"Mary, Did You Know?" Part 1 - Pastor Raymond Woodward

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just talking to him for a moment Jesus I thank you and I praise you for the privilege of standing in your presence clean and free redeemed whole Jesus we're not perfect but you surely are we couldn't do enough to make us holy we couldn't be enough to make us righteous but you did all of that for us and this morning we lift up praise from grateful hearts we lift up worship from lips and voices that have been redeemed today koh-sama de la cara bogus I worship you Jesus I give you praise I give you praise and give you praise I can praise lovely Jesus thank you for being here this morning it's an honor to have you worship with us today god bless you and you may be seated today we're starting a three-part Christmas series pastors going to be preaching over the next few weeks and it's called Mary did you know and as you probably are aware that is the title of a popular modern Christmas song it was written in 1984 when mark Lowry penned the lyrics he'd been asked to write the script for a living Christmas tree presentation at his church and so he sat down at the request of his pastor and he began to write a series of profound questions that he said I wish I could have asked Mary the mother of Jesus and then as they did that presentation that year in 1984 almost 30 years ago these questions were not sung they were spoken between the scenes of that Christmas play over the next seven years Lowry tried to find music that he could put with the lyrics and complete the song several musicians tried he would give them the lyrics and they tried it just didn't fit and finally he gave it to a fellow artist named Buddy Greene as they were traveling together on the Gaither tour bus seven years later in 1991 Buddy Green took that the lyric home over the weekend and he was able to sit down and just put it to beautiful music and as soon as mark Lowry heard it combined he knew that this was exactly the marriage of lyric and music that he'd been waiting for and so for over the last 25 years his song has become a modern day Christmas classic having now been recorded by over 400 different artists and so we took the title of his song is the title of our Christmas series this year it's a beautiful song many people have recorded it and performed it but probably nobody can sing it quite like the original author take a listen mary did you if anybody should be able to celebrate that song it should be people who believe in the oneness of God I wish you lift up your hands and your voice we're not just worshiping the Dead founder of our religion this morning we're worshiping the great I am hallelujah I thank you Jesus I worship You Jesus this morning in this first part of this Christmas series this year I want to unpack just one scripture Luke chapter 1 verse 35 and the angel answered and said unto Mary the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the highest shall overshadow thee therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God when it comes to Mary people tend to go to one of two extremes they either magnify her so much that Jesus ends up taking second place or they ignore her altogether in the scripture Elizabeth called Mary the mother of my lord in Luke 143 and that's the reason we honor her but perhaps the more amazing thing about Mary is that there was nothing amazing about her she was very ordinary an average in fact the only extraordinary thing about Mary was the way she responded to God in humble submission Mary's goodness played no role whatsoever in her selection to be the mother of the Messiah like all of us she did not merit God's grace she did not merit his mercy or his goodness the angel said to Mary hail thou that art highly favoured and that sounds a little grandiose to us in the 21st century but hail or Ave in Latin in that time was a greeting as common as what we would say when we say hello and sadly some because it's a different language from a different time they've taken Gabriel the Angels rather mundane greeting and treated it as though it should be an act of worship or even prayer to marry the angel Gabriel also refers to Mary as being highly favored but that's referring to God blessing her not referring to Mary being able to bless anybody else later when that phrase highly favored was translated into a Latin version of the Bible it became Gracia plena full of grace and unfortunately a doctrinal error arose the church in the Dark Ages began to teach that this grace was in Mary when all the time it was unmerited favor that came from God to Mary and so they've even made Hail Mary Ave Maria you even hear it in Christmas songs it's been turned into a prayer that is still prayed by thousands of sincere people every day but unfortunately that prayer is nowhere in your Bible furthermore it's very obvious throughout the entirety of the New Testament that the New Testament original Apostolic Church never prayed to Mary in fact she's only mentioned one time after the Gospels in acts 1 verse 14 Mary was certainly treated with respect and honor she was certainly cared for but she was just another one of the disciples who were part of the church in the 1st century she didn't possess any special grace she doesn't have any special power or authority to answer prayer or give blessings to people and neither does anybody else except for the Lord Jesus Christ that's why the Bible never tells us to pray in Mary's name it never tells us to pray in the name of a preacher or a church or a denomination but it often tells us to pray in the name of Jesus notice that Gabriel never said to Mary blessed art thou above women Gabriel said in the Gospel accounts blessed art thou among women Mary was not special in fact she was just a poor peasant girl and that's the beauty of the Christmas story none of us have to be special