Martin Scorsese Opens Up About His Relationship With Robert De Niro | Jonathan Ross

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I have loved and admired his films as I'm sure most of you have as well it is Mr Martin Scorsese ladies and gentlemen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it is an enormous pleasure for me to have you here thank you so much for coming on the show thank you thank you let's just remind people of some of the movies the fine fine films are really good Fellas of course Mean Streets Taxi Driver Alice doesn't deliver anymore waiting bull yes yes Dude Where's My Car that wasn't one of yours no I wanted to do that they were going to make a sequel to that apparently saying seriously Dude Where's My Car yeah I'd love to sleep um you've made I think is it over 25 I think so I've stopped counting I don't know and you know in that group I would have thought there were five six maybe seven that are generally uh and widely regarded to be actual classics classics in one Cinema uh I would like to think so I mean apparently people have said that I think so and then and even the other ones there's not one turkey amongst them uh some might disagree but but you would like to hear that well no I don't believe there is one which one do you think might be which would be that some you know in America the king of comedy was was highly reviled and in England it was loved that's an incredible film that's really a remarkable England received Awards and it was just very very nice but is that weird for you can you not then anticipate how an audience is going to react never I I have no idea I I have no idea what the as I say the pulse of the public we sort of get a picture together and somehow and got the money for them maybe movies let's have a think about some of the movies you made you've made gangster films of course you've made comedies mainly black comedies yeah very dark comedies you've made period dramas yes uh your new movie that we'll chat about in a second is of course a biographical picture Howard Hughes uh what about science fiction you've never made a kind of special effects kind of Blockbuster I know I'd love to I'd love to I would love to see you do that yes you know in the 70s it was Spielberg and Lucas and myself and they did they do it so well you know the story would have to be really interesting for me but what's great is of course is that you there aren't that many movies now I mean a lot of the films have been made are rely very heavily on special effects rely very heavily on a high premise and your movies tend to be much more about characters of course yes yes definitely character driven which is getting well I think very rare do you despair with the state of American Cinema or do you think it's in good health I think uh what I'm nervous about is that uh is that there are a number of very very good young filmmakers coming up in America Wes Anderson Paul Thomas Anderson Alexander painted sideways um and I would love to see the amount of attention and amount let's see the larger budgets go to them if they need it yeah you know and then there's too much of a big split now the the other films are either I'm sure a picture like uh Wes Anderson's film The Life Aquatic costs about 50 million yeah in America that's a mid-range yeah um mid-range whereas these other pictures that are like giant you know with animation everything is maybe they emit to 200 million they admit to that wow so you can imagine so how much they're costing who no man knows yeah yeah um but that's kind of Terror thing I thought dealing with those kind of figures and knowing that ultimately as a director the the the return of that money rests with you of course yes that's that's why I mean I mean in this film Aviator I got as close as I could to a story that has the use of visual effects yeah that is really character driven I mean it's it's a funny thing I'm looking forward now to going back to a more uh scaled down project well congratulations once again on a fabulous movie I saw the IVF last week it's incredible and there's one particular scene in the middle we're going to talk about in a minute they just blew me away but bearing in mind that we all like a trailer we're going to show the trailer for it now just to get us all excited this is uh This Is The Aviator it's got everything although you know what I'm saying it has everything but the only nudity in the film I believe he's male nudity isn't it yes yeah I would like you to do something about that in your next picture okay I'm gonna try it although it is Leonardo DiCaprio and I think that will probably sell a few tickets now Leo DiCaprio This is the second movie you've made yes yes uh is he taking the kind of uh place in your movies that De Niro had before because you made what eight films with with Robin films together since 1973. well that's a lot of work and so DiCaprio is here I don't know his Muse is the white word but we we work very long periods on on gangs in New York together and during that process we got to know each other somewhat and we had similar tastes I mean I'm 32 years older than him yeah but I feel a kind of connection with him he does with me too he likes my movies a lot which is a good thing yeah uh and um about the same age as his father is and we like the same sorts of music and so ultimately uh uh when this project of the Howard use project came into my hand so he had already developed it and he was he was already keen on the idea yeah he was already into it and I said well when I started reading it it says The Aviator they