Marvelous Marvin Hagler on Letterman, May 29, 1985

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[Music] all right we'll see if they go for the suit without me excuse me i'm coming in again boys this place is a dump here you go there you are knock yourselves out you know out here in the country we have a whole different kind of respect for nature all right oh watch the bunny okay all right ladies and gentlemen when you phoned the museum of broadcasting trying to get ahold a copy of tonight's tape it was the suit of suet ask for it see we thought the the animals would just race right to me and and peck the flesh off my very bones but weren't quite that lucky where are we let's see what old dave has in his shoe tonight yes sir a little more in there um on april 15th my next guest gave the world what many have called the best eight minutes of boxing ever he is the undisputed middleweight champion of the world please welcome marvelous marvin hagler everyone's trying to get on you about that marvelous this marvin hag that says i gotta get this guy marvelous i said you really be coming in that cage you won't be feeding feeding no ducks you'll be feeding me oh now now now your name is marvelous marvelous yeah i called you mark now when did you change your name the last guy that called me marvin i tell you he didn't look too good uh it's just a joke it's only your job i didn't know i'm not a joke you didn't get enough money for me uh all right so i call you marvelous marvelous now when did you change your name i had my name changed now for about uh close to four years legally but i've always been marvelous always been marvelous now what uh what what made you decide to do it legally that's a big step i was fighting a guy named caveman lee and uh and i seen on the monitor just before the fight as i'm going out and they had marvin haglin and says wait a minute if you can call sugar ray leonard sugar ray let him put his name sugar on there muhammad ali muhammad i said this guy k man lee what about marvelous marvel heck says your name is too long i said what do you mean put it on top marvelous then marvin hagler underneath yeah he says well we don't allow it like that he says and if he wanted change he says you go to go and get it changed legally so i ran into this guy again he says he says i'm sorry about what happened he said you did just that didn't you i said that's right and i said if you don't put marvelous down there's going to be me and you fella so now you what's the process for changing your name is it a form you feel like no it's it is because basically i feel marvelous like i said and and i think that it stuck with me in a sense behind as an amateur yeah uh i was fighting up in lowell golden gloves and a couple of people up there always yell marvelous behind it when you do you go to court to do it i went to court to do that does the judge say you're sure about this sure does it talk you out of it my license my birth certificate everything is marvelous all right marvelous uh let's talk about tommy hearns now is it true that we're talking about tom behind i wanna i wanna know something now uh uh do you not like the guy for real well basically you know you don't have any personal feelings for the guy i mean nothing uh that would anything personal okay but towards the fight you have to build up a hatred and everything and as you know that was a very great fight behind the fact that it took two of us to make a extraordinary fight like that and we'd have to owe it all really to a guy named muhammad ali because basically he brought in the money aspect into the game of boxing yeah he opened it up so for the really big purses now that's a very nice thing to say but uh between you and me what do you think of tommy hearns tommy's not i'm not talking about the the anger and the hate you have to generate the whole time it still has to come down a little bit i'm still up there i still don't don't have too much love for the guy uh basically because of his personality nothing about his boxing skills or whatever his personality what about him rubbed you the wrong way well i think that he's on the eagle trip i think that basically i think that basically the uh i think that the boxing kind of went a little bit to his head and my job in that fight was to bring him back down to reality well i think uh but but when you when was the last time you saw him the day after the fight i've seen him know i seen him uh last week really we was in muhammad ali and i was there with wbc and in ucla and also in muhammad ali because they're trying to put together a hospitalization a medical plan something that would benefit the young fighters that are coming up today now how did you get along with tommy herms then well he stayed uh further away from me yeah that was the people are saying that that was the exciting especially the first round was the the most intense flurry of punching uh that the people had seen witnessed now uh i have to agree is that is that the hardest you've ever hit another man no i don't think so but particularly for thomas hearn behind him woofing off i had some medicine ready for him now when you say woofing off what does that mean woofing off means that he's running his mouth you know you know he's saying something but there's nothing coming coming out yeah so so woofin off would be the technical term for running his mouth exactly