First Look - The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie (Live Stream)

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[Music] thank you good morning Draven here back on a Saturday morning and good morning uh Hey push no luck that's how you both today let me just get a shout out done for another box first very good I've never done I wish I could hear the clips yeah Trails into rivers we're splitting this morning up a little bit um we will be playing Tales of Asperia after I do a quick First Look of the legend of Hughes Trails into reverie hey I'm probably just going to do this for about an hour depends where the cutscenes end and stuff but I'm I'm just aiming for about an hour and then we'll go back onto the details um so yeah looks very up early yeah this is um this is it's way through the series um but this is coming out next week well on the 7th of July that's coming out um developed by a Nikon Nikon Falcon and published by Nas America yeah it takes place after Cold Steel four uh there's there is going to be a lot of spoilers it's sort it's it's sort of bringing the cross bell arc on the cold steel arcs to a conclusion before they move on to the kyuno kaseki um games I think they're they're doing an English translation of that soonisheki I probably mispronouncing that um I mean I I've only played Sky one and half of sky 2. in the legend of the Heroes series I do have all the games I do plan to play them all um by the time I get to this one I'll forgotten everything so um but yeah there will be spoilers I don't know what um we're going to see for the first hour but I'm guessing there will be spoilers and I have to say there will be spoilers uh I like to thank NIS America very much for the game key and it's very much appreciated um as usual it wouldn't affect any of the pins like space during this video since they are my own and but yeah it's coming out North America Europe on July the 7th on switch PlayStation 4. PlayStation 5 and PC it looks like it's come out to ANZ I always it always tells me a and said I presume that's Australia and New Zealand is coming out a week later they're July the 14th um so yeah thanks again to NIS America um so yeah let's load this up give a look um and see what we think there's no price they never publicize their prices beforehand but yeah let's hit because I have to go into my library to play this thing yeah you're going to be able to carry on your your saves from what I read from the previous games so any sort of relationships are built up in the previous games will carry it over okay Byron is currently mirroring his head off I'm hoping my Capture Card streamlab issues resolved if the game freezes on my stream and I will have to restart streamlabs it seems to be the only way to get around it is definitely stream a streamlabs issue it looks like but I did tell it um record and stuff most of yesterday just as a test right I have my controller set up oh yeah this is very handy and if you haven't played any other games yeah there might be spoilers Snorlax if you haven't played any other games they've given you a synopsis some sort of story summaries from the previous games so you can catch up so you can start this one straight away so it's quite a nice nice thing [Music] um a nice idea isn't it I think so this is the cross Bale that is carrying up it's trying to close and that's the cold steel yeah we can ping you if you want no locks as I'm only doing about an hour so [Music] and then we'll get back to um fisperia wait we're gonna hit the new game I think well let's just check Sans first and there's a lot of settings I've got auto advance messages Auto saves every five minutes very nice let's just go over to here it's okay I feel no idea what that is foliage draw distance so let's show that oh we can have that Ultra camera Unlimited enable super sampling partially transpire or success foliage oh we'll just shove that one let's just uh [Music] what's that do high GPU performance impact [Music] hey let's just try it all out huh oh we don't like motion blur okay we'll leave all that as it is I think I believe I like that yeah I absolutely hate motion blur this makes me feel sick and it respond it takes away the [Music] I like I like the graphics I don't like this other Graphics ruined by being blurred out wait let's let's go over that all right new game let's leave it on normal yeah and I just don't like that I like to see everything clearly [Music] it might not be realistic but hey it's a game special rewards from store for system data from trials is here twice to zero Okay so this is where it's looking for your saved games I I haven't completed those two so I'm not I'm gonna say no at the moment [Music] and the same with that so you're going to get some extra stuff harder than if you've played the other games [Music] so it'll carry over certain details and provide special bonus in the game and from four no [Music] I do plan to stream all these at some point in the future but it'll be quite a way away five months after the Continental War Western zamuria cross Bell City it already looks very nice the time has come for us to rise rise and reclaim our Imperial Pride foreign victory was within our grasp and yet the foolish cowards who govern us chose to abandon it but though they may turn a blind eye