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what's it my family's current fire and welcome back to Kenan xrs in today's video I'm gonna show you all of the dungeon armors in the game currently now this doesn't include all the hidden different bits of armor so if you're thinking I'm missing some then you might want to check the hidden armors guide that I've also made because that includes a lot of a hidden armor so first we're starting with free very special armors carry over the iqari Raider and carry soldier I'm gonna try and make this as quickly as possible so do you mind if the video is a little bit sped up or anything like that you can always slow it down with the YouTube settings but I have to speed through these otherwise this video would be hours long and we we really don't want that we just want to know where the armors are in this video so first one we're going to is the wine cellar dungeon we will need to find this door in set City and pretty much it's literally by the water side yeah at the back of Conan's tavern you find the door you go in you press your select key and you should go through the door one big requirement for this dungeon is to have a good torch so something like the red weather torch or a globe oh and wouldn't hurt for this one also a quick recommendation for pretty much most of the dungeons - the drags which is really easy to go through you probably want a really nice setup especially through a wall maker and this one for me personally I've added strength and Vette armor and I've got a few sensuous and really nice weapons and I have a torch a skinning knife food to here with patience and there's some repair kits if I need them so we're gonna rush through this because our armor is actually at the end of this dungeon so everything we want to beat you up in here so just be careful about that but pretty much we want to go to the boss room to be able to obtain this armor and it's kind of like a chance thing it's you could get a weapon a scroll or you could get an armor scroll so you might have to do this a few times say follow me I will lead you there [Music] [Music] [Music] and here we are the boss room so pretty much to some of the boss we have to light all of these we don't need a torch for that so we just interact with all of them I'm gonna warn you with this boss that it's not exactly ideal for Soleil I mean I have sold it or done it with two people but remember if you want to do this you have to be very prepared and I think it's better having a jeweler doing this if I'm totally honest with you since one couldn't distract it and wanted to do something else when you're at times of need or big groups also suffice very well for this also I can burn arrows also work very well for him he has free stages in these free stages this guy was summon white skeletons etc and he will also fried beans knock you over and shoot a poison out of his mouth what you all need to avoid so you can hit him off with the bow from afar or you can get in close combat pretty much what you've killed this guy he will drop some of the following stuff including this curry steer which will find all of the dungeon in little boxes you actually need this to make some of the armors and weapons and as you can see this time he's giving me carry weaponry so you can see you're doing your armor every time so I'm gonna get him to spawning again and then see what we can get as we can see this time he's dropped me some more curry steel and I have actually got a scroll for oversee our armor which gonna pick up and consume and this has given me the overseer set now unfortunately you also need the other scrolls for Raider and soldier so there are a total of four to collect so you will need every time if you want each of the sets you will probably have to kill them quite a few times sometimes you can drop duplicates so you might want to fund this one out and make sure to get plenty of curry still while you do this it's actually a really decent dungeon if you want to collect things especially when it comes to steal a medal now let's have a preview of the armor going off of Keri Rader this is probably one of my favorite how much in the game and just fingers on this one I really cool cuz you got those little knife fingers back is also quite nice cuz you've got this cloth draping off and chainmail is very nice piece of armor and here it is on the female model of course everything scared down a bit but it's pretty much the same very nice well-made piece of armor that's very different from a lot of armors and kind of neck so interesting enough this is actually a light set coming in at 204 armor there isn't much temperature resistance at all on this one either that or it's a graphic bug but this is quite interesting I'm oh because it's one of those with dual feet you can have +6 survival and +6 encumbrance so it's one of those farming sets again now we're moving on to curry oversteer I really love the chest plate on this one coming in with that tapestry kind of effect with the cloth draping off of the skirt and here it is on the female looks still very nice as you can see and very similar to the version that it looks like on male now this armor is also a light set coming in at 204 armor again the heat is not great on this one but this one has a very interesting set of attributes it give you a plus 6 in grip and a plus 6 in strength so it's quite nice if you kind of want to go for something with a lot of grit and strength and then just focus in today's so that's a nice step for this coming onto our car II soldier this is really cool cuz he's got a little snake on his helmet as well if you hadn't noticed and he's even got a little snake on his belt backing is pretty standard you got all these little tassels coming off the chest plate and here it is on the female there we go there's some really nice chest plate and the arms I love the little arm pieces with all the scales going down her arm and again we have that backing with the tapestry kind of painting and everything now this has a medium coming in at 480 for armor