Marriage Ending Food Arguments...?!

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hi I'm Josh I'm Molly and I'm Jenny and this is Julie oh thank you loved a deck or you know the Internet is a place where lots of healthy debate goes on and quite a bit of unhealthy place a fair amount of unhealthy today well we're just gonna throw our orange okay and delve into the world of food debates debates about food like this is the way this should be done exactly isn't that ultimately what all internet debates come down to like I do it this way everyone else is Hitler why that's basically how an interstate bangs out all right first up Jenny I want to know your position on how to cut a sandwich Wow right now I would cut it in half with the curvy end is on one half and the more square end is the other half Wow really yes because I've got reasons I just want to say that is an unconventional oh yes you're like the samurai sword again no you said you've got to make the sandwich first I haven't made a whole loaf sandwich you make the sandwich first then cut yes that standard s family have you ever made a bow just checking I don't cut myself in half sandwiches perfect sandwich nice oh so you're an OT though sandwiches it's amazing stuff tomato Wow yes fancy-ass I want peanut butter and I'm done oh well that would be fine we don't need to cut peanut butter we're not talking about peanut butter sandwiches Josh PB&J is Lee sandwich it's the representative yep you're I mean I cannot use the RAM oh and it's internet debate where someone changes their my Rosa maybe he's not Hitler I would say this is how I would go okay you know savages they just taste better but if you're doing it diagonally ways then you get the two ends which you don't have very much in them so you get a bread heavy bite and then then got one bread heavy chocolate that depends on your sandwich making technique you can point notes so how much making technique is very important first argument of my marriage serious argument is the famous cheese cutting yeah argument I put this in a play these guys inspired a scene in one of my plays jenny is a writer which is hilarious Lizzy and I got married go on honey the decision amazing time in Venice incredible honeymoon come back nobody room and Lizzy is making a sandwich now when I cut cheese I like to cut thin slices and layer the bread Lizzy's technique for cutting cheese is basically to just stab at it randomly and Paul bits off and then she puts those lumps in the middle I'm still a bit annoyed about this she puts the lumps in the middle of the bread and then she just folds the bread around it like it's some kind of insane she bites into it like it's some kind of bread covered cheese apple it's insane and I couldn't believe this right so I said Lizzy what are you doing you've got to cut cheese and slices you can't just crumble off pieces and put them in the middle like it's some kind of rubbish chute and Lizzy's like well this is the way I've always cut cheese and I was like what maybe we should buy you separate cheese because you're ruining my cheese because if you cut cheese like that it becomes this Manderly it all goes in your mouth and it's just mushed up anyway inside of you this is like with me and Chris I always buy now school Irish debate with which is degrees okay because Chris loves ketchup but he also just loves mixing all the sauces yes he's got ketchup on his plate but Lenny thinks I don't have enough mayonnaise the knife goes back in and then maybe eat a bit of dinner and thinks I need some more mayonnaise same knife maybe it's got meat on it so after two or three meals the mayonnaise pot is basically a casserole of Chris's previous meal to clarify you guys had jars of as opposed to squeezy it's more expensive okay the squeeze factor I pay for the marital harmony should change this video to biggest are the ones we've had with our spouse how's your marriage sure next up ooh something in Korean Danny so you knew that was very good repressed ooh ah ma G mark sting box Sigma naught T so this is the age-old Korean food debate question is do you dip into the sauce or do you pour the sauce on it's an interesting debate because I think it comes down to your personality type I haven't obviously eaten this Korean thing but I will always give never pour the sauce on ya cuz your ratios could be all wrong you know when you pull our source on trips very much and you get one chip that's like 100 smothered in catch and the pot the one underneath that I've got nothing yeah exactly and you have the ketchup one you're like yeah you know like when it hits the back of your throat I think dips it in what I want to know is what people y know in an aggressive sense but explain yourself it could be the variety right it could be I don't want any preparation time okay I just want to pick up in I don't want to pick dip if you think about it you picked it in that's double the work you have your food exactly that's not the reason I don't know but I feel like there's maybe a sense of completeness you get your sauce you put it all on that are interesting yeah maybe I don't know but I mean we're all dippers so we just can't converse motherís explain yourself a rose next up jenny is there anything wrong with this image well I don't like go hungry so I would take the gherkins out but do you find 'mentally disagree with gherkins or is it just I just really hate them other people are welcome to eat I love them Chrissy it's my gherkins and I'm happy with that don't give him any kisses up to it oh