MASSIVE VIEWER SUMMONS! These Were The LUCKIEST 2000 Wishes For Xiao & Yae Miko in Genshin Impact

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wait wait a second what is going on that was two PS after wait are you wait that guys that was early wait we keep going what is this a count 60 pulls wait still early still early what is going God what I hold what the is happening [Music] Guys YouTube first get into position like this then move like that yep that's it if you close your eyes and you listen to what n said never mind let me just pretend that never happened because it sounds really weird out of context anyways 4.3 second app is here we've got two characters of Interest we got a Shia and we got a yiko now here's the thing here's the thing here's the thing unless you watch a certain very short streamer no one actually cares about xia except for now you know why because shenyun exists that's literally why don't flame me I'm being honest okay Shen Yun actually makes xia much stronger more playable and you know what you know what you know what the shamans don't want you to admit Pyro sh no energy recharge needed never press Q all you need is C6 Bennett wow that's crazy stop joining who are you all right we've got viewers something today we're going to get to as many as possible hope you guys enjoy the video grab a snack it might be a short might be a long one I have no idea let's begin first account we have a Charlie Bronson from North America they would love a c yo then AIA they've pulled a LJ w WS Jade winged spear what does the L mean l what is the L it's primordial lament Jade winged spear I was like what is that weapon called all right I'm going I'm going to oh L and P it was a typ of I see okay you know what that's fine we can call it lament Jade winged Spirits all good and then you also have C6 far on so I guess hoe wants me to have him okay here's the thing do you have finina though do you have F you have Shin as okay do you have C6 Bennett listen if you don't have any recharge on your xia I'm going to just tell you right now you don't need it okay xia C6 Bennett finina shenyun I'm just going to let you know that right now 23,5 for Primo gems 26 summons this totals up to about oh you did buy more okay you also have 434 in the cash back system lovely I don't know if you guys I don't know if you want me to use them but this totals up to about 200 summons so you want c y Migo First and then sha okay you don't have neither one what's your history like the last time you pulled was literally 21 days ago so wait so you pulled shenyun no you pulled the you got two five stars in one 10 pull and then you did another 10 pull after that might have tried a back to back or something like that okay Juiced this means I'm guaranteed yiko here okay well that means that means that we have no surprise here chat let us quickly get this yiko for you and then we got to test our luck for l agreed agreed 20 PS 30 PS did someone already get banned in my stream what happened oh I didn't even pay I didn't even see what happened in my chat but someone got banned I'm like wait why did I get banned and then I saw the message I'm like oh yeah we don't beg around here anyway let's continue with our yiko summons nice it's like 40 or 50 I don't even remember anymore nice Juiced UH 60 70 okay this is guaranteed can I skip no we don't skip wait do I have voice lines enabled cuz that's a thing right I am the GUI of the grand narukami Shrine now come on do something amusing for me okay she just said do something for me she poked us as if we were her animal that's literally what she said do something for me would you guys do something for yiko by the way all right we got your Yao you got 6,914 prems for Shia dude if xia does not say lament I will Riot do you understand if I don't hear him say that in his intro wait that was literally back to back guys wait that was literally the 10 pole after the yaiko 10 pole guys that was a actually okay he better and are wait so what if you awake to a knife fit your throat if monsters dig their claw into you if death comes knocking at your door say it call out my name adep Shia I will be here when you call what where's the line Where's the Line man I feel betrayed you know I get it this is supposed to to be their intro dialogue or their hello or their introduction thing I get it but like the only thing I the only thing that we care about is evil conquering what else does he say he says lament he says evil conquering he says disappear worthless disappear into the sea of butter shut the up you dreamer okay go back to sleep little bro okay Aron's not for a bit shut up okay Bronson what do we do now we got the two characters you wanted in the first 10 Pole now what we have 15,34 Primo gems left screw it try for y Miko's weapon since he came early are you sure this is not weing waves and I say that as a reference because weing waves is very important I shouldn't say that in a genjin video because then I'll get people in the comments being like Oh my God weing R has that kin could never I don't want that please God I swear to god dude I'm going to get bro if I I'm just going to just one attempt okay as you say just one attempt okay all right anyways stop yapping you know what I realized is if I Yap more then we win the 50/50s so like watch this right here okay we've won the Shia lament and now we're going to win the weapon it's that simple okay watch watch watch watch watch say don't say anything don't say anything don't say anything wait we don't have any Primos left hold on okay watch this 1 2 3 four balls ah what the lament Jade winged spear what do we do now be honest you said just one attempt that was one attempt but now I feel like but Mr you said we would