Masks I am currently using against Corona

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hello so i keep getting asked at the moment what masks am i wearing for corona so i'm just going to show you quickly in a video now i have got the jsp force 8 which i like as well but that sits in my car and you know you've seen it in other videos i don't want to bother getting it just to say this is one of the masks i sometimes wear the one i'm honestly wearing the most at the moment is the alpha mesh this is only ffp 2 or 2.5 but the reason i like this one is it's just very lightweight compact and comfortable so this is a brilliant mask if you just want to literally put a mask on to go in somewhere where you know you have to wear a mask so that's why i like this one again i wouldn't recommend buying masks like this at the current prices they're at because these are almost like 10 plus pounds a mask now buying them in multi-pack so i wouldn't recommend that at all very expensive what they are but you know i bought this back in the day when it was just an interesting month to get so basically i know these won't go on very well at the moment because i've got all the other masks around my neck but this one's pretty simple because it's just simply a basically you know just a filtery kind of dust mask but it does have a bit of charcoal to it as well which is why it looks dark obviously gray on that side and the reason is it just kind of gets rid of some nuisance smells so this one again all these masks work well with glasses so you just simply pop the glasses back over it once you've got it on this one's very comfortable and lightweight as i said people can generally hear you through it fine um because it's actually quite a thin mask and there's an xl valve down there and as i said before if you want to cover up the xl valves you can that's not exactly rocket science so that's that one so that's the alpha mesh uh so that again is a good mask for just sort of lightweight convenient use but you know um if i had to wear a mouse for an extended period i probably wouldn't want this one on but this is i said very good you know if you're just popping into a shop you know and you have to have a mask on or whatever and all the masks i'm showing here actually filter stuff so they're actually protective not just the masks that you know the idea is while they might offer you like one percent protection so this one the gvs ellipse i've shown this one before of course but again it's a good mask for it is so there we go so that goes on nice and easily it's got the dual filter design and obviously it's got the xl valve at the front i think people can still hear you all right with this on in all honesty but you know it's an alright mask as i said again for what it is um so you know i won't talk too much about that because you've seen it before now the one i like the most at the moment if i can get this one off without tangling with the other mask it's probably easier said than done because of how i put all these all at the same time um looks like the jsp is just going to be not the jsp the tvs ellipse is just going to be hanging from this for a minute um but this is the um strong m50 or something i had a name like that i've done a video on it hype sent me this one so big thank you for him sending at me but this is a chinese fireface respirator that takes proper 3m filters and um has a voice diaphragm on it so people can hear you very clearly and again works absolutely fine with glasses so this is probably my favorite one at the moment again it depends how long i'm wearing a mask for what the situation is what i'm doing and as you know i've got lots and lots of full face masks so i keep a couple of full face masks with satchels and spare filters and everything in my car at all times so if i need them when i'm out and about i've got them but you know there's lots of scenarios where you're not going to need anything more than something like this and again as we've said before eye protection you know lots of things you can do for that including the face visors whatever but i said these are the actual masks that actually offer some protection the issue is as we said before with cloth masks is why it's like a mutually assured protection type thing they're not going to stop you getting corona if somebody's coughing with corona near you just because they do not filter air very well so there you are there's my recommendations all of these are easy to breathe through you will have no issues breathing through them if you're asthmatic or whatever and as i said i'd definitely recommend them over a little bit of cloth that a lot of people are wearing but as we said before the problem is at the moment there is a lot of issue getting proper respirators because everybody's already bought them up but there you go that's uh some of the masks i've been using depending on how long i'm out and about but i'd say if i'm out and about for a fair bit of time now i like that strong m50 just because you know as i said before people can hear you clearly when you've got it on and i like having two proper 3m filters on each side of the mask you know because you know it's actually of a good level of protection so there you are
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 7,202
Rating: 4.8592377 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, corona, corona virus, covid 19
Id: _fiEtteVrJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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