Maschine Tutorial: What Users Don't Know about Maschine

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what up everybody it's your boy young fizz aka mr dope status on instagram and welcome back to another machine tutorial so today i want to expound on some ideas that i mentioned in my previous video called machine overview for 2021 all right so that was an update and i mentioned a lot of things but there's a few things i just really want to talk about and focus on today's video so i'm gonna go ahead and do that just now so before i get into the video i need you to go over there hit that like button hit that subscribe button and don't forget to turn on the bell notifications so whenever i drop a new video you'll be the first one to be notified so without further ado let's go ahead and get into today's video all right so the first thing i want to talk about is the grids here but more specifically i want to go ahead and get into the performance grid so this is going to be something that you may use for live setting when you're performing on the fly if you're using the ideas so let's go ahead and turn on the grid here which is going to be the performance grid and right now as you can see i have it off so right now i'm gonna go ahead and do it by section so let me go ahead and show you guys what this means so i'm gonna go ahead and go over to my ideas view by clicking this button here and now i'm in my ideas view window alright so let's say for example i'm trying to build a beat here so i got my intro [Music] i got my build which includes the base i got my verse that introduces the drums and i got the hook that introduces some claps all right so that is my sequence there but let's say for example i have my build playing right all right so when scene is selected here that means it's not going to go to the next scene until the current scene completes so let me go ahead and show you guys what that looks like here so i got my build plane which is the base all right now i want you guys to really watch this right here watch watch c1 the group c one with the base notice how this is playing right here i'm going to go ahead and switch to the verse notice how it didn't switch [Music] now it's switched okay so that's what that does so basically when the scene is selected that means it's saying don't basically play until my current scene is done now we can go back and say for example that we want it to be off so that means when i select verse it's going to snap right away so let's go ahead and show you what this looks like [Music] now let me go ahead and select intro first build hook first build so notice how it snaps right away and that's what that pretty much does so like i said again it's mainly used for when you're on the fly and performing stuff like that the next thing i want to go ahead and get into is this button here which is very very useful for editing and it's the playhead follow button here so when this is selected machine is going to follow your playhead alright so check this out let me go ahead and switch over to the song view window to demonstrate this here all right so let's say for example i have my verse called up and let me you know let me zoom all the way in if you guys don't know how to zoom in very quickly let me go ahead and show you guys if you're not using the machine controllers here to zoom in you just click right here anywhere on this little bar here and you can hold down command and you could go arrow up and that's going to zoom in very quickly i'm going to hold that down zooming in very quickly all right and the same thing applies for when you're down here all right so i'm going to click that and i'm just going to zoom in very quickly so right now notice how the selection is on so when it's on it's going to be highlighted here all right so let's say for example i'm at bar number four all right so now when i go past the screen machine is gonna follow wherever this playhead is at so let me go ahead and show you guys what this looks like see how it just smoothly snaps if you didn't catch that make sure you rewind the video to play that again alright alright so let me go ahead and show you guys something else here so i'm gonna go ahead and zoom all the way in again and i'm just gonna back this up just a little bit and we're gonna go ahead and turn this off now let me show you guys what it looks like when it's turned off so let me go ahead and select bar number five here see how it's not snapping so definitely when you're editing this is something that you want on so make sure you turn that on when you're editing so let me go back to bar number four and look how it just snaps very smoothly all right so just it just it just works and that's what i love about this little button here and like again like i said again that's the that's the playhead follow button there so that means wherever your playhead is in machine it's gonna machines gonna follow it all right so the next thing and the last thing i want to introduce to you guys here is the grids here and this grid is very important let me tell you guys why this grid is important because when you're arranging your beats i don't know if you notice but when i click say for example i want to click like maybe in here somewhere notice how i can't click just in between anywhere now even when i use my jog wheel on my machine controller i still can't get like a fine edit here and why is that that's because my grid is select to bar now if you change this bar to say for example 16 note you can get a final resolution so check this out i can click right there and if i use my jog wheel to scroll or i can use the arrow over uh on my controller and i'm using the machine studio so arrow over or if i use the jog wheel i can get finer edits here now the same thing applies down here but notice if i select here and i say bar it's not doing the bar and why is that because i'm not holding down shift so i'm using my machine controller i'm just going to hold down shift and i can jump between the bar now so let's say for example i want a finer edit so 1 and 1 28 here so if i hold down if i don't hold down shift it's just going to jump regularly right but if i hold down shift on my machine controller i'm actually doing the 1 and 128 now i can go ahead and change that to say for example an eighth so now look at this check this out nice i can use arrow over same thing so let's go back right there hold down shift arrow over or i can use my jog wheel and that is something that i feel like everybody should know um so when you're editing these features are gonna come in handy so definitely make sure this is on when you're editing and like i said on it means it's selected off means it's not going to jump so when you're editing you definitely want this on and then using the jog wheel and setting your grids to the appropriate time signatures slash you know the grids is just it's going to work better for you in your favor i hope this tutorial has uh helped you guys if you have any questions please leave the comments and questions down below which boy young fizz aka mr dope status and we will see you on the next tutorial
Channel: FizzENT
Views: 9,595
Rating: 4.9004974 out of 5
Keywords: Maschine Tutorial: What Users Don't Know about Maschine, maschine tutorial, maschine, native instruments, mk3 tutorials, maschine plus tutorials, grids in maschine, hidden features in maschine, how to use maschine, key features in maschine, how to edit in maschine, how to use maschine studio, how to use maschine plus, how to use maschine mikro, maschine mikro tutorials, maschine review, maschine overviw, new maschine video, Maschine 2.12.1, Maschine update, Maschine Beat
Id: 0u9u8LfC_hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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