Masha and the Bear 2024 🤔 Find the item❓Best episodes cartoon collection 🎬

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[Music] I was playing I was playing [Music] I was [Music] playing oh no oh my oh [Music] [Applause] my all of this is my fault that is not my fault [Music] oh wow what a cool Gadget this is [Music] [Music] wow I'm looking so very photo genius okay where should I hang this up cool [Music] I completely forgot to shoot [Music] bear bear please say [Music] cheese oops I think it's time to go shoot something out in the nature [Music] bunny dear these things cheese [Music] you forgot to pick up your picture [Music] oh there you are please say [Music] cheese hello boys please say cheese [Music] [Music] please say cheese Mommy [Music] [Music] [Music] I was playing [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] w a [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] wow I don't remember the last time I had a strawberry [Music] okay I'll go for a [Music] walk what is happening to me [Music] [Applause] ah you want me to hold my [Music] breath good it's gone [Music] now actually it didn't [Music] [Music] help this one didn't help [Music] either kids are always asking lots and lots of questions I will only ask you one please give me suggestions with the silly hiccups come from will the away do I have to suffer night and day and low up ipup hiccups ever stop on I st every word I shatter I'm trying everything but it does not matter could you please pretty for me a cure this is something I can't end I up the topop will these hicups will [Music] oh great just like us you have hicups that's enough bear breathe out now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] h [Music] oh no what is wrong with me now [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] y [Music] oh hi there show me a trick [Music] [Laughter] [Music] he [Music] [Music] bear look I can do it too [Music] [Applause] [Music] oops h [Music] [Music] [Music] y [Music] these little worms are so great and they are moving [Music] [Laughter] [Music] bear did I catch a fish did you catch a fish when can I catch a fish where can I catch a fish why can't I catch a fish what fish can I catch how can I catch a fish [Music] where can I catch a fish what fish can I catch how can I catch a fish will it go like this when I catch a fish [Music] [Music] when you hold this miracle in your hand shining like the golden sun with light then this summer morning truy feels Grand and you're happy singing with delight as the go fish will make its tail swish all your fairy ttings will come true just be nice and good and Grant your friends wish friends deserve the gift of magic too as the gold fish will make it swish all your fairy tale tips will come true just be nice and good and Grant your friends wish friends deserve the gift of magic [Music] no it's kind crooked this way go to the left to the left this way this way that way that way make it straighter oh no this way it's even more crooked I'll show you how it should be done [Music] oh this is such a cool thing here's Masha ready to assist you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] woohoo we'll be doing remodeling [Music] [Music] h [Music] hey I don't want to paint too [Music] [Music] look how beautiful it [Music] is bear bear let me drive bear bear oh please let the child Drive pretty please bear I'm asking you nicely let me drive oh wow [Music] [Music] [Music] oh o [Music] what did I do this [Music] time o call in the animals [Music] [Music] oh too bad remodeling is over [Music] [Music] my cartoons my cartoons my cartoons my cartoons my cartoons my [Music] cartoons woohoo we'll be remodeling again do do do do do do [Music] [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Music] h [Music] if the children go and visit their old friends then the sun [Music] Smiles there open the door no yeah you can't play with Grumpy Bear oops and what is this thing oops how did I disappear oh wow you see me you don't see me you see me you don't see me you see me and now you don't but nobody can see that they can't see me bam open up [Music] oops it's good that bear didn't see me but then who who should I show myself to oh right there you'll appreciate it [Applause] bunny dear forget the carrots I think we should start dancing woohoo I'll go and show myself to someone else too [Music] h [Music] but I only wanted to help you out so what am I going to do with all of this oh hi boys please help yourselves come on go ahead and eat these tasty bees come on be [Music] brave well why is it when you're behaving nicely no one is [Music] noticing oh someone messed up not me this [Music] time hey bear who was it who made this [Music] mess I got you [Music] that's it now we'll play hide and seek [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey fellow athletes bear why don't we go outside and kick the ball [Music] huh attention everyone we are reporting live from the country's main soccer stadium this is the crucial match of the season the match for the super prize wow all right we'll watch it for a while there are such an intense struggle in the Midfield players are trying to regain the ball but unfortunately so far no one can keep the ball for a long time hey bear will they score a goal a great scoring moment a shot oh what a pity a good time for a Counterattack pass that's a miss the ball flies off the field and where's the goal [Music] [Music] hey bear how long T ice you goal and when's the goal when will I see a goal so where's the goal bear your soccer game has no goals at all it's too boring the home team easily controls the ball by the opponent penalty area ahead pass another pass an attempt the referee Awards a penalty finally the score can be opened a shot for [Applause] goal and it's another Miss oops a penalty for me [Music] the referee sends a player off for for sportsmanship and now the second half Begins the players are back on the field the referee Blows the Whistle the second half begins we all need a Go Bunny hey bunny let's kick the [Music] ball come on come on pass it pass it [Music] catch it yikes goal poost and now get ready for my [Music] goal oh bunnies [Music] all right I'm in the fight for the ball is not over now the ball goes to the right half of the field and now it's on the left half of the field but the midfielder of the H returns it to the right half of the field another kick the ball is back on the left half of the field a kick and the home te easily controls the ball by the opponent's penalty area again [Music] [Music] oh and the host returns it to the right half of the field one more kick and the ball is again on the left half of the field a shot the fans got excited the ball is back on the right half of the field what a hero ATT [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wonderful the final whistle goes up it was such a tense game a real soccer Festival took place today to the Delight of all soccer fans the final score is nil nil but as they say it's not about scoring it's about participating