Mashle: Freaking Amazing! (Anime Review) (Season 2)

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hello everybody GGC anime here today we're to review Mash magic and muscles season 2 or Mash magic of muscles the Divine Visionary Canyon exam arcs without further Ado let's just hop right into this so what is the story behind match of season 2 basically now that one of Mash's Biggest Secrets is revealed to the world he now has to compete in the Divine Visionary candidate exam in order to become a Divine Visionary and earn his place in the world and with all the stuff against the wall he doesn't know what else to do except compete and try to win with his fists so yeah that's how things start and yeah I know that's not really a great type of Story summary but we're just going to roll with it so in terms of spoiler-free thoughts I freaking love this season because it's just like season 2 of mash has definitely been one of my favorite animes of recent times from watching because overall it just does so many things right the comedy is hilarious the characters are great there's lots of good developments and you get to see MASH just be Mash there's just so many fun elements here and without going into spoilers it just astounds me how freaking good some of the writing is for this show like there are times where even though we know where things are going to go down we know how things will turn out in the end they still are so much fun and sometimes extremely freaking funny as well as satisfying like I remember there's even one time near the end of the season where Mash is doing something and I find myself actually rooting for him being like yeah Mash you could do it like it wasn't just like in my mind like oh man he could do this he could do this it's more like I was literally like verbally saying you got this MASH come on come on like it just does such a good job at really gave me into all of Mash's journey and the fact that there's so many Twisted turns of this season as well cuz I can't really describe them without swi so we're just going to hold off on those for a little bit but there are some crazy twists this season that I did not expect as well as some people who I thought were just going to be straight up kind of like generic enemies only for them to actually have some very interesting character behind them and there's so many really cool aspects to how everything's handled including how Mash like last season does a great job at handling his surroundings even if he doesn't have magic like everyone else it is something that I really appreciate with his character as they could have easily just been like all right he's just one punch man he just destroys everything but no he has a very unique personality that I really like about his character and I do find the fact that even though you know how he's going to react to situations you still want to see how he does those things sometimes they could be so flipping funny again I can't describe them without spoilers cuz you know this is there's going to be a lot of spoiler talk here later but it's just there's so many fun elements of this that do such an amazing job at keeping me entertained not only are the fights really good in terms of of like how they're built up how the Enemy at the time is going to be beaten down like they do such a good job at making you want to see those guys get taken down and they also have some hilarious comedy in there that really adds to it and really makes me laugh and it's just such an amazing job at keeping me fully invested in the story and the world and the characters and it's just fun it is legitimately one of the most fun anime I've watched it is just so entertaining and there's not really much else I could say about that front just because it's just fun it is that is that describes it perfectly it's fun it is so much fun and even if it may not be the first time I have seen an overpowered to an extent character beat up other enemies I still think that Mash's journey and his whole goal to hopefully eventually find the piece he wants is really fun to watch especially with how he's doing all this with just his fists no magic just trying his best to keep moving forward it is such a fun thing and he's not even the only one who really gets a lot of development this season there's other characters as well that honestly I just kind of put into the background of my mind and didn't really think about that really shine there were also some characters that I wish shined a bit more but didn't really this season but even so I still think that most of the characters did an amazing job and I am definitely interested in seeing what kind of stuff goes down next since this has been so much fun to watch but yeah that's all I can really say without spoiling anything because there's a lot of things I want to talk about in the spoiler section we're just going off into that now here's the time step with the spoilers and if you haven't seen the show I recommend sticking around hear my thoughts you SK to the end to get any spoilers if you have seen it I recommend sticking around hear my thoughts so yeah we're going to cat from five we're going to enter the spoiler section five 4 3 two one okay so kind of going in order here from what happens at beginning to end the first thing I want to talk about is the interesting dynamic between mash and one of his seniors at the school max who at first is only really helping him out because he was asked to do so by rain who saw a lot of potential in Mash but then he actually sees Mash in action and realizes oh yeah he's a guy I want to see succeed and that was a really interesting development since I thought that it was really interesting seeing the two of them work together and how they managed to achieve pulling off some of the earlier parts of the exam together before you know Max eventually just got you know yeated off by one of the main villains of the star of the Season kpacho who we'll talk about in a little bit but I really do think that the dynamic between mash and Max was a really fun one and while it