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YouTube frogs yo you are you guys are looking at ayaka's beautiful Ted her hair and her lovely Apple watch that is from C6 yes hello I hope you guys are doing well all right because rerun is here and you guys know that mine is consolation six which means and I'm not pulling for myself but rather we have a bunch of Juicy summons for you guys today we're going to be winning everyone's 50 50 easy clap everyone's gonna be going home with an ayaka and then they're going to be checking out my updated I could guide and then build her to near Perfection our Fortune for today is it's a modest day it's a very modest day we don't need super good luck we don't have bad luck we have modest Fortune hopefully we can get some modest luck and everyone that we're gonna be pulling for it's going to be a multitude of arbitrary viewers and there's summons and hopefully we get as many ayakas coming home as possible shall we get into it let's go all right chat our first victim they're at the Sakura Shrine seems that they were probably playing before this happened that is okay what do we have here it is 100 poles from here alongside 40 additional polls about from here you have not even used this Banner been a long time since I've seen this holy crap chances remaining 10 out of 21 I literally have not seen this beginner's wish in like 10 years what the hell what are we at one two three four five six seven eight you're guaranteed I think right that's 48. okay so I think you're guaranteed so Goose wants just ayaka this is for Goose goose versus guaranteed okay so you want c0 to C1 I got fair enough hey YouTube frogs this is the first victim of our sacrifice for our community Summits if you guys wanna tune in and join us you guys know where to find twitch frogs Link in the description you're hot you're POG you have great luck you look good let's go well chat first one's guaranteed 58. 68. okay 78 this is guaranteed chat let's see the animation first he has she has a very pretty design it's a very pretty silhouette congratulations on your newfound ayaka alongside two wolf boys all right chat here's the real test it's me getting C1 ayaka and winning the 50 50. I always win 50 50s 10. it's another razor whoa that is early whoa whoa whoa that is really early wait if we get this ayaka we could potentially get C2 if you want to go further whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on a second chat we got in order so so this is not guaranteed so we need to hit this ayaka right here in order for there to be a chance for the double Cyclone okay it's really simple win the 50 50. oh dude that's so early wow that is so early wow all right Goose I see do you want do you want me to roll for C2 are we going for C2 congrats by the way you already got C1 great Fortune oh you got great Fortune today very nice what's the what's the use it all [ __ ] it oh all right the actual dolphin constellation that is best value for the money spent the triple Cyclone we have enough polls to go for this let us pray dude dude whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold hold on hold on there's no shot man it's easier and then C1 and then 20 pulls and then the next 10 pull we have another five star I'm actually I got I gotta calm down because I like I have this is that is actually really meaningful it's actually insane because I think we can guarantee you C2 even if you don't get it here but best case scenario is you get C2 ayaka here and then you save your Primo gems for any future unit you want that is best case all right this is an insane start off foreign a stressful situation I had to hold my breath ah yeah hey you know what this is probably one of the best off rate up standard consolations you could get either one you don't have Jean or two this is a gene consolation in my opinion all obviously it's not ayaka but I would view this as a dub this means also oh which constellation hold on hold on which constellation is this aha all right this is actually really important now that you have C1 Gene any future constellation that you get for Gene is actually really beneficial now here's the question do you want me to continue for C2 ayako or no because we can guarantee you it I'm pretty sure with your remaining Primo gems we could guarantee you it yes okay all right Chad surely we're not going to get this in another Temple right surely we're not going to get another five star this quick right 20. they're oh my God okay this is actually there's no way dude this is the most insane sequence of five stars I've seen I cannot believe this actually holy crap dude what the hell just happened what the hell is happening excuse me what the hell is happening oh what holy crap dude I don't even know how to respond listen Goose goose you are very very lucky but you still want to go okay are you sure you don't want to go for Miss splitter oh wait you can't even guarantee Miss splitter I know you're really excited right now but I want to calm you down because I don't want you to regret this decision in the future I'm not really India okay fair enough that's fine let's go all right ten dude I I do this is wild man I've never seen this before I've never seen this before 20 . 