you know the same thing you know action speaks louder than words yeah i heard that same same category no now what what happens to a fighter what happens to you when you when you get cut do you know your cut right away or do you have a way to go back to the court in that fight in the first round i really didn't know uh that i was cut i just felt the coldness of it and i think of the cold blood i got right on my my forehead and i looked at that fight four times and i still can't determine how it actually happened yeah i think it was uh on his shoulders believe it or not but it's so great because now i listen to all these people who has watched hbo and they said i know how you got cut i said how to get cut you he you hit him on his on his cup i said why would i be way down there why would i be way down no i think it was the elbow no maybe not the but maybe the back of the hand that says you don't hit with the backhand everybody's going to put your tell me oh everybody is giving me uh how i got cut yeah so funny because the people are still up now when you see your own blood does that frighten you no it only makes me mean really yeah it does you know because now you didn't done something that's bad especially if you did it with your cup that's [Applause] but that was a very exciting fight and one of the greatest they're talking about in the century but you know thomas i looked at it i know nothing about fighting and i've met thomas a couple of times i think he's all right you can tell everybody but no but what i want to say is he he really never got over the first round i think so uh i had him in the last inning of that first round uh i believe that what they indicated that we threw 83 punches he threw uh 88 82 he threw 83. yeah i didn't know there was that many punches that could be thrown in a round but i think it was a lot of power for you you could tell that he was uh the man called me a called you're a he called me a no i said you called me a that really don't throw we're gonna do a commercial we'll be back with uh marvelous [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay we're back with the marvelous uh marvin hegler you're going to be you want to be an actor yes i'm looking into that area i've been traveling around doing a lot of footwork uh right now i think i have an agency a guy named marty klein has looked to be very good he basically deals with a lot of emotions he's a crook motion picture well i got another guy to watch this guy okay you have to do that uh now what kind of acting do you want to do is serious acting yes and bob i had so much fun if i could talk about that a little bit yeah uh i work with charleston heston and i think it was ed last night and i had so much fun watching that and uh and working with charleston heston my heart was going like i thought it was like a world championship fight man i was yeah but uh charleston was very good he helped me out and he let me even call him chuck i liked it and how much longer you gonna fight do you think i think another year one more fight by the end of this year and then three more next year and then i say goodbye to the game of boxing and a lot of my fans are very upset a little bit mob don't ever quit we love you to fight yeah but you want to you want to see a guy leave on top you're really i want to keep this here together and plus my faculties i i like that speaking of thinking about your head how often do you don't start like johnny carson where do your forehead ends no no no no but okay how often do you shave your your head i gotta make sure you got all yours too no it's just success yeah pretty much here oh okay yeah i save it basically uh mostly every day sometime every other day it's a good luck charm to me and my wife thinks i look sexy in it yeah well well i it was almost i like that compliment yeah but it also makes you look meaner i think well that's what the fighters say yeah uh how much money did you make on this last one this is like six minutes i'm basically talking my financial but i'm quite sure that i got a man working on that right now to make sure that everything comes in and then get a guy to work on him he yeah basically we was guaranteed 5.3 million i was and thomas i think 5.2 million oh my god and then plus with the overrides and what's so extraordinary about this here is that we created something like 300 million viewers to watch that yeah this is a big one with all of the closed circuit venues now how do you get the money there's like a day later somebody comes by i have a contract marvelous bring the shovel out do you ever are you ever going to see all of that though uh you know it's very hard to determine all right you have to make sure that other guy is on i know i hope you do i hope you get every penny of it it's a terrific fight you're a terrific guy thank you very much [Applause] [Music] okay marvelous good luck to you thanks again my apologies to diane dewitt she was supposed to be on the show but since the suit of suet was going so well uh she'll be invited back at another uh date uh robert klein also my thanks to him tomorrow night elaine boozer will be here and jesse takanamiyawa a sumo wrestler will be here [Applause] you
Channel: Don Giller
Views: 126,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TdbPtK1pApk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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