Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover Animation
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Views: 37,506,375
Rating: 4.6142917 out of 5
Keywords: NASA, JPL, Jet Propulsion Lab, Mars, Mars Science Lab, Rover, Curiosity, Laboratory, Animation, Entry, Descent, Landing, Launch, Space, Robot, ChemCam, Visualization, MSL, rover, rovers, red, planet
Id: P4boyXQuUIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2011
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
ha yeah i cant wait
still think its a very risky landing proceedure, seems like a lot could go wrong with the sky crane delivery system.
will be exciting to see what happens
My name's on it. Be jealous.
Even the CGI is from the future. It looks almost like it was produced by a BSG director.
This is the next thing to hold my breath over, after the SpaceX launch... doesn't it seem like space is like baseball?
This is really, really exciting. It's always seems like space missions are so many years away.
I remember the excitement about Cassini when it launched. When you're younger, you can't even wait a few months for something. You have to train yourself to just forget about it, since it's too far for you to even imagine.
I remember the disappointment when the Beagle lander crashed. That was supposed to prove that you didn't need billions of dollars to send out a rover.
I really hope this goes well.
Can't wait to see all the good data we mine with this lander.
Is it bothering anyone else that this is a NASA video and it has sound in space?
6 August UTC, evening of 5 August PDT. Gotta get this right.
Holy. Shit. Wow.