Marvel's Midnight Suns Walkthrough Part 1 No Commentary

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[Music] thank you know how much I hate this Hocus Pocus nuts that's fastest now you want to tell me just what the hell is so important [Music] [Music] sleeping mother sacred Harbinger awaken and reclaim what is yours you will rise the moon in darkness who prepares the path for the Midnight Sun less Eyes Upon Us and arise nice show Doc next time call Seymour yet I'll just shoot you and save us all the trouble thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay you did that one on purpose the fabric of magic is unwinding we are fortunate to be here at all and where is here exactly Salem Massachusetts well a pocket dimension in Salem Massachusetts oh suburbs nice Welcome to The Abbey home of the Midnight Sun [Music] Junior demon League wait it's that jerk from TVs which one now if everyone would just take a moment enough foreign [Music] a long time Sarah it's caretaker now if I could have avoided this moment I would oh spare me the speech I know Lila's back we're sisters after all [Music] we're suddenly invisible now [Music] no one can argue that the hunter earned their rest in the first battle against Lilith I only hope they are up for the task once more you Wizards always make everything sound so lofty I raised my sister's only child as a weapon against her and saved the world in the process now you want me to dig them up and ask them to do it again I did not write the prophecy Sarah besides I am no common grave Robert we are simply reuniting their ethereal Essence with their Corporal form speaking of it would help to have a mental image for the procedure spare no detail spiritual identity theft is no laughing matter [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] child of light and darkness came the night fear the voice of those who beseech the end the caller wait [Music] what [Music] mother so that's a good thing right [Music] laughs Sarah [Music] where is she as far as Resurrection spells are concerned I've seen worse particularly on myself Tony come on it's perfectly safe that thing wakes up and takes a bite out of you don't blame me visiting hours are over it's the year forever nowhere else I should be just saw that start guy poking around that I knewed it find me as soon as they awaken and played be nice always am [Music] [Music] so cold but the air burns with every breath has it been so long I know this place in my dreams it was always empty Sons I am not alone I have to admit Hunter you make one hell of an entrance guess that makes two of us you should have struck when you had the chance vampire you will not live to regret your error q and caretaker told me to be nice relax Slayer I'm a friend you just don't know it yet yes I saw you with Sarah before but what would she want with a Vampire unless the name's blade and I'm No Ordinary vampire I get you've been out of commission but I thought you noticed since we're having this little Showdown under the freaking Sun a damp here day Walkers were a myth even to me says to half human half demon Monster Hunter I do and I must admit I'm curious tell me day Walker how did you come to be long story and is still not over we managed not to kill each other for a while and maybe I'll tell you one day I accept your challenge right as much as I'd love to see how much weirder this conversation can go we should probably get moving agreed the prophecy is in motion I can feel it we have wasted too much time here already man the others are really gonna love you others yeah you've got a little fan club I think but why spoil the surprise hope you're up for the challenge Chosen One hold up did I miss something Hunter not sure if you remember me but we met briefly before I'm the witch who called me back from the grave told you or Nico but neither works and this is Robbie Reyes oh man never thought I'd be standing next to you got quite a rip I mean caretakers told us that's Iliana and I think you already met played has reformed the midnight Suns whoa how did you your power I can feel it I always do so welcome home I guess we I never left right well we can fast forward through the tour then The Abbey is still well you know yeah basic stuff dorms War Room Library a few places to chill and uh whatever the hell forges I have to say for a Honda transient Castle raised on the cursed grounds of Old Salem it's pretty cozy [Music] of course that doesn't stop us from adding some improvements we can all thank Robbie for the Wi-Fi [Music] oh and one more thing we've got some new house guests now you think we're a Fun Bunch just wait until you meet them yeah okay spent 10 minutes in this place along Bruce Nancy oh so let's begin [Music] there isn't time for a refresh prophecies be damned it's good to see that face again you look like it was yesterday would you look older [Music] how long was I in that Crypt Sarah no more than a few centuries you were missed centuries and what of Lilith Fallen by your hand until now yeah so speaking of Lilith Tony what the kids literally speaking of Lilith Tony that's my name Tony that's uh Carol and Dr spooky over there here to help help with what exactly oh I don't know throwing the magic amulet into the volcano smiting the dragon mother you tell us kid you are the chosen one after all do you recall anything of that last encounter child it was [Music] hazy oh a voice that's it a voice that's what we have to go on results of your long sleep most likely a minor inconvenience everything required to restore those memories is contained within my sanctum I will simply alert Wanda to prepare the necessary rituals foreign caused by this little pocket dimension of yours perhaps Agatha can help allow me a lotto well what kind of network you run in there the All-Seeing Eye of a rashkiggle who judges bound to Enchanted Babylonian Soul glass we just call it the mirror table Wanda Stephen where are you impossible nothing on Earth could possibly affect those Wars Wanda's in trouble Wanda is troubled you'll need my help of course then let us make haste doctors our hunt begins now foreign with everything going on right now [Music] even given the are you ready the prophecy of the midnight sun does not linger and neither should we Lilith possesses the dark old if she forced her way into my sanctum sanctorum once I suspect she can do it again you are a sorcerer Supreme can you not predict her movements normally yes but since your mother breached the sanctum my sense of the future has grown volutinous in nature is that another language or fuzzy my predictions are fuzzy [Music] for the first time a sorcerer's Supreme I cannot