Massive decaying 1890’s abandoned farmhouse. Explore #70

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[Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hey welcome back to explorers today you guessed it we're another abandoned house this one behind me here beautiful house the main part the main house was built in 1890 and i'm pretty sure the other part um was built after but it looks pretty old itself but i'm pretty sure just the one part uh was built in 1890 it's on the historic list um so i got some information about it so i'm not too sure if it's gonna be saved it should be saved but the way this house is now i'm not sure if you could save it it's starting to decay pretty bad i've been here before um but i had an issue with my camera i forgot my sim card for my drone it was just a bad day i packed it up i left now i'm back here again um so this place yeah i got a mask up it's heavily decayed especially in the addition part the ceiling has come down there's mold water the floor is very spongy but the place is just incredible can't wait to show you guys and i get to document this place before it does fall down i get demolished can't wait let's go yeah this place is just incredible yeah this uh railing here i guess the kids blew that off i'm assuming that's what happened but there's so much paint peeling here let's look at this room unbelievable the pain peeling when i was here last time something really strange happened i have a gimbal that i have my camera set on so it's nice and sturdy and all of a sudden my camera just spun around so fast like five times it's never happened before it only happened when i came in this room i have the footage and i think i'm gonna add it to this video but uh yeah it was just strange so i think i wanted to add it show you guys incredible whoa incredible i don't know if you just seen that but my camera just spun around like a bunch of times that was really strange that never happened before oh jeez that freaked me out look at this fireplace looks like it's marble last time i was here too i forgot the proper lens like i have different lenses i use and i had the wrong lens on my camera it was just a nightmare of a day so i packed it up and now i'm back this one you can hear in the background the cars look at the baseboards here yeah in the background you can hear all the cars we're pretty close to a main road so that's probably why it's so vandalized the kids could spot it right like is this mostly windows broken i think they haven't really kicked in the walls the woodwork in here is just incredible yeah look at the locks here these doors look all original porcelain porcelain handles casing how thick that is all right let's keep going here this kitchen is huge this is like a where the chimney goes look at this kitchen huge kitchen yeah it's pretty dark on the main floor here they did put some boards up but the second second floor it's not boarded up so it's gonna be a lot brighter up there because yeah i don't like going into houses that are all boarded up it's just so dark look at the wood on the ceiling here oh yeah you gotta look at this bathtub here take this huge jacuzzi tub here look at the door it's just paint peeling right off i think that's because it's the oil-based paint and all the moisture in here just peels off i don't think latex does this we got the horses up here because this was a horse farm and look look the mirror is not smashed which is strange if all the windows are smashed in here you think the kids would smash some ears this is just like a another entrance into the house goes outside it's all boarded up there here's another entrance to the house and windows you see all the snow in here and then this this part here i don't know what this maybe this used to be a garage but they got a sliding glass door here large cabinets and stuff i think they just use it as a garage i guess storage this goes right outside here [Music] look at that chimney stone beautiful stone trimming i'll show you that in a minute all right let's go in the basement real quick there's a wire hanging across here i'd rather not touch that i'm pretty sure the power has been cut in this house well we got an old toaster there yeah i think the uh the hydrometer outside has been removed look at that that looks like a fire hazard that's been cut too right there they cut that this is where they keep the furnace nothing too exciting in there basements aren't actually too exciting altogether but sometimes there's some cool stuff down there so this goes to the fireplace room again look at this room this is my favorite room in the house but it's completely rotten last time i was here it's all dripping water it's all frozen today because it's a little colder this is a staircase circular staircase going down used to be railings i can't go down here there's another basement but there's nothing down there it's just concrete nothing exciting but look if you see the stairs collapsed so i'm not too sure if another explorer came in here and fell down the stairs and crashed i'm not sure but i'm not going to go down there and risk it what i don't like about these places being by yourself is that if you do get injured and you get stuck you know i got my phone but look at this fireplace unbelievable it's definitely my favorite part of the house here look this is where they put firewood that goes into the garage you put the firewood here you open that drawer up and you got the firewood look at the stone here a lot of the hours building this and if they seen it today this place they probably cry because look at this place it's just holes in the roof beautiful beams here you got looked like barn beams i'm thinking this was the addition that you could tell like you could see the brick there for the original part of the