to the threat of the East you know as well as we do them with it and the Imperial Army turntail and fled but we can still take up arms and fight sounds like you're speakers all who resist us and reign supreme over the continent the toll will be gone in September of 1206. conflict broke between the arabonian Empire and the Republic of kalvarg one now known as the battle of yorman gonder your manga under I don't know yet despite this unprecedented skill and this world war came to a close in a mere two days this was due to no small part to the largely uncelebrated efforts of a few men and women but at the end of October while all lies were on the post-war restoration another unforeseen crisis broke out in the crossbow the governor of General's peacekeeping Force originally stationed in the region upon its annexation their urbania chose to defy the professional government of arabunia's orders to return and occupied the city in an armed coup their goal was none other and to demand the resumption of the war due to the international climate just after the end of the war the empire was incapable of direct intervention through an appeal by its representative Chancellor Carl regnitz the in custody Rufus albaria made a plea to the IDF but to no avail the provisional government and ideas careful negotiations continued to stall as fears of an armed intervention from Culvert mounted I keep thinking of IMF every type IDF comes up I keep taking IMF impossible mission Force or Mission Impossible of course wasn't it it was impossible it was that IMF I'm sure it was IMF even though it was mission impossible the end of year came and went and crossbows placed under a military occupation for three and a half months [Music] however there was something the IDF hadn't realized in the face of never-ending oppression a light Shone in the eyes of cross billions that refused to be extinguished short while longer citizens of crossfell or soon we will we will ignorant to open their eyes and see we must we must write how much longer do we have to suffer like this dominating samuria all we wanted was p you there it's the traitorous talk I hear so you've sided with the Rebellion then have you the hell is this I've just pulled the plug what's happening to the broadcast hold up isn't that the yeah yeah it totally is it's them cop I like the taunt hello one and all we are our conceal we are here to share the completed version of our preview performance one born from sweat tears and love for our craft thank you thank you for being here with us this marks our official return to the stage and we hope we've made it worth the wait may your hearts sing cross Bell as you bear witness to the greatest performance zamuria has to offer the star the moon and the sun's Radiance bid you welcome to the dream of a million nights it's very well voice actor doesn't it I think anyway [Music] [Applause] our girls are back what's going on that's enough yeah oh you're hello sweethearts well time to play are you ready vald huh been ready now let's race some hell [Music] twin Arcane Gail fine blade of wind all clear on my endarios hermani Olia let's take him out in one go I'll be right here to here to support you Risha I see now [Music] crossbow Guardian Force prepare to engage in combat and liberate our home for good fan out and coordinate with police in each district prioritize civilian safety remember our job is to distract enemy forces for as long as they need all units neutralize and apprehend the Defense Force time is of the essence I'm counting on you oh what's this [Music] when did he he's back all right it's go time let's show him that the cpd's cops aren't just for show a lot more detail on the characters [Music] and the and just in general everywhere combat has begun with Rebel elements throughout the city requesting backup if only these pests that stayed underground where they belong unit begins subjugation sir it's even like a metallic texture no not the robots isn't there huh they've saved us the trouble of hunting them down now we can eliminate these Rebels once and for all it's not going to be that easy way to show them that went well didn't it [Music] everything's falling into place now yeah Tia Yuna I need you to get ready Roger that now installing anti-corruption system good morning librarian League [Music] how are you today just let me know what you need Yona enemies that were sold that's engaged now preparing to intercept and take them out with our armored units it's all you now guys so far so good oh God yes yeah I'm doing fine thank you sorry for the wait we're ready for action begin the final phase of the operation time to do this okay I'll send you the coordinates right away here comes the grand finale please adios watch over them we are counting on each and every one of you please return cross Bill to us you wouldn't think it was summer here it's a bit this lots of poor in a way and then it's a bit cold defensive field now in place anti-corruption system all green beginning countdown three two one are they gonna blow up that building or something oh no they're going up to the building you prefer like that yeah I I don't really like the Heat too tiring be nice if the rain could stop so I could get on with this car dealer does that sword do it long room tour as usual foreign so we're