win these listen okay I think the lament was too strong use the gems there's no going back if you really want me to use the gems do you want me to use your Gems or do you want to use your intertwined space first you have 486 right here go and head and use the gems use the rest of the Primos okay so you don't want to use the Stardust then all right guys we're not we're not going back here it's do or die we're committing y here we go here we go here we go here we go 20 PS in all right I don't want to do this but you're making me do this I've done it there's no going back okay they said go ahead it's time 07 30 pulls in 40 pulls in 50 pulls [Music] in got to we got to redeem a little bit more chat we're going to go we're going to go exact amount 486 boom 60 pulls no it's not in 60 pulls okay we might be going to the last drop 70 pulls there's no way we don't get it here one two um that is not a weapon that we wanted to see at all wait guys hold on we might get another five star we might get another five star we might get another five Bronson says well time to play woa aware Bronson would you like me to try with the with some of your cash back system it'd be a shame to let this pass the Fate points maxed guarantees your cag's Varity go ahead all right guys guys I need you guys to pray right now for early I really need you guys to pray early I'm going to do 30 here okay just 30 pray for an early please don't make us go to the depths of hell for this 20 PS here we just need to see a gold spark one gold spark I see guys B desperate times call for desperate measures 40 pulls police 50 what the f how does your top up look let me just see uh all right I got you hopefully this is enough prga you're really close to guaranteed here so we got you 4,000 pre pre pre chat pre just just we just need one temple one Temple to be gold okay one Temple to be gold that's all we need okay that's all we needed see I'm just going to skip it I know what it is actually I'm not going to skip it you will see the glory of cag's Varity on your screen right here no one cares about you Barbara get out of the way all right Lea you're cute you can be there it was actually the 10th W yay you were you did not leave a loser I know that we did get extra weapons for you I'm very sorry but we did get K VAR got an extra Shia weapon you could refine it or you can keep it as is you know how it is congrats look at her she's dancing she's is's dancing out of Happiness anyways thank you for letting me Point your account enjoy both your yiko and your Shia and their new found weapons yay who wait what I thought he disappears after the quest he tells you to meet is it for lantern right oh well that's kind of cute okay so you're going for C3 Shia and R1 Jade Spear and you've got a Shen Yun composition already do you have finina on your team you do have finina do you you have a farizon on your team level one farizon constant um you might need to level this up she might be one of the best supports she might be the best support for a Nemo DPS do you have a fabj I asked do you have a fav waro and I see how many fav waros are here all level one you have a full page of fav waros 4 8 12 16 20 21 Fab War or BS you've not even you haven't even leveled one up yet well it's time to lock this baby it's time to switch this baby it's time to refine this baby you know how look at this look at all those look at all those Fabs wow I just did it for you nice all right you got R5 Fab is I feel like you are a newer player ar-56 that's decently newer I think not bad all right your xia is already c0 okay did you use your summons that you said you were going to save for me no 52,0 44 Primo gems that's a lot of Primo gems you also still have the beginner wish okay all right guys let's let's let's expose them you summoned February 20th 2024 at 6:06 p.m. UTC time UTC time right now is 4:21 a.m. so we reverse this you summoned 10 hours ago you couldn't resist could you wow there he is wow I see all right well I'm here to get you three more surely right guys surely with three more easy 20 pull oh mying God okay we are actually character Banner luck today guys we are unironically Giga character Banner right now okay this is some incredible okay one 2 3 4 five C talk lament balls oh he doesn't say his lying cuz we already got him I I I did not say anything there cuz I wanted to hear him say something but then I forgot that he are it's only if you have a new character wow guys it's so easy today see one Shia and you have 49,000 we only spent 3,000 for that it's so easy just do it again guys watch just do it hold on we're we we're experiencing technical difficulties right now this should be this should be a very quick five star I don't know what's happening we have 50 summons in I am very sorry to all the audience that is watching right now this should totally b in a back to back we are 60 summons in okay we are 70 summons in oh I'm doing singles where is my lament where is my evil conquering where is my worthless there he is watch chat Shia low height boom wait you guys actually see did you guys actually see that Shia's actually like the shortest silhouette in the game have you guys ever thought about that like I get that he's like on his knee but like he made himself shorter for the silhouette in the game like normally the the character's head's like up here but this guy purposefully decreased his own height to make Zio feel better cuz he's tall all right listen that's cope all right let's get you back to bed all right 10 PS wait we're actually doing really well chat actually doing very well I have not lost a single 50/50 yet weapon Banner does not count I have not lost a single 50/50 yet weapon Banner does not count weapon Banner is a scam you should