house and i think they added this later on but still i think this part is old still maybe they added it in the early 1900s look at this this is like a piano or an organ i if you know what this is please comment below but it's it looks like a piano to me and it looks like an organ because it's got some different knobs and different petals but i've seen a picture of this thing when it was a lot better shape but it's getting rained on so every day it's just rotting away but there's no like name on it so neat i don't know what that is but all right let's keep going here look at the puddle oh frozen now i think we're done down here so i think we should go up stairs this is all just closets and stuff in this room look at this door here yeah i always close these doors when i leave little little trees on because i know the animals are probably still getting in here but i just do my part oh yeah there's that ladder going up to the attic there's nothing up there i climbed this ladder last time i was here and i was pretty uh nervous about it because i didn't put it there someone else did so i don't know how if this if the ladder is cracked or broken or but it go i'll show you it goes all the way up from there right into the attic i stuck my camera up there [Applause] i can't get in there but i'm just gonna put my camera in there see if i can see anything it doesn't look like there's anything up there just installation so i'm not going to go up there again it's not uh nothing exciting up there it's just a tiny little hole like i could barely stick my head in there one bathroom here there's one bathroom downstairs there's only two bathroom house pretty big house i'm wearing a mask but there's still quite the breeze in here because all the windows are smashed so we're getting quite a breeze coming through this house which is good it's not completely sealed up yeah these closets are all empty there's a nice knob there looks like it's wood people pay a lot of money for those knobs yeah that's real pink look at all the popcorn ceiling all coming down onto the floor here i like how a lot of these rooms have all built in shelving it's nice then you got more room look at this there's the chimney i guess there used to be railings over top of the garage but they're all been removed by the kids smashed them off we'll check out the garage and i leave there's nothing right nothing in there just empty some garbage and stuff but nothing too exciting yeah you know what like the i wonder if there's hardwood flooring underneath this carpet i always like to see no they put plywood on top now it probably is but then they put plywood on top so i can't see it this is the view you get from the front of the house paint peel here is just crazy i got a more modern doorknob here it's pretty big room that's probably the master bedroom yeah you can see the holes right in the roof hey we got a bit of graffiti here on the doors yeah this is the garage this is where i said in the living room where they put the wood put the firewood in here and then it opens up it's pretty neat some stuff in here and all the couches old bed and vacuum and stuff nothing much oh and look one lonely chair every time few stairs going in the basement i didn't know that okay well i guess you could check out the other part of the basement coming down this way there's an old crib or something there oh wow there's some stuff down here but it's completely the drywall completely came down here arsenal kids furniture and stuff down here that's about it there's a staircase that i was telling you about it's all rotten look there's a hole right through it someone must have fell right through all right [Music] [Music] [Music] hey welcome back guys hope you enjoyed that one i love that place i was so neat i really enjoyed the um that living room with the fireplace but that was the worst part of the house it was totally rotten in there but this place oh it's wow i like how it was it's very old the original part 1890 like i said at the beginning and yeah this place used to be uh just be old horses here do you see a boarding facility these do lessons here he's board horses all kinds of stuff going on um they're they operated from 1979 and i think they closed down in 2014 so this place has been abandoned for about six seven years i'm pretty sure i'm not too sure why they closed down i'm not too sure if they went bankrupt or they just couldn't afford it i i really don't know i try to do some reach research on the uh the business but this place is just sitting here and it should be saved really like it's on the the heritage list so yeah so uh hope you guys enjoyed that one i'm gonna head back to my vehicle down this very long driveway me about i don't know 15 minutes to walk up here hey guys before i go i just like to say thank you to all the supporters on my coffee page that buy me a coffee on there i really appreciate it mickey and louie maggie sharkey michael chrissy dana shea shawn i think i'm going to trip here powell annette for buying me oh i almost did for buy me a coffee on my coffee page really appreciate it guys you're the best really helps me out the link is in the description of all my videos if you like to donate but uh really you don't have to it's not necessary but i'm glad i had a chance to see this again this place and i'm glad you guys came with me so see you guys on the next explorer
Channel: Abandoned Urbex Canada
Views: 39,309
Rating: 4.933238 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned places, abandoned house, urban exploring, abandoned farmhouse, abandoned ontario, abandoned canada, urbex, abandoned urbex canada, urban exploring videos, urban exploration
Id: ZAkbqbHB78s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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