gonna get do some fighting that's right we're here to arrest you on suspicion of occupying this city and imprisoning its civilians come on let's get to work right okay wait turn order here we go see what the combat's like octave combatants each takes turn and take action on their turn after doing so they all layer enemy blew them on the Battle Order Arctic start turning okay yeah there's a variety of bonuses that can appear in different turns just as previously HP heal critical bonuses Etc okay so there's our bonuses so at the moment there's two people got um well the blue-haired one's got zebra arts arts cost zero um Mana basically EP [Music] and there's two people further down Lloyd and whoever the other one is they're gonna get Sabbath up somebody's gonna get a heal later on okay all right so that's all the tutorial is it so we've got Auto Battle [Music] we've got crafts okay points uh dealing Dom and receiving damage you'll gain CP crafts such as special combat skills unique to each character new crafts are gained by leveling up [Music] so he's got analyze analyzes are Force weaknesses we've got a tundra beam slices through on anime so it's just one anime transforms one's horrible stuff and shoots Magic Bullets at absolute zero it has freeze it looks like we could do otherwise couldn't we because we don't know anything about these guys okay [Music] oh we can rotate camera wait what's you got you've got Arts these use EP up parts can be used by setting a quartz or Master courts into an ornament because support attack arts and attack Arts uh cast different Arts to uncover and enemies weakness yeah okay okay so it's actually going to show us on there for a week [Music] so like if we let's my Baron you coming up borrow we've got Venom Flame and that's an area so that might be quite good I wonder if we try that yeah that's going to get all of them [Music] I should hit them all [Music] well we don't fish he hadn't moved [Music] I forgot he was going to move wait let's just um what Arts have you got choose a blazing or needle shoot I'm just gonna do that they're all just a hunt is maybe better with fire on them isn't it you know they're all hundred poison and petrifier used a lot of EP though [Music] okay so you can see which one I'm targeted the other side on the bar there leave it to me what arcs have you got again we can move we can move characters so it can move higher about if we wanted but she's got a gun so we're just gonna do um we can blind [Music] let's try and blind you [Music] I unlocks grossly unlocks info about them yep I like calling enemies to be afflicted by a particular Stitch ailment okay so the higher the number the better okay what we're gonna do with you okay they're weak to explode a fountain of water but use a lot of VP though it makes us times try that one commencing dry spell effect sent it there [Music] oh something everyone's gonna get us all right here [Music] charges to the battlefield toppling opponents it's not going to work there it is we're going to get them all I'm going to do that his eyes went all red so it's a sub-in foreign okay so we can see the health like that I'm not sure about the Lincoln okay we can link we've got link abilities as well okay so Auto fellas hunger holy bullet recovers always HP and CP we don't really need that yet it takes the enemy surprise with a volley of gunfire let's do that [Music] can we get all of them there yeah here I go Now's the Time oh X I should have pressed some buttons there okay so we've got time thingies never mind we'll get that next time let's do who's next on it whatever for you [Music] I go I said [Music] can you zoom out now they've got items or what's on the orders first that is your Brave order brief orders cost BP to use special Buffs the number indicates how many turns your parties affected for decreases damage taken place a barrel that reflects Arc okay don't need to dodge neither [Music] try this one [Music] do that too hopefully they don't move [Music] there right problems if we just attack [Music] could definitely take you down couldn't we yeah they're open everyone move in copy that hell yeah and monster hit the button sometime that time this is it gotta be tougher than that to stop us [Music] there's some material that was rough ly pulled through [Music] Ellie McDonald Plato John Deere Orlando [Music] I never doubted we would for a second okay getting in wasn't too bad thanks for helping us out Yuna this couldn't afford to fail thanks to you it didn't [Music] do not Crawford I don't know any more pressure in my heart would have come bursting out of my chest I could only be at my best because I knew you guys were gonna back me up training at Thor's helped of course [Music] now that makes a teacher proud one year later and look at you you're a whole new you give it a rest Randy I'm just glad you're okay the anti-corruption system must have worked looks like there's no worrying about those Albert soldots having a negative effect on our minds this way Leo arabonia and liberals teams for passing along their black Workshop research data couldn't agree more now we can [Music] oh we got through oh you guys okay we were watching from the ground I'm so glad you made it in you've got some real balls to bank on smashing straight through the middle of the tower but then pulling