never have pulled a weapon Banner okay I I don't want to say that after Bronson just pulled the weapon Banner after they didn't have to pull the weapon Banner so you know it's cuz he's too tall to fit in the screen bro do you see how tall he is do you see how much screen real estate there is there is enough screen real estate to fit two of these [ __ ] in there okay you could stack him on top of himself and it would fit the screen let's not cope okay relx all right guys watch this easiest C3 of My Life One Two Three for some reason I thought that was Shia jump scare 5 6 7 [ __ ] well if you look really closely you will see in the heart of duuke soul he burns the same color as the best form of Shia currently in the game guys look closely duuke is essentually pyro Shia lament if you think very very hard and also by the way chat you see that deluke leg is also at this height like in the same form of Xiao you see how du's head still here and his feet are through theing screen Xiao is like half of this guy's height do you understand he's the full screen length while crouched kind of he's not really crouched but he's kind of crouched how how are you supposed to justify okay look at Shia's height okay okay watch this I we'll get Shia here I'll show you I'll show you the height okay watch this watch this two ning wangs nice that's just camera angle doing him a favor brother you can't be coping that hard please please brother let's let's see this okay let's see this let's let's see the five star let's see the sh okay let's compare the camera angle right where is he he's guaranteed come on I don't even know how much this is at this point okay five start watch CH I'll show you there's literally no change in camera angle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 guys he's lit the the camera is literally like at his belly button it's frontal facing what do you mean the camera angle is worse it's not like the camera angle is like up here you see his face full center it's the same what are you talking about all right guys despair it's time C3 Shia was their main goal but we still need to get R1 of the lament Jade winged spear we must do this we must do this okay do not think just pull just channel the best look Possible Oh [ __ ] wait watch this redeemed one two three four oh that scared me [ __ ] oh my God all right bronen listen we we need to flip the script here bro we need to flip theing script bro what the no no we got fat okay hon H ironically you could run faf Chia okay you could totally one out of two once again oh my god do you have someone that can use the kaga's Varity no no no no no no no copium okay definitely not no no definitely not oh my God how could this happen guys no oh it's okay it's okay don't think don't think don't think don't think guys guys please watch early please please don't make please don't be a repeat please don't be a repeat of the last account I'm begging please don't be a repeat of the last account please please please I'm begging don't be a repeat of the last account 30 pulls oh my God please I I am going to lose my [ __ ] please please oh my God [Applause] please guys guys guys guys they have no moreing star glitter I mean they have no more Primo gems we only have 188 guys I need you guys to prga right now please prga uh we'll redeem seven of these I you guys to prer right now we cannot lose this we we cannot lose this I'm we cannot lose this please okay oh my God please what saved everything is saved the world a whole world is saved balls everything is okay we are balanced we have not we are not going broke yay hogers what wait what if we get another one Dots Dots Dots okay never mind new your lament is finished I unfortunately did have to use all your summons feel bad about that but it is what it is I wish the weapon manner is always most difficult part of it but thank you very much for letting me summon for your account is enjoy your C3 R1 Shia appreciate it you are also your team is almost identical to the previous team by the way I legitimately thought I logged into the same team same account twice I unironically thought that holy [ __ ] all right do you have finina you don't have finina you don't have finina you don't have net oh you do have nlet he's he's down here okay you don't have Shen yet all right so you're doing old school Shia do I at least have a 50/50 to win here oh I do oh I do Navia all right guys this is a true 50/50 so to give you guys context this is a Shia main they only care about Shia they already C4 Shia they plan on getting C6 Shia but right now they only have enough summons to get one sh they have 51 million Mora wow that's a lot of Mora anyways good luck pre pre pre PR 51 million okay guys oh okay oh okay sad wait guys listen we still have enough PS we can still turn this around we can still get one more shout okay what okay we still get one more 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n okay guys we we have to do this we must get this please that is 19 that is 29 pre that is 30 39 I can't count 49 please please please please please guys am I allowed to use all of your PS yes okay are you 271 chat pre okay pre we need Giga pre right now oh my God please please shine bright like a diamond please shine bright like a diamond oh dude oh dude come on please come on please change the gold I don't even know what count we're at please [Music] please please what the man no it's purple [Music] s s sad Shad does anyone know how close we are to the pity I feel like we have to be at like 70 [ __ ] it looks like today we're going to have to oh hey looky there there a there's a double up you know if you're really lucky all right it's done you have an additional 12,960 Genesis crystal watch this watch this