or particularly gifted either God gives his grace to us not because we deserve it but simply because He loves us and he wants us to spend eternity in heaven with him Gabriel's majestic announcement that Mary would become the mother of the Messiah and God's instruction to both her and Joseph in a separate appearance Gabriel gave exactly the same instructions you're to name this baby Jesus Jesus means Jehovah is salvation short story the God of the Old Testament who formed the mountains and traced the rivers with his fingertips he unfolded the heavens with the movement of his hand and he created everything you can see or enjoy or experience that God wrote himself in flesh Jehovah is become salvation that's why the angel said to Joseph thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins nobody else could do that they had tried for thousands of years in all kinds of religion pagan and the Jewish religion they tried to reach to God with good works and observance of his Commandments but that wasn't working but God reversed it and so the king of all the ages said if you can't come to me I'll come to you if you can't reach me I'll reach you if you can't touch me I'll touch you and we're still here 2,000 years later being touched and changed by the hand of Almighty God all because of God's initiative toward us notice exactly what Gabriel says in what he does not say as the son of Mary Jesus would be human but when he called him the son of the highest the angel was telling her he'll also be divine he shall be great not you Mary he shall be great he shall be called he shall be given a throne he shall reign and of his kingdom there shall be no end the emphasis there and everywhere in the Gospels everywhere in the Bible is totally on the greatness of Jesus not on the greatness of his mother Gabriel is not alone in this Proclamation about Jesus the 600 years before God ever robed himself in flesh the majestic prophet Isaiah spoke and he told us specifically that Jesus is the center of all of scripture for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given that's the humanity part but the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counsellor the mighty God the everlasting father and the Prince of Peace so yes Jesus was fully human that's why he can identify with you when you're tired and weak and lonely and sick and hurting and full of pain and disappointment and disillusionment that's why he feels your pain but Jesus was more than just somebody who can identify with you he was also God fully God manifest in the flesh so that means he can acknowledge your hurt but then he can heal your hurt he can acknowledge your sickness but he can heal your body he can acknowledge your weakness but then he can give you strength this is the Jesus that we worship and this is the beauty of the Christmas message God took on a human nature that he had never had before so that someday humanity could take on a spiritual nature that we had never had before they've written it in many forms I just picked one there's many authors that have kind of put pen to paper and I just picked one as a man he was born and laid in a manger but his God the angels and the shepherds and the wise men all worshipped him as a man he was subject to his parents but as God he could command legions of angels to do his bidding as a man the Bible says he increased in wisdom and stature but as God the Bible says in him were all the treasures of knowledge and wisdom as a man he converse with an anonymous woman at a well but as God he could read her mind and tell her everything that she'd ever done as a man he got hungry after 40 days of fasting but as God he could feed famishing thousands by multiplying a few handfuls of bread into a feast as a man he thirsted when he was in agony on the cross but as God he was the fountain of living water to all his people as a man he grew weary and had to rest but as God he has all power in heaven and in earth as a man he had nowhere to even lay his head he was a popper but as God he owned and owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills as a man he slept during a storm in the hind or part of a ship but as God he stood up and he rebuked that storm and even the wind and the waves had to obey his will oh my goodness as a man he wept at the grave of his friend Lazarus but as God he turned around and said Lazarus come forth as a man he was arrested in Gethsemane by a band of strong soldiers but as God the second he acknowledged his identity and said his name to them I am they all fell to the ground as a man he hung in agony on an old rugged cross but as God when he cried out from that cross the sky darkened and the earth quaked and creation moved in accordance with his words as a man he was buried in a borrowed tomb but as God three days later Jesus conquered hell death and the grave when he arose no wonder the angel said to Mary the Holy Ghost is going to come upon thee it's going to be the power of the highest that overshadows thee it's going to be a holy thing that's born in you and he shall be called the Son of God Gabriel explained to Mary that this would be an absolute miracle the work of the Holy Spirit of God Joseph would not be father of this child and Mary was the one person on earth that knew for certain that was true rather this baby would be a holy thing and would not share the sinful nature of man the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians 5:21 that Jesus knew no sin the Bible says in 1st Peter 2:22 that Jesus did no sin and the Bible says in first John 3 and 5 that Jesus had no sin and since he knew no sin and he did no sin and he had no sin that's exactly why he was the only one who could save us from our sin his body was prepared for him by the Spirit of God according to Hebrews 10 verse 5 the same spirit that overshadowed Mary that very same expression overshadow you is