it doesn't have very good heat again I don't know if this is a bug across these armors but whatever it is a legendary and it's a tribute to our plastics an event and a plus 6 in grit so if you wanted to swap out the strength with the VIP and you want a medium-sized Obama for a little bit more I mother this would be the one for you now if you want to go about making these you actually need an improved armor is bent so you will need to be quite high level for this and the crafting Archie isn't too bad for this either it just consists really of perfected lining so that slight linings and medium linings across the board and then it will ask for a certain amount of kerry steel so for the entire soldier set you need fifteen carry still per every piece and then a couple of perfected mediums for each of them depending on what you're building and then you have pretty much the same across the board everything is fifty and carry still per piece and then your perfected lining of choice and of course for carry still you're gonna need to be in the wine cellar dungeon again buster on your trip here hidden all over the actual wine to the dungeon of these tiny little boxes say in the ruins there's a lot of them and even the starting section after you've gone out of the cellar there is these little boxes like the one next to me and all you ought to do when you're looking at them is to hit select on them and there you go give you a carry steel or maybe a couple of pieces of your lucky or maybe just one next we're going through the war makers dungeon now this includes a few pieces of armor that is actually really good in this game some of them having the highest I'm a value in the Attwater game out of most almonds this is the god breaker armor and one of my personal favorite armors the arena champion is in this dungeon this is a very high level dungeon so do be careful when you're coming in here make sure you're prepared to actually do this and do not come unprepared you will need to learn things like star master saws and epic armors to be able to learn these things now I'm going to speed my way through the process of actually getting in here and unlocking it there will be traps and then etc and everything I'm gonna try and make this video as quick as possible so we will be speeding through the most of us I actually have proper videos on how to cover the dungeon fully if that's what you're interested in but this one is just for the armor so let's go speed in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now once we're here we have found the arena champions all we need to do is click select on this of course you will need good feet to learn tight stomach and toes and epic armor for this one this will give you the arena champions you also probably want to hear this ID she actually packs a really good punch but what we want her for is what she drops say about to get rid of her like that you can see she drops armor scraps and we need armor scraps to build both of these armors so you do what you farm her for that kind of thing and we will definitely need armor scraps and here we are that will make his dungeon now this dude does pack a punch as well it is also trap scattered around his arena and he is quite the meanie but I'm just gonna be around him for now because we don't technically need to fight him we just need to go up and grab these tablets so there's the god breaker armor and there's the weapons if you want them as well and you can pretty much exit through this door or you can fight this dude or if you have rusted keys you can open these doors around the arena and get armor scraps and money you can get rusted keys from the previous section with all the bombs and smoke and everything like that they will trap dungeon area but pretty much if you want to fight him he's gonna be a very big meanie so I'm just gonna kill them but he might be worth killing though as you can see he dropped a lot of armor scraps once you got all the requirements from the dungeon and quite a lot of armor scraps then we can come over here and have a look at them more in detail the armors don't actually look at that much different from the male and female form they are very much just resized and the one I'm showing at the moment is the god breaker armor now there's two versions of God breakers army you can make you can make the cheered version or you can make the normal one what's the difference between these well it's basically hot got breaker and cold got breaker this armor actually has an astounding amount of temperature resistance on it and it's absolutely crazy so right now I am wearing the god breaker stuff so this is very insulated for the heat it will keep you nice and warm in cold biome so if you're gonna wear this in sunny areas you are going to die very quickly but this armor in general is just absolutely beast it's a heavy set it has 1093 armor each piece has free bars of cold resistance and the attributes' are kind of like the Sun Legion how they work they are spread out so you have a plus free and strength agility grit and encumbrance not only that if you didn't know this kind of armor actually grants special abilities so this helmet will actually function as a breathing mask the chest plate slowly heals you over time the leggings actually give you extra stamina regeneration and the boots act kind of like the nemedian it's a helmet it's magical but this one you can make and basically what it does is if you take damage it will actually repair the weapon you have equipped so this is any kind of damage in the game so if you wanted to repair your weapon by standing out in the heat and took damage that would still repair it and now I want to pop the cold on we can see I have 1113 armor it's a heavy set you can see I have three bars of heat protection on every single piece and then you can also see I have plus free and strength agility grit and encumbrance and it's pretty much will do the same kind of thing so you can see I get granted all the same kind of stuff say we'll do the exact same magic as the other one it will just make