wow is that strong but isn't it oh yes it's a smell thing no it's a taste I must say I love kids used to hate them how you say them as a child it's an acquired taste I think it's cuz I cucumber and I don't really like wait wait sorry hold the phone there cucumber cucumber is manageable now pickled a minor hit though I don't know why I think I just thought that pickles were like a vegetable the first time you learn that raisins are dried grapes next up Jenny peanut butter I like crunchy but we always have smooth now because of rose and it's change Oh King hazard and you know I really like smooth as well I've come acclimatized that's not really the diplomatic approach we're going for in this video no that's good I agree but objectively crunchy is better okay this is an interesting thing though right i until very recently really didn't like peanut butter and what Josh loves peanut butter menthol and Josh orders all of the food in this relationship it's clear so I've been through like a gradual process of exposure therapy to peanut by like it yeah but as a newbie to peanut butter yeah Crunchy's definitely better it is definitely better because the smooth I feel like it's for the committed it's like this needs no direct relation to peanuts mmm it's it's own thing and it's amazing whereas for me when I have the crunchy thing it's like I can taste those peanuts in there there's something familiar that I know I like if you have a smooth peanut butter sandwich you're going in and you're chewing that for a while and all those there's anything to chew but you're like oh yeah just thanks sticky okay you become a cow it speaks to your mouth now entering a new subcategory pizza and perhaps the most important is the Hawaiian debate oh this is not a debate acceptable unacceptable Hawaiian pizza is a freaking gift from God delicious or the Jewish inside you can I just point out that is something that all heretics do say teachings I'm torn because I feel the pain of everyone who is offended by this but it tastes good I like it I actually quite like it as well it wouldn't be my go-to pizza I wish probably not order it no but if we will have a load of pizzas bright-eyed have a slice Cu thing is yeah there's a lot of bad wine pizzas it's got a bad rap oh yeah but if you have a legit Hawaiian pizza no Holly knows I'm talking about because he's been to Bonnie's it's not ever on his skin but Bonnie's deep pan American style is insult amazing where the cheese is like this and the pineapple just sits in the cheese oh that is good okay you make a good point next up continuing in the pizza sub category is that a pizza hmm masa colors only isn't it called yes but is that a pizza or is it an Italian pasty I like it yeah have you ordered a calzone in the past I have yea enjoyed it lovely it's like pizza but more concentrated topping but the the cheese can't be browned on top it's the key part of pizza I would say unab it's all melty melty but it's not right I think the difference between cheese on toast and cheese toastie both great if I said I'm gonna make you cheese on toast and gave your toasty you like we doing yeah we would not call it the same you're right okay so it's not pizza I'll agree but I still think it's pretty good okay if you were to say here's your pizza I'd be like thank you I don't think it's a pizza but I really like to have it we're good we can be friends still how do you eat the pizza do you fold it goes in yeah or do you just like a kind of floppy plate of cheese like a floppy plate of cheese yeah you don't fall otherwise you might as well have a calzone point taken that's my opinion yeah unless it's like really fully office sorry I was not expecting that response because I am die hard on the phone you folder you are a folder relax I marry to the cows oniy because it doesn't have the brownie if you're gonna fold each slice why not cook the pizza around the cheese no because it comes down to why you fold right you fold to give it some structural integrity fold you can direct it into the mouth so if necessary is that's the key yeah cuz I'm on board with that again I wouldn't fold all the way over I just create a little V yeah I was about to say stir that guy he's not folding proper folders fold like boom in half no I mean okay I'm against those I usually a lot of oven pizzas when I was a student I mean you can get a pizza at Tesco for like pound 50 if you really look hard enough they're frozen and you just stick in the oven 10 minutes sometimes yeah after football every Saturday I used to just not cut it wow I've never seen anyone do that I literally like a similar pizza old if you cook it I mean the frozen ones as well they cook hard on the bottom so they're not floppy at all would you bear they're like crispy and you just pick up like a cheesy pop tart wow that is yes I knew you and during the stage but I flopped it out that's it guys I feel like I have now have more questions than answers I feel like we've just stirred the embassy more people are angry we've disturbed the business industry I feel like a more interesting video being like what's wrong with our policy marriage counseling or Jenny there's an adventure was very fun honoring Yogi gushy see Josie [Music]
Channel: JOLLY
Views: 3,065,674
Rating: 4.9502568 out of 5
Keywords: Jolly, JOLLY, jolly, 졸리, 조쉬, 조시, 올리, josh, ollie, korean, englishman, 외국인, 영국남자, 새로운, 채널, second, 사생활, new, channel, 한국말, UK, 영국, 런던
Id: ZDvBAyIK5xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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