used to describe the presence of God that dwelt in the Holy of Holies in the tabernacle the same expression is used in exodus 40 verse 35 because Jesus was Almighty God in a human body just the same as it was a physical human put together tabernacle but God's presence dwelt in the Holy of Holies the Incarnation that we will talk about almost non-stop for the next month is one of the most powerful revelations in the Word of God and it was the plan of God from the foundation of the world we sometimes think we have accurate information about the first Christmas just because we've heard others repeat commonly accepted information so often that it just seems right to us it sounds right it can be a bit disconcerting to us to find out that we actually don't have our facts straight sometimes when it comes to the Christmas story for example I think almost all of us picture Jesus being born in a stable with animals present but the Bible never says any of that it only says that he was laid in a manger after his birth according to Luke 2 verse 7 we picture shepherds and three wise men ever told three in Scripture by the way but we picture the shepherds and the three wise men standing together at the manger but the Bible tells us that by the time the wise men arrived to worship Him Jesus was two years old and living in a house Matthew 2 verse 11 and verse 16 and we picture everybody following a star to the manger but that just didn't happen the Shepherd's from the fields near Bethlehem were the only ones who came to see Jesus on the night of his birth and they didn't see a star rather they followed some very strange instructions from an angel and these instructions seemed very vague to us and the angel said unto them fear not for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people for unto you Is Born This Day in the City of David a savior which is Christ the Lord and here's your sign you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger now that is an incredibly vague sign to follow pastor Jack preached an incredibly powerful message last December on the evening of December 20 20th just before Christmas just before we headed out for our Christmas celebrations if you haven't heard it if you weren't here if you don't remember it you need to go back and watch it was a powerful message and I was reading a book in a plane where else reading a book and and and they reference the same thing and it just brought it all flooding back and and and this is the point what kind of a sign is that lying in a manger really there are hundreds of majors around Bethlehem in every old burn to feed all the animals that people keep this is an agrarian farming society that's like me saying don't worry here's your sign you'll find a baby lying in a crib in Fredericton that is hardly a sign unless like so many other things we've overlooked in the Christmas story those instructions were not vague at all but they were very very specific remember that it was the prophet Micah who told us that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem Ephrata when we put the pieces together we find that Micah was even more specific than that here's the verse but thou Bethlehem Ephratah though thou be little among the thousands of Judah yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel whose goings forth have been from old from ever lasting Bethlehem Ephrata by the way Bethlehem Bethlehem is the house of bread Africa comes from a root word which means blood so in the place where Jesus was born he was born in the house of bread and blood when he took up those emblems at his last supper that had already been prophesied thirty three and a half years ago everything in your Bible is there on purpose there's nothing accidental or incidental in the scripture the first time we see Bethlehem Ephrata is not Micah it's more than a thousand years before when a precious lady named Rachel dies bringing her son Benjamin into the world Genesis 35 and Rachel died it was buried in the way to Ephrathah ferrata which is Bethlehem and Jacob said a pillar upon her grave that is the pillar of Rachel's grave unto this day and Israel journeyed and he spread his tent beyond the tower of Adar now tower in Hebrew is McDonald so this is McDonough Aadhaar which literally means the tower of the flock that was the title of the message pastor Jack preached about 11 months ago powerful message the tower of the flock was a watchtower for the Shepherd's to watch over there flocks that grazed in the surrounding countryside they usually had two floors and there were many such structures in ancient Israel but McDowell Aadhaar took on a very special meaning because rachel's tomb was nearby and as time went on McDowell Aadhaar became even more important because of the unclean nature of shepherding at the time of the Gospels the only place that one could Shepherd a flock was in the wilderness far away from where everyone else lived because we didn't want to make the cities or the towns or the villages unclean so you didn't Shepherd sheep you didn't keep a flock of sheep near a city it was in the wilderness always with only one exception because hundreds of lambs were needed for temple sacrifices and these flocks needed to be kept in close proximity to Jerusalem thankfully just five miles away from Jerusalem was a little village we know as Bethlehem Ephrata with its hills and valleys perfect for grazing sheep and so Bethlehem became the one place in all of Israel where sacrificial lambs were raised it was close to Jerusalem so those lambs were raised specifically for sacrifice and on the edge of Bethlehem was a tower that looked like this tower and it was called McDonald Aadhaar the tower of the flock the Talmud Jewish writing states that all cattle as far as McDowell Aadhaar were deemed to be holy and could only be used for temple sacrifices so you didn't keep sheep anywhere close