the hot code so you can see I'm standing out in the oasis and I'm extremely cold in the chilled god breaker so I would only really use this in the volcano or areas with extreme heat or perhaps you only want to wear a few pieces of this with something else so as you can see I've only got three pieces on I'm been made very cold so I could just wear a few pieces I want and survive out in this biome with this on how do you make this stuff as well you will need an improved armor as bench and the brutal thing about making this armor is it's actually hella expensive and you will need to go inside of the dungeon and multiple times so you can see to make this I actually need a rusted helmet so I actually need to make the rusted gear first thing is though before I can make any of the god breakers I actually need to make the rusted one first and this is where the extreme grind and farming comes in well I mean you can wear this rusted gear as well it can be just as good in some ways you can already see it giving me 852 armor it's heavy and we have the bonuses in all of the places even bonus armor for the chest plate the normal stuff gives you two bars of cold so there we go it will be a decent coat set if you just want to the rusted stuff and the attributes are +1 and strength +2 and agility +2 ingridt and +2 in incumbrance so you can see why you might be worth upgrading the rusty stuff then you can see on these rusty bits it doesn't actually grant you any of the real kind of special abilities as the upgrade it does apart from the upped armor on the chest so it doesn't really do anything too much special just the normal rusty stuff but we will need to make it to be able to make the other two so we will need a improved armor as bench for all of the sets mentioned here and you will need to start off making the rusty stuff so if we look at the rest you can see it's gonna be quite expensive for each and every piece of armor you actually technically need to kill the wool maker twice you need to kill this guy about ten times to be able to obtain all these armor scraps so do make sure you farm that dungeon out really well kill the champion lady get her are my scraps get those rusty keys and try and get ama scraps that way too because it's going to be very very expensive but I know why because this armor is absolutely amazing and even for the rusty stuff you're gonna need perfected linings across the board perfected heavy learning and the cost differentiate between each piece say this star metal and alchemic base in different quantities the only thing that doesn't really change is the armor scraps per piece so for the rusty boots we need to Perfector two heavy boot linings 13 star methyl bars 20 armor scraps 1/8 alchemic base for the rest of chest plate we need a perfectors heavy chest padding 25 star methyl bars 20 armor scraps 1/8 alchemic base for the rustic or let's it take to Perfector 2 heavy gauntlet linings 13 star methyl bars 20 armor scraps 1/8 alchemic base and for the rusted helmets gonna take you to perfected heavy helmet padding 13 stomach bars 20 armor scraps 8 alchemic base and then finally for the rustic leggings is gonna take your perfected heavy loading lining xx star Mahal bars 20 armor scraps 1/8 alchemic base and then once you've made that if you want to go ahead and upgrade that to either the cold version or the normal version to a cold or hot they both have the same costs across the board actually they all cost the same on each and every piece but each of them will actually need the rusted part for this so we're go over the chilled is gonna be pretty much the same as the normal say for the shield gotta break up booze for example it's going to take you a rusted boot it's going to take you to dragon powder 8 alchemic base and eight armor scraps dough in total to completely make yourself one complete set of god breaker armor you actually are going to need 140 armor scraps which is absolutely an insane amount of armor scraps that need say you will be farming this actual dungeon out quite a lot if you want to make it but that's not the only armor we found in the dungeon we also found the champion set one of my personal favorites out of the legendary group this armor is hella shiny and has that traditional look of the silent negan but in silver and it doesn't look too much different from the female to the male version of a monastic just scare though I do like this bootleg stuff because it pretty much has special abilities but it's cheaper and it has really good armor steel so you can see I have 1004 armor on this it's a heavy piece it has two bars of code so it is good for the cold biome and on the attributor gives you a +4 in strength and a plus 6 in grit not only does it do that it also has amazing abilities in it so the helmet periodically removes bleeding from the wearer so whenever you get bleeding you could just make the helmet if you wanted and just pop it on and off your head just to get rid of the bleeding effect the chest plate periodically removes poison from the wearer so this is crazy if you want to go in the scorpion then or anything like that this is a great chest plate the actual champion leggins periodically removes corruption from the wearer and the boot periodically removes crippling effect on the wearer so all in all this thing is actually really really awesome because you just wear it everywhere and it will remove certain bits and bobs from you whilst you wear it not only that it is actually a lot cheaper than the other one it's still going to cost you 20 scraps per piece but that is 40 scraps cheaper then to make the god breaker so you decide which ones were worth it for you but honestly this one is more worth it for me and pretty much across the board is the same kinds of costs so for Wii for this wienie actually need LED fur and we need 15 pieces per piece on this one and then of course it's going to ask you for the perfected versions of the linings in heavy for this and then those 20 almost wraps per bit say I really like this armor it is easier to obtain and by the time