wasn't disappointing to see Max get out it was still very interesting to have him on screen but yeah moving past that I want now talk about kpacho and I'll be honest he is the perfect amount of both hatable but at the same time you almost kind of understand why he is as crazy as he is basically he has a special type of origin wand or something I don't remember the exact details of it but basically he has this special wand that basically makes him unable to feel pain since any pain he gains gets transferred off to the person who caused him pain and it wasn't until Mash finally came to the picture that he finally started to learn pain because Mash was just like all right you mess with my friends well guess I'll mess with you and the funny thing is before Mash came to the picture we got a really good interesting moment with Finn where there's this team event where a bunch of people have to team up and keep hold of these special crystals that they've been given and mash as well as dot who are his teammates for this both end up breaking there so he is the only one left and so when he's confronted by capacho he then has to choose to give it up or hold on to it in order to make sure that he mash and Dot stay in the whole competition and not just the C to the whole exam and it's super interesting to see how far that he is willing to go the amount of pain he's willing to endure in order to make sure that his friends stay in this and it was truly an interesting experience seeing him stand up for what he truly wants to do and how he wants to be able to support his friends and even though Finn is by far the most basic of the main crew he really stood out during that whole storyline and I was really proud of him for that but moving past that next we want to talk about kashio and his fight with mash where after he tells Mash how any pain he receives gets given back to Mash mash is just like all right if you're going to keep getting hits but only let me feel the pain then I'm just going to keep hitting harder until eventually you break down and that's what he does but he doesn't the most unexpected way where he ends up getting this wand near the start of the season and he takes that wand and mors it into the shape of a tennis racket and then just starts beating up this thing behind kpacho it's like acting as his shield to send the the pain back then after that match just keeps just hitting it back with the tennis B the ten stuff the tennis ball stuff like that he's just keeps hitting him back over and over again and it is just so funny it reminds me why Mash is such a great character because he always creates such unique ways uses strength to his advantage and it is so funny and it's so good and eventually he does beat kpacho and it is truly just such an awesome incredible moment that really showed off how much Mash was willing to push himself forward in order to protect his friends after everything that happened with Finn getting incredibly injured during the whole incident but anyway after that we move on to the next part of the exam where everyone's kind of doing like a One V one situation and mash is going up against this guy called Margaret who is basically like this Prodigy Music Caster person and he's looking to be entertained and figures that Mash burn dead would be the next one to entertain him because he just wants interesting people to fight and yeah their fight's awesome their fight is legitimately awesome with the fact that he doesn't go down in one hit and mash has to actually push himself to try to figure out how to beat this guy even going as far as digging underground in order to avoid it it is just so good and the fact that Mash wins the fight in the end is even better but then after that then they get interrupted by none other than innocent zero the main bad guy of the whole show with his team trying to come and collect Mash as it turns out that Mash is innocent Zero's son I didn't see that coming but the reason that innocent zero was such a threat is just because at the early part of the season they literally said they were coming for Mash burnd dead and stuff like that and while some of the Divine Visionaries were against keeping Mash around and wanting to kill him off right away some of them wanted to keep him around to lure out innocent zero and the fact that that kind of just worked right here where innocent zero just shows up use time freezing magic in order to just freeze everybody only that be interrupted by wallberg before he can take away mash and just their fighting s and stuff like that it is just so freaking good especially with the backstory like I will say in my personal opinion the actual fight between wallberg and innocent zero it was fine that part was fine however the backstory behind the fight was incredibly interesting revealing that Walberg and inero both were top by the same mentor and that Mentor taught wellberg about protecting the week and stuff like that like that actual story going behind it especially with how innocent zero brings back his dead corpse like their Mentor was dead corpse and tries to kill Walberg with it that stuff I actually was really into it's just most of the fight was just kind of fine I don't think that it was as interesting as the whole context behind the fight but it was still a pretty solid fight nonetheless I definitely do like the backstory though that was my favorite part of the whole just overall fight itself which Speaking of the fights in this there are many times where the show does an incredible job at making fights both hilarious but also super entertaining like when mash goes up against cell who is just like oh man I'm not going to lose to mash burn dead only for Mash to be like I've already seen your attacks once I could beat you now and then ends up beating him by literally just kind of knocking him out and creating like some hallucinations and stuff like that I don't remember the exact way they described it but basically he made him imagine that he was getting stuffed in the face with cream puffs it was so funny and just there's so many hilarious