to Jerusalem except in that little piece of land between Jerusalem and the Tower of the flock McDonald Aadhaar Bethlehem Bethlehem was five miles away the tower was four miles away so right in that vicinity is where Shepherds kept sheep so that those sheep could be raised and examined and if they were perfect if they were without spot or blemish if they had no deformity then and only then with those Shepherds that specific group of shepherds not just any random Shepherd that specific group of shepherds in Bethlehem then they would deliver those sheep to the Temple in Jerusalem five miles away to be sacrificed it was in the lower level of this tower where newborn lambs if they were spotless if they had no deformity no injury no marking no blemish if they were spotless they were brought to the lower level of this tower to be wrapped in long strips of cloth bound tightly so that they couldn't thrash around when they were brand-new just born and hurt themselves and become injured or damaged or blemished and thus unfit for the sacrifice and so the Shepherd's that tended these lambs in Bethlehem we think they're just every other ordinary kind of shepherd but they're not these Shepherds alone were skilled in discerning exactly what was a perfect lamb and what was an imperfect lamb these men were not ordinary shepherds they were an integral part of the temple system without the Shepherd's of Bethlehem Israel had no sacrificial lambs for the temple offerings and these are the Shepherds that the angel appeared to not any other random group of shepherds these shepherds the Bethlehem shepherds the temple system shepherds the shepherds that spent their whole life examining lambs to see if they were perfect and spotless that's why when the angel said to these shepherds see the angel could have appeared to any other group of shepherds they wouldn't had a clue what the angel was talking about but when the angel said to these shepherds and this shall be a sign unto you you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes what's that there's one place that these Shepherds know we're swaddling bands are used and they're used for the spotless lambs that are headed to the temple for the sacrifice that's the only kind of lamb in Israel that ever has a swaddling band them and the angel says you're gonna find this baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger and when they heard that there's only one manger that they're familiar with it's the manger in the tower of the flock just outside of Bethlehem where every spotless sacrificial lamb was taken it's an incredibly specific location the manger within McDowell Adar where sacrificial lambs were born and wrapped in swaddling bands and inspected you got to get this by this same group of shepherds so when the angel says what to us is very vague go find the baby he'll be wrapped in swaddling clothes he'd be lying in a manger there would be thousands and thousands of majors in a farming society like Israel in the first century but they didn't say we need clarification because these Shepherds knew exactly what that angel was talking about they knew exactly where to go on the night of Jesus birth they knew exactly where to go to meet up with Mary and Joseph because these Shepherds for generations had trained all of their lives for this very moment it was a few verses before five verse two that Micah spoke these words and thou ow'st tower of the flock amygdala Adar the stronghold of the daughter of Zion unto thee unto the tower shall it come even the first Dominion the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem Luke's original audience that he was writing to they would have immediately picked up on the significance of the angel appearing to Shepherd's in Bethlehem because they knew we don't know but they knew that when you said Bethlehem you were saying sacrificial lambs to save Bethlehem Ephrata was to say a lamb led to the sacrifice and they certainly would have recognized the significance of Jesus being laid in the manger where all the other perfect spotless lambs were laid and they certainly would have recognized the significance of Jesus being wrapped with swaddling clothes like every other perfect spotless sacrificial lamb no doubt many of them even remembered that prophecy on the screen right there that the Messiah codenamed the first Dominion code named the kingdom that the Messiah would be revealed at McDowell adair the Tower of the flock it was a powerful prophetic sign just because we're two thousand years later living in a different country speaking a different language with different customs in a different hemisphere of the world don't miss the power of the Bible that you carry in a church everything in it is there for a reason it's a powerful prophetic eternal book no wonder the Shepherd's the Bible says they came with haste how could they do that they could come with haste because they've been at this spot many many times before they came with haste they found Mary and Joseph but that wasn't who they were looking for because Mary was not the star of the show on the first Christmas they found Mary and Joseph and the babe lying in a manger they weren't looking for the mother they weren't looking for the stepfather they weren't looking for animals or wise men or any other shepherds they were just looking for one thing because if they saw the child wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger that was a prophetic picture to everyone of those shepherds that had worked the temple system for all of their lives they realized oh my goodness God has given us a signal that this child is the spotless sinless perfect sacrificial lamb and it's not just for the sins of his drill it's for the whole world this is Masai oh my goodness and when they had seen it they made known abroad we missed this in Scripture they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child