you've got about $100 scraps you'll probably be debating whether you want one or the other say and we might as well pretty much straight go on to the silent Legion an old friend basically the same kind of armor look but very different attributes and it's been in the game a lot longer than the other one but this we need to visit our old friend mr. King scourge in his dungeon and go and Nick his armor pieces so we're gonna start off from the frozen bridge because sometimes it could be hard to locate in his actual castle area so I'm doing this for you guys and I will speed it up all the way to the top so follow along [Music] and here we go we're in his actual car so there's two ways to get into this one you can either go for the foot away or the stairway if I'm honest with you I prefer the stairway because the wood away you're gonna needle with a breathing stuff for so I'm just going to go in the normal way that everybody pretty much goes into and this is kind of amazed so make sure you watch in this dungeon you will need light and there's quite a lot of twisty turny Zand you will actually need a key to open with the doors so we're just gonna go through it and I'll show you where things you need us [Music] and here we are at the first gate we need to be at which shouldn't open this one because all we need for this is the key to get into the main chamber there will be skeletons that will get in your way over here there so you can pretty much dodge them but there will be a lot of them so you might want to fight them and there we go the box for the kingi so let's go and go to the front door [Music] once you come out the door you literally won't turn a straight left and go straight across ruthbarz and then turn another left and there is the boss chamber door so now we can actually click on this one because without the key you wouldn't have been able to do this now we can go up and see him funny enough they were this guy you can pretty much dodge him entirely waste you're up there so it's not too much of a problem you can see he's right there as soon as you enter the door he's gonna start approaching you pretty much what we really want in this chamber is to go around and touch the stones so you can avoid him completely and you do not have to fight this guy but you will need the good armor high level etc to be able to learn these things so on each side we have to touch stones in the middle we had a touch stone as well behind the boss but if you move him around there will not be a problem and then again on the other side we have the other two touch stones here there we can click select on and make sure that thing comes up so you see that you have learnt it properly and then pretty much what you need to do is jump straight down into the water down below just dodge all of the wooden stuff because you won't go through that that's actual structural structures there so you will go and you might kill yourself if you hit one of those so do be careful the army you get from this guy is called these silent legions say you'll need excel epics and star metal tools to be able to learn these actual touch stones in the very start and there you can see all of this stuff you do not have to kill this guy unless you want his weapons and for his weapons it will give you a heart so let me just kill him there we go you see he's dead he doesn't have an inventory that's okay because we want to skin him he will give us the heart of King scourge and that's what you need for the weapons and then the tear after races is one of those things you need to unlock the endgame and all of that this armor is brilliantly dark mysterious and it's really an old set from the pending sales universe but I still love it all the same even even its armor value is still pretty up there and top notch so it gives you nine hundred and twenty four armor it's a heavy set it gives you two bars of heat protection on each and every piece and it gives you a plus two and a lot of attributes plus two and strength plus two event plus two and accuracy grit and encumbrance so it covers a little basis and it is an old-time favorite as well for a lot of people this armor again is one of those that you need in an improved armor is bench for and pretty much top-notch learning now the boots arms and hat actually have the same kind of costs on each piece so that is 13 star muscle bars eight black ice and eight alchemic base however you will need a perfected helmet padding etc glove planning and padding is the only difference there however the pauldron and the tacit is different so this one's going to cost you a perfected heavy chest padding 25 stomach avars 15 black ice eight alchemic base and then for the tacit it's gonna take you 20 styles of the bars 12 black ice and alchemic base as well as a perfected heavy legen lining so you have these costs wrapped up here they are a lot cheaper than the actual will make a dungeon stuff however you will be missing out on those special abilities that the armor has but it's quite a nice little heat armor or the same if you want to kind of specialize around the board and don't really want to focus into a stat now we move on to the fabulous witch queen a lady with a lot of very interesting mechanics inside of her dungeon the area here is in the jungle and you can see it by the pass of which queen the celestial plaza or the forgotten city of Elk sir you can see that we need to be here on this bridge down the bottom and all we want to do is actually go through the door and go into her palace now have fights pretty interesting so I'll give you a little bit of an example now if you're coming in here with a team meet you make sure that everybody is ready by this little thought piece before we go in we don't really want to cross this blackboard here before any of our teammates are free because the door will shut down on them and then you will be locked in with the witch queen and they will be locked out so don't do that to your friend make sure you have everybody rallied in reason for you go towards her and there we go she shut the door now