh he works for a company that does scaffolding so he said that I could borrow some scaffolding he's gonna bring it over we're gonna unload it and set it up here in a minute but until that happens we're going to try and mitigate some of this water so that uh goes in the right spots [Music] hi hi hi hi you didn't get more I got stuck right I mean I'll cut it out don't worry I'll cut it out was it insane yeah it was pretty gnarly yeah somebody said it was impassable and I was like got a ram and then I came up to and I was like all right that was pretty gnarly yeah you heard there's a third one just now the third one yeah I didn't know there was a second yeah yeah there was a second one I didn't go to work they closed the road did they well I went the other way yeah yeah the top at the bottom they like caution taped it and combed it and they like don't even want you go where it turns into pavement you can't go past that okay you can't even like get close to it yeah and they have the greater parked sideways I guess down there somewhere so even if you like try to go around the cones I can't get past there's a whole river flowing like from the side of the mountain where the mudslide was and it just carved out where the stream was already flowing so wow that's a mustache yeah what do you think I don't know you can't you came over this mustache it's a combination of Cody and Brandon you can't even pick the wheel up dude oh that's how heavy it is but that's how weak you are oh start eating more dinner [Music] [Music] all right maybe I could hook one like on the wall and then like right here I'd like a little extra we've thrown it to the joints or to the blocking it's a blocking before wow that's I'm sketchy it was but we had no other options how are you doing careful your head baby oh yeah yeah it seems okay there's no way we could have ever possibly set that up in as fast as time as you just did that it is going to help us so much in this little section where he can roll around are you gonna move the truck at all or no truck can't move unless you have a forklift or a crane we can we can probably underneath it yeah and we could set it on the scaffolding roll it out into the driveway but we can go behind the truck with the scaffolding we just have to move some stuff around yeah I just have to move every everything all right well if you're watching this and you need some scaffolding apache's the place to go and uh code is your guy thank you Cody yeah no worries foreign what a day oh my gosh it has just been one Whirlwind after another we got all that scaffolding unloaded and everything situated up at the house we all took off and it's super late but we are actually hanging out with my brother and his girlfriend tonight having some dinner with my mom and Leo who was up past his bedtime because he wanted to hang out with us what are you doing be careful [Music] Rolling Stones t-shirt and no pants good job it's been a long day and we are excited to spend the rest of it we hanging out with some family and just enjoying a meal together [Music] [Music] was back where I began [Music] thank you it was good to see you safe don't turn off [Music] all right guys that was quite the day we ended up getting to spend some time with family which you guys know is very important to us and honestly we just we got a lot of stuff done seriously Cheryl if you're watching this thank you so much for trusting us with your van I hope you enjoy it I'm excited to see pictures of you out on the road we're very excited to have delivered her van completely finished and honestly I'm really proud of how it came out so if you guys enjoyed coming along on today's adventure make sure you show us by giving us a big thumbs up on today's video consider subscribing to our Channel if you haven't already thanks guys we love you and we'll see you guys on the next one adios [Music] this town is [Music]
Channel: Trent & Allie
Views: 220,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van life, vanlife, trent and allie, eamon and bec, trent and allie van, homesteading, tiny house, off grid, wild wonderful off grid, tiny house tour, do it yourself, diy, life uncontained, building our own home, good simple living, fabrats, snow recoveries, flooding, state of emergency, utah flooding 2023, my house is flooding, flood, utah flooding, mudslide, massive muslide, mudslide blocks our road, blocks the road to our house, mudslides, utah mudslides, utah mudslide
Id: 6S0zHOGZ5Q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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