Mashle: It's Great! However... (Anime Review) (Season 1)

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hello everybody JC anime here and today we're to review mashal magic and muscles so without further Ado let's just hop right into this so what is the story summary for mashel magic and muscles basically we start with our main character Mash who in a world of magic he can't use magic however after being found out he now has to attend this magic Academy in order to become a thing called a Divine Visionary that way he can be accepted into society and yeah that's basically how the story starts off and let's just talk about some spoiler-free thoughts so in terms of spoiler-free thoughts this anime has an interesting history with me as when I watched it the first time it was kind of a bizarre watch schedule like for episodes 1 to 9 or so I would watch every week I would tune in every single week I really enjoyed it but then when episodes 10 11 and 12 came out I kind of distan each episode sometimes I'd watch them by weeks and I believe it took me almost 2 to 3 months to finally sit down and finally watch episode 12 so when I was going back to rewatch this for this review I was very curious to see what exactly was going to happen here like would I really freaking enjoy it or would I really not care for it like I was I wasn't too sure but I figured since season 2 as of right now is currently airing I decided to just go ahead and give this first season a rewatch and in my honest opinion this show on a rewatch is kind of a mixed bag in fact that's what I'm mostly going to be talking about as unlike a lot of other shows where I'm able to kind of give my feeling on it from the rewatch to the original watch in this case the rewatch kind of stands out in not the best light which is why I want to talk more about it however I do want to say the show is still good in fact it's great however there are some problems here and there that on rewatch at least for me personally and that's what I'm here to talk about so yeah what I want to talk about first is I guess the comedy the comedy in the show since it's mainly a comedy is kind of iffy at times times on the rewatch as when I was watching it the first time I was laughing at almost every single joke I thought it was super funny it was super entertaining but on the rewatch because I know most of those jokes are coming they just don't hit the same it's not like when I was watching the Eminence and Shadow on a rewatch and was still laughing a lot at all the jokes in this case there were still jokes I laughed at in fact there were plenty of jokes that I still thought were really funny however most of the jokes just didn't hit and in fact it kind of made some of the episodes kind of hard to sit through like I remember when I was watching the first few episodes like episodes 1 to 5 or six the episodes just were kind of iffy there were still good episodes in there but a lot of the jokes that either weren't funny the first time didn't really stick and the jokes that were funny the first time didn't really sound as funny on the rewatch because we already knew it was coming the jokes were already there and so a lot of the humor doesn't hit the same way which sometimes happens that's just how it is sometimes and in this case I genuinely want to say that the jokes sometimes did not hit however some of them still did hit there were many moments that maybe I'll talk about the spoiler section maybe not I don't know that were still really funny but more often than not the jokes were just kind of iffy or a type moments where they were really funny when I watched them the first time but rewatching them now I already knew they were coming they weren't as funny and that's something I feel like this show definitely kind of suffers from at least again for me personally I just felt that on the rewatch The jokes were not as funny however I will give credit to the show still manages to keep me interested plenty of times in fact the entire storyline that happens after the first few episodes which are kind of just one-off episodes on their own once we get to an actual story that progresses throughout multiple episodes that's what things started to really pick up for me and I started to get back into the show whereas the first few episodes just kind of me just watching I wasn't really thinking about it I was just watching it but once we started getting more into the story elements things definitely started to pick up for me things definitely were starting to become a lot more fun and before I knew it I was really enjoying myself and that's how I felt about that whole thing just in general I felt like like there were lots of really nice moments in there that really added to the fun of it after that some of the jokes yes still didn't hit a lot of moments where in the past I got a good laugh now we're just more of either a chuckle or maybe a smile or just blank face I guess it was it was of those three options that I ended up going with for my reactions to the jokes but overall I definitely still found myself really enjoying this anime even on the rewatch and while it's not perfect I still really enjoyed it and I don't know if I rewatch it a third time because I feel like if I rewatch a third time the jokes really wouldn't hit that much however I still enjoyed myself on the second watch and it was fun enough which is why I'm very excited really to hop into season 2 as I've heard good things about it so far so yeah that's all I can really say without spoiling anything because there's a lot of things here I want to talk about that really dive into spoiler territory so we're just going to the spoiler section now here's a time stamp to when the spoilers end if you have seen the show recommend stick around hear my thoughts but you hav skip to the answer you'll get spoilers but if you haven't seen it I recommend stick around hear my thoughts so yeah I'm going to catch up for five and I'm going to enter the spoiler spiler Section 5 4 3 2 1 okay so what do I mean by some