MASSIVE Changes Warmaker Dungeon | God Breaker & Champion Armor RECIPES | Conan Exiles Guide

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I do not know what I have found here this architecture is not familiar to me yet it speaks to me entices me it wants me to explore it further I have heard voices in a foreign tongue coming from the other doors I have no interest in finding out who they belong to this door interests me though it is blocked by some sort of mechanism it may have something to do with these statuettes that I have found well they were lying around the place so I picked them up I will try my luck with opening this door they don't call me beyond the lucky for nothing one of the biggest changes they added in Chapter 2 Age of War would have to be the dungeon reworks which to be honest from a PVP perspective is kind of nice because we do tend to rerun the dungeons fairly often to get Legendaries like the one that I am holding the acts of the gay Guardian which was acquired within this very dungeon but because a bunch of other stuff has changed I thought it would be best to make some updated guides on the various different things that have changed in the different dungeons starting off today with khalil's stronghold warmaker dungeon God breaker dungeon whatever you want to call it is actually the war maker dungeon located right by the brimstone Lake shattered Springs and the Obelisk if you haven't already touched sublisk it's just down there you can touch that quite convenient to come here if you do happen to be re-running it and the rerun ability is a lot better now they've added a lot of the legendary key boxes into actual dungeons so bring with you a couple of spare keys because there's uh some bosses you can kill in here for kids but there's more boxes than key ratio I think there is about it's about six or so boxes in there bring Seven Keys just to be safe bring some potions some bandages for when you're outside of battle some Buffs whatever Buffs you choose the boxes inside the dungeons have actually been improved immensely which is nice I choose to wear mostly heavy whilst doing PVE stuff and a lot of PVP to be honest because I'm lazy I can't be bothered changing and stamina is pretty good but I digress I have a little bit of a random build that I've been kind of with for PVE staff it's not necessarily what I use in PvP but it would get me by if I was attacked I can Harvest some stuff I've also brought a bearish backpack in case I happen to get heavy from the things I harvest and acquire in there and some weight potions and stuff if you like and some weight food things like that it will replace over your other bath that you have eaten are you one of those now you want to head in through this crack there's a couple of skeletons out the front you can fight them if you want they drop some pretty decent look now same with the boxes within the dungeon itself I'll be doing a mix of God mode and not God mode because it is convenient for getting around and it makes filming content just a little bit more handy a little bit quicker can get more out you know so because the loot boxes have changed it is worth looking for them now and getting some of that stuff I'm just going to loot everything and see what we end up with I can always go into creative mode if I really have to you won't be able to more than most likely so you'll have to drop some karud along the way but we do have a fair few boxes now that are worth looting like I said or at least checking out what you want now these guys are kind of annoying not gonna lie with their archeries uh as you can see they have some pretty days and stuff in their pockets now we'll just ignore him for a sec take out these guys usually first excuse you sir and they have removed things like hyper armor so you can't avoid their attacks by just rolling now which is good but you can still roll to um gain distance a lot of stuff corrupts you in here so also be prepared for that I'm gonna hear a little bit you also do not have to fight him anymore he no longer drops a key if you're familiar with it the game from years ago but he does drop this weapon which is kind of nice and worth it knock me out of attacks her they have changed the way attacks hit also so heavy attacks hit a little quicker and light attacks hit a little slower so various different weapons have also kind of changed chapter two killing him with his own ax whoa don't get caught in that combo rolling can also kind of help you not get stun locked and he'd happen to drop the ax that time it does sandal which is nice you can't apply poison to it which is a bit meh but Sunday's really nice against people wearing heavy armor throws PVE stuff because a lot of things does thunder some things do not poison skeleton Center they do not poison Etc they happen to be wearing God breaker pants I would be getting a lot more stamina which would be nice but I decided to go with this random shirt I spawned in we are on test live currently some of these things may change when you're viewing this if it is on the actual update but I doubt too much has changed now they've added a few extra bosses in here too this guy you're not usually in here he is actually an unnamed City guy so you can get