they didn't just go and say hey we saw an unwed mother they didn't just go and say we saw a little popper couple with a little baby there was no room for them in the inn and so they had to go somewhere else to a burn no that's not what they said because it probably wasn't a burn it was the tower of the flock it was a prophetic spot Micah didn't just prophesy Bethlehem he prophesied with pinpoint accuracy the exact location where Jesus would be laid in a manger and all they that heard the Shepherd's wondered at those things which he told them by the shepherds it just ran through all of Israel at the time in the first century but Mary she kept all these things and pondered them in her heart it's a good question you know Mary did you know I don't think there's any way she could have possibly known she knew Jesus was virgin born she knew that she knew about the prophecy Simeon and Anna had given over Jesus she knew all of that but I don't know if she really got it that the baby in her womb was Jehovah God manifest in flesh I don't know how you'd understand that we've got 2,000 years of preaching and teaching in history and doctrine and we still grappled with the concept of the mighty God in Christ how could it be both God and man how in the world would a teenage girl understand that so it's a fair question mary did you know but it wasn't long before Mary began to figure it out she watched Jesus grow up and he was just like those other lambs that had been laid in that manger at the tower of the flock he was sinless spotless perfect and then he grows up and we start to read things like this in Scripture John the Baptist sees Jesus coming to him and he says behold the lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world where did that title come from came from the tower of the flock the Lamb that takes away the sin not just of Israel not just for one year but the sin of the world forever we start to read it in the writings of Peter for as much as you know church you were not redeemed with corruptible things like silver and gold you didn't get this from your vain conversation this wasn't received by tradition from your father's if you're just a Pentecostal because you were raised Pentecostal let me tell you something your Pentecostal for the wrong reason this is not a denomination it's not an inheritance it's not a legacy it's not a family lineage Pentecost is an experience you're either a first generation Pentecostal or you're not a Pentecostal at all you weren't redeemed that way other people might trust in that for their religion but you were redeemed with the precious blood of Christ by the watch watch as of a lamb without blemish and without spot from the first moment of his birth the holy angels announced with pinpoint accuracy the exact spot where Jesus would be laid and doesn't it make sense despite all of our Christmas tradition set out your manger scene it's wonderful it's beautiful but don't ever forget that we're reading that through a 2000 year different grid we're reading that Eastern culture through Western eyes don't ever forget that the Bible's way more accurate than a random barn out on the edge of town and a random manger that had been used by all kinds of filthy animals nope nope nope nope nope it was a ceremonially clean place where spotless sinless lambs were brought wrapped in swaddling bands and then the priests would examine them to make sure they didn't make an error but before the priests ever examined them you know who examined them the Shepherds only one certain group of shepherds the Bethlehem Shepherd's doesn't it make sense that God from his holy heaven on the night of his incarnation when he took on a body of flesh doesn't it make sense that he would call the Bethlehem Shepherd's whose job it was to certify that a lamb spotless and sinless and pure without blemish without harm those shepherds came to the manger that night you are redeemed with the precious blood of Christ watch as of a lamb without blemish and without spot just one last Scripture Jesus isn't just the sacrificial lamb that was laid in the tower he's also the tower the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run a--the into it and it's a what are you trying to say pastor Raymond I'm trying to say Jesus is everything he's the lamb he's the tower he's the rock he's the fortress he's the shield I'm just trying to say he's everything and the entire Bible that you carry with you to church the entire Bible that seated on your put on your car seat or on your coffee table at home that entire Bible points to the sinless spotless lamb of Bethlehem and later of Calvary Christian do you understand what kind of power has come upon you do you understand that the power of the highest didn't just overshadow Mary now because of the Holy Ghost its overshadowed you do you understand that if the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead if the same spirit that caused Mary to be pregnant with the Son of God if that same spirit dwell in you the Holy Ghost it will quicken your mortal body Mary was just an ordinary girl but God used her to change the world we're just ordinary average everyday people but everything changes the moment that the Holy Ghost comes into your life everything changes the moment that the power of the highest overshadows you everything changes when the Holy Ghost comes upon you yeah you're just average just like me yeah you're just ordinary just like me Mary was ordinary Joseph was ordinary Peter and Paul James and John all the rest were ordinary people but the Spirit of God overshadowed them the Spirit of the Lord the glory of the highest the power of heaven came on them no wonder the Holy Ghost is called power from on high it's the same spirit that overshadowed Mary the power of the highest what a privilege it is to have the Holy Ghost what a privilege it is to know