Massey 1155 hydraulic repair part 2, splitting the beast!

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fluffy the action's in here there you are you ready to get to work hi everybody welcome back to the third segment of this hydraulic nightmare Revival autopsy so I've got some plans for what's gonna happen today let me share them with you now I've already gone ahead and pulled the fuel tanks that was easy so next on the list and electricity and Plumbing so what's gonna have to happen today I need to basically take everything from about this line here and disconnect it not too much involved there there's a there's a little Plumbing to work on I gotta figure out all this sorcery here I don't know what's going on here but I do know that it works and I'd like for it to continue working so I think I gotta I gotta get to the bottom of all that and make sure it's disconnected and then the fun part we'll just remove a little hardware and you know Slide the whole thing forward and also now as you can see without fuel tanks in the way that's going to become a lot simpler to work on now too so basically I got 10 15 minutes of work to get done here and uh let's just say 10 to 15 minutes of magic television time this probably will take me all day I don't work fast I'm not in a hurry but nonetheless my friends before the day is over this tractor will be at three separate pieces I guess let's get to it let's go step one electrical sorcery foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] friends I think we're at that critical point where we can start taking bolts out now I went through and kind of double checked and triple checked everything yeah electrical sorcery done Plumbing done Tech Drive done oil pressure switch done coolant temp done more electricity fuel line done so like I said I think it's about time to get all these these uh bell housing bolts out get the jack up where it's supposed to be get the two I'm gonna put Two Jacks back here I'm putting one under the axle because it's gonna have to remain there and I'm putting my transmission jack right underneath the transmission um overkill for now now aside from all the oil dry on the floor because this tractor has been bleeding like a stuck pig for the last week I'm gonna block those rear wheels front and back tight as I possibly can because again like I say when you've got a floor that's as pristine and smooth as this you don't want stuff rolling because it'll definitely roll when your floor is this good so you want to be sure to block everything up the next thing you want to be very very sure you do you got to get some blocks of wood in here because uh it's baby she'll tilt on you and what's going to happen is you'll get 2 000 pounds of engine teetering on this little This is highly safe Jack that I've got here make sure everything is blocked safe in good working order or good enough working order and by all means go slow everything's done I'm not in a hurry so just we're gonna pull this apart real slow see what the autopsy provides us so I guess for for now get everything blocked up get these bolts out and then we'll start prying on stuff and see what we got foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign guys and just like that the little 165 comes to the rescue again so how about that we got her split that wasn't so bad like I said just go slow take it easy okay guys so if you remember from last week's episode we talked about this shaft goes through the center here spins the charge pump which the little the play that I had in it that's now gone I'd be willing to bet that coupler in there is probably in good shape but I'm not going to chance it I'm this far it's only 12 more bolts to pull this transmission off of here and just be able to look at everything now let's visually inspect this guy you can see on the front these splines are in pretty good shape that snap Ring's doing it's doing a really good job never mind that these splines are in pretty fair shape they're not bad at all the ones on the back side are also in pretty good shape they don't look banged up at all so I mean this guy right here [Music] those don't feel too bad either those teeth are just about gone so I suspect that's my culprit now I'm gonna have to pull this clutch off of here that new PTO coupler that goes up in there uh that maybe is about 250 bucks that's not real cheap but hey she don't work without throw bearing feels amazing and actually it made zero noise when I was in the tractor working the clutch so I'm okay with that but again I still I still want to split that rear off of there pull this transmission forward and have a look at that coupler that coupler is only 40 bucks so I mean at this point I'd be crazy not to I mean I'm already this far I don't want to have to do it too many more times now again like I said this shaft I'm probably just gonna I'm probably just gonna leave this be I mean he's really in pretty good shape and actually this I'll be honest with you I'm probably wasting my time pulling that transmission off but until I do I won't know for sure so that's what we're going to do [Music] okay guys we're at a critical critical point here I've got all the bolts but one on either side of this uh transmission tail housing unbolted I've got this linkage unhooked here brake lines the main hydraulic line and goes back to your goodies in the back there high low range linkage you see I got the two bolts to pull out of the top of this housing and then we're going to slide this transmission back and see what that other coupler looks like let's hope this goes well foreign okay guys and here's the final bit of this let's see okay there we go and there's that coupler that one it's not awesome but it's definitely not the worst I've seen I'm still gonna put a new one in I'm not going to put it back together like that all right guys as you can see here the teeth on this Hub are about shot there's not much left there the teeth on this coupler they're not awesome I mean they're not as bad as the ones on the 1100 were but they're not awesome by any means well friends I think that's gonna do it for this episode today I'm gonna have to order some parts and that's going to take yeah two days to two weeks I don't know but anyway I won't make you wait too long I'm gonna order up parts throw this back together and you know we'll see if we'll see if she turns so thanks for watching today see you next time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: JT’s barn n grill
Views: 45,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Massey Ferguson, Tractor split, no hydraulics
Id: gd-t8VL4568
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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