crazy stunts is what you do hey what's a risky operation without its spice that's on my thanks to everyone for distracting the troops on the ground by the way wait you got time for updates now Risha are you performing I'll have to go in a bit but I'm not in this scene so it's fine I I can't put into words how wonderful it feels to see Ali on stage again I'm sure I'm Overjoyed that she's back too difficult therapy is brutal but if anyone was going to pull through it was her I wish I could see her come back in person they're recording it at least how about we do a group watch once we're back now that I wouldn't miss [Music] deployed officers you can focus all your efforts on the tower you get to be the real star of the day here so don't mess this up relax we won't ends in sight all that's left is for you to bring in their top brass from the tower you know what to do so kick some ass up there what it's incredible how many people have our backs I like all their outfits I know and we've got to do every one of them proud yep so let's make sure do you think it's over I don't know what what's that loud noise hear the special support section 80s above did you come to save us oh all of you work in this building yes I guess they weren't letting you leave hmm you're right to leave them here I have to make a trip down to find a safe place for them I've got a better idea you've got to keep your focus on the operation let me escort them down instead are you sure you don't want any of us to come with never underestimate a Thor student I could handle this part in my sleep at this point sure I was hoping to be there at the top but this thing's bigger than anything I want and I don't need to see to know you'll win thank you Yuna for putting your faith in us we'll leave the tower employees with you then the only one we can count on for this take care on the way down apparently needs a bigger jacket will do it's a bit tight [Music] all right let's go knock some heads and some scents into these Defense Force Goons yeah so many are putting everything on the line for us we can't waste this chance not a second we won't let them down not you not not Kia not anyone said here's the last hurdle standing between us and crossbows liberation let's see us get over it then we can take back our home hey that's a lot of buttons [Music] okay yeah trials to walk is a thing in this where you can you've got three character storylines you can play through I am and you can swap back and forth between them a bit like in Grand Theft Auto 5 I guess where you can swap between the main characters and play their different quest lines and stories and I've got Dash okay yeah I know where the save is save it there so you can swap between which card do you want to play We're Indigo yeah right it's my turn retake orcas Tower there's no turning back now we need to keep going [Music] Zoom can't go through there coming yeah but we can't yeah that's the that's where we came out of oh what's over here oops give me the word shot the thing [Music] okay we've got a tomato [Music] what the hell happened I don't know but we better go and find out Defense Force reinforcements up ahead the emergency staircase is sealed off so the elevators are only option then there's only one thing left to do yeah let's take him down [Music] about combat links okay combat links are a feature likely to be of vital importance in the battles ahead by Lincoln with one another characters can unbalance enemies and assist with powerful follow-up attacks such as finishing blue stronger link attacks will become available as cards continue to fight together you can set who's linked to whom you're imparted by pressing the life pattern and knock down arrows um Sharon sensory input and mental impulses with one another link characters can fight together more effectively [Music] okay okay performing the talks in certain cross because cards has a chance to unbalance enemies well that was the link attack that was pressing the keys okay [Music] press a when link of talk appears so if I want assist okay so I press whichever attack thing I actually want to do no it's not an art a combination then you just press the one that you want um right so they're weak reeked a lot we think yeah they're weaked a lot [Music] let's try and put you down correct right Arts cost zero on you so we may as well what's that do heal and slightly heals all Iceland area okay maybe I could heal everybody up until you see it for zero costs thank you all right so they're both weak to that Scorchers enemies they're probably too far apart they are so I may as well just do that [Music] leave it to me okay you're weak to that attacks enemies with like that's an aerial spell but again I can't get by it both of them [Music] you've got breath slightly heels we don't need that let's just go air strike but we can get both there [Music] [Music] there's quite a difference in um graphical appearance isn't it compared to the old sky games [Music] [Music] it's my goal [Music] does that just tell me which tour link ducky the yellow circles are so much ones are blank like this okay we're linked to the bottom here [Music] right that would get both I'm gonna go for that it's my turn [Music] can I move you a bit here I go [Music] can we get both here this time now all right so we're just