this Jesus what a privilege it is to walk into a Christmas season that so many people think is just about activity and shopping and all kinds of wonderful things there's nothing wrong with any of it family and food and friends it's wonderful but we know the missing piece because that's not all Christmas is Christmas is death that the God of all eternity who could have lived in eternity forever and not missed one of us he has all power he can create anything he wants he doesn't need us in his heaven but he wants us in his heaven and so he came to earth so he could have us in his heaven he came and he took on flesh so we could take on his holiness that's the God we are gathered to worship this morning I need everybody that's full of the Holy Ghost power from on high I need you to lift your hands right now even before you stand on your feet I need you to get your hands in the air and I need you to begin to adore this one called Jesus I need you to begin to praise him because see you're full of the Holy Ghost the power from on high overshadows you the power from heaven walks with you you're full of the same power that raised Jesus from the dead you're full of the same power that could arrange an incarnation you're full of the same power that could heal the lame and the blind and the main you're full of the same power that could crack Lazarus grave open that's good news because one day Jesus is gonna crack open the grave of every person that knows him and serves him and is filled with his spirit ended up a boy yamasa stand to your feet great Church lift up your hands and lift up your voice and give Jesus praise in this building not an ordinary average Sunday morning praise I'm talking about a Christmas praise God was manifest in the flesh for me God was nailed to a cross for me God in that body he rose and conquered death hell and the grave for me hey Dale Abajo Giselle aha and illuminate that okay sir yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes and I know it's Sunday morning and I know it's kind of like dinnertime and dismissal time I got that but you know what we've got five minutes to get in the presence of God because where Jesus is anything can happen when the power of the highest is filling people and moving through people any miracle can happen anything that Jesus did in the Gospels he can do here this morning anything that Jesus did in the Bible he can do for you Church I need you to pray right now and I need a bunch of you to start taking a walk toward the altar if you got a problem if you got a situation if you need a healing if you need deliverance if you need a blessing if you need a miracle see the cod that cracked open eternity to come to earth he's still here he's not here in a manger anymore but he is here this mornin through people that are filled with his spirit the power of the highest that was on Mary I got good news for you it's still here this morning because it rests on the people of God it lives in the people of God people who are full of the Holy Ghost thank you for responding just as you're coming please come to the front as far as you can bakery for everybody and those of you that are out on the sides can I get you to just step toward the middle just a bit because I want us to pray for everybody just step toward the middle just a little bit guys over here just step toward the middle just a little bit folks over here just step toward the middle just a little bit everybody's welcome everybody's welcome send a lava lake or a Baba everybody in this building that needs a miracle and there are several of us if you need a miracle I want you to lift your hands right now I'm not going to ask you what kind of miracle it is but let me tell you it could be a miracle of healing from sickness it could be a miracle that that that brings something into your life that is lacking it's gone it's destroyed it could be a miracle that literally creates something out of nothing for you God's done that in the past if you need a miracle I want you to lift your hands now I would like you to look around you can look around with your hands lifted and get your hand in somebody else's here and lift a bunch of hands together right now in the name of Jesus let the power of Jehovah the Great God of the Old Testament let the power of Jesus that body of flesh that was also the god of the creation that God of eternity the God of the Old Testament let the power of Jesus flow here this morning I pray in the name of Jesus that every sickness be healed I pray in the name of Jesus then every addiction be broken I pray in the name of Jesus that homes be put back together that marriages be mended hey Dale Emma hogan-sama I pray in the name of Jesus from backsliders right now somebody in this altar is praying over somebody that's not even here today I pray over backsliders right now hey ba na soloq aoyama-san de la mente de l'eau de la calle masa Mendota de parler de la vas yes sir yes Jesus yes Jesus oh don't stop praying Jesus is proven and we got some brand-new friends with us in the altar this mornin come on church pray in the name of Jesus yes yes in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in Anibal Lucia Sava in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus yes yes so del America Rajesh AMA mandola Malaysia Sabah place toda la vie a terrible son so the la Malaysia yes
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 8,115
Rating: 4.7565217 out of 5
Keywords: mary, did, you, know, preaching, preach, sermon, upc, upci, united, pentecostal, church, international, capital, community, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, canada, ccc, raymond, woodward, christmas, holiday, apostolic, series
Id: jYTSWJ426Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 47sec (2687 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2016
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