of the jokes that could be funny or no I'm not going to repeat everything I just said there are some jokes in there that I can say that really didn't hit this hard while there were some others that really did hit hard and one of the ones that I genuinely think wasn't that funny the first time and especially wasn't funny the second time is this one senior who keeps talking about Rising like bamboo now I'm sure some people really enjoyed that guy but for me personally his whole bamboo stick was not funny it really was genuinely not hilarious in fact I thought it was the most annoying part of his interactions with mash and just I didn't care when he came on screen even when he had a bit of a moment later on when it's revealed that one of the enemy dorms here at the school was actually draining his magic he still made jokes about bamboo and stuff like that just it didn't really sit with me the first time and it especially didn't sit with me the second time I just got kind of bored and sometimes rolled my eyes whenever he talked about bamboo it just wasn't funny to be clear this is just my opinion but I thought it wasn't very funny but yeah but then there's some jokes that I completely forgot about that land really well such as this one moment where Dot and Finn two of Mash's friends are up against one of the members of the enemy dorm and everything seems kind of hopeless here and you think oh man things are going really bad for them but all of a sudden brother just comes in and just slams his sword into this dude I don't know what was funny about that but for some reason just that moment in particular really got me laughing and then there was the whole battle between mash and the main leader of this enemy dorm called Abel and or something like that and that whole fight was really fun to watch it was very entertaining especially with how Mash is able to outsmart him and it makes me realized something that while Mash can be kind of dense one of the things he has going for him is incredible intelligence when it comes to strategy like he may not be smart in a lot of categories but when it comes to strategy he is surprisingly really efficient at it and that's something I kind of respect about his character especially since a lot of people were saying this was basically Harry Potter one punch man which is what I was thinking when going into this show but I was surprised at how much personality Mash has as a character despite having that blank face like you think all right he's just going to basically be saitama he's basically just going to be saitama but with a slightly different character design but nope Mash has a full-on personality that is really fun to watch and it's really helped by his cast of characters where some of them are just kind of if you like lemon hasn't done enough to really give me a reason to care about her character that much yet she's just kind of the love interest who fonds over the protagonist who's clearly not interested in her type cliche and then there's some other characters like Lance who does have his whole thing about why he wants to become a Divine Visionary which is nice although his cison stick is it's still pretty funny though it again didn't hit as hard as the first time cuz I already knew it was coming so didn't hit as hard but still funny enough and then there's Finn who's basically just the wimp of the group who's just there to support though I do find it weird how out of nowhere in the final or second to final episode basically he was captured by alel and it's just like wait he he captured him okay I guess is a thing now but moving past that then we have dot who I'm going to say this was the best character on this rewatch the first time I watched this dot was basically a blip on the radar I didn't care about his character that much and I just didn't think much about him but when I was rewatching this dot was he just became my favorite character out of everybody because even though we know he's kind of the loser of the group he doesn't really accomplish much he's just the guy who just does whatever you could see his more main character esque moments like how it's revealed he has this this one line on his forehead that makes him a lot stronger that's only activated through intense emotions and there's also the whole thing where even though he's being manipulated he tried to support other people by taking 10 hits which was really really good it's just there are so many nice moments with DOT that make me think dang he really does have that main character syndrome but he does have those main character aspects as well so I kind of respect him for it and it just made him just my favorite character and I'm excited to see what maybe he might do in season 2 along with mash and the others and overall I just really enjoyed his character and he was definitely the best part of this but moving on past that for now I would also like to talk about the villain such as Abel and abyss and a few others that really surprised me with how they went from being these big enemies that mash and crew had to fight to suddenly being redeemed characters who kind of became friends with mash and all of his friends well kind of I not technically I I mean yes Abyss did that but the others I don't know about the others but they did kind of learn their lesson through mash and his friends and I thought that was really nice as to kind of give him a little Redemption Arc as it seems like Abel is starting to kind of question his original beliefs and stuff like that and he trying to think about what his mother always told him and stuff like that is really nice I was surprised at how instead of really feeling like a one punch man ripoff where Mash just constantly beat beat up everybody easily there's actual strategies and methods to how everything works and I really like that detail however sometimes the details could go a bit too deep like I give a lot of positives here but there is one negative I can think of that it's probably just a meat problem but I really hate how they overe explain