gonna go over that again oh I think we might have to go for this guy [Music] we could use some sepia Rising Sun [Music] is 200 CP [Music] chance of burning spread I can never return any barriers the boosts are so nice self I'm gonna do that it's my turn [Music] strength and defense and speed her up I wonder how much Thomas I'll just do for dude quite a bit really okay [Music] enhancing yeah leave it to me by my partner's messed and let me just check what you're seeing let's go if my stream is working today all my issues [Music] okay [Music] she probably just doesn't want me being grumpy again tonight but yeah she usually checks if anything's working okay [Music] balance down I'm gonna I'm gonna beat you off yeah I do like the bars for some of this one we could get rid of you again we definitely I'd really like to get rid of you [Music] I'm just gonna I'm just gonna whack you [Music] you're almost dead they've really went to town with a spell effects it's my goal I just want to go in and walk you really oh you missed this is it battles wrapped up hope you guys are doing good take a link experience got some material [Music] all right let's keep up the pace the elevators are currently onto Defense Forces control but Jonah's side is hard at work I'm locking one for us though desperate hold down as far so it ain't gonna be easy but we're gonna do what we came here for exactly it's time to liberate our home for good sorry link attacks can only occur when the enemy is unbalanced the success rate of which is decided by the weapon type used to deal the damage Lloyd deals strike damage effective against rock type foes and thus damage against stations molests are more easily unbalanced by slash and flying foes are more susceptible to peers [Music] okay [Music] likely to run bonds and then it depends on the enemy's unbalanced efficiency okay so you can see the type [Music] okay [Music] I don't know you remember us I don't know either a librarian like [Music] I am I you just have to play and use the mechanics that you like to use I think as how I go with it quite often I I don't remember a lot of this stuff and I just I just I just play with the combat mechanics I find easier to use all right um trickle damage attacks taking on the turn with a crit bonus of 100 chance of unbalancing an enemy okay regardless of the damage type dealt [Music] okay so the cut thing's quite handy in that respect combat links can be assigned to the tactics section of the comp menu or in bottle you can change combat links [Music] okay I guess this isn't the elevator we can use the Elvis is locked yeah well I mean I I fully understand that as well um there's been a few games where the mechanics I just can't get into or I have no idea what I'm doing but it works and as long as you enjoy playing it yeah I I'd say I I really want to play Xenoblade I've got all three of them they're on my list to stream at some point I wonder where the elevator Jonas side unlocked us we'll have to try to find we'll have to try them all until we find it [Music] so we're on the 35th floor did we get anything for a charge okay let's go up to 36f [Music] let's smash some more pots [Music] oh right there's some potions remember being into the menu system really aren't we um here we go [Music] so we can check our equipment out [Music] I like the menu system it's very clear isn't it [Music] what else we've got ornaments for the court so we can change the courts as there's an auto equip thankfully in this one but I could never get to grips with it um between the right ornaments into here the the correct quartz or whatever [Music] so it's nice there's another items they opt to display the content of each item um okay [Music] so is that new new weapons new armor there's all our quartzes oh look at all the DLC stuff [Music] that's a lot of DLC can I actually use this [Music] cannot be used now okay oh so if they sent me all the DLC as well [Music] status so that's your S Craft okay [Music] tactics so you can see who's teamed up with who for the linking okay who else we got blink LV [Music] hey here's the costumes look attachments we don't have any just now obviously at this stage right we'll just play if a little bit longer I think I know I spoiled too much and for anybody [Music] but I will be playing this in full once I get to this game I need to I actually started streaming the sky second chapter but I never finished I need to get back to finish the here's an ordman charging station creative things get dicey we can always come back here uh dangerous areas inspecting by pressing a and choosing rest to allow you to cover HP and EP [Music] o we may as well use it [Music] I sort of expecting a little lamb scene there but no oh God doggy [Music] warhounds can't believe they've got them hiding in here easy enough to handle one at a time but as a group we have to try we can't trust them attacking the Valkyries combat begins when you walk into enemies on the field press eight attack some enemies can be stunned by attacks from the front an attack from the front will cause an enemy to pause briefly but if you can land an attack from behind the enemy will be stunned okay Trace great trigger to expand the assault gauge and perform an assault attack [Music] okay so that's where the charge thing that we've got oh it's facing this