things like the sword of Chrome from your run now and again probably take out these Tunes but you can bring a thrall if you like it can make all of this a bit easier oh I personally like axes because for this type of PVE stuff and even when you're getting ganked in PvP because it does do such a wide area of attack mean isn't necessary if you happen to have glutton for punishment you just avoid them after their attack and reheal the last instance of damage which can help you if you um happen to not catch two hits in a row Ley bugger I like to wait until they just stopped attacking because they're pretty stupid and they tend to stand still for a little bit no and they drop some treasure I happen to get the sort of chrome that's pretty cool they do drop Legendary Weapons even the dudes in the unnamed City much more commonly now which is also kind of dog pickle from there you can hack them up and get some feral feral flash putrid meat whatever through this door okay this guy's still the same these guys are still the same you can heal if you like we got the valias kind of a nice one-handed sword that does corruption and the main reason you kill them is to get this statue if you hack them up you can get a lot of thick leather and some Demon blood the boxes have also got kind of buffed so there's a few Lotus boxes in here some treasure boxes and some random item boxes even the ones Under the Stairs like you can run in and run out early game and get that stuff and get like a little bit of a head start for some weapons head back on out to the middle area because you can get a bunch of black ice in this dungeon plant a bunch of um demon blood and stuff bring a skinning knife also if you happen to want to do some farming this room hasn't changed a great deal just some skeletons about and the boxes of course have got a bit of a bath don't you gank me in a corner skellingtons or Tennessee you can sometimes find language boxes here and Scrolls for the sorcery then back down the middle after well you don't even have to loot anything you can do some runs straight through to be honest but I want to see what we end up with we got this guy this room again hasn't changed a huge deal it's not really till we get to the last room that's super change apart from that other room did have the new boss in it once you've killed all these guys the first time you do not have to kill them again if you don't want to you just bring the key that they offer at the um and which I'll show you that in a moment once I've killed them all if you do not know these statues will create a key if you put them in one at a time you'll get a little key fragment or you can keep them for decoration but yeah you essentially only have to kill them the first time unless you're grinding the weapons so you cannot pretty much avoid this guy and his random little drop of a book which doesn't stack with other stuff it will be like a potion and all the place you potion which I think is super lame only the two boxes I think so yeah back out to the middle again conveniently all the doors are lit up so if you just keep going around in a circle and going to all the different colored doors you shouldn't go too wrong now we're going into the purple door and we have a blood defiler which is commonly found on sipta and sometimes during random encounter events is now found here hacking him up is going to give a bunch of random stuff which is kind of cool he can super mess you up so be careful and he does have a fair chunk of HP but not as much as some of the other stuff but that um Thunder weapon can be kind of rough not gonna lie but I also have this under weapon you don't particularly want to get multiple stacks of sander because it will take away chunks of your armor and your um plumber's resistance to damage so you'll basically after four or five hits and not be wearing any armor he has dropped these both times I've killed them so we'll see if that's an always thing get uh those in your pocket The Eye Of The Watcher will keep you a bit warm and cold stuff so you can walk up to the volcano using this it is also dropped by a skeleton whoa on the bridge of the betrayer just on the southern Aqueduct just here now we hack him up see what we get so last time I got something like corrupted powder don't be splash no extra boxes in this room you can go through the gate what's up he's still really easy barely does any damage does caught me a little bit but Dakota's voice quite a nice boat doesn't do any armor pen let's put a kid on it I don't think there's any boxes in this room either there's one over there just keep running through back to the central part it's looking awfully neck related in here now you're back at the middle what you want to do is look over here for these three that is where we are going to place them and you'll see you'll get a key fragment if you don't place all of them you'll only have two key fragments if you place the third it will turn into the inner sanctum Cube you place it in the wrong socket you will get a little trap effect and um take a little bit of damage yeah it's just those three pretty easy it's kind of where the they hang out I guess and then we have the exit door and then this door which we want to read the little