didn't tell me what it's about I looked I turned this uh page overness of The Aviator I'm rather phobic about flying well this is not a movie to watch if you are scared well it has you know and so the next page then I realized was how would you is directing Hell's Angels which was a great film great film and I was really then I got hooked it's an incredible performance by him as well he's remarkable well I didn't know you know he's one of those guys well I've enjoyed singing movies but you wonder whether it's like when you saw Johnny Depp in his early career and you think okay he's an incredible screen president yes please man you wonder is he really has he got the chops to be a proper Screen Actor and I think Leo DiCaprio certainly in this it's a it's the full Wing she shows it it really really does I mean when I saw him in this boy's life when he was 16 years old Robert De Niro told me about him really he said watch this kid it's going to be very interesting and then a film called What's Eating Gilbert Grape yeah yeah yeah he's amazing you know well he's terrific in this he really is uh it's a shame he's so unattractive because if he was a good looking fella absolutely absolutely um before we move on from The Aviator though some of the other performance in a well worth mentioning and I suspect we'll be hearing their names when it comes down to Oscars um Kate Blanchette in particular is Kathy I would be very surprised if she doesn't get nominated yes yes I hope so I think she's an extraordinary actress and uh when I saw her in Elizabeth yeah it was amazing to me and then she was in a film called the gift and then the talent of Mr Ripley and I didn't even know it was the same actress I thought it just came with the film in a way I just uh um and so when I thought of when I thought of who could who could even have the audacity to attempt to try playing Catherine Hepburn or had the intelligence really uh she came to mind immediately and then she she took it on okay there's a scene in the movie which really is quite breathtaking and it's exciting and it's thrilling and it you know and it's horrific at the same time there's a crash involving how to use now we're curious when you're shooting a scene like that that must take I would have thought more planning than any other season oh yeah those are the first scenes I planned but a lot of things you really look forward to doing you know you're going to shoot the big action scenes or the violin scene you'll get a tasting for me and they're seen after that uh you know and he doesn't quite make it and it's an incredible moment can be one of those things that you're going to get on DVD and watch again and again um it opens uh in London on the 26th of December all over the West country from January the 6th I'm sure it'll be a big hit for you I would imagine it must be it must be fun being you Marlene I hope it's fun being you because I imagine you have such a reputation what young actor or actress what old actress is not going to return your call he's not going to want to work with you do you ever get turned down by people oh yes who's turning you down well some people come on no sometimes come on it wasn't their fault it wasn't their fault you don't you don't want to mess with me you you don't you don't have pesky with you now I'm not scared of you Joe's not here I know I know Joe is he a scary guy in real life dope Whiskey Joe's pretty tough yeah these guys you work with I mean when you see them on screen they do such convincing portrayals of basically kind of like aggressive lunacy yes uh you kind of think of dinilo he's nuts and he is he just nuts I get the feeling he is now no no not really he's very sweet man he's seriously nuts we can all tell his nuts he's very calm he's not gonna say that because you're scared of him well we were younger then too you know because you've known him how old were you when you first met him I first met him we were hanging around as they say in my old neighborhood I grew up down in the Italian-American neighborhood and uh um down Elizabeth Street in New York in the lower New York and uh uh I would hang around with a bunch of guys and he would hang around another bunch of guys we were 16 years old yeah wow and then met again later when I started making movies and and he started acting did you know so at that stage I mean I imagine this was a fairly kind of like what we would call in this country A working class yes very much so yeah so kind of weird that two of the kind of you know biggest creative names in American modern cultural life both came from this same neighborhood yes in the neighborhood's very changed now it's all very chic yeah so what was it about your you guys your environment or whatever that drives you that you both to get out to get out of it basically too as my mother and father said to move on out as my mother used to say better yourself so to speak and move out of the move out of this environment really it was a pretty rough environment I'm presumably you both always loved movies I would have thought that was my only out that I had terrible Asthma as a child and from the age of three on to about about now and uh pretty much about now and uh they would they didn't know what to do I mean working class family you know never not not educated the doctor would say to let him run don't let them laugh don't so I would take me and put me in a movie theater yeah and you just watch films watch films and you know because well I've read interviews with you I've read uh notes you've written on other people's homes you really do have an