Maschine Update 2.14 Was du wissen musst?

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Hello people, Milu here, welcome back to my channel. Today we take a look at the update of native Instruments Machine 2.14.1 what has changed there. First of all , before you do the update, you should make sure if you have external ... So, if you have content on external hard drives, please connect it beforehand before you update. The first innovation is also more for nerds, it has changed from the file format as HSF to POSIX Apple Silicon is supported, machine 3 presets can now be saved directly on machine 3 via the controller. VST3 is being introduced, at least in the area of ​​the contact player or contact sampler. There is a new Polysynth, you can edit multiclips, additional arpeggio parameters have been added that you can control via the H hardware controller . Retrigger, repeat, offset, invert and range. The browsers have been updated, instead of Urban you now have Hip Hop, unfortunately still no official template for Ableton Live 11. The users are still waiting for it. I'm curious when Native will deliver it. You can now also control scenes via midi using the controller, you just have to configure it in the midi settings. Now let's take a look at the whole thing in detail . To do this, I'll pull on my headphones and we'll switch over here. Then I'll start with the contact. As I said, it is now available as VST 3. Then you just go here and if you are here Native Instruments, Native Instruments, then you go to the menu, then you can already see here, contact VST3. I've already called inside myself, then just put a little pad in there. Let's hear that briefly. That sounds like it, so nothing earth-shattering. The next innovation is the Polysynth, that's what it's called. This is an emulation of the Prophet 5 or the Pro 53, which is available for free. I also have a sound example here. I just put a bass in there. We'll have a look at what it looks like . Just a sound example, so it sounds pretty fat and now we're going to take a look at each other. So that would be the polysynth here. There you have two oscillators with different waveform settings, fine tuning, the mixer in the middle, you can mix noise . You can control your ADSR quite normally via the amplifier or amplifier, filters exactly the same. You have different modulation options. I don't want to go into detail about it now because, as I said, this is supposed to be a short video, just to get an overview of the ma . Check that out. That was it for the polysynth. Here in the project settings, you can already see there is no more Urban, that is now Hip Hop, that would be the fundamental changes. Then a very important change is, I'm going to turn everything on here, in the past you could just move and copy each clip here individually and now you have the option of selecting all of them, moving all of them back and forth. You can hold down Command , you can also select different clips here and only edit these. This works both at the top of the clip view and at the bottom of the editor area. Then I would say, let's take another look at the arppegiator on the machine controller. Now you have seen what new functions you have with the arppegiator. That would be the retrigger, repeat, offset, inverted and you can set a range and then we will listen to the whole thing in context. I have prepared such a small track here . It would sound like that without anything and now let's run the track along with it. so now comes the appegiator. So nothing earth-shattering. That should have been it. We'll see you in the next tutorial. I hope you were able to take advantage of the video, write me in the comments, what else interests you, what you would like to see in tutorials or how you found the video.
Channel: Milu_Production
Views: 359
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Musicprodution, Tutorials, Milu_Production, Musikproduktion, Maschine, Update 2.14, Native Instruments
Id: ryJoIlLuK-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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