story I do not know what I have found here this architecture is not familiar to me yet it speaks to me entices me it wants me to explore it further I have heard voices in a foreign tongue coming from the other doors I have no interest in finding out who they belong to this door interests me though it is blocked by some sort of mechanism it may have something to do with these statuettes that I have found well they were lying around the place so I picked them up I will try my luck with opening this door they don't call me beyond the lucky for nothing I think it's pretty lucky that he managed to find them lying around and didn't actually have to kill the beasts that would be confusing or someone reading that and then thinking they could just find them to avoid the traps I am going to go into God Mode for this part because it's just a bunch easier for me you get a lot of building materials now from boxes in around which is kind of nice to after you've killed those two skeletons now's a good time to do some Inventory management drop anything that you don't want to have on you refresh any Buffs if you happen to take a long while Etc now because I'm in god mode these things aren't going to hurt me but there are a lot of traps around I tend to hit this one every time just every time except for that time which I purposely hit it so technically still every time there are boxes hidden about that have things called rusted keys in them you want to get those these guys are all gonna attack you you can kill them or run around they're pretty easy to avoid without killing them these traps will do various things from gas to fire okay I'm just gonna admin kill them because but like you say not too hard to kill all of them but I want to see what their loots give us the boxes are not too hard to find some of them don't have keys in them but there are five keys to be found you only need four they do have a timer on them so they will Decay unless it put in a fridge after an hour depending on your server settings but that's official settings and usually single player settings then some of them kind of have a bit of a trick to get up to the areas like this you have to trigger the Trap get the boxes jump back down try and not die and double jump does help with that the skeletons tend to drop way more esoteric related things now which is more appropriate and again in here I'm just going to trigger every single trap feel free to avoid them uh there's another little boing trap to get us up to the other level you want to hit it from the correct direction that helps immensely I've heard never gonna have to craft die again which is nice because the Dyer's table's stupid you can avoid all of this by just going around the side here pretty pretty easily unless you bounce back into it and this one you just walk straight down the middle kill these guys if you want or run around and we again have a much better chance of getting the Legendary Weapons unless they do happen to change that on official release and doubt it go up the stairs find a bit more treasure actually there's some boxes over here so many Treasures now I'm over incumbent you need to drop some trash or whatever you don't want or eat some potions oh we've handed now the treasure gonna get a bunch of treasures for our treasure room then on the other side we also have a similar setup oh no the skeleton dude it's not that oh there he is if you don't like farming this is perfect for you running dungeons now because you just get everything and everything you don't want you are put in a dismantling bench and get the raw resources back you just find things instead of farming now once you've got everything that you want you don't have to kill this guy but he does also give you the key to the arena which allows you to access a door down here but you can avoid that door and avoid the arena Champion altogether if you've seen my unupdated guide on this dungeon which has probably led you to this guide you'd know all about that but I'll show you just in case avoid the traps straight ahead is the door that you need the key to for the arena but you can pop through this little crack right here by crouching usually and then avoid the whole world of the Arena Champion which is super beneficial if you've already run the dungeon if you haven't and you do want the recipe it's pretty easy to just skirt around right behind it because she's still not worth killing and she's still a scoot around she usually wear an aggro even though when you're not in god mode a couple of these dudes again just avoid them they'd do drop stuff on occasion I think or maybe this is the ones in the unnamed City that do look at your box that's your tablet run back past her I'm gonna admin kill her just to see how worthless she is she uh did happen to drop some Champion pants which makes her mildly more worth it the fact that she could potentially drop the armor she is wearing sure if you could be bothered go ahead I'll do a separate little guide on just me fighting her to show you how hard it is but any of those loot boxes that you touch can have armor scraps in them the reason why we wanted to bring our pick here is because this is not decorative black eyes it is in fact black eyes black ice so you