Mary is a WARRIOR QUEEN battling the DRAGON, by Bishop Robert Barron

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Our Lady Queen of the Angels West Oh Senora reina de los ah phillips los angeles is not the City of Angels it's a city of the queen of the Angels now I know when you say that the queen of the angels it can sound oh maybe a little pious harmless sentimental oh but when you look at the biblical sources for this idea of Mary as Queen you'll find it's anything but I recommend you start in the 12th chapter of the book of Revelation the last book in the Bible the visionary sees a woman clothed with the Sun with the moon at her feet Our Lady of Guadalupe image comes to mind doesn't it it's no accident the woman clothed in the Sun the moon at her feet and on her head a coronet of twelve stars she's a queen and we find out she's about to give birth however waiting there in front of her ready to devour the child when he comes forth is a dragon we hear the Queen mother gives birth to a son and much to the consternation of the dragon mother and son are spirited away and then we're told then were told but a great war broke out between the dragon and his angels and Saint Michael and his angels now say what you want about that cluster of images it ain't twee and sentimental and harmless Mary is a warrior queen if you want queen of an army of angels now one more little connection go right before the twelfth chapter in the eleventh chapter of the book of Revelation the visionary sees in the heavenly place the Ark of the Covenant you know that box in which the remnants of the Ten Commandments were kept it was a sign of God's presence among his people Israel would carry the Ark of the Covenant into battle the juxtaposition between Ark of the Covenant and the warrior queen is not accidental because who's the true Ark of the Covenant but Mary who bore within her own womb the very presence of God a warrior queen now pressin Queen of Angels of Angels again were in danger of seeing this in a superficial or sentimental way when you think of angels most of us think of maybe those cute little you know naked babies at the edges of of religious paintings right or maybe little cherubs on Christmas cards what's the typical reaction to an angel when he appears in the Bible trust me it's not oh isn't he adorable what's the reaction to an angel we heard it today you hear it every time an angel appears fear don't be afraid the angel has to say fear think for a minute everybody supposin an alien an extraterrestrial from another planet or galaxy appear what would your first reaction be fear undoubtedly right what is it what is it was he one an angel is not just a being from another part of our visible universe nothing as ordinary as then no no an angel is a reality from a higher dimensional system an angel comes from an arena beyond this universe fear fear therefore is the immediate reaction to this extraordinary reality Thomas Aquinas said that an angel is so unique that each angel each individual angel constitutes its own species now think about that for a second what that means think of every human being who's ever lived think of every human being currently living think of every human being who will ever live until the end of time now now gather all of those individuals into one great being that's what one angel is like you know in the Gospel of Luke in the familiar Christmas story a single angel appears members of the shepherds what's their reaction fear yes but then it says I love those then it says a struct EOS of angels appeared and we say host in our most translations but that word in Greek is behind our words strategy and strategic you know why because tortillas means army army with the one angel who's enough to frighten you out of your wits comes an army of angels mary is the queen of the angels mary is a warrior opposed by the dragon but yet she commands this impossibly powerful army and see friends that is very good news for us the Bible knows all about individual sin it's not naive about that it knows all about the fact that we individual sin that were wicked some of the time moreover the Bible knows all about collective sin or institutional and the last oh maybe fifty years in our theology we've been very attentive to this that that cultures and nations institutions can be sinful Bible knows all about that but think now of concentric circles here's the individual sin here's the more collective or institutional sin the Bible knows there's a third and greater dimension which is the spiritual corruption that exists among the Fallen Angels that there's something wrong at a more fundamental at a more cosmic level that there is indeed a warfare going on and this spiritual dysfunction affects our institutions and affects us the good news is we have a warrior queen who commands an army of angels in battle with the dragon and all of his minions yes but she's more powerful she's more powerful now listen to me everybody Angelenos here this is the lady for whom our city is named this is the lady for whom our city is named and what's the point now spiritually for us let's join the struggle with her now mind you this army that she commands does not fight with the puny weapons of the world no no we don't fight with the weapons of the world we don't fight with violence and hatred division an eye for an eye Gandhi said yes making the whole world blind we don't fight that way we don't fight fire with fire making the whole world hotter no no the army of angels fights with the weapons of the Spirit with love and with justice and with compassion with forgiveness but by God they fight by God they fight I'll tell you where that we can fight if I can dig out of my pocket this rosary this simple prayer hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed through vibe Jesus Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners now at the hour of our death what is that oh it's a pie is prayer to cultivate in the privacy of my heart well sure it is of course it is but that prayer is also calling upon the warrior queen it's calling upon the one who is the commander of the angels is the Dragons still operative today look around how immigrants the undocumented are treated I'll be unborn in our country or treated I've heard major level politicians in our country say as boldly as this but a child about to be born within seconds of birth has no constitutional resum the violence that beset sus in our major cities including this one of course the homeless falling increasingly into addiction and marginalization human trafficking which is a scourge around the world and one sadly sadly one of the central places where this takes place is right here in Los Angeles pornography which is drawing more and more people into its grip one of the Centers of it sadly is this centre of entertainment Los Angeles the Dragons still operative with his minions you bet so what's our call is to enter into the army of the queen of the angels who is more powerful than anything that is in the world or outside the world to enter into that army how through love and through forgiveness and through compassion through non-violence through the power of prayer but to do so everybody publicly publicly you know it's a tendency in our culture to say religion ought to be privatized you know it's fine if you want to cultivate this little thing in your heart you want to whisper your convictions among yourselves but that can't be right no as we join the army of the queen of the Angels we do so publicly giving public witness by our love and by our compassion by our prayer by our non-violence we give public witness against the power of the Dragon so everybody that's why we're here today yes to celebrate our city indeed celebrate its roots historically in the great Franciscan missions yes indeed but to pay very special attention to that great title that great title that was given to the city la Senora and Westra said your reina de los cielos Our Lady Queen of the Angels let's claim that title and let's march in her army [Applause]
Channel: Queen of Angels Foundation
Views: 86,052
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Keywords: Warrior Queen, Queen of Heaven, Queen of Angels Foundation, Queenship of Mary, Cosmic Battle, War in Heaven
Id: 4B72DPp7WcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2016
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