Odin’s children being chaotic for 4 minutes

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[Music] so zoe's goal [Music] the shame would like to have seen that [Music] [Music] darling you have no idea what's possible hey hey we know each other he's a friend from work oh that's a crown i thought it was a big eyebrow it's a crowd i swear i left him right here right here on the sidewalk all right there were the buildings being demolished great planning how was i supposed to know i can't see into the future a little wish nope why'd you dress like one hey you cannot stop ragnarok why fight it because that's what heroes do hello i choose to run toward my problems [Music] because that's what heroes do it's not that i don't love our little talks it's just i don't love them [Music] it's worth [Music] no i don't have a phone but you could have sent a electronic letter it's called an email yeah do you have a computer no what for anyway i accept joe surrender anyone else because i'll leave my brother back oh yeah right [Music] i have been falling for 30 minutes steal before me and rise into the ranks of my great conquest [Music] whoever you are whatever you've done surrender now we will show you no mercy whoever i am did you listen to a word i said yes yes thank you very much [Music] do you have a better plan no we're doing it we are not doing get help i can't help please my brother's going to get help classic i still hate it it's humiliating it's not egg unless this stuff in here is fake weak smaller than i thought it would be that's not bad [Music]
Channel: InfinityStar
Views: 570,259
Rating: 4.9615111 out of 5
Id: xag8qYqOqts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 3sec (243 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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