30 . hi are you okay with me converting your Genesis crystals over sure okay converting uh we're gonna do probably 40 polls worth I would say so we need six thousand four hundred so six three two one foreign [Music] all right the luck is bad to normal okay you still got so lucky you CA you you are you every single five star that we've gotten is below soft pity every single one is below soft pity these are such good roles we went like 20 10 30 and then 50 or 60ish holy crap congratulations this goose you came home with a bunch of good stuff here congrats absolutely massive massive dub all right is this your favorite spot it looks like this is your favorite spot they are guaranteed ayaka however they have 100 polls now miniature depending on how things go do you want me to try for C1 or the 6c0 my personal opinion is you should oh try for Miss splitter okay well let's pray then play that weekend early 10 because it's guaranteed 20. looking for a gold one Thirty oh 40. yo that is in fact early boys that is in fact this is guaranteed that is in fact early oh boy wow okay insane all right we have 62 pulls you want to go after the Miss splitter Miss butter wishes okay chat we have one chance we have one chance here their weapon history is oh they've oh God this is their first weapon summons dude okay I'm really praying for some really good luck here then oh God this is actually enormously stressful all right chat I need all the luck right now I'm praying that we get what We're Dreaming for 20. some good uh vivonius weapons 30 pulls 40 pulls that's your first ever Bell 50 pulls all right 60. it's off okay here it is here it is chat ah ah here it is here it is here it is here it is here it is no big Claymore please just the modest days of fortunement it's the modest days of Fortune come on bring it home please oh my God I see a claymore and I'm like oh my God okay please stay thin plea please stay thin yes [Music] oh my God that is stressful congrats congrats congrats you're very first five star weapon is it misplitter reforged big congratulations and thank you for letting me summon on your account manager all right Chad so Sheriff has 234 summons they are all in on ayaka they already have consolation zero ayaka with one miss splitter what is our current look at uh current history it doesn't go further back than this oh over six months okay so they have not wow you have not summoned for a while okay that's that's a long time chat they've done a single pen pull in the last six months holy crap that's actually insane kind of mad I cannot imagine doing that holy crap all right let's go yeah let's pray for the best summons here 10. 10 20. that's fast I don't know where your pity was so we don't know if this is actually pity or not but 30 seems fast ish I don't know it could be pity we don't know Chad we only we can't see enough history Jesus okay all right boys we are off to a good start that is a very very quick ayaka that is a very very quick C1 boys all right that was 30 pulls keep going 20. 30. 40. 50. foreign got some NF in the background 70. all right here it is win another 50 50. make this easy make this super easy okay this honestly depends this off off radar could be beneficial depending on how many monos you have oh it's C1 freeze duration is pretty good it's more meaningful than her other constellations yeah it's I think I think it's it's it's pretty good oh it's been broken since 1.0 okay listen chat we can believe that one day it'll be fixed so it's fine it's fine it's okay we'll just get the we'll just get c2i go really quick Trust come on 20. the T foreign sixty 70 come on come on come on okay we got it here this is C2 I don't know if we can we might be able to push for C3 maybe so this is a guarantee that's on five okay that's the fifth one I mean sorry that's the the second one all right no you want me to keep going we can get one more five star in this yes okay they're all in all in they are only ayaka fully dedicated to ayaka let's pray that we get the five stars soon and we gotta win the 50 50. 