#Sampling in #Maschine like the GREATS of #HipHop

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what's good everybody this your man's db the producer back at you with another machine tutorial i'm so glad to be back because today i'm about to talk about a great topic we're about to talk about sampling let's get to it what's good y'all man today is going to be a three-part series on the subject of sampling in machine there has been a lot of comments man on these groups and feeds and stuff sampling is a is a is a it's a it's a sport it's a sport either you're good at it or you're not but you can find ways to where you can be creative in sampling in your own genre you know however you want to do it i'm just going to show you my way in my way hopefully i can help you uh come up with some creative ways for you to chop your samples um we talk about chops like like like kanye like j dilla you know people like that like how they chop their samples um so first and foremost first part of the series we're going to talk about how to actively listen to the sample that you want to chop in order to get the correct chops that you you know want to create so what i do first i go ahead and download my sample uh here's my sample i went with debbie taylor i had three but it came down to this one davey taylor um i don't want to leave you so we're going to take a listen to it real quick [Music] all right here go the part that i'm going to sample so [Music] that right there is going to be my song that's going to be my song um but i'll show you how i get to chop it in and how i get to my ideas but this is where it comes down to active listening but the first thing i want to do is show you guys how to put your samples into machine because you know it has to be wave it has to be a wav file so what i do is i download it and i double click from my downloads double click boom boom once i double click it opens up in itunes once it opened up in itunes i click on it and i'll show you guys this first in preferences if you go to files and you go to import settings your import settings should be wave encoder 9.10 is going to be on mp3 just make sure you click on import using and use wave encoder and click ok and you should be good from there so what you do you highlight the song you go to file then you go to convert create wave version converting as you see now it's done and it's playing so it won't pull up where it's at but what you do is as it's playing at the top just right click show album in library boom this is it right here as you can see the play button alright so what i'll do is i'll drag it over to the machine and boom got it in the machine [Music] all right so starting off i'm gonna get out of itunes starting off um what i like to do as you've probably just seen me do i change my polyphony settings from eight to one what that does is if it's on eight if it's on anything more than one if i do this [Music] you heard it looping into itself i don't want that so what i do is i put on polyphony one so anytime i hit the i hit the pad it'll automatically just start whenever i hit it [Music] see it doesn't go into itself but we're going to active actively listen now i already listened but what i'm going to do i'm let it play all now um no i'm not gonna let it play out i'm gonna go to the sections that i'm going to chop [Music] oh [Music] tell me it stops right there and i'm going to go to the zero cursor marker i think it's called or the zero crossing point something like that and the zero crossing point is right there where i set the line so as you see my ending point stops right there at that line that way i won't get any pops or clicks that's what that's for [Music] there we go that's the part i want to sample so what i'll do is while i'm in sampling i need to tell y'all there i'm sorry i go to sampling and i'm in the edit mode um and you can edit your sample however you want you don't have to touch on it none of this after you have your start and end points then from there i'm going to truncate it and what truncate means is i'm going to cut out everything that's on the left side of my selection and the right side of my selection i just want to focus on my selection so i'll click apply [Music] alright so there's a couple of things that i want to do before i do this sample um first i've already thought out of a genre that i kind of want this to fall in december to fall in and it's going to be like a hip-hop ace hood type of jay-z-ish dark rick rossi type sample they like soul um i love soul as well so i pick samples that has a lot of orchestra a lot of horns a lot of big big bands and stuff like that because it gives soul to the record um then once you pick your soulful part then you can determine what you want to be r b hip-hop um i don't know i don't know you know this trap soul whatever um but for this it's gonna be pretty much hip-hop um so i like to what i like to do is now that i got my big chopper where i want i'm gonna get out of sample i'm gonna go over and i'm gonna tune and what this does is as i press my pad i look to and hear where i want my symbol to be at so you'll see watch [Music] um all right so what i was doing right there i kind of mumble and give little gibberish of a delivery that i can hear over that sample at the at the key that it's in um i don't know the exact key right now but the sound that i have instead of the original [Music] that's the original instead of the original [Applause] [Music] that's why i'm hearing it so [Music] and i kind of like that speed too so now i figure out the tempo that i want my sample that i'm going to create my chops to be it let me see one two three four two two three four and i'm gonna do it double time so it's at 162.56 i don't like the point 56 so i'm gonna take that out just make it 162. all right all right that's my that's where now i'm gonna go ahead and chop it now the way i like to chop it here is um that i like to chop it and with this way i like to auto chop it auto slice it and what i mean by that is i'll press a pad and the sound will continue to play and as i press the pass as the sound the song is going i'm telling machine these are my chops every time i press it or my chops and that's what i'm going to do so well before i chop it let's go back to edit and let's go to stretch and let's stretch it um no i don't want to stretch it so i'm gonna go alpha instead of beat mode i'm gonna go to free because what that does is once i tune my sample it does not change the speed so i'm going to go ahead and tune it so it changed the speed but it did not change it changed the tune but it did not change the speed so here i go with my auto slice [Music] i trip so [Music] there we go so now that i have all eight of my chops [Music] now from there what i'll do is uh i want to clean up my samples [Music] all right so i do like the