understanding of American Cinema I think which is second to none I mean apart from maybe the notes of it from Billy Wilder I would have thought you two guys have a glass of Cinema which no one else has is incredible Billy Wilder was great I I hope you're going to work with Mr De Niro again do you have any we're hoping to we're trying to check in and see not our age now if we could you know take a take another journey in a way and see if we can find something new How about if he plays an older man and you can have a younger maybe you could play a British man and there could be someone playing him when he was a boy this is this is beginning to yeah it's beginning to look good you are you looking at me yes are you looking yes I am because there is no one else here there he is I know exactly and I make you laugh I'm a comedian hey do you get to do you get people quoting those scenes because you your films have had several scenes which have just burned themselves into the Consciousness there's that one and there is of course Joe pescially doing that you think I'm funny you think I'm funny yes you think I'm funny yeah yeah I'm a comedian you think he's back in the room don't you it's undone yeah yeah that's amazing those things and also you know the other guys Harvey's wonderful incredible performer Harvey is great Harvard you started in 1964 together wow you know I saw Harvey last night yeah yeah and then at mean streets and in the Mean Streets was written the character was written for him and then in Taxi Driver he plays uh one of the one of the characters incredible in that as well incredible um can I ask you about your eyebrows Martin because they are really quiet thank you thank you these they've been trimmed wow when you first came out I thought oh my God he's got a beetle on his face look at that it's a picture of you if you have Adam trim look at they've been trimmed wow but that's quite a look is this a traditional family well it's there's our most famous eyebrow airport that was Mr Dennis Healey now I'm trying to get many years ago now here's the guy I think you most look like you remember um I cannot believe and this is remarkable I'm sure you'll be surprised and that might as well says he has not been honored with an Academy of Motion Pictures art Oscar he's never won an Academy Award which strikes me as being a travesty if nothing else uh I can't imagine you're not going to get nominated for The Aviator I would hope you are it would be nice to be nominated for me the nominations now mean very much for the film if the film says eight nominations five nominations Academy people might go see it that helps and I'm just thinking of the next picture to make and the one to make after that because the Good Fellas which is you know one of the greatest movies ever made it lost now can you believe it lost out to Dances With Wolves Kevin Costner language language and violence do you not know someone who could just have him I thought you were connected you're not a maid man really no try not to kind of get one of those Sopranos to pay him a visit they're in New Jersey it's okay he got he's uh he got his rewards he went off to make water world that's that's really nice yet have gills for God's sake actually I don't mind that movie that's quite a fun film who do you like who do you have your iron now who are the young up and coming actors and actresses who you'd like to work with well there are there's some there's a number Leo and I are going to work together again in the next picture oh and what is that going to be that's a another well I'm gonna have to say it's another gangster fantastic well you see we love you making gangster movies apologetic about that sorry it takes place in Boston this time Boston they start shooting in April great well I'm available so I'm looking forward [Music] you know when you sign the formula come on the show you know there's a little bit at the bottom saying you have to put me in there just just to walk on in the background I know okay I'll just wave uh do you never get tender to put yourself in your films I do do you I'm not in every one pretty much I I was just the voice of the projectionists so my voice isn't the same no I've acted in in those pictures like Hitchcock well in a sense because sometimes sometimes the person who was supposed to do the scene doesn't show up or whatever what happened in the early days you got to do it I used to do the same with my mother and father threw them in fantastic you know oh yeah because your mum is in good Fellowship she's in good Fellowship yeah she has the dinner scene with Joe Pesci and Bob that's right yeah she doesn't kill anyone no not at all it's a fabulous thing uh ladies and gentlemen we have to let Mr Scott lazy go but uh I hope you've enjoyed meeting him as much as I have Mr Martin Scorsese [Applause] thank you [Music] thank you thank you you know we have the same birthday yeah not the same year obviously I'm a lot younger but I mean we have the same oh thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Friday Night With Jonathan Ross
Views: 70,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A-List Celebrities, Actor, Blockbuster Films, Cinematic Gems, Classics, Cultural Icons, Dynamic Duo, Entertainment, Film Scores, Friday Night With Jonathan Ross, Hollywood, Hollywood Royalty, Legendary Duo, Movie Directors, Movie Magic, Movie Talk, Netflix, Nostalgic Films, On-Screen Chemistry, Oscar Winners, Taxi Driver
Id: -bRH_nttRgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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