go go hooray go hooray [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey there bear you got a [Music] goal one moment 1 2 3 4 five catch it [Applause] go go go bear you got a go [Music] go you wanted this right bear [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] fire higher water boils what's going [Applause] [Music] on okay so now you're cheating when I'm not watching you well I don't believe you [Music] it's all your fault that it happened how can we play now oh come on let me try to fix it let's take it all down to Bears no doubt he'll be able to fix it [Music] be are you home uh he's not home come on let's bring down all the tools from the shed oh wow what is that strangest thing [Music] where have you gone to come here and quickly t look here it's really very simple [Music] let's go we can continue playing our game and then we'll return it so no one will be the wiser [Music] Cherries Berries blue canaries [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mhm [Music] [Applause] [Music] una Tuna De plona [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] h ha HLA I'm a real winner I'm a real winner I'll go visit bear and celebrate it there and I'll also bring back the [Music] balls here I am returning it and it is as good as new [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no run run you are a knight in shining armor the most valued animal of them all [Music] we're broadcasting live from the biggest football arena in our country where the final match of the season is about to begin and it's the match that's going to decide the championship both teams already on the pitch just a few seconds [Music] and the match is underway all eyes are on the game now our team is keeping the ball so the opponents can't get possession the ball passes from one player to another as they're approaching the opponent's Penalty Box our Striker tries to shoot the ball bounces off the opponent's Defender and their goalkeeper [Music] good afternoon dear viewers this is our weekly health program today we'll be talking about different methods to relieve stress we can recommend take a few relaxation techniques that can relieve and reduce stress in just 10 minutes the simplest one is to sit down in a recliner or comfortable chair just relax and breathe normally or you can Savor a warm cup of herbal tea try to avoid having any serious thoughts while you're enjoying it or you can make yourself a warm bath and do some breathing exercises while you're lying in it like taking a deep breath through your nose with your mouth closed and then submerging the lower half of your face into the water and slowly breathing out through your nose just remember that none of these methods is a magic wand that will make all your troubles disappear eh whatever fatigue and exhaustion can make your life very difficult but try to keep in mind that you will find solutions to your problems in due time give me give me give me give [Music] me to walk in the forest what about the wolves [Music] [Music] mhm just checking oh what with the cell phone okay okay and now I'm dialing the number mhm [Music] mhm oh wow [Music] W mhm h [Music] the second half of the game is about to begin if you remember at the end of the first half all the players of the opponent's team was penalized after committing a foul and the players are on the field once again [Music] Don't Panic I'm dialing the number the extra minute added at the end of the second half is about to run out dialing the number to sh gold distance but it's I'm dialing the number his opponent attempts I'm numbering the dial and unexpectedly shoots the ball towards the go and now we run [Music] off the B little sh another one go [Music] I got through to you [Music] Che [Music] [Applause] [Music] what I will go to bed with no bed story [Music] representatives of countries from all over the world met today with not good no no no not good not good oh it's so [Music] [Applause] [Music] boring oh it is you e I'm watching a fairy tale [Music] here there turn on the light [Music] here what's that [Music] what's over [Music] there what about this [Music] there bear where are [Music] you bear you're here who's out there [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] go away scary monster oh it's only you [Music] [Music] is [Music] that's great so now no scary fairy tale will spook me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're planning an escape to some Far Away [Music] [Applause] landscape ah where the three bears were painted so you are the watercolored aen gardeners expressionist impressionist I'll go with you then I'm super expressive and extra [Music] impressive look I'm our team crafty I'm all buted up [Music] no don't you dare you don't even know how strong I am I am incredibly [Music] resilient I can and I did I raised the bar so high and w [Music] and the most amazing thing about me no matter what I do I never get tired once I walked around the world and back never even [Music] stopped you know what I it woohoo woohoo woohoo [Music] yep H something got into my shoes and my feet hurt I don't know how all these stones manag to get [Music] inside n tiny wig wham's not for me have you seen the pyramid in ancient Egypt my famous design ha and this one's [Music] mine have you seen Lisa Mona in the LI Museum I pose for that [Music] statue oh that's funny if you posed your portrait would end up being a square yeah the black square and I am an endless source of out and inspiration [Music] bear bear we are hungry [Music] we didn't want to we just [Music] did you know I'm such a great cooking chef that I can oven roast a layer cake with marshmallows and mushroom [Music] shs and I can that's nothing I fought and watered down much bigger forest fires what you're scared of bear I'm not scared of bear not even a little it is because I'm strict with him so he is afraid of me he can't misbehave with me around naughty whack time out naughty whack no dessert for you naughty and whack bear dear I'll behave now I'll be [Music] good you know what lying is so hard let's not lie anymore we should use our great imaginations so have I told you a story of me flying to the Moon riding the cannon so so so where could all of the cartoons be hiding H let's start an investigation ah 1 2 3 4 5 6 let's look for cartoons to pick I will press this microphone Masha and the Bear let's go that's how easy it is and now you try it
Channel: Masha and The Bear
Views: 1,252,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Masha And The Bear, Masha, Bear, Masha and Bear, new episodes, funny cartoon, animation, kids cartoons, маша и медведь, masha and the bear english episodes, masha and the bear in English, marsha, marsha full movie bahasa Indonesia, mawa kawa, cartoons for kids, funny videos, episode collection, masha and the bear 2024, masha and the bear new, find the item
Id: zE0BOkcJuFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 57sec (3837 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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