20. or 25-ish 25-ish 35 here 45 we're gonna be cutting it close just kidding let's make this easy let's get the C2 and let's pee pee poof okay you guys are praying for C3 ayaka I'm gonna get C3 you you guys are expecting I go back to back in this like two eyecos oh my God okay oh oh it happened I'm so sorry oh all good I like Chichi okay that's fine then they are a Chichi appreciator chat Chichi well you want to Chichi appreciator you know I've seen yeah now I've Caesar Chichi all right do you want me to just YOLO you the rest of your summons here or what yes okay they I believe a sheriff is a ayaka only foreign will we get the five star also shop okay so you want me to go all in all in I see all right Chad we are pulling all the stops here we are pulling all the stops here 26 more summons all right hopefully we can get it really hope when that we can get it here please come yes that's very early love to see it love to see you boys that is a super early five star let's go all right I'm so glad that we actually managed to get this after you got two off rateups let's go dude congratulations on your C2 ion very nice that's it huh congratulations Sheriff I'm sorry that you got two operate ups but thank you for letting me summon otherwise I already have the comisato crew in your inventory we have good fortune that's good we have 90 pulls chat one two three four five six thirty six forty this is 50 50. okay they haven't rolled since uh riding shogun's rerun all right chat get this quick get Miss splitter and then monkeys to you they gotta win the 50 50. 50. 60. 70. soft pity winning 50 50 is the easiest thing I have ever done ayaka ayaka I told you easy Temple simple easy Flawless no pain and now we go over to the Miss splitter you already have paid charted very nice okay so let me add let me see so pull on the band with a weapon minute with what's left including starlighter okay I'm just going for this I forgot to check your history on the weapon oh okay okay all right one t 30. foreign 50. all right we're gonna need to grab into this star glitter now chat all right 60. 70. all right chat this is it when it comes to the weapon Banner it's always the toughest because pity does not carry over and the rate is lower than the 50 we have to just get lucky rage rage or Miss splitter easy clap 100 oh my God I'm just too good who is He Who easy boys look at that man this is just too freaking easy let's go another success congratulations slip all right Apple watch incoming easy clap oh you're wow those of you who have done her story quests know this position otherwise if you you need to do a story Quest I cannot say anything this is a very important spot for ayaka I see you have chosen this this spot you do in fact have constellation four let's go ah gotta win the 50 50. I see so you have prepared essentially for the worst case well if you're not I am here we will not need to go for a worst case it will be a very simple and painless two more constellations 20. 30. that's a lot of size 40 foreign 60. 70. I'm going to stop pretty first watch this 100 percent 50 50 win rate for sure no uh uh well then that is a little unfortunate chat listen we've been getting a lot of jeans today Gene is a beautiful lady and she will bring home a back-to-back ayaka and she is also a beautiful lady wait wait wait wait wait okay wait that's really early that is that is very good okay nice all right C5 on the oh it happened again okay we got a double five star wow holy crap chat this is deja vu no this was the last time that we got a got a double five star it was the exact same two it was an eye into a kaching okay congratulations finish the job it's already done it's already it's just that easy Chad funny let's just see how long it takes 30. 40 50. 60 70. no looks like it's hard pity but that's okay honestly I think our other lock was really good right chat so we got the five star on soft pity and then it took us only like 30 to 40 poles to get an early double five star so I think we had very good luck here agree for the four for the four or five stars it definitely evened out I would say it is very pog ulations on your C6 there it is foreign congratulations Paradigm thank you for letting me roll oh he said weapon oh my God okay you are actually fully committed to ayaka holy [ __ ] we have 22 500 Primos left which is roughly 140 polls-ish so maybe we can get C3 maybe C3 let's go I mean R3 not C3 what the hell feels dang how close are you one ah okay that was just like 18. 20. wow okay that is very early okay that is very early now we gotta get it though foreign we have not failed today we must we will succeed we are the weapon Whisperer 100 percent easy clap no oh man okay okay weapon woes begin chat oh it's new though you need a new five star you didn't even get the unforced Keck do you want me to continue all oh my God okay all right they're all in chat mm-hmm 30. 50. oh we're not getting any early's anymore squeezed out our luck for for your paradigm oh God I'm I'm dreading this chat God I hate it when weapon rolls get to this point this is not even guaranteed oh dear okay here we go rage no more Claymores no more claim Wars we are not a claymore gamer I repeat we are not yes not bad I'll take it it's R2 I don't even know if you want to like level up another one it's up to you we are not super scuffed Chad we still have pretty decent luck on the weapon banner I would say you still want me to continue with the remainder you only just like yellow the last 40 pulls yeah okay 10. 