I step there and she's going to wake up her statues the idea is we defeat both of her statues and then what she's gonna do is give us a nice laser beam show and then she come down assert herself and try and kill us so there you go she's all angry now she's gonna come down come on which Queen and there she is she's ported towards us so normally she's gonna be aggressive attacking us but again the sake of the video I have turned cloaking on but she isn't that hard kill really she does hit really hard but she has a battle axe so you can use daggers bleeding whatever else you like on her just pace out make sure you have healing stuff and she's not that hard to get but she's pretty much gonna give you a key in a mass you can take you brothers if you like because they're gonna need be needed for endgame or story but basically we hit the armor so I'm gonna go up to the throne and click select on it and that's gonna teach me the l'amore and armors that I need now both these sets are pretty cool but I'm gonna say I probably find they do see a female model a lot better than the male wanted because of their design but if you're gonna wear them I mean you go would you cooperate did I respect it but I would say they are definitely more catered for the female model in just how they work in general and here we go the male model in the dress yeah the back does look really nice actually on the male I must admit they are just not very keen on them slippers and there you go you've got the female in the l'amore and warrior now both sets are pretty respectable sets of armor the actual Amorian warrior the one we're going through first I would say is probably the more useful one out of the two this gives you one bar of code across the board on each of these pieces the armory gives you is 364 as a medium set and it gives you a tribute in +2 strength and plus free accuracy so good for a bow builder then on to the lam Orion Royal I would definitely say this is more of a role player look set but it gives you 121 armor or the same as a light set gives you plus one in cold would you believe it or not in this skimpy armor and it is all bonus survival so that's a plus five in survival so you can either wear it for just a nice looks or you can use it for some of the survival tributes in here so probably the hard work of one for harvesting resources unfortunately they the dungeon is not that difficult but you still need a really high level to be able to make these things which I really hope they change in the future because it doesn't really make too much sense to me and here we can see all of our nice armors here it's gonna take perfective light linings in all of the royal staff and a different amount a silk per piece say we're go free them from the memoriam royal braces is gonna take you to perfective like gloves learning and ten silk for the royal crown it's gonna take you perfected light chest padding and 20 silk for the royal jewelry it's gonna take you a light helmet padding and tensile for these shirong it's gonna take you a light like in lining and sixteen silk and then for the royal slippers it's gonna take you to perfect alight boot learnings and ten silk and then we move on to the Morrigan warrior set so again we have the trend here of perfected medium linings across the board and different amounts of leather so we're gonna read freedom for the loom orion worried about student AQ perfected medium boot lining two of those and ten leather for the chest plate it's gonna take you a effective medium chest padding and 20 lever for the gauntlets it's gonna take you to perfected medium portlet linings and ten leather for the mask it's gonna take you a perfected medium how it padding and ten lever and then for the warrior tacit is going to take an effective medium ligand lining and sixteen leather so that is all of them a great thing about this as well as you can an Armour called fear that you can find at the pagoda of lust which is where you go and learn the teachings of Takeda and you can find out in a few spots but basically she's going to enable you to make flawless versions of these armors say that might be worth picking up if you perhaps want a better version of the teeth but last but not least for our dungeon armors we have the reptile armor in the dungeon of the drags so this is an oldie but a goodie in a way but pretty much most people find this for the meat it drops because it's very good for healing but today we're going in for the other bits and pieces we need to be able to make reptile armor this dungeon can pretty much be done in courses and you can pretty much just Rob the Porta fareed next to it for their items so you could probably actually farm out by killing these people down below a de fari set to wear and get yourself a bone shield or get yourself a simple bow and some arrows whatever else or you can get yourself a little weapon as well it doesn't have to be anything amazing you could even use daggers so the only problem you might find is getting the door open and for that I like to not attract really the boss at the front I like to go for the guy here the fighter dude and then I will lure him in to actually open this dungeon you have to follow the instructions of the ghosts and that is to make a sacrifice because sometimes they go inside the wheel but pretty much kill them on top get out the way the door will open and then you can enter the dungeon when we get in here there's a tablet you can learn there for special recipes but pretty much I'm going straight into it [Music] right about now when you come to this bit you're gonna notice that you actually cannot climb anything in this dungeon and this is when that burn arrow I told you about earlier is gonna come in very handy basically all over this dungeon those little plates like this and you need to click them in with arrows from your boat you can't really get it any other way I mean you could try throwing javelins in it that's going to be rather inconvenient when we get to some parts because we need to arrange on other parts of this dungeon so do make