can Harvest all of that and get a lot without freezing it itself all of this but I'm a new Champion pants that'll help cure my corruption they have a cleansing effect over time ideally if you want to be corrupt and use mascara or something and you're not rocking an actual corrupted build you kill these guys they're kind of meh you can also run past them most of these are just gold and silver boxes in these little rooms until we get to a room a bit further down most of the time all these guys will take each other out as well if you do um just want to harvest them and you are choosing stuff this dungeon is incredibly traceable if you haven't gathered that by now you know your Hickory bits Etc I thought there was books in this one then we have a bone dragon fighting someone's skull Turtles who'll do a little bit of damage to him you can get dim blood and run flesh usually of these guys he's a bag of dicks um don't get hit by a slam attack it's not great in his inventory you will find the key that this guy provides you can hack them up get some decent things then over here you'll find his box which will have whatever random weapon it'll have in it River's axes aren't pretty decent does sound I'm a pen find your treasure for your horde you can get some fur and elephant skin off these guys but if you just want to run around behind them there's a bunch of loot boxes in here again some of them more useful than others but I basically got a whole base right now and I can make all of the shields in the universe don't know why so many Shields but cool something else kind of cool that they've changed which is the biggest reason you want to bring a pick is there used to be a wall here where you could see a black Annie behind it which couldn't do anything about even in admin mode ghosting zero couldn't do anything about it now you might think oh I need to hit it there's nothing might need to blow it up does nothing get a pick does things and now we have access to this guy is pretty easy has a bit of Health but because he's an animal he has no armor and his hits aren't too bad I kicking him out will provide you with a key and you will notice in here these are just loot boxes not gearboxes which is nice because it does provide an extra key for um the dungeon if you haven't happened to Brewing one you might think oh my God no loot box but keep going in through this door to the final boss the Iron King War maker himself he's done too hard something with Santa does benefit because he is wearing a lot of armor and he does have a bunch of health so it takes a bit of time without he poisons and he bleeds and all of the good things because he is technically a people but I don't think he can gas him because that's a gas mask if you uh gas bosses that probably won't work not 100 tell me in the comments if it does or not just wishes and gigs I'm gonna admin kill him to save some time the amount of stuff he's dropped has been incredibly buffed last time I got like 28 and you're gonna get a likelihood of getting that his weapons now the Carnage or the Destroyer Warhammer which is the one that he uses this will give you instant half corruption when wielded so a quick way to get corrupted but keep that in mind don't just try it out while you're in here unless you don't want a whole bunch of corruption although if you're wearing the champion pants maybe it'll be okay I'm assuming he might have a chance of dropping the actual godbreaker armor but maybe he just drops all of the scraps so you can craft them now you're gonna notice a bunch of doors around the place there's the door we came in I think is that one and then all of these ones around so what I like to do is start off in one corner they haven't gotten any Buffs to um the rooms it's still the same just one Treasure Chest essentially with a bit of a buff to what's in the treasure chest but the scrap themselves are still kind of the same still a bit meh one day away around next room it will consume a key now when we get here you will notice we have a button of legendary key boxes so there is in fact I think seven technically legendary key boxes in here but you do get provided one free key well you technically get two free keys but there's seven bucks yeah you open them all up get whatever legendaries you want out of them touch these recipes they are one of the biggest reasons why we are coming to do the dungeon also they're going to enable you to add extra Buffs to your weapons like the Grand Master weapon kit will do damage and armor pen although one point less so it's technically a little bit less damage and armor pen than if you were to put the dedicated kits on them but it does both and you also get a various amount of other different kits that you can apply as well as some armor kits which will do a bunch of food armor things to your armor you no longer have to be level 60 to learn them which is nice because I sometimes comment yeah lower level to our level up from the black ice and uh from all the skeletons and things it's not too hard even lower level you happen to get a nice weapon drop and I'll buy one from mechanosis by pretty sorted and sometimes I would get here and I wouldn't be level six here I wouldn't be able to learn the last recipe which would