chops now what i'm going to do is before i do my final chops i am gonna speed it up just a little bit i think i'm gonna go to 120 let's see what they do [Music] so i'm gonna undo that and i'm gonna go down to 110. all right that's cool that'll work now let me go back to assembly let me go back to slicing oh it took away my slices it's okay [Music] so there we go so now i'm hearing i'm sorry i went on a little tangent i'm sorry so now i'm hearing different ways that i can use this sample so now i'm going to do i'm going to go back here and i got to apply my sample so i won't lose them again so what i'll do is i'll hit apply and what machine is saying is why this pad is is blinking i want all of my chops to go to this pad and only this pad and what it'll do is it'll chop up the pad on keys on [Music] that sound dope too i'm sorry but it'll chop it up on the keys and it'll be like on octave c negative two i don't want that i want them directly on all eight of my pads so what i do is i hit group a and what that's telling machine is i want all my chops to be chopped up in group a from one to eight that's what i want to do so i'll click okay and here go all my chops i want to make sure they're all on polyphony one they're all still running into each other so what i have to do from there is go to pad mode i'm gonna put all these on choke group one put all on my choker one so hit it [Music] so what it did was it took all of them put them on trail group one now they're killing each other like it like you doing on fl kill sale for cut all right so now another thing that i like to do is take all of my samples right take all of my samples and change the mode so if i hold group and i change this these are different engines that was in the four different uh npc uh npc drum pads right you got the mpc60 you got the sp 1200 the spl splm sp 1200 hm sp 1200 h now i don't know what these letters stand for but i know they all give it a different sound if you listen you hear that crackle in the back i think this is low low mid high mid high so yeah i'll put them all on sph sp 1200h but now it gives them [Music] it sounds old already now because of me changing this engine that's another thing i like to do when i'm sampling um now let's go ahead and figure out our chops or as a matter of fact um i'm going to pull in a base oh so sorry i got to tell y'all one of the key features of sampling is sound selection sound selection sound selection when you create a sample nine times no i'm sorry at least seven times out of ten you want to go with like a live bass type sound you can do synth basses on certain parts but the live bass just gives it some i don't i don't know it just gives it that that it needs you know what i'm saying so i'm gonna pull in the bass i got the scarby rickenbacker bass it's a real deep rich sounding bass [Music] all right and then i'm gonna pull in some keys and i like to pour in i know we got like alicia's keys or something like that but i don't think i have that one downloaded it take up too much space so i'm going to pick the granular grandeur i guess yeah [Music] cool cool and from there i should be good and i'll make something for the drum so drums what let's close it piano oh base as you know i like to label everything and i'm called the samples all right so let's i'm gonna listen with the metronome and see how i want my chops to be [Music] all right i think i got it i think i got [Music] it one thing i forgot to do let's clear that let's make my pattern four bars and not two [Applause] [Music] i forgot another reason why my sample sounds the way that it does if you go to group and all your samples should be on a filter and what you do is put on low pass no not low pass put on a high pass filter and take out some of that low stuff [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah found my base [Music] [Music] so [Music] quote [Music] all right so cool now i got that [Music] so [Music] so so for live stuff right my go-to drum kit is always cardiac or ill mind or uh oh what's his name uh arab music they have music because those kits sound like live kits like so i like sound selection i like for my sounds to sound like it's coming from an actual uh drum kit because the loops i mean the kick the samples that i cut they already sound soulful so i don't want to take it away from her putting like some urban drums on their mug make them sound bigger with live drones you'll see [Music] loop real quick okay let's go ahead and uh yeah one bar let's undo that let's make it two bars all right now let's cut it let's cut it now the reason that i cut it that's cool i'mma apply and i'm gonna put it on that pad and the reason i put it on that pad is because if i go if i get out of pad mode right it's only here if you only heard a one but if i go into hit shift go to keyboard mode that brings me into all my chops which like i say goes to c negative two so let's hear something [Music] it made chops for me which again i don't want because i like to make my own [Music] there we go [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so i know i went to producer mode on that man i just was turning the whole bunch up into this sound it sounded like a story need to be told on it like i don't know i i like story type of rappers you know i'm saying hotel story nipsy hustle dave east uh jay-z like i like stories about torrey lane like i don't know man it's just something about samples and stuff like that that just makes you listen to the record intently you know what i mean so that's how i like to simple man that's part one that is one way that i like to sample uh part two i'll probably do a r b one and then uh yeah man like i i mean i just got a bunch of story man for for the samples man so thank y'all for tuning in man if you like the video go ahead and give me a thumbs up you know what i'm saying if you um haven't subscribed yet go ahead and subscribe and man if you haven't hit that notification bell right down there so then that way man you know when i'll be shooting my next video i appreciate y'all for listening man and checking me out until then you
Channel: Noisey Neighborz
Views: 15,571
Rating: 4.9331102 out of 5
Keywords: Sampling in Maschine, Sampling, JDilla, 9th Wonder Sampling, 9th Wonder, MPC, Maschine MK3, Maschine Studio, Maschine, ASR10, 9th wonder sampling techniques, j dilla samples, maschine 2, maschine masters, maschine mk3 sampling, maschine studio sampling, sampling in maschine 2, sampling in maschine mk3, sampling in maschine software, sampling in maschine studio, sampling methods, sampling methods statistics, sampling mp3 in maschine, sampling music, sampling techniques
Id: nuYPaiOU6d0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 30sec (2010 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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