moments like that as well as just intense moments as well where you just think wow they really took a turn from this being a tournament to just literally just being a big brawl and and mash isn't the only one who really gets a spotlight Lance also gets a chance when this one guy can turn people into babies and he turns both Dot and Lance into babies and while dot feels just completely useless in the situation where he's just like I can't use my Powers oh no you then have L just like eh I'll still use them and while it's the more weaker version of them he still uses them it's so funny it's just so good just everything is so much fun and entertaining and I love how things never get boring they're just always fun would I say that some parts were better than others yes but I still thought it was very fun and the fact that there were just so many interesting moments as well like as I mentioned the whole backstory between wallberg and innocent zero and the bringing back of their Mentor only for Walberg having to kill it and nearly managed to kill innocent zero which I really thought they were both just going to die there but then innocent zero was just like time reversal it just rewound it all and made that entire sacrifice pointless because in the end nobody actually died at that rate and then Mass just coming in when walberg's about to die and just kneeing his father in the face it was just so good it was so flipping good like I remember when mash did that I literally screamed out yes yes let's go like it was so freaking good it was just so entertaining I loved it so much just this season really did a phenomenal job and I I'm not afraid to say I think this is better than season 1 like this season has been so much fun I feel like even if I did go back and rewatch this a second time I would still have so much fun with it it is so freaking good I loved it so much it again isn't perfect but I really really liked it I also liked how Mash is just trying his best and the fact that near the end of the season right before innocent zero leaves and it's just like I'll come back and fight you another time he then summons a monster to go ahead and attack to the school and then Mash is just trying to grab at its chains and yank it away all while the students are cheering him on say you got this Mash bird dead you got this I found myself just cheering along with them like yes you got this MASH come on and when he managed to do it and just toss that thing into a mountain oh man it was so hype it was so good I loved it so much it was so entertaining like it is just amazing how invested I got into this season I thought there were so many hilarious intense interesting moments that just really stood out and with lots interesting twist too like I said inocent zero being mches down turns out that he's part of a bunch of other people created to just solely help innocent zero reaches true potential and become the ultimate Wizard and stuff like that it's just it's so interesting I loved it so much and it's just really good but trying to go into a not so negative but still kind of negative territory here for a minute one thing I want to talk about that many people have talked about before but I'm going to talk about it for a very brief time the thing I want to talk about right now is the opening theme now I'm sure you've all heard the bling bling bling at this point I'm sure you've all heard it but at the same time I want to talk about it since in my opinion the song as a song for mashall doesn't quite fit the vibe of mashall so when I heard it the first time I was a bit on the fence about it but then the more I heard it while I still don't feel like it fits the vibe of mashall I am not afraid to say that it is a freaking just Banger it is so good it is such a good song that I found myself listening to it on its own just more often than not because of how much of a banger it is I just wish that it was fit for a more appropriate show since while some people will probably think it fits mashal quite perfectly I found it to be a bit off for the story mashal is but even so I still think it's a phenomenal opening and it's just such a Bop to listen to and I really freaking loved it but yeah overall I really did enjoy mashall season 2 and I'm just excited to see where things go from here since there are so many awesome moments here especially near the end where a bunch of people in town found out about Mash not having magic in their Domin like yeah we got to get rid of him he doesn't belong in this town get him out and only for Mash to gets put into jail so by one of the people then immediately just breaks out while the just keeps repeating the same line over and over again just not believing what he's seeing as Mash just breaks down stuff like that there's so many awesome moments just like that in the whole show and the fact that Mash has come so far in this one season is just great I freaking love this season and I consider it even better than season 1 it was just so good but yeah that's all really have to say so we're at the conclusion up this video what of my final thoughts overall I really freaking enjoyed this season I thought it was great the comedy was hilarious the fights were epic I was super into it I really like how much it developed not just Mash but other characters as well and overall I just really freaking enjoyed it and that's why I give Mash season 2 a n out of 10 the only reason it's not a 10 out of 10 is because there were a few moments in there I was like okay this is just kind of fine but those are so far and few between that it doesn't matter cuz I still freaking love this season seon and I would happily watch a season 3 and yeah that's all I have to say and thank you all for watching if you're new to the jgc anime channel don't forget to subscribe new my fans to the channel and I will see you all around peace [Music] okay
Channel: JGCAnime
Views: 155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ibOz0irbULU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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