be kind of annoying but now you can you may and not be able to craft them though you can learn them and then we still get another two doors get all your armor scrapped because the godbreaker armor is really nice the pants do stamina region the hat is a gas helmet the shirt does extra armor and I think also heals you quicker from memory maybe that's the gloves and the boots that do extra encumbrance and they used to also heal your weapons and things but I think they may do that with regular stuff just not legendaries anymore weapons and things weapons and tools if they're held in your hand while you're being hit for some reason some boxes don't let you f them totally rude now you've gotten all your boxes you head to the door with the tablets to make your way out again avoiding all the tramps of course there's a couple more boxes along the way here that you can loot ER so many radium gems which is crazy because if people make all the radium torches like it's quite laggy it's almost like they didn't think like why do I need this many Lance calls and shield things I can't dismantle them I'll be sad just up here don't jump off the very end just yet what you want to do is make a little dip round find all these little hidden boxes nice little acquisition jump off avoid the traps and you can do your rounds of the giant Kings again if you like to get your desired weapon as they drop something every time but it will be random to what it is so you might not get the one you want but usually they have respawned by the time you've finished doing the dungeon it does take a roundabout if you're just running through probably 15 minutes a little less if you're fighting a few things along the way about 15 minutes if you are fighting everything it can be anywhere from like half an hour to an hour really does depend and also you take things out quickly you rush things but you can certainly fight these guys again because they're about 15 minutes half an hour most respawns if not just make your way back out run past everything kill him again if you want get another chance at the awesome ax not this time and some of these boxes may have respawned which is worth checking because you can get extra armor scraps from them like I mentioned and head back out the door alternatively you can hide yourself somewhere and summon body if you happen to have sorcery leveled up which is kind of convenient most PVP servers tend to have map rooms just here so you can map room back to your convenient Obelisk or to your home whatever it's pretty easy dandren I'd say it's maybe like four or five out of ten depending on your skill level can be a little bit more challenging armor is fairly easy to get now like this is just random spawned in stuff and um executioners hat which you can get from the Executioner you do have a little separate guard on him so this is like pretty easy to get from The Relic Hunters that are around places like the dregs dungeon have a lot of Relic hunters in them now all around the unnamed City and the one skull dudes in the country dungeon are they'll drop potentially silent Legion so it's quite easy to get armored up enough to be able to run this if you're not confident enough to just run through and do it naked but you can I you don't even have to really fight anyone or the end dude if you happen to already have a kid so you just touch the recipes if that's all you want and leave but it is worth getting all of those extra goodies now and I like what they've attempted to do but I really don't know why I need to have so many shield things and study bow things and I'm like I would have had so many of those if I didn't already drop some like all of the repair kits never have to make a repair kit again I essentially don't ever really have to farm again so that's it's interesting I'm definitely getting higher and um Gollum drops from those boxes which is nice not getting a whole bunch of stone golems from attention that um has definitely been kind of cool and some of the legendary key boxes in dungeons also offer extra goodies in them as well as legendary keys but you'll see those in those updated guys do you like these updates is it something that interests you or do you think like it was a waste of time in this game done let me know in the comments pretty sure what all of the comments will be if you found this information informative smash that like button if you're not already consider subscribing means a bunch and until next time I hope you have an excellent day evening night morning whatever it may be wherever you may be have a good one
Views: 12,818
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Keywords: conan exiles gameplay, conan exiles tips for beginners, conan exiles, conan exiles age of war, lilibet gaming, lilibet conan, ILLIBET PLAYS, conan exiles 2023, conan exiles dungeons, conan exiles age of war chapter 2, how to get champion armor conan exiles, champion armor conan exiles, godbreaker armor conan exiles, conan exiles master armor plating, conan exiles master weapon fitting, warmaker sanctuary conan exiles, conan exiles new update, conan exiles legendary chests
Id: fDdOaJi0iqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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