sure you have that staple of bow and arrow washed you're in here because you're going to need it for quite a few sections [Music] [Music] [Music] now we're in the boss chamber you can see the drag is right there now this is where the actual shield comes in very handy because what you want to do is kind of walk in front of the boss several times not to face it doesn't fight you but placing a knife so it doesn't kind of bug out but pretty much you're gonna want to block it spit that it's gonna front you or gas attacks or anything like that but because I haven't brought a shield with me I'm just gonna run around it until it kind of slams its way down so here we go this is the animation for its slamming down and it pops out like that and all we want to do is kill it it does have several different attacks really big ones of several different kinds like splash attacks and fight attacks so be careful of that but pretty much we just want to kill this oh that's what happens when you have quick respawns but in the pit is pretty much a bread book we want to click II on the bread book there won't be this drag thing like there is right now on me because I plugged it out but I would adjust the reptile armor also while you're in here you do want to farm the dead drag this will give you reptile hide and AB missile Fang but I would prefer to use a cleaver on it because that gives us the drake flesh and that way we can cook that and eat it so healing cuz it's absolutely excellent for that and then to exit the dungeon we just click on the great the raptor armor is a pretty nice armor you can rock the crocodile look got a nice little ponytail on it and everything so it's quite fancy and it's quite a decent set as it stands it can be made and perfected and it can be made in normal but you can also find a rare armor also to make the proper epic flawless version of this so that might be worth looking into if you actually really like this armor but the armor is 235 armor for the basic armor is a medium set it gives a one bar of cold protection and the atributes are shared between the and grit so is +2 invit and +3 and grit this is pretty much the only dungeon armor that can be made in one a normal armor as bench and to an improved armor as bench the perfected in here the uh normal in here though for the actual normal kind of reptile armor you have here you're gonna see that some of the parts only require a normal reptile hide that you can get out of crocodiles and the normal lining medium lining and then you're gonna see for some of the bigger bits like the hat and the legs and the chest you're actually gonna need these AB missile fangs that you can only get out of harvesting these dreg boss so that's 30 AB missile fangs from the entire set of the reptile armor all together however if I wanted to wear this at a higher level you're gonna see it is now gonna cost again it's gonna only cost me 30 for the entire set of missile fangs but it's just gonna cost me an additional perfected medium kind of sets for the padding's across the board and then it's also gonna cost me 30 iron bars per actual piece on this one and 20 reptile hides or say say they're all the same cost there and then again this is going to change when you get epic flawless and the actual property for armor that can make that and actually is a special addition I have the actual executioner's hood this should have actually been included in the hidden armor guide but I was an idiot and that's one I missed so I'm including in this one because technically is a kind of dungeon but kind of long so I don't know I could get away with that but you don't fade it you know my hands are up a a bit I've got perfect for these things so here is gonna be our final one the executioner hood we actually go to here on the map the executioner's entrance or there is actually another cave entrance on the other side we can go to where I'm going through this one and there's gonna be a lot of spiders in here so this is not for the squeamish of you [Music] once we're in this main room you know the notices is absolute metric ton of skeletons but there is also this big old looking sky some boy here and all we want to do is we just want to kill him really there we go he's died hasn't given us anything this time gonna kill him again and again and again and finally again for the last time but unfortunately there's a lot of corpses here so this has made my job very difficult for myself and there we go the executioner's heard this herd is actually really awesome I must admit so I am really sad I missed and the last one but you know we have it in this one it has one bar of heat protection and 192 armor on its bone which is incredible for our headpiece is a heavy headpiece and it gives you a plus free in strength all on its own well that's all I have for today's video again if you want to watch more about armor and how to get armor that's perhaps hidden throughout the exiled world you can check out by hidden armors guide and that is going to be linked in the actual captions of the videos that's the top right of the video on the I usually you can find those and that should have the link for the hidden armors video there if you liked the video please subscribe and like it really helps my small channel anyway thanks for watching I love you and I'll see in the next one [Music]
Channel: KiahOnFire
Views: 119,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kiahonfire, Kiahonfire Youtube, Girl gamer, conan exiles, conan exiles dungeon armour, conan exiles kiahonfire, conan exiles silent legion armour, conan khari raider, conan khari soldier, conan khari commander, conan khari armour, conan champions armour, conan godbreaker armour, conan exiles chilled godbreaker, conan reptile armour, conan lemurian royal, conan lemurian warrior, conan exiles lemurian armour, conan executions hood, conan dungeon armour, conan armor
Id: JK2U4nJbnzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 49sec (2449 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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