oh it's not facing the snow though [Music] there we go triple advantage but Russian Bush attacks I'm passing an enemy allows you to follow up by pressing the Y button for a wide two person Rush attack or by pressing the x button for an all-encompassing four-person burst attack they're okay both options contribute more damage against an enemy's guard make it easier to force them into break state okay there's a lot of mechanics in this game unfortunate enemies into break State through either a rush or a burst then Gathering BP once more following it is but one of many viable strategies just be starting to spend your BP wisely [Music] powerful link attack which consumes The Bravery points you gain from a repeated the sister top Express y when link attack appears a rush spawns like four times the normal brake damage okay um what does X do attack on all enemies performed by two length pairs will consume the variable points you gained that's a lot of dumb it's not it's also burst okay but it uses at five okay [Music] um I'm Keen to see what the auto does seriously always try out the auto attack and see what it does support yeah well he's getting white plate everyone right we're not doing Auto we're not doing Auto because he he died I'm gonna use a lighter I'm gonna use um Reviving and we'll just do it ourselves [Music] I suppose Auto is Handy if you're trying to grind smaller mobs all the time [Music] um but not just no [Music] I'm going to heal up um yeah you [Music] leave it to me Lloyd hasn't got any CP okay they're extra weak to don't activate [Music] gotcha nice counter attack [Music] going for it okay's our doggyback there I didn't see the fourth dog [Music] grants Earth protection to raise defense slightly I'm gonna raise defense on Lloyd let's go this is [Music] oops I could raise up um I might raise up my own our heads slices through an enemy it's an area spell that might be quite good coffee or latte good morning how are you ready oh we've got a crypt let's do a rush open your head in quickly you're doing okay though go up to here look at these spell effects did we wipe the three doggies there going for it okay we've just got the one dog left all right we don't know if they're weak to anything yet really um let's just try a needle shoot on them X to view specifics here we go so green [Music] green is good to go for [Music] which we don't have that's okay let's just do ninja shoot activate it's my turn you've got green this week to that let's do attack you it's my turn [Music] I want to move you forward to see if we can stop the dog coming closer yeah [Music] it's my turn [Music] you haven't got enough CP at the moment I could just heal myself up that's a lot of hit points like heels up isn't it [Music] we've got food and we don't have any food on us okay let's just use one of them that's my girl right we're gonna use airstrike this is weak it's my turn I'm gonna beat me up as well you can do airstrike too [Music] I think I'm just going to get you to go in the pocket oh I think we got it definitely neutralized [Music] all right now to keep an eye out for the Emergency staircase Kia's team said it's nearby ah it looks like they haven't gone that far yet then we should be able to catch up to them just watch it for any thoughts along the way right Drake relentlessly attacking an enemy and fully deplete on their breakage forces them into a break State we cannot move for a period of time during the state so continue beating them while they're down Lloyd's order raging Hammer boosts break related damage for all allies on the field use this another message methods to show the anime who's boss [Music] okay so that's the big State under there [Music] this is your Brave order cos PP it's okay device special buff to allies without consuming a turn okay you can go back and review them thanks that's handy right um I'm Gonna Save there [Music] I was enjoying that there was a lot of improvements over the previous games hi Sofia good morning how are you today let me just give you a little shout out [Music] how's your Wildflower is going it's going fine yeah I just want to do a first look at this I'm just I'm just about to come out I think I don't want to spoiled too much of the game uh but yeah it's it's very nice there we go let me just get back to the store Page is so accurate to the behavior yeah so that's the Legendary Heroes trials and delivery that is coming out in six days time from NIS America thank you once again to in our NIS America for the game key very much appreciated and I will be playing this whole series on stream at some point in the future and as I say I have I have actually played the first chapter of Skye off stream a couple of years ago and I started streaming the second chapter but I haven't finished it I need to get back to that um so yeah very nice I did enjoy that there's no price yet it's coming out on ps45 um switch on PC Ethiopia in Australia New Zealand a week after July the 14th um so yeah I shall look forward to playing not in full
Channel: Draaven
Views: 307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first look, live stream, cats, scotland
Id: zIazvhr7N9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 10sec (3910 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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