watch this watch this first we are going to get the guaranteed right now first we're going to do this WOW imagine that who called it this is the guarantee by the way okay that's five hold on hold on hold on let me count so this is five 1 2 3 four five okay is this enough can we get the can can we get another five star 10 that's 15 25 35 45 55 all right we're going to pity chat 65 7 oh mying God why do you like this game why are you like this 76 77 77 show show show what requesting approval to join your party I'm so sad chat Let It Be know that we tried okay I did as much as I could okay I'm sorry I could not secure your C6 sh but we still managed to get you one step further hope you enjoy yay you should look at my Char at my AR and my characters so your AR is brother you don't even have the a you can barely even farming artifacts ar46 what am I doing on this account you want czo xia then R1 Spear and then any Primos of go for constellations for xia okay how's your exploration do you even play the game wait you do play the game what the you have more weight Boys in Fontaine than I do all right boys we will not make assumptions on this account at the very minimum they have provided me at least 200 plls for Content so we're going to send it brother okay what do we got here you did pull oh you pulled a decent amount oh did you build pity you did this on the 18th Shia was not out yet well let's get Shia then watch this watch this watch this chat watch this this that's a that's a new Shin hey Shia's going to be here this is 80 PS watch watch guys first five star first five star let me just say chat you guys know me okay I would never let this happen to a new account I would never let anything drastic happen we are full on Shia see if you awake to a knife at your throat lament if monsters dig their claws into you Lament L if death comes knocking at your door yes lament he has deluke probably was guaranteed do you think so chat I I think it's from standard Banner let's check let me cook I can feel the ducas there it is I did win the 50/50 all youing doubs in chat thought I won that thought that was guaranteed this delcas from permanent witch [ __ ] okay all right so they they changed their idea chat they wanted C Shia and then they want yiko so we're going to get y Miko really here we're going to quickly win this 5050 true wait wait a second what is going on that was two PS after wait what is going on Brothers okay wow that was quick oh [ __ ] all right guys guys guys guys guys guys okay let me check you guys are saying you had other five stars what do you mean who the in chat said he had Jean he doesn't have any why am I getting baited bying losers in chat traveler is a fivar are are are you do you have a massive piece of corn in your head all right guys guys guys guys guys guys it's time to get the Vigilant yaka okay you guys know how it is I win only 50/50s I literally don't lose any of them what if we get another really early one thoughts I 100% have C1 duuke bro you're the owner of the account what are you yapping about you don't have [ __ ] it's czo what are you yapping about wait are you wait that guys that was early wait he said I am Jean the dandelion Knight requesting approval to join your party told you he has Jean shut the up shut the up you dumb asses you guys are so stupid Oh my God no shot okay hold hold on guys actually though how many Fes have we gotten bro what we've gotten three five stars we' got Shia yaiko and Shia and we we still have 24,000 Primos we keep going what is this count hello guys what the is going on this guy is ar46 what's going on here yeah this account started with like 35,000 Primo gems is that the beginner B yeah this is an AR hold on this is an before you Yap this is an ar46 account they have no five stars besides duuke before we started the summon session okay they had 35,000 Primo gems which means they used like 12,000 ,000 and now look at how many fisers they have three you got three does that not surprise you are you are you is your brain loading right now wait how often do you get a four five star how well I can't do that math honey 12,000 Primo jems is like 100 PS you got four five stars and 100 PS guys she understood now okay there we go there we go okay now she now she understands how lucky the account is okay now it has registered it's all yeah so we got Cesar Shia then we got Yao and then we went back to the Shia Banner we failed 50/50 got Jean and then 20 Bulls later we got a another sh oh it was 60 pulls wait I got four five star in 60 pulls all right let's keep going wait guys I even I lost track already what do we how huh wait guys surely it's over right right is the luck over or are we going to get 30 okay maybe the Luck's over maybe we're back to normal guys 40 PS all right we're back to normal chat no more no more beginnner luck 50 pulls 60 PS wait still early still early you have to tell me that's still early guys CH we're just going to get more now he has why is everything coming true why is everything coming true now I have seal why the is everything coming true guys this doesn't mean that any of you guys in chat are right I want to remind you guys you guys are still wrong okay all right be do you still want me to pull you have one more five star in you he said yes how many okay hold on we got to do hold on wait what is going God what I hold what the is happening guys how are these pulls still pulling what how do you rest of the Primos and starl are on the Yao Banner you got three Shia one jean one yaiko one duuke in 22,000 Primos right oh [ __ ] guys all right guys it's over now right it's over now surely he said he said the rest of the Primo's on the yaiko banner so we're going to go yiko all right surely it's over guys