a lot of details in the show like there are plenty of details that I think yeah you need to explain this the school system stuff like that yeah I get it but then in the final episode there's this mirror where they're like it's a mirror that reflects magic back of you but more powerful they could have just said all that in one sentence but then they go into a full-on detail of how the entire thing works and it just feels like they're trying to drag out the episode at that point cuz it's like yeah I get it I understand that and then they're like all right this guy has gravity magic this is how that works they're like yeah I get it it's gravity magic I understand you don't need to explain every detail to me and that's something I kind of complained about where definely feels like there are some moments where details are explained that really don't need to be explained like if you understand magic and stuff like that it's a pretty easy concept to grasp I don't know why they have to go into detail on it but they do anyway and yeah that's a minor complaint I kind of had but it wasn't the worst thing ever I lived with it there are some more POS things I could talk about as well like how both the opening theme and ending theme of this season are really good I've heard a lot of good things about mhall season 2's opening so I'm very curious to see how that sounds but basically the first opening and ending theme were both really good like I was surprised how I actually really like the ending theme a lot more than the opening theme the opening theme really fits with the vibe of mashal it's It's all about him being this really strong guy who's always working out because he doesn't have magic all he can do was workout it really gives that workout Vibe like you want to just go to a gym and work out while listening to this song it definitely fits that Vibe and they just have the ending theme which it's just so bizarre cuz it's all about cream puffs and it's it's just so funny that I I love it it's so good but yeah moving on past that for now I would also like to talk about Mash's I guess father because he did raise him who interacts with this policeman who's basically demanding Mash to go to this school and become a Divine Visionary you just have this officer who you think is this big threat in episode one but then all of a sudden he just becomes basically kind of like a father almost like like a second father to mash where he's talking about how he's worried about Mash but he tries to hide it and it's just it's so funny how he's basically become like it's kind of become like an odd couple with him and Mash's actual Dad where the two of them are just interacting and hangy out with each other even if it's only a little bit in there in season one it's so much fun and I kind of hope to see more in season 2 it's just their Dynamic despite barely being on screen is so much fun to watch and I again hope to see more of them in season 2 because that was it it was just a lot of fun watching them but yeah with all that said I guess one thing I'd like to talk about that I wasn't too big of a fan of on my original watch that it's not a big complaint but this is kind of something I've wanted to talk about for a while is I'm not a big fan of how some of these episodes are structured where they like to end things off on a rather odd note like this didn't really happen on the rewatch because you know I just watch all the episodes at once but one thing that the original season suffered from is it likes to end things on a rather odd note in every single episode like it'll build up this thing and it seems like oh man we're going to get to see this thing but then they just keep dragging at that you're going to see that thing and then end the episode that way they'll do it next episode and it's just this might be something that's not actually true and I'm just feeling like that's true but I feel like when I'm watching they're trying to build up this plot point but then because they realize they have a whole episode they need to cover they just drag out that plot Point till the end and then set up the next plot Point even though they could have easily speeed both plot points into one episode but overall still really enjoyed mat season 1 I wouldn't say it's as fun on the rewatch but it was still decently fun it still had its good moments it may have not been the best show ever but there's still a lot of fun moments in there and yeah that's all really have to say so we're at the conclusion of this video and one of my final thoughts overall mashal is still fun on the rewatch I wouldn't say it's as fun there's definitely some elements to it that don't hit as hard because you've already seen the jokes they're not as funny the second time around but it's still a good show nonetheless and if you want to rewatch with the friend seen it before I'd recommend it because you get to see them laugh at the jokes and maybe you'll have some fun with that but yeah it wasn't a bad rewatching I I still like mash a lot and I'm excited to check out season 2 so yeah overall I give mashall magic and muscles a 7 out of 10 decently fun and if you're looking for a fun time it it's something to enjoy it's a fun little show with some good comedy so if you're watching it the first time go ahead and watch it because it's fun the first watch is going to be awesome maybe the second watch will different for you maybe not I don't know this is just my opinion and all but the second watch was not as great but the first watch was amazing I really do recommend this show for anyone who's new to the show and wants to check it out it's still really fun and yeah that's all I have to say and thank you all for watching if you're new to the jgc anime channel don't forget to subscribe I also do am fans the channel and I will see you all around peace [Music] B
Channel: JGCAnime
Views: 365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TInWp1cz4K0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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