20 what do I do now what do I do now star glitter oh God okay now we're going we're you actually want to go all in holy crap all right Chad I I ain't gonna stop what the man wishes for I ain't gonna stop they are truly truly all in truly truly all in let's continue my weapon luck Chad let's continue very simple stop it's too painful man when I see this eye it's too painful it's too painful all right congrats on your big new Claymore the last 10 Bulls here all right you got a big uh big coffee popsicle thank you for letting me pull regardless though oh I think your ayega is ah it's a young not even 80 out of idiot all right you are currently using the black sword at R5 wow only refined the Miss splitter would be an upgrade for you so question how many of these do you want me to use are we going for R1 and then do you want constellations after or are you just R1 and then leave R1 and then C1 okay chat another weapon incident here we go one you also have the horn as well okay I see Pleasures won the 50 50. I mean when the 30 50 or the 40 60. yeah it's really simple all right let's use their first temple and then I will exchange for the rest okay this will make it easier for me let's exchange 60 let's just exchange 100 polls worth oh we need 16 000 we need twelve eight nine three okay on to the K-pop here we go 20. 30. [Music] 40. [Music] 50. 60. it might be soft pity no more unforced no more unforged please please we we are we are done seeing that weapon like too much already please no more just give us that beautiful sword yes okay easy clap no more Claymore we are out of here very nice congratulations on the Miss splitter all right so how many of these summons you want me to use for C1 ayaka until C1 okay you are one I see gotta win the 50 50. so you technically have hard pity oh not really you would need to do like a 60 60 to get it oh it's really simple it's worth the 50 50. right chat as they always say if you need to uh you just if you need to get lucky you just do it you know foreign Ty pulls 50 pulls okay we're gonna be stealing from your Genesis crystals now uh let's do 3200 for two more for 70. 60. all right Chad if we do not win the 50 50 here it's gonna be a little tough so we gotta win it here okay as they always say just get lucky forehead Ike is a fan of K-pop right surely beautiful very nice all right you're done right could you pull one temple on the standard Banner is there something I should be prepared for three four five six seven eight oh said 50. oh nope debated you didn't even get a character you got a goddamn brain Slasher ah this frog also has C6 ayaka already as you can see from the glove the last weapon they got was the Harin and it's five they're going for one single misplitter reforge chat listen it'll be really easy agree surely it'll be easy 10. 20. 30. 40 50 60. 70. soft pity all right What's it gonna be no [Music] no surprise why must it be this way no oh 49 pulls left all right Chet we can do it no more pain please oh oh okay okay okay wait oh that's very early okay that's in the first temple okay no more Claymores stop it with the Claymores no more Claymores foreign [Laughter] [Music] it's guaranteed at least now right it's fine it's fine chat it'll be fine funny 30 40. 50 oh all right there we go managed to get it all right it's okay everything that's fine there it is hard pity misplitter reforged hard pity oh you'll notice chat it's not new it in fact if you guys haven't realized yet I pulled a prank on you this is actually my account this is actually my account I actually wanted another Miss splitter to r180 I just didn't tell you I just didn't tell you chat I hope that me taking the hard pity will make it easier for any of you guys who are trying to go on the weapon Banner okay that does in fact wrap up this very very long summoning session for my community viewers YouTube frogs if you like what you see thank you guys so much for watching the entirety of it I'm not sure let me know in the comments actually if you could tell that was my account at the very end or not I want to see how many of you guys figured out that that was my account the reason why I went after the another Miss butter is because I want an R1 copy that is level 80 so that I can use that as a preparation sword test okay so thank you so much YouTube frogs I hope you guys enjoyed the video of huge amount of community summons ranging from characters to constellations of ayaka into weapon Banner despair if you guys want to join up the twitch frogs nowhere to find them all right hey guys again I wish you guys the best of luck on your summons for ayaka's rerun don't forget to check out ayaka's guide as well that is updated it is fully flash on the YouTube channel thank you guys so much for all the support and I wish you guys the best of luck on your next summons we'll see you guys on the next video take care [Music] [Music]
Channel: Xlice
Views: 461,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact, Genshin, Abyss, Gacha, Xlice, #GenshinImpact, #原神
Id: mWPDc2r8vj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 54sec (2274 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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