foresee how the future unfolds and with my Apprentice in danger we cannot hurry your sanctum Will Survive we shall see to that indeed this sanctum Santorum has weathered its fair share of trouble over the years Blaze storms a few short-tempered celestials that issue with the zoning Commission it's time it feels different I do not doubt Wanda's capability but without my predictive Acumen I cannot bolster the wards should she need it still the words are woven into the sanctum's very essence they should hold in any case or will be revealed with time I suggest we make use of it while it still functions we should hurt as much as I'd love to hear a first-hand account of your exploits timepiece about time not just about time Mr Brooks time space reality the building blocks of magic all must be constant for my portals to work properly we now know that is no longer the case we've heard several times otherwise I would still be hunting dread maidens in my sleep indeed and while I certainly appreciate the view of this Vista I feel to see how it will hasten our return to the sanctum magic is the answer no as I've just stated magic is the problem your magic is not ours the ground you are standing on exists within two worlds a mystical Anchor Point to ileana's realm that allows her to well I'll just let her show you [Music] [Music] [Music] any more questions you are standing in limbo [Music] Nexus of all realities chaotic but secret Realm influence of Lilith the far are you certain of that because I am sensing all kinds of dark energy that feeling you're being watched General hellho Vibe yes all these potentialities converging at once truly surprising feat Miss Rasputin for someone so young of course it's crazy wait till you see Manhattan from here a magic can open gateways to just about anywhere on our planet and Beyond we don't want to risk punching through the ward hey I'm walking here all I ate today was a bagel [Applause] [Music] well at least we know the wards of protection are still in place I suggest we hurry [Music] arm Alpha in position [Music] no one's getting through welcome to New York [Music] I hesitate to call this Good News but I'm seeing minimal Hydro resistance between you and the sanctum looks can be deceiving I'm afraid there's no ways of protection foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe you should teach me that one thank you we serve until the end all right that hurt a bit Lilith will not be pleased with your efforts on camera nearing position that gamma Spike we detected in your area seems to be growing let's assume that's not a good thing Gamma or not I feel the hand of my mother at work here weak even for Hydra [Music] shoot up here how invigorating [Applause] foreign [Music] payback's gonna be fun someone feel a breeze Wanda is calling out to me I feel her struggle and to concentrate ah and I won't be doing that again [Music] just what this battle requires [Music] Lilith herself could not best what makes you think you are fair any better [Music] you are lucky to still be breathing [Music] a hurt [Music] that gamma signature I mentioned you can add seismic activity to it now I suggest you make your way to the sanctum immediately yeah I think we get the message what club that was really something you might have to show off for me Blaine [Music] misguided as they are remember Hydra is still human Hunter not Lily you were saying that lifeblood of the mother pumps through our veins the mother is eternal Hydra is what [Music] weakening cannot let them [Music] foreign the neighborhood association is not going to like this nope I'll handle it is not too bad [Music] [Music] well that certainly escalated quickly do I even want to know what that Beast is it calls itself Venom until now a pale imitation of a very heroic young friend of mine we will feed your ugly tongue to the spiders oh [Music] look at yourself the endless search for wealth and power of passion [Music] Fragile the nurse fragile [Music] the time's up these jumps [Music] Looking Good Feeling Good we will crack your tiny bones it seems I'm indisposed [Music] this house belongs to Lovin and you belong to us we should start with your juicy entrance them slowly favored your delicious brains thankfully no [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I thought man things [Music] am I no pain the light is on our side [Music] first you die then we eat [Music] like being hit by the B Trainor okay support you it's on the move [Music] we may not be ready for this thing yet might be smarter to pull back until we know what we're up against here I shall fill your belly with my plate [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you oh terrible [Music] mother blesses us with power we [Music] hand our rewarded with your meat and to think Lilith was a vegetarian [Music] there won't be a next time time [Music] No Escape From Me demons hold up we don't know what we're dealing with yet [Music] foreign [Music] you know being friendly seemed like you folks could use a hand doc [Music] Spiderman please Eddie what happened to you that's part of a horrifyingly terrible New Look the tongue was gross enough but whoa someone is extra touchy today [Music] suck the girl it's always nice to see you too buddy so I'm thinking your friends here could use a little break how about I take Eddie here for his afternoon walk don't worry doc that's just his way take care [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] congratulations new world or not some things remain unchanged the look what look boldly charging head first into the jaws of your enemy courageously risking the lives of yourself and your teammates play the hero this is the fire dragon all over again fire Dragoon my memories may be fragmented but as I recall I killed the bastard and all it cost was a village ah of course I see it now the look cut him some slack it wasn't that simple it never is which is why I sent you to help if Spider-Man hadn't come along today we could have lost far more than the sanctum or Wanda she means I could have died again putting an end to her Eternal Crusade against my mother you've been through a lot for now it's enough that you all made it back in one piece or less [Music] we'll talk more later get some rest foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: DaBAZzMan
Views: 187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: streamer, marvel, spider-man, call of duty, apex, puppy, dogs, pet, ps5, xbox, podcast, talkshow, discussion
Id: DBuLTwN6xbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 30sec (2370 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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