Josh's Mum Introduces the REAL English "Tea Time"!!

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hi I'm Josh hi Molly and I'm Josh's mum and this is jolly would you be home like when you get invited back to when your school friends houses mom it's your first time on the channel I don't know this is afternoon tea yeah you've laid out for the table of six but that's like a choir man of an Englishman right absently when you get our cakes and sandwiches you put out two times as much as it'll be it you're you're pouring very well you look like a professional I mean your little fingers like poking up a little bit very very nervous so I'm actually shaking a little bit okay you dropped on the table though yeah but the table's fine you guys see you mmm that's nice good old English cup of tea so I think we should clarify apparently the first recorded tea drinkers were in China and quickly moving over to Japan and Korea so you know they've been drinking people back one day we came late to the pond wheat bar yeah we did well we sort of took it all we did that's all right we did that one love think English you know go to the British Museum yeah I mean we've got loads of stuff in there that's Nick where'd you go to England I'm like no no no we don't want any new with slinky and we call it English tea yeah it sarcastically name in England if you have tea pretty much always has meal yeah you don't ask people if they want milk you asking me so much sugar and if they know they don't eat milk then they say open your blackly well then you're like yeah fine okay can have sugar yeah one spoon or two three hey psycho Wow okay three and then I'll do if you want build a building cycle of it is acceptable the Devas and you can see my character I have a team with three sugars reporter this you know I think I'll take out but tea time it's not just tea is it no I mean everyday when we drink tea we don't Google this we just have dinner but then when you take tea time that's something else isn't it it is and this is afternoon tea this is often in tea so nobody other than the Queen does this every day right okay nobody thanks people have a tea break in your name that's true yeah and when you play cricket which mean when you have lunch and then you have tea what in the middle of a cookie gate yeah yeah okay right guys sorry I know you guys are winning but I mean this doesn't mean time out this means bring in the cakes spawns okay so walk us through afternoon teas very extensive well you have to have some ideas just to your face as always like these little triangle sandwiches with the crust cut off cut off there's a variety but these are two common ones egg Thank You combo we do it okay sandwich war without the crust and breads just so fluffy wow it's boiled egg mashed with mayonnaise egg matrimony okay Thank You Batman mmm after - with a nice cup of tea goodness no well that's really good high stakes no concentrate right one-handed this time rogue yeah thank you so you've had an ache once and I need to keep over one no what's this in here Polly yeah no but what's the that's not cucumber well I'm suspicious that you dropped it isn't ah well the thing is when I was growing up my mom was I can't stop oh I know it's gonna be pickles I'm gonna be polite and finish it okay so the savory base now we're moving on to the sweet yeah yes never mind this takes to come so we've got variety Victoria sammich which is a traditional English cake and then there's gone there which we eat with jam and cream so that's controversial the pronunciation of this word is even more treacherous across konstanz they're called sky or scones and it seems to be not necessarily depending on where you're from I think it'll mix up yeah yeah it's a blind prejudice not only the different people pronounce it differently there are different ways of eating it yes you put the jam on first or a jam first a warning sign lovely that looks delicious just cream well now see I don't think you can get cream like this this is cotton Korea this is this is usually from Devon or corn it's not just whipped cream it's really thick and hence why people say they put the cream on first sometimes so I'll let you that it's a travesty okay why I mean it's like some way of getting some toast yeah and saying you know I'm gonna put the jam on burst and then put the butter on top that's a lot of the cream okay okay then you put the jam on apparently if they feel from Devon you do it like this and they feel from calmer you do it like this yeah English people like to be opinionated in general especially about English things it's trying really hard to make it look better than yeah yeah these are your two options you can go either cream first then jam or jam first yeah that's an option you could say that it's also one of those options is correct I probably tastes the same prefer it does to me anyway to be honest I think I change depending on the thickness of the cream so if it's whipped cream I would normally go yeah first then because that cream so thick my instinct would be put the cream on first spray it like butter put a dollop of jam on top trust her instincts but trust you know my mom's here let the family down she's sorry I've got materia what my school okay okay go for it Monday you know it is like ready oh now that does look fantastic mmm and there's something about the consistency of scones and like how can I just dry air sweet it is just so good with it a nice cup of English tea nice cup of tea mm-hmm that's not it this is actually called a cream tea mmm this for the full thing with the sandwiches and the cakes so good we hop on to the cakes now yes why not so such Ovilus nice bit of carrot cake Battenberg and a fake wall tart yes and this is one of my favorites Oh Battenberg Lautenberg that's an interesting choice as a favorite I was like marzipan you're not a last man fan I love some moss yeah yeah I like character mmm mmm oh that's good really it's a nice cow cake mmm I'll have a beer that's well it's quite full on milk until I have between meals there's a sampling of cakes but you wouldn't eat all of the cakes you my so now this was a homemade one you've probably had a lot more cream and apply a bit more down as well you might even have to do like three lay oh yes so you can get yeah so i'm multiple-level sandwiches like a crab sandwich yeah exactly I got Victoria cards that way mmm and I just have a bit mmm nothing right cake to have with tea just work so well mmm mmm I do not mean to you all of this but this isn't clear boss oh yeah so no no no I'm not me no highlight is always the scones yeah there's going to the scones a highlight yeah definitely because the clotted cream yeah it's just so good it's so so good I go so well with tea mm-hmm mm-hmm you are mr. Skerritt mmm thank you I really put it on your hand if you have like an often in tea or whatever you can ask for different types of tea yeah nice but if you ever say can I have a cup of tea or anything that offers you a cup of tea they always always always mean English breakfast it's normal to you yeah you've got a normal team in the tri-c's sometimes they call it builders tea then oh great okay that's the that's the second is quit then after that we risking okay weird anything herbal anything it doesn't have milk it whoa that's the green tea so if you wanna play it safe just do normal tea or our gray tea but both of them come with milk absolutely there you have it that's the correct way to drink in English capital or high tea or high tea opportunities or things like that but there's lots of different parts of tea big teeth but yet mr. t honor and yogi catchy [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: JOLLY
Views: 2,287,879
Rating: 4.9693851 out of 5
Keywords: Jolly, JOLLY, jolly, 졸리, 조쉬, 조시, 올리, josh, ollie, korean, englishman, 외국인, 영국남자, 새로운, 채널, second, 사생활, new, channel, 한국말, UK, 영국, 런던
Id: teVdIQ9GQuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2017
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