it's over isn't it I am here DM me on Discord if you still want viewer viewer summons guys this is over I think it's over I think it's finally over all of the luck has now dis appeared we are back to reality the dreams are over can we end it off with one more end it off with one more five star okay he says I can use the star glitter so we're going to use the star glitter here we'll do eight here that's all I need guys how about you guys predict when I'm going to get here if you guys are so smart who am I going to get guys huh chii y moo actually lucky as count by the way by the way actually unreal luck like all things considered C1 C3 c0 C1 in like 32,000 or some [ __ ] uh VI thank you very much for letting me summone on your account I appreciate it 150 summons chat they they're messaging is time to add The Hobbit to the collection one c0 sh please hold the Mona guys surely I won't pull another Mona off raate up right surely we've had a very bad streak of random Mona's appearance longclaw has been the receiving end of multiple of Monas can you take me earlier I have school okay I I will take you how are you going to school yet donating gifted Subs to me these kids these days bro aat dude Jesus moly actual rat by the way might as well rat out of school on God no cap okay watch this watch this watch this watch this chat watch this chat this is the cleanest sh you'll ever seen in your life okay watch this one 2 3 4 5 S bro I thought that was Mona for one Split Second please be short please be short please be short oh my God stop being tall please be short oh what how how the is it always her how is it always her bro I hate everything about this dude this is so weird oh God how many Bas now oh God guys I want everyone in chat to know every single Mona that Dr L haul has gotten has been me that summoned it like they did not have a Mona when I first did viewer summons and now they have C4 they went from C1 to C3 guys listen how does this keep happening how is the self-fulfilling prophecy true okay at least it's guaranteed at least it's guaranteed guys okay watch this hold on hold on hold on give me one second silly thank you for the 79 tier one 79 years have I ever cosplayed as Mona no I have not I have never once put any any any particle of her clothing on my skin please just give me the sh Wait are youing serious oh I went to pity Dr LOL can I spend 10 here this is 80 yeah okay all right what's your JP boys let's listen to it is this guaranteed one two three four five 6 7 fromo dude I can't unhear SEO dude I can't unhear it oh my God it's so this do you guys think that shain's view themselves as the main character of their life I mean look at Mr socks Pro anyways Dr thank you for letting me sub on your account I am sorry for getting you your fourth Mona chat Asia frog azard what is going on you haven't done your Ascension Quest yet very simple 172 summons but we're only doing 150/50 I'm guessing that means that this is a 50/50 and not like okay Nita got it all right good luck on your sh 10 you've never gotten ning Wang before okay 20 30 new fa codex new shinan 40 50 where is it we're not getting lucky on this why are you moaning I am not moaning what the are you saying my name's it's your fault I'm the Merc you hired R to Edge it is literally your fault that Dia showed up here okay you said why are you moaning if I did not read that message I would not have gotten di it's literally your fault all right chat AZ red said that stop if you lose a 50/50 oh God it's new at least it's not Mona true at least not Mona all right as no more right yes stop all right oh cage business we are here malash wants guys so here's the thing they only have like 120 summons they only want c y Miko um they are at the Sakura Shrine they already have a xia easy clap watch this [ __ ] 10 20 30 I don't think I've seen a Delo motherucker stop lying you saw one on the other account shut up we already pulled a theop okay relax oh wait okay we use 70 summons here all right we're pitying I see ready Rumble one 2 3 4 five 6 seven let's goami Shrine all right Chad I have a I have an honest thing to tell you guys I lied to you guys this whole time she's see Mal said it in chat but I didn't want to say it because that would ruin the content this was guaranteed now the thing is maash you want me to summon more you probably don't right how could you do this to to us just a little bit of Tom Foolery okay I'm good thank you all right YouTube very long session I don't know how long this is going to be but we've been summoning for quite a while on the twitch side don't forget if you guys want to check us out by the way and have a chance uh to to be a part of future viewer summons check out my twitch twitch. d/ slice anyways thank you guys very much for watching hope you guys enjoyed the video good luck to you guys on your shiko summons thank you guys for all the support as always don't forget to like And subscribe you know how it is um yeah looking forward to more of the stuff you guys look great my YouTube f look absolutely luscious I mean what anyways thank you guys for watching and see you guys next time take care bye bye bye balls bye bye [Music] [Music] he
Channel: Xlice
Views: 132,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact, Genshin, Gacha, Xlice, #GenshinImpact, #原神, xlice viewer summons, cloud retainer genshin, cloud retainer summons, xiao, yae miko, yae summons, xiao summons, xiao weapon, yae weapon, c6r5 xiao, c6r5 yae, yae genshin, xiao genshin, xiao whale, yae miko whale, yae xiao banners, genshin banners
Id: mrUBCfPx7Nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 48sec (2568 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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